Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
I had a good race in the US. I qualified P7, but after T2 I was P5. Just by being careful and cautious (keeping right and crawling round the corner)
I was behind a Jaguar driver named Janky and some number, teamed up and bump drafted him on every long straight for the entire 4 laps until the end of the long long straight, then it was on..I got ahead for a short while but he regained it cleanly and we came in as P3 and 4, clean race bonus and all.
Because we didn't fight we put 6 seconds between us and P5 and where the two top RWD cars.
So nice to meet a clean racer.
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2022/2023 GTWS Exhibition Season 2
Manufacturer's Cup
Round 2 - St. Croix C - Group 4
A+/S Lobby

Slot 3
- After my kids basketball game, I made it back home and settled into the sim rig for the 3rd AM slot. I was joined by @Spider-Racer and @OutlawQuadrnt . I really hadn't had much time to warm up but I felt pretty good. I had been running good times all week in the Ole Meta NISSAN GTR. However, just as I was about to start qualifying, a racer who was in some sort of hurry came hurling toward the front. So, I backed off and let him get about 2 seconds in front before I went for the last couple of corners. Well, as expected, I still caught him, then he lost it, hit me, and caused damage. Still managed a lap but that put me in p8 to start.

On lap 1 there was an off track in t3/t4 so I went to p7, then I caught OutlawQudrnt right before the end of the bridge. He broke really early so I went inside and thought I had cleared him coming out of the left hander. Aparently he was just on my outside around my rear quarter so I pushed him into Barry R. I thought he had backed out, but I was wrong. After all was said and done, I managed to get a P5 and 288 points. Outlaw fell pretty far back and had a rough race, I wasn't any help in Lap 1. Not certain where Spider finished, but I'm sure he'll chime in and let us know. In the results, P2 had a finishing time about 3 seconds slower than my best, so I went again.

Slot 5 - Had to pick up my other son from his rehersal and made it back for the 5th AM slot. This was a race of almosts. Almost had a good qualy. Almost had a p4. And almost made my goal. Started p6 and finished the race a spot up in p5, but the racing was pretty intense as I just kept making little mistakes. Snagged 291 points. I had some late afternoon/evening activities planned, so I decided to make a video and call it a night. See yall at Fuji.

Had a busy day and barely made it home in time to enter the last slot of the night. Promptly binned it in T1 of my qualy lap and parked it to line up in last place in this GT2 mixed grid comprised of B/S (me) A/A, A/S and others.

Some questionable 'racing' by those ahead saw me up to 10th by T4 with a bunch of penalties up ahead. Kept it clean and on track the rest of the way and did very little to move up to 7th by the end. Took home only 106 non-counting points and felt this round wasn't all that great in terms of the combo and pretty bad in terms of sportsmanship and clean racing.

Onward and upward, I suppose.
Well, I think I win the most ridiculous penalty award for this round.

Yeah, in Formula 1 you would definitely be at fault because for some deranged reason they believe the car on the outside has zero right to even remain on track. Sad that it's trickled down to the people online (yours was an accident I know) and PD do nothing to deter people from doing that same stuff on purpose.

Sadly it's "Oh, someone took you out and destroyed your race? We would like to give you this additional ridiculous time penalty to let you know we noticed."
I had a good race in the US. I qualified P7, but after T2 I was P5. Just by being careful and cautious (keeping right and crawling round the corner)
I was behind a Jaguar driver named Janky and some number, teamed up and bump drafted him on every long straight for the entire 4 laps until the end of the long long straight, then it was on..I got ahead for a short while but he regained it cleanly and we came in as P3 and 4, clean race bonus and all.
Because we didn't fight we put 6 seconds between us and P5 and where the two top RWD cars.
So nice to meet a clean racer.
just curious; is this a relative, your second account or an alternate personality?:🤔

2022/2023 GTWS Exhibition Season 2
Manufacturer's Cup
Round 2 - St. Croix C - Group 4
A+/S Lobby

Slot 3
- After my kids basketball game, I made it back home and settled into the sim rig for the 3rd AM slot. I was joined by @Spider-Racer and @OutlawQuadrnt . I really hadn't had much time to warm up but I felt pretty good. I had been running good times all week in the Ole Meta NISSAN GTR. However, just as I was about to start qualifying, a racer who was in some sort of hurry came hurling toward the front. So, I backed off and let him get about 2 seconds in front before I went for the last couple of corners. Well, as expected, I still caught him, then he lost it, hit me, and caused damage. Still managed a lap but that put me in p8 to start.

