Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
in the McLaren I will have no trouble but will still be using some rear brake bias since the front right gets all the work on this track, wasn't even really close, its a full on no strat sprint for me so i'm really hoping for some nasty rain

e: an unrelated question that I think I know the answer to but am also not sure where I remember hearing this so it could be totally wrong: Your car number (the one that goes on your car sticker in the race), is that your DR ranking in the lobby? Like in my Nurburgring race I had #1 and in Bathurst I had #12. Would I have been the #1 and #12 ranked driver by DR rating going into the race in those lobbies or am I totally off base?
Cool, will do some proper tyre testing later tonight I think. Going to do a few laps in wet weather too, just in case PD spring a surprise

Yeah the GTWS door number is the number assign depending on your DR score.
example. If we are both say DR B, but I had 50k DR points, and you have 49k points, i would be door #1 and you would be #2. In the next race say I enter the lobby with 45k but you had 49k still, i would be car #2 and you would be #1.
In the Bathurst race i was #16, so i was the lowest ranked driver in that race.
Round 3, Mount Panorama, North America GT1 League, 7:00pm slot. Corvette Gr.3.

I've never had much luck at this track in the past, the mountain always gets me. Even on the medium slick the track feels like driving on ice with many slippery corner exits. I decided to choose my tire strategy based on starting position, and I qualified right in the middle at P8. I decided to start on the mediums because there's nothing worse than being mid pack on inferior tires.

The race start was drama free for me, and I focused on avoiding penalties. Some cars ahead started on Hards and peeled off to put early. I ran my mediums until lap 12 then made my stop. This was a mostly uneventful race, besides a near miss with a penalized car on ConRod Straight, and a last lap collision behind me entering The Chase. Smooth driving and patience helped me to a P4 finish and 193 points. Replay below;

Yeah the GTWS door number is the number assign depending on your DR score.
example. If we are both say DR B, but I had 50k DR points, and you have 49k points, i would be door #1 and you would be #2. In the next race say I enter the lobby with 45k but you had 49k still, i would be car #2 and you would be #1.
In the Bathurst race i was #16, so i was the lowest ranked driver in that race.
Awesome, thanks. I thought this was how it worked but was unsure. I definitely felt like #1 and #12 in my races respectively for sure. Fighting for my life on pure pace since getting promoted to B rating haha.
So I went twice this weekend.

The first time was kinda bad. Was door #13 (of 14) and I qualified 8th after a pretty sad qualifying session. Had a couple of mishaps early on (like, lap 1 turn1 early) and overall the race was a disappointment. One thing I did figure out was the last lap would begin around the 45km mark. That was key for me as I drive in VR and the BMW does not have a lap counter. I just have car information on so I don’t have a big digital readout floating in the sky; I can focus on driving. This was the same lobby as @icycls and @A_Higher_Place . Love that Mazda Livery

I did finish in the top half of the field and my DR did go up slightly which is the biggest reason I was mentioning this race.

After I took some time to practice and get back in my groove, I went again for the 7:00PM heat.

First off, I was the lowest door number in the room . . . but it was a faster lobby.

This time qualifying goes well. I had a Mustang behind me who pushed my pace, but the mountains turned out to be my best friend.

Qualified 2nd behind another BMW. Cue heart pounding pressure.

I made the decision to start on mediums (last time I started on hard tires) and hoped to follow the other BMW into the pits. How-EV-ver . . . they had an issue during lap 1 which resulted in a penalty served in lap 2 . . . putting me into the lead. Happy to be in the front I was; pit strategy now destroyed now am. #YodaSpeak

Plan B.

I drove clean and fast and slowly pulled away from the rest of the lobby; I’d even opened up quite a lead! But you know how this goes . . .

The two worst leads in sport are a) a two-goal lead in Hockey and b) a several second lead in motorsports.

Going into the mountains I gave a little bit too much gas . . . turning directly into the wall. I pull myself together and keep moving, but I have both aero and suspension damage. By my kilometer strategy, I have to finish this lap and at least another one before I pit. Knuckling down I pressed onward through the rest of the lap . . . serving a 1.5 second penalty.

Now there’s a blue triangle on my no-longer-clear-long-range radar. Poop emoji.

