Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
That interval 👀View attachment 1265184
A nailbiter to the end!
Oh hi! I didn't realise you were on here - I would have said hello otherwise. CRAZIEST. RACE. EVER. :boggled::lol:

Will share more of the details including my stream in a bit whilst I start reviewing what happened after doing all three slots. It's 5:40am here and I've hardly slept in spite of being utterly knackered from that much racing. Just too much adrenaline! It's a good thing I'm off work this week. 😅
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Yes, it was great. And also the smoke from little campfires the spectators were using to keep warm. Just amazing! I caught myself getting distracted by off-track details a couple of times.
If I'm not mistaken you can hear music as well at a couple of points in the race where the main campsites would be as you go past, appropriately european techno beats.
One try only for me last night, that was plenty! 😁

Had a quick check in the warm-up and there was a decent chunk of rain over the circuit and the wipers were going, so I decided to start on inter for safety. About 2 minutes into the out lap the rain had moved away and it was obviously drying so I exited back to the pit and stuck the hards on instead. Seems like that must have been a good choice as by the end of the flying lap I managed put myself 4th.

Didn't make a lot of difference in the race though! I stayed on the hards and as hoped, the weather pretty much carried over. The first half a lap or so was damp conditions and there were cars all over the place. I held 4th for a bit, then it was yoyo-ing as low as 10th and back up again until pretty much the whole field arrived at a tight section (in the pic, just before the carnage!) in a heap and all tried to overtake each other at once. I got the unlucky end of that and came out around 10th or 11th, but it gave me some space at least.

Got into a few good battles with a couple of others after that. Made a few off-track mistakes, and so did they so we kept meeting in between them! Finally crossed the line in 9th, and that's plenty of Nurburg for me this month. 😆

Pretty pleased with how the standings look at the moment for me, though I don't expect it to last!

before the carnage.jpeg


Screenshot 2023-06-15 at 07.30.12.png
Qualified P14 due to me being a turtle in slot 1, but gambled on Inters in the race...
It paid off well, as that brought me up to top 5. I even moved up to 1st for some time.
Unfortunately, I was a little too slow, and started to get bullied around. Still made the best that I could, and finished P6 for 317 points.

Very okay recovery drive. That race was too stressful, so I took the points and ran. :lol:

That in itself was the right call, as the 2nd and 3rd slots were a mess in terms of weather and strategy. I would not have survived those slots in top split.
Nürburgring Endurance__1.jpeg
Yesterday's round was far and away the most amazing round Polyphony have ever put out. The perfect mixture of entertaining, infuriating and downright insane. Also quite amusing being (likely) one of just 3-4 SLS AMGs across all the races that took place, according to GT Engine.

I'm actually going to use spoiler tags for this because otherwise I fear it's going to be a colossal wall of text and images. :lol:

This slot takes the prize for most ridiculous qualifying I have ever (and likely will ever) experienced.

As the lobby loads up and we're all piling out of the pit lane, the weather radar shows this:

Immediate question - which way is that going?! The entire lobby makes the assumption it's going away and piles out on Hards. However, as I'm around to head onto the Nordschleife, I see this:


Still 10 minutes on the clock, I quit out back to the pits, put on Intermediates and get back out. A couple of other people did as well. Everyone else has already committed to Hards and it's too late to turn back. It ended up being VERY wet on the outlap, riding the Intermediates/Wets crossover line.

Qualifying ended up looking like this after the timer expired:

I was not expecting a pole position start yesterday. :lol:

The actual race didn't go quite so well though. A lot of people obviously weren't aware that the race mimics qualifying and started on Hards. I was very quickly mugged by the GT-R and that let the NSX (who was also on Inters) to take advantage and get past as well. I was then quickly passed by several more people and down in P7 by the time we reached Fuchsröhre and the rain finally started to kick in.