On lap 1 there was an off track in t3/t4 so I went to p7, then I caught OutlawQudrnt right before the end of the bridge. He broke really early so I went inside and thought I had cleared him coming out of the left hander. Aparently he was just on my outside around my rear quarter so I pushed him into Barry R. I thought he had backed out, but I was wrong. After all was said and done, I managed to get a P5 and 288 points. Outlaw fell pretty far back and had a rough race, I wasn't any help in Lap 1. Not certain where Spider finished, but I'm sure he'll chime in and let us know. In the results, P2 had a finishing time about 3 seconds slower than my best, so I went again.

Slot 5 - Had to pick up my other son from his rehersal and made it back for the 5th AM slot. This was a race of almosts. Almost had a good qualy. Almost had a p4. And almost made my goal. Started p6 and finished the race a spot up in p5, but the racing was pretty intense as I just kept making little mistakes. Snagged 291 points. I had some late afternoon/evening activities planned, so I decided to make a video and call it a night. See yall at Fuji.

Yeah yesterday was a day to forget 🤣
I decided to race 30 mins before slot 1, with zero practice and in a track/layout I last ran in GTS ages ago. Watched MistahMCA's guide and went in expecting nothing. That's what I got 😜
The race we did together I ended P15, I think!

In the end I ran 4 slots and by the last one I at least had consistent race pace, but I messed up all my qualy runs. Climbed from Q12 to P8 for worthless points

My beloved Macca wasn't exactly amazing here, but I can't even complain because I was nowhere near it's potential.

Livery credits to @Adam Barber

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Finally got a good slot in right after the mid-day break. GT1, I think it was all A/S in the lobby. Myself and the pole sitter were 0.004 apart on our Q times lol. He stayed in P1 off the start and I stayed in P2 the whole time. A very non-dramatic race compared to the 3 slamfests I was in I was fine with that :)
Here’s yet another example from my race last night as to why the 5 second barrier penalty is overkill. Because you may get people who are either scummy enough to block or are just incapable of doing something as basic as looking behind them before moving across the track that will force you into the wall and ruin your race:

Lazy solution to wall riding, PD. Please handle these situations better.
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One last rant about the wall penalties, and lack of anything else:

I’ve suggested many times before in the Daily Race discussion that they should be able to detect if your “riding the wall” as opposed to making incidental contact simply by measuring the amount of time you make contact. People have said that’s not possible because of . . . reasons. I guess the game can’t distinguish the amount or type of contact?

But if I hit the wall once but both quarters hit, I get 10 seconds. So apparently the cane can distinguish some kind of contact. So why don’t they just measure the length of time instead of number of touches? Seriously, if I touch it once and stop cold, it would be obvious to anyone that I’m not getting an advantage. Two taps in a tenth of a second are getting penalized 10 seconds, but the example posted above of extended contact along the wall only got 15 seconds. This doesn’t make any sense. At all.

They can tell if you gain an advantage in time by track cutting penalties, so why in the world can’t they determine this with wall contact?!


Ok, rant over. For now.
One last rant about the wall penalties, and lack of anything else:

I’ve suggested many times before in the Daily Race discussion that they should be able to detect if your “riding the wall” as opposed to making incidental contact simply by measuring the amount of time you make contact. People have said that’s not possible because of . . . reasons. I guess the game can’t distinguish the amount or type of contact?

But if I hit the wall once but both quarters hit, I get 10 seconds. So apparently the cane can distinguish some kind of contact. So why don’t they just measure the length of time instead of number of touches? Seriously, if I touch it once and stop cold, it would be obvious to anyone that I’m not getting an advantage. Two taps in a tenth of a second are getting penalized 10 seconds, but the example posted above of extended contact along the wall only got 15 seconds. This doesn’t make any sense. At all.

They can tell if you gain an advantage in time by track cutting penalties, so why in the world can’t they determine this with wall contact?!


Ok, rant over. For now.
Ummm, are you suggesting my 15 second penalty for being run off the road was too lenient?
Ummm, are you suggesting my 15 second penalty for being run off the road was too lenient?
Not at all, but in one way kind of (hear me out). I’m trying to point out how utterly ridiculous it all is. Your situation is the perfect example of everything that PD is doing wrong, and also reveals exactly how they’re getting it wrong.

From PD’s point of view your incident can be perceived as “wall riding,” not in intent but in physical outcome. If they’re trying to crack down on that behavior then 15 seconds for extended wall contact seems ridiculously lenient when compared to 10 seconds for instantaneous contact. It’s just plain stupid application. I get punted directly into a wall and get 10 seconds. Someone could have intentionally ridden a wall somewhere and only gotten 15. Penalties are supposed to promote fairness, and that ain’t it.