By the time I got into the pits I recognized the yellow AMG in my rear-view mirror I fought at Watkins Glen. “Great,” I said aloud. “This will be another fight to the finish.” All this when I thought I had the thing pretty much sewn up.

We both enter the pits – I have a grand total of .003 seconds worth of repairs to do – and I exit behind him by several car lengths. I recalled @Tidgney doing a vid on pit stops for each car and start swearing under my breath so the folks upstairs don’t hear me. I push to the best of my ability, but the AMG keeps pulling away. I decide just to do what I can and settle into a second place finish. ‘Cept is wasn’t.

Turns out the AMG driver forgot to take on tires which explained a) why he got out ahead of me and b) why he was able to pull away. He came from last place in the lobby to do so! With the penalty for tires assessed, I was first. Result!

I decided to retire for the evening after shouting so loud I’m pretty sure my neighbors could hear me.

TL;DR: Poor first race, first in second race. Because tire change.
Once again I didn't have the talent to get it done on my first attempt...

Slot 1: Once again I was paired up with @Spider-Racer, and once again I didn't see him once since he was at the front and I was floundering around at the back like a moron :banghead:. This time my stupidity started in qualifying when I picked up a penalty in "The Toe" on my first hot lap. This was literally just before the penalty zone, so I then had to wait until my 2nd flying lap to serve it, completely ruining any chance I had of even avoiding starting dead last. Fortunately I had @Geauxgreddy for company at the very back of the grid just ahead of me in the other Corvette (can't remember the last time I wasn't the only Corvette in one of these races).

Despite knowing I had the pace to be well inside the Top 10, I couldn't even get out of last place for the first few laps. Overtaking difficulties were the name of the game the whole race, just waiting for those in front to trip over each other. I also got run into in The Toe and picked up rear wing damage, which didn't seem to hurt my performance as I was easily able to catch back up to the cars I was battling with after recovering. Me and Greddy were stuck in a 4-car battle for not-last for the entire race, and I finally caught up to him at the head of our train on the final lap, battling for either P9 or P10, but he's frustratingly good at defending :lol:, so despite getting up the inside after the Bus Stop, I couldn't make anything happen. That allowed another car to get between us, then headed into The Toe I went on the defense from the Mazda that rear-ended me in the same spot earlier, and I understeered and accidentally pushed him off track, so I slowed down to wait and that ended any chance I had at an interesting (though still horrible) finish and I decided to quit from P12 of 13 rather than bothering with finishing with such a terrible result.

Slot 2: I managed to not be an idiot in qualifying this time and grabbed P7 on the grid, right in front of a very fast friend in an AMG. On Lap 2 he unfortunately got wiped out at the exit of T1, so I had a few laps of breathing room. On Lap 4 I caught up to a Ferrari in the esses and he signaled me to pass, so I went up to P6 at the Bus Stop and opened up a small gap and tried to save my tires since I clearly wasn't gaining on anyone ahead. Another AMG eventually got by the Ferrari as well and started to reel me back in, not helped by me picking up a track limits penalty at T1. Fortunately for me he also had a penalty he had to serve from the previous lap, but unfortunately a GT-R managed to jump both of us, pulling off an outside pass on me at The Heel. The GT-R then lost it on the outside curb at T1 the following lap, handing P6 back to me. At the same time, the AMG picked up a track limits penalty at T1, but I couldn't take advantage because I nearly spun myself out at the slow left-hander after The Toe. Still, I had enough of a gap that I didn't have to defend for at least a couple more laps. Then on Lap 12 we BOTH picked up a track limits penalty at T1, and we stayed status quo after serving our penalties. On Lap 13 he finally got by when I bounced a bit too hard over the final curb in the Bus Stop and couldn't get to the inside of the loop in time to defend, but he then got loose under braking for The Toe and I retook the position. By now it was clear I was on worse tires, and our battling brought another GT-R into the mix, so the final 2 laps I was defending for my life and backing the corners up to get as straight of an exit as possible to take advantage of the Corvette's naturally better acceleration. Ultimately I was able to barely hold on to P6 for 250 points. It was a decent result, but I felt my Rose Bowl livery deserved better; unfortunately neither the car nor me were capable of anything better... That's also probably me done for the season until Nation's, since I'm horrible at Bathurst and doubt I'm much better at DTG.