At this point I'm thinking "Did you lot learn nothing from qualifying or do you not know how this works? Oh well, you're all screwed now." Turns out, I wasn't about to have the last laugh. By Wehrseifen the rain is now too much for slicks and I'm rapidly catching right back up to the pack that passed me. They collectively bin it into the hairpin and I'm in the wrong place at the wrong time because the penalty system punishes me for not being able to fully avoid their mistakes and slaps me with a 5 second penalty. Here's the clip - so frustrating. :banghead:

Serving that penalty was utterly devastating and let a lot of people who knew what was going to happen and started on Inters get past me. People who I would later find out were a lot slower than me in the wet.

I dropped to P9 but managed to work my way back up to P6 by the first carousel. Problem is, I misjudged the line that the Alfa Romeo in P5 was taking and end up accidentally divebombing him and pushing him into the wall. I pull over and wait for him to take the position back from me but lose all the positions I had gained in the process.

I'm back up in P6 by lap 3, but then end up being stuck behind a Peugeot who was really, really slowing me up but I just couldn't find a clean way past. The track is also drying up at this point and the Intermediates are melting, so I decide to try a big risk strategy to see if I can make any ground by pitting for Hards and tracing the dry line. All fine in theory until you realise that you didn't consider the soaking wet pit lane exit and go ice skating...

A few mistakes later around the lap and with more rain looming, I go back into the pits and put on more Intermediates before eventually finishing P7 for 199 points.

A far more normal qualifying this time around. :lol: It was ever so slightly damp heading out of the pits, but other than that it was good running for qualifying on Hards. I started P10 with a 8:07.0.

This race now gives me doubt about about the theory that the race start copies qualifying. There was rain on the radar at the start of qualifying and it showed rain on the cinematics whilst the "Final begins in..." countdown was ticking, but also said there's 0% surface water. Qualifying was dry though, so Hards should be the right call? IT WAS SOAKING WET! :confused::confused::confused:

This is how the radar looked leaving the pits in qualifying, compared against the start of the race:

I honestly can't explain it, but it started the silliest lap 1 of a race I've ever seen with almost everyone having utter hell going around. It took me 11 minutes to get back to the pits and put some Intermediates on! And then putting on the Intermediates ended up being the wrong call too because the track was quickly drying up... I'd melted the hell out of them by the time I got back and put some Hards on, then very cautiously rejoined the track on the damp pit lane exit in P13.

I think I need to check the replay for this as I somehow lost a position heading towards the Döttinger Höhe without being passed by anyone, and I definitely didn't have the glitch where you can't see anyone else!

There was a wall of rain incoming, so I went back into the pits for Inters again. Unfortunately, I did it one lap too early. It did rain, but only to the slicks/Intermediates crossover. My Intermediates were wearing rapidly, but with a wave of heavier rain incoming I just stayed out from there. My tyres were horribly worn by the end, but I managed to bring it home for P7 and 193 points.

Now for the most absurd race I've ever had the pleasure of taking part in, alongside @W1gglyStyl3. If I could never play GT7 again, I'd be happy knowing I experienced this. What a crazy rollercoaster.

Qualifying was dry and I started P10 with an 8:05.8. However, I noticed some rain during the post-qualifying time countdown. More on that later.

As the race began, a certain French driver who built a reputation for being rather dirty in GT Sport was in a Supra with another AMG and a Ferrari nipping at his heels, and me and WigglyStyle not that much further behind. I gained a position through Hatzenbach due to someone spinning out, but then lose it again at Aremberg after going deep. I'm not sure if I made a mistake or if another Supra that WigglyStyle had been fighting with gave me an unexpected bump going into the braking zone - will need to check the replay.

There's now a big train of cars behind the infamous French driver and it starts kicking off at Kallenhard as the AMG gets past him, with the Supra me and WigglyStyle had been fighting with also pushing past. The Ferrari got a good run out of the hairpin and starts going around the outside, only for the French driver to start trying to push him off. At this point all I can think is "Oh great, he's in that mood..."

The Ferrari makes a bit of a dive into Breidscheid and sticks it to finally claim the position, only to get rammed off at Klostertal. DEFINITELY in one of those moods... The French driver starts picking up the pace and pulls out a bit of a gap to me, so I'm now slightly relieved that I'm not going to have to make an imminent overtake attempt after watching all of that.

