Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
GT2 race, in the Citroen.

Qualified P9, could have got more but I caught up to the car in front so had to abort my second lap.

Started on hards, lost a couple of positions in the opening laps to people who were definitely not fuel-saving. Pitted lap 3 on to the softs, which was definitely the right lap - the Citroen suffered no tyre wear on the softs and I ended with 0.1 laps of fuel left. I fuel saved pretty severely on hards, and was about three-quarter shifting on the 11-lap softs stint

From there it was a lot of passing people in the pits, and two overtakes. The place to pass here when you have the tyre advantage is going on to the Grand Valley bridge, you get so much more traction out of the two long sweepers that you can get things done before the tunnel corner. I got one penalty for track limits at the final chicane, which was really annoying as I ended up P5, 0.087 behind P4 (who was, erm, very brusque in how he was overtaking people, he got a deserved 4 second penalty for shoving somebody wide at the tight left before the small tunnel but he made up that time before he took the penalty).

The top 3 all no-stopped and were 15 seconds up the road, so I assume a no-stop on hards is the right strategy, but I almost maximised my result for the strategy so I'm happy.
Did a couple Gr4 races this morning. Proper fun, the Gr4 cars are pretty decent around here (especially with the RS tires!). Not a whole lot to report. I am using the NSX and it's a really fun/good car IMO. Having AWD is nice and it's got some good top end (it was buffed not too log ago if I recall). I was getting along really well with the car, even though Gr4 is not my forte I was able to do mid-54s to low-55s race pace; I was able to set a 54.0 in one of the practice sessions. I didn't do any tuning, just BB -4.

I did some minor fuel saving but mostly just short shifting here and there as well as hitting 6th gear on the final straight rather than holding fifth; pit on lap nine both races to go from RS to RH tires. If you can fuel save, it can definitely be advantageous. In both of my races the car behind was able to do one and two laps respectfully more than I was on the fuel and made some big gains. I think the RS tires are worth ~2.0-2.5 seconds/lap.




Now for a little break and get ready for GT1 in EMEA.
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I will be driving the Mazda3 gr4 for the first time.
That FF car is amazing at Gran valley on the twisty sections.
On the leaderboard, I managed 1.53.472.
The key to be fast is to be patient with the throttle on twisty section to avoid understeer at the exit. Online, it may end up in a mess when you get pushed out...

A lot of opponents forget that in twisty sections, the most important curve is the last one before a long stretch. Always prepare the car for that fast exit. Will leave you a few ms more time pedal to the metal.

That is the theory, when you are alone on the track... :)
I'm not understanding the no stop strategy for GT2/3. Delta between softs and hards is 2s/lap so that's an extra 20s from tire delta on a 10 lap stint, minus lets say a generous 30s pit delta puts you up 10s before considering fuel saving. Fuel saving would 100% cost me more than 10s to last an extra 4 laps. I'm also pretty sure the pit delta is less than 30s so you'd have even less than 10s to spare for fuel saving.
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I'm not understanding the no stop strategy for GT2/3. Delta between softs and hards is 2s/lap so that's an extra 20s from tire delta on a 10 lap stint, minus lets say a generous 30s pit delta puts you up 10s before considering fuel saving. Fuel saving would 100% cost me more than 10s to last an extra 4 laps. I'm also pretty sure the pit delta is less than 30s so you'd have even less than 10s to spare for fuel saving.
Yeah. I just did another test. My no-pit time in ideal conditions -- starting in 1st with one other car -- is 20s off my practice races where I'm running against 16 AI cars from last place. Maybe it works for other cars, but it doesn't look like a viable option for me in my Peugeot.
GT2 B/S.

My Ford Mustang Gr.4 is slow, but then so am I. My quali lap gets botched when my Fire TV decides it wants to change channels by itself, I hit the pause button whilst blind and thankfully didnt ruin anyone else's lap.

I start in P.12 somehow. I decide to go with hards first as I predict first lap carnage so why not safe the softs for when I'm not in the gravel. Only a couple of spinners however early on.

My car is useless and also drinks fuel quicker than Garfield eats lasagne. I pit on lap 6. I get punted into turn one shortly after. Shockingly, the driver that did it apologies and waits up for me. I cant remember the last time that happened. Fair play. I'm in P.13 and after a lap I let they guy that punted me go by as I'm now having to fuel save and I'm not doing it well.

Finish dead last in P.14 only front of a DNF.
Lowest points I've scored this season.

Still, good news about the chocolate oranges...
Did a couple Gr4 races this morning. Proper fun, the Gr4 cars are pretty decent around here (especially with the RS tires!). Not a whole lot to report. I am using the NSX and it's a really fun/good car IMO. Having AWD is nice and it's got some good top end (it was buffed not too log ago if I recall). I was getting along really well with the car, even though Gr4 is not my forte I was able to do mid-54s to low-55s race pace; I was able to set a 54.0 in one of the practice sessions. I didn't do any tuning, just BB -4.