Anyway enjoy some pictures from Slot 2:

Passing the Ferrari for P6 on Lap 4 (see if you can spot the AMG that would be all over my bumper later...)
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Side-by-side up the esses after the AMG got a better exit out of T1 (by exceeding track limits and picking up a penalty) before the Corvette's power advantage took over and I pulled in front again.
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Losing the spot in the Outer Loop on Lap 13:
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Gaining it right back at The Toe:
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Through the Bus Stop on Lap 14:
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6th, 7th, and 8th at the finish.
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One more just because I like this shot :D:
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Great racing with you as usual @GTWolverine, but I came here mostly to say, Congrats on the National Championship! Geaux Big Blue! Hopefully we'll see ya Wednesday.
Tried a few different ways, and a no-stop is out of the question in the GT3 458 if trying to maintain a somewhat competitive pace. The tires start dying on lap 12, and they’re completely gone by the end of lap 14.

Think a 1-stop and pushing the entire time is my only strat. Hopefully I’m able to catch guys out in the closing laps. Pace seems decent on tires despite wear through lap 10 in my testing, so when to pit will just be a matter of timing it with traffic. Thank god I have a track map available in VR so I can see everyone’s positions 🙄

Pit loss is ~22 seconds. So I’m going to have to push like hell the entire time, and hope for mistakes and traffic on my competitors end to have a chance at the money

On another note, I’ve already started low-key testing for next season. Barring any massive BOP or physics changes, I think I have my dark-horse picked out
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Tried a few different ways, and a no-stop is out of the question in the GT3 458 if trying to maintain a somewhat competitive pace. The tires start dying on lap 12, and they’re completely gone by the end of lap 14.

Think a 1-stop and pushing the entire time is my only strat. Hopefully I’m able to catch guys out in the closing laps. Pace seems decent on tires despite wear through lap 10 in my testing, so when to pit will just be a matter of timing it with traffic. Thank god I have a track map available in VR so I can see everyone’s positions 🙄

Pit loss is ~22 seconds. So I’m going to have to push like hell the entire time, and hope for mistakes and traffic on my competitors end to have a chance at the money

On another note, I’ve already started low-key testing for next season. Barring any massive BOP or physics changes, I think I have my dark-horse picked out
Best of luck tomorrow! I will go non-stop with my Porsche, left tyres are still at about 5% at the end.

About the track map, was it irony?
Best of luck tomorrow! I will go non-stop with my Porsche, left tyres are still at about 5% at the end.

About the track map, was it irony?

In regards to the track map, 100%. I’m not really one to complain anymore than I’m willing to admit….


No information available on the HUD of where other cars are on the track and/or when others pit and what tires they were on have screwed up strategy more than once the past year. Before I went to VR, I used to figure out the pit loss time and subtract that time from a lap…and figure out where that was on the track. It would help me decide when to go for under/over cuts as well as figure out other people’s pit strategies around me. The delta’s were often helpful as well, but not 100% necessary
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In regards to the track map, 100%. I’m not really one to complain anymore than I’m willing to admit….


No information available on the HUD of where other cars are on the track and/or when others pit and what tires they were on have screwed up strategy more than once the past year. Before I went to VR, I used to figure out the pit loss time and subtract that time from a lap…and figure out where that was on the track. It would help me decide when to go for under/over cuts as well as figure out other people’s pit strategies around me. The delta’s were often helpful as well, but not 100% necessary
I agree, although I haven't got to that point of strategy, but the VR hud is missing important information. Hopefully an UI update will fix it but i'm afraid that in Kaz's mind VR is for cruising not racing and they won't change a thing. Wish I'm wrong.
No information available on the HUD of where other cars are on the track and/or when others pit and what tires they were on have screwed up strategy more than once the past year. Before I went to VR, I used to figure out the pit loss time and subtract that time from a lap…and figure out where that was on the track. It would help me decide when to go for under/over cuts as well as figure out other people’s pit strategies around me. The delta’s were often helpful as well, but not 100% necessary
you can see me, in a race where i ended up 4th, almost ragequit (end of lap 6 around the start line in the VR replay of my Bathurst race) because i have no frame of reference as to where i am or what anyone else is doing at any given time. i've had to change my whole mindset to just drive each corner one at a time and put together a whole clean race best i can and hope i'm doing the right thing

the only time i had any idea of what anyone else was doing that race was when i was second in a four person pack on lap 14 of 14 and realizing that i'm lifting to maintain position, so i must be on mediums and they must all be on hards
Best of luck tomorrow! I will go non-stop with my Porsche, left tyres are still at about 5% at the end.