Lap 2 is uneventful, with me just following the French Supra. The Ferrari was quickly closing the gap though and caught me right before Sabine Schmitz Corner. I mentioned the rain I noticed in qualifying earlier. I had honestly contemplated going into the pits for Intermediates at the end of lap 2, but without seeing how heavy it was and only noticing it after we'd been crawling around for ages in the post-qualifying results, I thought maybe it wasn't that bad. I was wrong. So wrong. Really wish I'd gone all-in on the crazy strategy now!

I'm a bit over 3 minutes into the lap and this is approaching:

By the first carousel, we're into Intermediates territory and it just keeps coming. People are binning it left, right and centre and we're all crawling back to the pits as it goes almost all the way up to the Wets crossover. Madness.

Now is where I have another grumble at the penalty system. A few of us aquaplaned into the barrier at the end of the Döttinger Höhe in rapid succession. The game decides I hit both of them and gives me a 4 second penalty for this. I mean, come on...

It's wet from here on out and I'm running P11 in a train headed up by WigglyStyle. I move up to P10 before Flugplatz after getting past an NSX who's carrying a 3 second penalty, and then P9 at Adenaur Forst when WigglyStyle makes a mistake. I then make a mistake myself at Metzgesfeld and drop down to P12 shortly after.

Disaster strikes for me at the start of lap 5. I'm right behind a Supra and go off the "dry" line into turn 1 so I'm not directly behind him, just in case. I clip the grass, the car veers right under braking so I cut the corner and get reset back to the pit lane exit. Oops. A little later, I then come in way too hot at Schwedenkreuz and smash the barrier. Double oops. :dunce:

At this point I'm thinking its likely over, but nope! I just keep plodding on and catch up with the infamous Frenchman coming out of the carousel... We both then catch up with the other AMG, and then I realise we've caught up with a train headed up by P1(?!) as we reach the second carousel! I honestly need to watch the replay to find out how that happened. I get a fantastic run down the Döttinger Höhe and I'm back up in P7 at the start of lap 6. The race now decides to turn it up to 11 as it gets completely insane from this point onwards.

I misjudge the speed of a Supra heading into the Endurance layout hairpin and get a 2 second penalty for bumping him. Frustrating, but fair. A Nissan bins it coming out of the chicane before the Nordschleife entry and I'm running in P6.

Prior to this race, I'd heard rumours about an American who has alt accounts in EMEA and Oceania and likes causing trouble. This guy is in the race in a Corvette. He makes a mistake through Hatzenbach and then almost shoved me into the wall rejoining. I'm frustrated, but it's wet. Maybe it was an accident and he wasn't actually trying to push me off. He then makes another mistake and I get the run on him... and he starts trying to push me onto the grass heading up to Flugplatz. I'm not putting up with this, the gloves are coming off.

His attempt failed as I managed to hold it, so I just say screw it and ram him off, bumping my penalty up to 5 seconds. I wouldn't normally do that, but to hell with it.

Then the Supra I bumped previously makes a mistake at the run up to Steilstrecke and I give him another bump in the braking zone for another penalty. Not so happy about that one, and I'm now carrying a devastating 7 seconds.

Unfortunately, the Corvette has been catching up and barges through at Hohe Acht. He then does a push-to-pass on the Nissan, spinning it out right in my face so I ended up rocketing him into the wall. Thankfully I DIDN'T get a penalty for that... Thing is, neither did the Corvette!

Serving the penalty, good grief. I'll admit I hit pause for a few seconds crossing the line to see if the glitch would do anything. I'd never normally do that, but I was hoping it could potentially help to negate the penalty earned defending myself from the Corvette. I don't think it did anything though since the penalty was so big.

I'm now back down in P12 and by this point I'm probably more determined than I've ever been in any race. Over the course of the evening I've seen that my pace in the wet seems to be pretty competitive at my DR level. Somehow I catch up and all hell breaks loose.