I did some minor fuel saving but mostly just short shifting here and there as well as hitting 6th gear on the final straight rather than holding fifth; pit on lap nine both races to go from RS to RH tires. If you can fuel save, it can definitely be advantageous. In both of my races the car behind was able to do one and two laps respectfully more than I was on the fuel and made some big gains. I think the RS tires are worth ~2.0-2.5 seconds/lap.




Now for a little break and get ready for GT1 in EMEA.
GT4 category for me is a funny one for me. For what ever reason PD in the GTWS series either gives us really good races or really dull races. The GT4 race at seaside for me was great. Loved it as the cars really suit that track. Not done today's race but again the GT4s feel really good round this track.

I'm not understanding the no stop strategy for GT2/3. Delta between softs and hards is 2s/lap so that's an extra 20s from tire delta on a 10 lap stint, minus lets say a generous 30s pit delta puts you up 10s before considering fuel saving. Fuel saving would 100% cost me more than 10s to last an extra 4 laps. I'm also pretty sure the pit delta is less than 30s so you'd have even less than 10s to spare for fuel saving.
In my tests no stopping doesn't work. You lose far too much time with the offset in tyres, plus you have to save 3/4 laps worth of fuel. Also you then have the task of trying to defend with worn tyres.
Well, I'm certainly not in a good mood after my first attempt. I qualified P3 and was feeling good about my chances at the beginning, only to have it all come crashing down in the first sector.

P2 had started on Hards, went deep on turn 1 which allowed me to get up the inside right off the start. He refused to concede the place from his poor start and forced me to leave space through the S-bends as we were side by side, so slower through there than normal. P5 rams P4 into me, P4 goes off, I get slammed with a 5 second penalty and damage that completely ruined me.

What on earth is this penalty for?! :mad:

The guy on Hards then also went on to win the race. :grumpy:
Aaaarrrrrggghhhhhhh!!!! I'm having a bad day of this.

Race 1: High points race against tought opposition, but still qualifying last with a lap that wasn't too bad wasn't a good sign, my best ever lap would have only got me 12th. So simply lacking pace, did some fuel saving for 12S2H race, but that just got me up to 12th.

Race 2: A bit better pace after some more practice, qualified 12th, but was lagging throughout qualification, then disconnected before the race begun.

Race 3: DR plummeting, I'm now in a much lower scoring lobby. Qualified 12th again, started on hards for two laps, then some fuel saving for a final 12 lap run, managed to get up to 7th with two passes on the final lap. But still the points from this race only matched my current low score, so not worth anything.

Race 4: Back into a high scoring lobby, and qualify 4th. Things are looking up, race starts well, manage to move up to 3rd, and I'm pulling away from the pack whilst doing some decent fuel saving. Points for 3rd will be my highest scoring round yet. Well into lap 3 then I'm disconnected.

Race 5: ...
Looks like a track limits penalty to me. When you cut in deep on the right hander of those esses. I pick it up there all the time, too.
It wasn't track limits, it said 5s for pushing a car off the track when it popped up.
Well, I'm certainly not in a good mood after my first attempt. I qualified P3 and was feeling good about my chances at the beginning, only to have it all come crashing down in the first sector.

P2 had started on Hards, went deep on turn 1 which allowed me to get up the inside right off the start. He refused to concede the place from his poor start and forced me to leave space through the S-bends as we were side by side, so slower through there than normal. P5 rams P4 into me, P4 goes off, I get slammed with a 5 second penalty and damage that completely ruined me.

What on earth is this penalty for?! :mad:

The guy on Hards then also went on to win the race. :grumpy:

That penalty is odd? I wonder is it’s the speed difference. You’re doing 125mph while the AMG was doing 146mph, while car in the middle ?. I wonder if the game thought you was brake checking and that why you got the pen? What ever happened that is pretty harsh on you.
You didn’t the right thing in T1, but Im wondering if you tightened the apex off T1 too much that you lost momentum and taking the place. I know you race VR so obviously harder to judge car gaps.
Did first Americas slot. I was already ready to do another race after quali since I felt like I did ok (for quali, was still off my practice time) and still only qualified 14th.

I was easily able to do 10 laps on softs with no fuel saving in the Ferrari because I spent a lot of time drafting behind some guy who wrecked two other dudes and did not want to risk a 50/50 pass and lost him when he pit after lap 8 with a bunch of others. I stayed out so long I was in P1 for the entirety of lap 10 and pit at the end of it. Started on softs in the back because I have no confidence in my ability to judge my fuel economy, even though my pre-race testing showed 10 laps on softs with very light fuel saving that drafting in the race took care of.

Came out of the pit in 8th and was fighting with the previous known punter and some other dude, the punt never happened and I finished P8. Was bumped to P6 by two "why penalty?" guys who didn't use hards. Clean race bonus with 8 places gained, which I'm happy with.

Was a high point lobby apparently, I got one more point for P6 than I did for P2 in the Nurburgring race so I think I'm gonna keep the result.
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Just finished first GT2 slot in the Americas - 102 point race. Qualified Q3 with 1:55.8, less than a tenth back from the top car.

I ran a 10S-4H strategy, as planned.

The P2 car, a Porsche, went deep on the second hairpin and I was able to pick up a spot, only to give it back a few turns later going onto the bridge. I was able to stay close with the P2 car, and even challenge them a few times, for the next couple laps. And then I incurred a penalty in the chicane after the bridge. Giving up a position to the Acura behind.