About the track map, was it irony?
Are you good at tire saving? Also using the Porsche and i doubt mine will make it to the end without any chance.

Edit: Are you in GT2? Because then it makes more sense.
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Tried a few different ways, and a no-stop is out of the question in the GT3 458 if trying to maintain a somewhat competitive pace. The tires start dying on lap 12, and they’re completely gone by the end of lap 14.

Think a 1-stop and pushing the entire time is my only strat. Hopefully I’m able to catch guys out in the closing laps. Pace seems decent on tires despite wear through lap 10 in my testing, so when to pit will just be a matter of timing it with traffic. Thank god I have a track map available in VR so I can see everyone’s positions 🙄

Pit loss is ~22 seconds. So I’m going to have to push like hell the entire time, and hope for mistakes and traffic on my competitors end to have a chance at the money

On another note, I’ve already started low-key testing for next season. Barring any massive BOP or physics changes, I think I have my dark-horse picked out

Just watch the first run through the chicane on fresh tires 🫣
After trying it in custom race a few times I feel more confident running a no stop with the 911 just because I muffed the chicane with new tires more often than not 🙄

GL to everyone tomorrow.

911 can no stop pretty easily in GT1
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This might be just me but:


The track is full of stupid, frustrating, pointless little quirks and has literally no redeeming features.
The sausage chicane? So random and dumb.
The kerbs that want to kill you? Why?
The multiple consecutive apex turns? Torture.
Let’s burn it to the ground and forget it ever existed!
It will be a miracle if I get through this evening’s race with a still functioning TV and wheel.

Anyway, how’s everyone else’s practice going?
This might be just me but:


The track is full of stupid, frustrating, pointless little quirks and has literally no redeeming features.
The sausage chicane? So random and dumb.
The kerbs that want to kill you? Why?
The multiple consecutive apex turns? Torture.
Let’s burn it to the ground and forget it ever existed!
It will be a miracle if I get through this evening’s race with a still functioning TV and wheel.

Anyway, how’s everyone else’s practice going?
I hit FP and custom races today for about 90 minutes. Really haven’t had much driving experiences on Gardens, even in GTS. I kind of avoided it like the plague. All be honest, I like this track fire than DT seaside. That first chicane is pretty awkward, but no more awkward than Catalunya w/chicane. My strategy in regards to the chicane is to not kill myself trying to cut it. The way I see it, whatever pace I lose by not trying to nail it, I’ll gain impositions from people flubbing it and getting sent into the bleachers.

I gotta wake up at 1:40amand hit the first oceanic slot before I head off to work, as that’s all the racing I’ll be able to get in. Good luck out there in the Americas slots 👍🏼
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This might be just me but:


The track is full of stupid, frustrating, pointless little quirks and has literally no redeeming features.
The sausage chicane? So random and dumb.
The kerbs that want to kill you? Why?
The multiple consecutive apex turns? Torture.
Let’s burn it to the ground and forget it ever existed!
It will be a miracle if I get through this evening’s race with a still functioning TV and wheel.

Anyway, how’s everyone else’s practice going?
I hate every corner in that track. It was made with the intention to kill tyres first, track flow later. Every bump is an invitation to potential wheelspin if you're not careful enough with the TC. I'm surprised it's not talked a lot about how dreadful the track really.

I tried a test run with tyre wear with the BRZ, it's only on the last 3 laps where traction was an issue, with the last lap having the front right tyre being dead. Maybe it would be like Rd.2?
On another note, I’ve already started low-key testing for next season. Barring any massive BOP or physics changes, I think I have my dark-horse picked out
Try picking a manu at random next time. Much less stress/expectations and I wager your results will end up same-ish in the end.