The Supra I'd bumped a couple of times went off at Hocheichen. P11. The infamous French driver has spun coming out of Aremberg. P10. I'm pushing so hard I almost bin myself at Fuchsröhre but barely hold it. Wiggly went off at Metzgesfeld and I pass as he rejoins. P9. The other AMG almost loses it going down towards Weirseifen. P8.

There's a bit of a gap to the cars in front but it closes by Ex-Muhle. A Ferrari bins it cresting the hill. P7. We're all bunched up and P1 is in sight again! A Supra and the Nissan I hit because of the Corvette earlier lose it at Klostertal. P5. Another Ferrari goes very deep at Steilstrecke and I get past. P4. A Honda almost loses it on the approach to Hohe Acht but saves it. A Mazda makes a move on the Corvette into Wipperman only to get pushed off, and the Corvette is still somehow not getting any penalties for any of this. P3.

The Corvette pushes the Honda wide at Eschbach. P2. I'm now RIGHT UP his bumper... but then I overcook the right hander before the second carousel (Schwalbanschwanz?) and slam into the barrier. Back down to P8!

However, IT'S STILL NOT OVER. I'm still P8 running down the Döttinger Höhe and there's been a massive incident at the end. I move up to P6 due to a couple of stationary ghosted cars. It turns out the Corvette caused one hell of a catastrophe at the end, causing a multi-car collision that punted him across the grass towards the Nordschleife pit entry and straight into a position reset. Two people got 5 second penalties for that, and the Mazda was carrying a 2 second penalty across the line. After 64 minutes of pure insanity, P3 for 233 points!!!

If you'd like to see the last couple of laps (and I would honestly recommend it due to how crazy things were), click here. So freaking intense, especially in VR!
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I picked Lamborghini as Manufacturer and was quite nervous about this race. Managed to do at least some training before the servers went down on Tuesday and got an OKish 8:05 after 3-4 laps. But liftoff/brake-oversteer if you get in trouble and panik is definitely a risk.

Tried the last afternoon-slot in GT2-Europe and it was a mess. Low points (77) in a lobby with DR B and SR S to B.
Conditions were dry and I was on the way to a good qualy lap when I spun of at the exit of small caroussel. Qualified P10.
Got knocked off in T1 and pushed wide by the same guy when I tried to rejoin. Saw red and spun when trying to retaliate.
Managed to recover to P6 from last position in a dry race.

First evening slot was much better: 99 points full B/s lobby
Qualified P2 with a 8:06. (Including some traffic. But fair racing with two clean overtakes on the Nordschleife.)
Unfortunately I picked up 2 Track-limit-penalties on the GP-track and had some off tracks on Nords.
Finished in P5 and took it.

Did another race on the second acount in the 911: B/S lobby for 97 points
Started dry but started to get wet in lap 2. Butched the qualifying because I was unsure which tires to use.
So starting from P14 I fought my way up in increasingly wet conditions (a bit above a third wetness) on Racing hards.
Finshed P3 with 10s gap to the lead.
This combo is probably way too much to describe lmao. 63 anxiety inducing minutes but thrilling at the same time.

I'll summarize it like this: dry for 2.5 laps (that 0.5 sucked for both people who pitted on 2 and tried to make it to 3), then 5 laps in borderline full wets on half worn inters.
The final lap was probably the most intense experience I ever had in FIA/GTWS.... I think people were trying their very best to be clean but it was Russian roulette bumper cars the entire lap (replay below)

In the end I got a podium and a record 308 points, which I'm very excited about. New record for me, beating my previous 303 at Spa in Season 3 Exhibition.


Livery is an adaptation from one of @RacingGrandpa excellent liveries. Thanks for sharing it editable !

And this was the last lap in it's entirety. Don't watch if you get anxious seeing many many near death moments 😂
@Geauxgreddy take a look at what you missed 😳

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That’s me in 5th!!

Based on my 2 races in my euro alt this morning, light rain at the end of lap 3 meant heavier stuff to come.

….looks like I was wrong 😂.