The ridiculous part is that they aren’t penalizing the punters, so they don’t have a reference point by which to negate any sort of penalty you get in a situation like that. Your contact was obviously not intentional, and if they’d actually penalize the person who put you into the wall then they’d have a way to judge your situation more accurately and not penalize you at all.

I may not be expressing my point very well, but if they want to crack down on wall riders, it seems like they ought to get a grip on who’s actually doing it on purpose and who’s getting victimized. Meanwhile, since they aren’t interested in that, everyone is getting victimized by PD’s stupid (lack of) penalty system. People are barging through with their elbows out with no consequence, which is an utterly trashy look for a supposed “championship” event.

My first race was ruined before I hit turn 1 because someone rear ended me into the wall. I got 10 seconds (why not 5?! I guess he punted me too well?!) and he got nothing and rolled right on by. My race was over, but thank God they cracked down on my dirty wall riding strategy with the nose of my car aiming in the wrong direction! This kind of garbage needs to get sorted out and they need to get their priorities straight.
Not at all, but in one way kind of (hear me out). I’m trying to point out how utterly ridiculous it all is. Your situation is the perfect example of everything that PD is doing wrong, and also reveals exactly how they’re getting it wrong.

From PD’s point of view your incident can be perceived as “wall riding,” not in intent but in physical outcome. If they’re trying to crack down on that behavior then 15 seconds for extended wall contact seems ridiculously lenient when compared to 10 seconds for instantaneous contact. It’s just plain stupid application. I get punted directly into a wall and get 10 seconds. Someone could have intentionally ridden a wall somewhere and only gotten 15. Penalties are supposed to promote fairness, and that ain’t it.

The ridiculous part is that they aren’t penalizing the punters, so they don’t have a reference point by which to negate any sort of penalty you get in a situation like that. Your contact was obviously not intentional, and if they’d actually penalize the person who put you into the wall then they’d have a way to judge your situation more accurately and not penalize you at all.

I may not be expressing my point very well, but if they want to crack down on wall riders, it seems like they ought to get a grip on who’s actually doing it on purpose and who’s getting victimized. Meanwhile, since they aren’t interested in that, everyone is getting victimized by PD’s stupid (lack of) penalty system. People are barging through with their elbows out with no consequence, which is an utterly trashy look for a supposed “championship” event.

My first race was ruined before I hit turn 1 because someone rear ended me into the wall. I got 10 seconds (why not 5?! I guess he punted me too well?!) and he got nothing and rolled right on by. My race was over, but thank God they cracked down on my dirty wall riding strategy with the nose of my car aiming in the wrong direction! This kind of garbage needs to get sorted out and they need to get their priorities straight.
I get what you’re saying, but I think contact penalties for wallriding are fundamentally misguided. In fact, penalties for wall contact are a terrible idea.

There are only a few places in the entire game where wallriding could be an advantage. Just put a small kink in the wall geometry on these turns so riding the wall means death. There are plenty of places in the game where these already exist, so it’s perfectly feasible.

Problem solved, no impact on the drivers doing the right thing.
Not at all, but in one way kind of (hear me out). I’m trying to point out how utterly ridiculous it all is. Your situation is the perfect example of everything that PD is doing wrong, and also reveals exactly how they’re getting it wrong.

From PD’s point of view your incident can be perceived as “wall riding,” not in intent but in physical outcome. If they’re trying to crack down on that behavior then 15 seconds for extended wall contact seems ridiculously lenient when compared to 10 seconds for instantaneous contact. It’s just plain stupid application. I get punted directly into a wall and get 10 seconds. Someone could have intentionally ridden a wall somewhere and only gotten 15. Penalties are supposed to promote fairness, and that ain’t it.

The ridiculous part is that they aren’t penalizing the punters, so they don’t have a reference point by which to negate any sort of penalty you get in a situation like that. Your contact was obviously not intentional, and if they’d actually penalize the person who put you into the wall then they’d have a way to judge your situation more accurately and not penalize you at all.

I may not be expressing my point very well, but if they want to crack down on wall riders, it seems like they ought to get a grip on who’s actually doing it on purpose and who’s getting victimized. Meanwhile, since they aren’t interested in that, everyone is getting victimized by PD’s stupid (lack of) penalty system. People are barging through with their elbows out with no consequence, which is an utterly trashy look for a supposed “championship” event.