I incurred another track limit penalty after that, but didn't lose any positions. Still, managed to catch up to the Acura again and stayed with them until they pitted on lap 9. I stayed out for one more lap on softs.

After pitting, I was back in in P3, with a 6 second gap to the cars ahead and a 5 second gap the one behind. I managed to whittle their lead down to 3 seconds at one point, but that's a close as I got to catching them.

Finished P3. I'm happy with that. It was a fun, clean race.

Next up, SSRX. What am I supposed to do with that?
A+/S EMEA lobby. 358 points for the winner.

Qualifying was promising. I had the pace to start on the top 3 but the first flying lap was invalidated due to a penalty and the next lap was compromised big time. P15 on the grid.

I was pretty much free of stress after that lame mistake so I just went YOLO. Started on hards, pitted on lap 20 for softs and went to the end. The strategy helped me overcut the slow traffic and I finished P6. Not great, but not terrible. It was a very clean and solid recovery 😊
GT2 B/S lobby, I m low B.
The race was for 62 pts

Qualified 1st with the Mazda3, 1:54.884

In the race, survived the first hairpin thanks to a clean Ferrari driver behind me.

He applied clean pressure for 4 good intense laps, but then he got a limit penalty and that was it.
Alone in front for the rest.

Did 10S 4H. I could have gone for 11S, based on the fuel left, but I had not test that scenario in my last week practice session, so went safe.

P1 with 27:53
2nd position was +26 sec.

That FF Mazda3 feels OP a that track.
Race 5: Decent points lobby, and qualified 5th, so looking good again.

Being the idiot that I am I managed to pick up two 0.5s penalties on the first lap, but the gods were smiling on me. No one was close enough to capitalise, so I stayed 5th. Things quickly settled down, the first 4 pulling away, 6th disappearing behind me fast. As the race went on I found I was keeping up with the top 4 a bit better than I had earlier. My Subaru WRX seems to have great fuel mileage, I was easily on target for 11 laps, I was expecting this be two laps better than my rivals, so maybe I can do better than 5th place.

Out of the top runners, one came in on lap 8, two on lap 9, one on lap 10, then finally me on lap 11. I came out 3rd wow! Fourth place close behind, I managed another 0.5s penalty just when I didn't need it. It meant we went into the tunnel side by side, but I managed to come out in front. From there it was a tense final 2 laps just clinging on to the place from a faster driver.

So after all the days hassles and expecting this round to be write off I came home with 165 points, beating my previous top score of 155.

Big thanks to Tau who was running ahead of me in qualifying, and carrying a 0.5s penalty. He got a bit of a bad exit from the final chicane and instead of being set to give me a nice slipstream to the line, was now set to baulk the end of my hot lap, but he pulled to the side and let me through. Without that gesture I would have been lower on the grid and who knows how the race would have panned out.
Here’s my submission to the racing stewards this week.

This guy was heavy on the brakes and making it hard to pass with a lot of swerving. Took a shot and felt like I held the inside enough to not be considered a dive bomb.

Both car views, his view first. I’m in the Ferrari. Ignore the turn signal I had on for the entire race. I’m not 80 years old, just playing a game that intentionally tries to blind you in VR.

I had my doubts about this race as I was not very good on this track previous to this race. So, a week of solid practice somewhat put my mind at ease so I was hoping for the best. I entered the GT2 Americas race at noon and had no problems with anything loading

Qualifying starts with me as door 10 and a lot of drivers were just parked off to the side waiting for clean track which I should have done, but I was ready to get this race done. I hit the wall late on the out lap and just go as I had no time to reset and do a one shot lap that puts me P9.

I start on the Hard tires as I had the worst time trying to control the Huracan on those. Just sliding all over the place just like in my practice sessions. I hold up a bunch of drivers on Soft tires I'm sure, but they all get by me by lap 3. Which is where I duck into the pits and put my practice strategy into motion. Now, thanks to my testing, I know that I could make 11 laps by me short shifting for 3 laps on the fresh soft tires. And the plan worked beautifully, kind of. Due to my early pit, I'm all alone for most of the race. I eventually catch the lead pack after pit stops cycle and fuel saving by others. I am on a great pace, but I miscalculated at some point and had to fuel save like a mad man on the final lap and a half. I just run out of fuel as I cross the line and finish P5 for my efforts with P6 right on my heels.

So, a much better result than I antcicpaed and my steak of top 5 finishes stays alive. I get 101 points and that is fantastic. I also only had 1 off track penaty the entire race and the only real problem I had was going deep on the second hairpin turn after the downhill section. Might of gained another spot or two, but I'm not coing to coimplain with the finish I got.
Here’s my submission to the racing stewards this week.

This guy was heavy on the brakes and making it hard to pass with a lot of swerving. Took a shot and felt like I held the inside enough to not be considered a dive bomb.
I don't really feel like you did anything wrong here. You made a pass, the window was there and they were very slow through that section. Didn't look like it ruined anybody's race? Rubbing is racing, right?