Personally, I didn’t expect to get a good result here in the 458, and let this stand record, that I will never….EVER!!!….allow anyone to let me down, besides ME 🤣

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Yeah, if you guys hadn't dipped in for rains before the 4th lap it would have made things much more interesting for sure. I was expecting this race to be nerve wracking the entire time, but fortunately that only happened once on the last lap when I bounced off the guardrails like a pinball.
Yes, it was great. And also the smoke from little campfires the spectators were using to keep warm. Just amazing! I caught myself getting distracted by off-track details a couple of times.
Yep, for sure. Even when not raining and a cooler temperature you can see the smoke from camp fires. I like to think some of that smoke is from grills as well as people are cooking burgers and dogs!:D
If I'm not mistaken you can hear music as well at a couple of points in the race where the main campsites would be as you go past, appropriately european techno beats.
Yep, I've heard that as well... especially during the replays. Crowed is really enjoying themselves!

Yesterday's round was far and away the most amazing round Polyphony have ever put out. The perfect mixture of entertaining, infuriating and downright insane. Also quite amusing being (likely) one of just 3-4 SLS AMGs across all the races that took place, according to GT Engine.
That is a great way to describe this race. Fantastic combo from PD. Can't think of a better one if I'm honest, other than maybe doing the full 24hr layout rather than the Endurance layout... but I ain't complaining.

I only did two races on my "AMG account" and used the 20 car both times. Kinda wish I would've tried the 11 car once. Wish I could've gone back and did a fourth (after the EMEA GT1 race) race using the 11 AMG but just wasn't able to.
You're driving a Ferrari. Their strategy team alone can do that just as well.
Box for comfort softs as they work in the dry and wet! #Ferraristrat :lol:

After seeing some of your races in wet conditions, it bums me out even more none of my races had any. Those looked like a blast and often helps compress the field somewhat.
On the subject on endurances, I noticed a wording thing that might just be me reading too much into things but was interesting to me nonetheless.

PD put out the Nations Cup round-up on the news site today (link to UK version). What caught my eye was this line:
All seven rounds in the Online Series had been sprint races
Implying that they consider 24 laps of Spa and 30 laps of Grand Valley to be sprints, not endurances. Gives a bit of hope that if/when they do get around to doing endurances they'll be quite long in length.
Got some new sponsorship following a couple of decent outings. The Gr3 650s is ready for Sardegna. Though not sure I am. I have no clue on any potential strat right now. 25 laps in GT2 league must mean there is some pit requirement for fuel and or tires.

Got some new sponsorship following a couple of decent outings. The Gr3 650s is ready for Sardegna. Though not sure I am. I have no clue on any potential strat right now. 25 laps in GT2 league must mean there is some pit requirement for fuel and or tires.
5x tyre wear, hards and mediums required, seems like a simple 1-stopper (I'll do a test run later).
Had the worst race I ever had in GT. So bad that even though I stayed in the race all the way I am contemplating quitting the game for good.

Qualifying: light rain, wet up to the first bar, started on RH and was careful under my outlap, gave it all in the flyer and had P2, almost dry track, not just dry line.

Race starts, I expect the same weather so starting on RH. Track wet to above second bar, not drying up at all. Lap two, a dry line started to appear so I stayed on RH. Rain starts again.
I finished P8, more grumpy than Shrek when he found all the fairy tale creatures in his swamp and sweating profusely from 30°C and anger.

I might never play again.
The fact that every single GT, from GT1 to GT3 are going to be won by players that belong in GT-1 doesn't make me feel any better.
The fact that this whole game now caters to the few E-sports boys going to the World Tour at the expense of all the rest of us makes me want to stop playing.

Right now I hate PD and their decisions. And I never hate anything.
Yeah its almost a pit stop half way. Can get about 13-14 laps out of the mediums (i'm terrible at tire saving by the way :lol:). No fuel worries.
I got 15 out of the slidey 458. Set my fastest lap on lap 14 but the right rear was starting to give up.
10H/15M may be the way to go and really max out the hards early on. There wasn’t a huge difference in lap times for me between the 2 compounds.
My Nurburgring race was really rough yesterday. I made numerous critical mistakes, did quite poorly, and even though I definitely was frustrated at the race results, I think it was still a fun race and I would like to give it another go. Had the chance to do one last try after I finished but I wasn't in the state of mind to do another 5 laps around the Nurburgring.