My first race was ruined before I hit turn 1 because someone rear ended me into the wall. I got 10 seconds (why not 5?! I guess he punted me too well?!) and he got nothing and rolled right on by. My race was over, but thank God they cracked down on my dirty wall riding strategy with the nose of my car aiming in the wrong direction! This kind of garbage needs to get sorted out and they need to get their priorities straight.
We used to have a few seconds of not being penalised for cutting if we had a collision. That only lead to people tapping another driver then cutting.
I think a penalty system that works is only possible if the drivers want to treat it like a real race, not a video game
I get what you’re saying, but I think contact penalties for wallriding are fundamentally misguided. In fact, penalties for wall contact are a terrible idea.

There are only a few places in the entire game where wallriding could be an advantage. Just put a small kink in the wall geometry on these turns so riding the wall means death. There are plenty of places in the game where these already exist, so it’s perfectly feasible.

Problem solved, no impact on the drivers doing the right thing.
I absolutely agree with this and have said it before. They have an invisible curb on the Daytona road course, for example. It doesn’t blemish the look of the circuit (their obvious first concern), but prevents weird driving lines. All they need to do, as you say, is change the geometry on Trial Mountain on that long run down the barricade that was getting abused, and the Tokyo circuits. Everything else should be left alone, and the wall penalties dropped altogether.

I’m just disappointed that PD seems to be motivated by the wrong things in these races. Who needs a decent penalty system?! We’ve got ray tracing! Now you can see every little glint of light on the rear license plate of the car that punted you as it drives off! And we definitely don’t want any cheaters, so we’ll punish everyone who touches a wall! Problem solved!
Sad to read about so many bad experiences. I was fortunate to quali P3 and finish P1. I didn't have to overtake on track as the front runners spun and got hefty penalty for touching the walls. Ironically that's what I'd struggle with through practice and thought a top 10 would be best for me. But there is something to be said about race day, race pace, and race craft. To the next one :)
Anyone do any TTing for the last Manu race? Track starts out wet (inters territory) but dries up after like four laps. Wonder if that's how the race will be... hmmm.
Anyone do any TTing for the last Manu race? Track starts out wet (inters territory) but dries up after like four laps. Wonder if that's how the race will be... hmmm.
I'm guessing it will be a drying track scenario. Best get some tire lap time data in advance to figure out that strategy. I'm surprised to see how well full wets do on a dry track
I'm guessing it will be a drying track scenario. Best get some tire lap time data in advance to figure out that strategy. I'm surprised to see how well full wets do on a dry track
It's been rumored that there will rain at some point. I hope so. That Spa Manu race where it went from wet to dry was fun. I guess we'll have to wait and see...
Anyone do any TTing for the last Manu race? Track starts out wet (inters territory) but dries up after like four laps. Wonder if that's how the race will be... hmmm.
And the entire track dries at the same time - no dry line that you have to stick to in order to avoid sliding into the Shadow Realm.
It's been rumored that there will rain at some point. I hope so. That Spa Manu race where it went from wet to dry was fun. I guess we'll have to wait and see...
Generally what you see in FP is what happens in the race, so I expect the race to be a mostly dry event. In FP the track was 100% dry by the end of Lap 10.
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And the entire track dries at the same time - no dry line that you have to stick to in order to avoid sliding into the Shadow Realm.

Generally what you see in FP is what happens in the race, so I expect the race to be a mostly dry event. In FP the track was 100% dry by the end of Lap 10.
You only really need it to go to 1/3rd on the indicator to switch to slicks, though I guess you have to be careful with wet patches then
Ready to go for today's Nations Cup race. Immediately found decent pace in this car and a pretty good track choice too.


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Ready to go for today's Nations Cup race. Immediately found decent pace in this car and a pretty good track choice too.
I keep getting track limit penalies in the final chicane. May need to switch to bumper cam so I can see exactly where the wheels are.
This will be my first GTWS race using MT - hopefully nice & straightforward to start things off.
Yes, I've got the day off and quite looking forward to trying a few slots. At least this time, with the slower car, I won't be afraid of doing more than two attempts due to crippled hands.
Pretty intense race this one in terms of possible battles. I had for the first time the chance to enter an afternoon slot, as I had a shorter workday. Pretty decent 1.39.2 lap for a P5 on grid. In the race it cost me a bit of time trying to chase the driver who finished P3, slight bump to the rear to the car ahead entering the last chicane and the car just loses pretty much all the momentum 😁 Anyways it was good fun. And plenty of battles in the race - 2 wides and even 3 wides into T1. Luckily I wasn't the driver on the outside 🤷😅 Managed to come out on top of the battles, but top3 escaped.

Probably not the toughest split as I got only 161 points for a P4. In the first round of this series I got 169 for a P6/7 and I know for a fact that my DR has barely even dropped from 2 weeks ago 🤔 But nevertheless, nice to score a TOP5 in a GTWS race. Finally I'd say, since I think it is the first one I've had this year in GTWS races.


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