Here's how mine generally went (GT3) - qualifying, going into my hot lap I was catching up to people so gave myself probably a 15s gap before starting. About a third of the way through the Nordschleife, I caught up to someone much slower than me, who ended up hitting me as I was overtaking him and knocked me off. I was now in a pack of three, had to do racing during qualifying. Overtook 2 people, got stuck behind someone slower in a section I couldn't really make a move. Going into one turn I was close to him, and he unexpectedly brakes probably 100m early from the range I was expecting any braking at all, causing me to slam on brakes and try to get around him to avoid punting him, but that action led to me crashing and losing a lot more time. Q15 I believe

During the race, lap 1 I ended up getting up to around P9, someone went off track and I was trying to avoid him as he re-entered and overtake him, but got punted by someone behind me in the process. After that, I had a few really bad mistakes from me trying to push my limits, and just never was able to get out of the bottom 6. One thing made me laugh though, I overtook P12 and he aggressively tried to sideswipe me, but I was able to maintain control whereas he lost control and crashed, serves him right haha. Finished P10

All in all it was a pretty stressful race, I felt like I could have done much better, but after finishing the next (and final) timeslot was only 5 minutes away, and yeah I didn't feel like I would be enjoying it if I tried again immediately.

But now I feel like if the event was multiple days I'd absolutely give it another try today haha. Ah well, you win some, you lose some.
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Had the worst race I ever had in GT. So bad that even though I stayed in the race all the way I am contemplating quitting the game for good.

Qualifying: light rain, wet up to the first bar, started on RH and was careful under my outlap, gave it all in the flyer and had P2, almost dry track, not just dry line.

Race starts, I expect the same weather so starting on RH. Track wet to above second bar, not drying up at all. Lap two, a dry line started to appear so I stayed on RH. Rain starts again.
I finished P8, more grumpy than Shrek when he found all the fairy tale creatures in his swamp and sweating profusely from 30°C and anger.

I might never play again.
The fact that every single GT, from GT1 to GT3 are going to be won by players that belong in GT-1 doesn't make me feel any better.
The fact that this whole game now caters to the few E-sports boys going to the World Tour at the expense of all the rest of us makes me want to stop playing.

Right now I hate PD and their decisions. And I never hate anything.

I feel you man. I did 3 races yesterday and got snookered by the weather in each of the 3. To be fair, I think a lot of what made this one tough was how long the laps are. It’s not like you have to deal with a miscalculation only for a measly 90 seconds.

My first slot of the day, the race timed out. And I was still minutes from the finish 😂. My second slot, the qualifying session timed out. And I still screwed up my tire choice at the end of the race.

As far as a bunch of ringers in GT1 and GT2; the only solution I could think of is to have a time slot where you are doing something like a mass-individual qualifying session. And then you get matched according to your qualifying pace. And the faster the lobby, the more points you get.

That would help in GT2-3. I think you could leave GT1 as is. But who knows how practical this idea even is 🙄
I did a quick lobby on my lunch break....

Started on Mediums and got to about lap 14 I think (running the McLaren, and pushing pretty hard). Most laps were high 19s / low 20s. I was about a second a lap slower on the hards (but keep in mind, these were the first laps I did on the hards)
As far as a bunch of ringers in GT1 and GT2; the only solution I could think of is to have a time slot where you are doing something like a mass-individual qualifying session. And then you get matched according to your qualifying pace. And the faster the lobby, the more points you get.

That would help in GT2-3. I think you could leave GT1 as is. But who knows how practical this idea even is 🙄
with the different leagues they have now i think they really should seperate the DR for dailies and the world series. It is so easy to drop your DR in the dailies, sign in at GT2 or GT3, tank your DR back up to about where it was and when you are about to enter the world series you are high A or B again and get the corresponding points as you are not the only one who had that brilliant idea.
So instead of being in the back of the middle at GT1 or GT2 you are now in the top of a lower league. might be hollow, but still better then driving in the back in a higher league. Winning is mor fun then getting points that have absolutely no use unless you are top split.

So in my view if you have seperate DR/SR then at least you can not abuse the dailies to influence your position in the Worldseries and dominate races with lesser skilled drivers and steal their points.
with the different leagues they have now i think they really should seperate the DR for dailies and the world series. It is so easy to drop your DR in the dailies, sign in at GT2 or GT3, tank your DR back up to about where it was and when you are about to enter the world series you are high A or B again and get the corresponding points as you are not the only one who had that brilliant idea.
So instead of being in the back of the middle at GT1 or GT2 you are now in the top of a lower league. might be hollow, but still better then driving in the back in a higher league. Winning is mor fun then getting points that have absolutely no use unless you are top split.

So in my view if you have seperate DR/SR then at least you can not abuse the dailies to influence your position in the Worldseries and dominate races with lesser skilled drivers and steal their points.
Cue people tanking their SR in the last round of Nations to get a DR reset for Manu...
The Corvette really is great fun to drive, despite being a bit down on power. Saying that, I'm equal on time in free practice with my Ferrari, to a tenth of a second. Assuming we do get a season 4 after the Amsterdam showdown I may be switching my main account loyalties. The 458 is just a bit too wild for me, I'm absolutely shredding the rear tyres.

Now I just need a decent result at Sardegna with my alter-ego Dr Stantz to try & overtake a fellow GTPer in the Chevrolet GT2 standings

The Corvette really is great fun to drive, despite being a bit down on power. Saying that, I'm equal on time in free practice with my Ferrari, to a tenth of a second. Assuming we do get a season 4 after the Amsterdam showdown I may be switching my main account loyalties. The 458 is just a bit too wild for me, I'm absolutely shredding the rear tyres.

Now I just need a decent result at Sardegna with my alter-ego Dr Stantz to try & overtake a fellow GTPer in the Chevrolet GT2 standings

Comedy Central Yes GIF by Drunk History
On the subject on endurances, I noticed a wording thing that might just be me reading too much into things but was interesting to me nonetheless.

PD put out the Nations Cup round-up on the news site today (link to UK version). What caught my eye was this line:

Implying that they consider 24 laps of Spa and 30 laps of Grand Valley to be sprints, not endurances. Gives a bit of hope that if/when they do get around to doing endurances they'll be quite long in length.
PD uses "endurance race" as a time-based race like 30 mins of Le Mans I think.
Last endurance race in Sport Mode was 2018 Nations Final Season Round 6, 15 mins(25 mins in Superstars) of Bathurst.
I did a quick lobby on my lunch break....

Started on Mediums and got to about lap 14 I think (running the McLaren, and pushing pretty hard). Most laps were high 19s / low 20s. I was about a second a lap slower on the hards (but keep in mind, these were the first laps I did on the hards)
Exactly the same findings with me on my test I’d last night.
I was in the Genesis but I set my lobby up wrong as I had times multiplier on and was using a 9mph head wind on the straight (which didn’t help and in the corners too).
Mediums felt good to about lap 14. My times were consistent low 22’s but around lap 14 I could tell I was losing time and now lapping in 23’s. Looks like 13/14 maybe 15 is your optimal stop. Hards I was running low 23’s with a few high 22’s. So yeah about a 1 seconds slower are the hards.
Just jumped on now to do a few laps with no wind and my average lap times over 5 laps on mediums was 21.7 and hard 22.9.

I would say if your top 7 mediums are your starting tyre. Starting on hards going to be tough, and if your P8 onwards you could gamble on the hards and hope the mediums at the end will bring you into play in the pit stops and final laps.

Fuel I would say isn’t an issue, I finished with 2 laps of fuel left and that was going flat out. I’d say 90% of the cars will do the full race but they might be one or two that might have to stop for fuel too.