Take it from someone who has driven for 22/27 manufacturers. No matter what car I get around 150-200 points per race (discounting bad races where I crash or get punted). It's way more fun to use a less common car and learning how to drive around its quirks and weaknesses :P
This might be just me but:


The track is full of stupid, frustrating, pointless little quirks and has literally no redeeming features.
The sausage chicane? So random and dumb.
The kerbs that want to kill you? Why?
The multiple consecutive apex turns? Torture.
Let’s burn it to the ground and forget it ever existed!
It will be a miracle if I get through this evening’s race with a still functioning TV and wheel.

Anyway, how’s everyone else’s practice going?
The quad apex turn is pretty unique IMO. It's based on Turkey's Turn 8 (which is also copied by COTA Turn 16-18).

I agree the sausage chicane is dumb. But it's mostly the fault of the game's lenient track limits and lack of suspension damage modelling. IRL if you try to take it like in game, you'd end up like this...

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Gardens has interesting ideas, but the execution is all wrong. The esses are weirdly spaced, the multi-apex turn is too slow, and the less said about the chicane, its curbs, and its track limits, the better. It has Cape Ring vibes to me, i.e. the vibes of a bunch of corners who just met each other for the first time.
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This might be just me but:


The track is full of stupid, frustrating, pointless little quirks and has literally no redeeming features.
The sausage chicane? So random and dumb.
The kerbs that want to kill you? Why?
The multiple consecutive apex turns? Torture.
Let’s burn it to the ground and forget it ever existed!
It will be a miracle if I get through this evening’s race with a still functioning TV and wheel.

Anyway, how’s everyone else’s practice going?
Hahaha totally agree.
In my practice I died twice on those sausages kerbs
The hairpin I messed up a few times by running deep a little
The S’s are tricky to carry the speed, and making sure you get on the power early but also to not spin on exit or run too wide on the run off area
Then the quad right hander again speed is key, but too much and your running too wide, or too slow your getting a poor exit.

Thought Mount Panaroma was easier at the weekend


So as I suspected. Watch a GT1 Asia race and PD have scripted wet weather that doesn’t arrive in time. I mean well done PD on that.
So both races for GT1 & GT2/3 are no stops with no rain. The GT1 race I saw have very worn tyres in the Genesis. Tyre saving might be a factor for GT1
I feel a lot better about this track now I know the rest of you are finding it so tricky as well. I was feeling like I was going to be in trouble in the race as I can't get comfortable getting the lines right consistently, but knowing you're all having the same trouble then I can enjoy the challenge of trying to do a less bad job of it than my rivals. Watching Omega's live stream even he runs wide on the exit of esses on Lap 1.
Try picking a manu at random next time. Much less stress/expectations and I wager your results will end up same-ish in the end.

Take it from someone who has driven for 22/27 manufacturers. No matter what car I get around 150-200 points per race (discounting bad races where I crash or get punted). It's way more fun to use a less common car and learning how to drive around its quirks and weaknesses
It's weird that for the dailys I don't want to race in anything other than the car that gives me the best chance of a good result. But I agree with you for the manufactuers races, I feel like picking something random and different for the fun of it. This time I only picked Ferrari because I'd just watched the film.
Had just enough time to try one slot around noon in EMEA. Ferrari.
Door 15 I guess (that was my sticker). Waited till around 4:10 to exit and that gave me two fast laps with a spare.
Qualified 1st with about 0.2 advantage over second (high 1:39).

Start went pretty uneventful and I was building a comfortable lead of about 5 seconds when I got disconnected from the server (due to data loss - was the reason given). :banghead::banghead::banghead:

I'll try again in the afternoon/evening.
Are you good at tire saving? Also using the Porsche and i doubt mine will make it to the end without any chance.

Edit: Are you in GT2? Because then it makes more sense.

I just reached GT1 and one thing I'm discovering is that the more I practice and the faster I am, the more I save tyres, maybe because faster is smother and smooth is good for tyres.

Also applying some basic techniques like coasting, longer gears, less brake. There are many YouTube videos about this.

Maybe I was overly optimistic about that 5 % let's say 2% lol
Alright, second exhibition season is wrapped up and in the books!!

Oceanic, middle of the road GT1 slot:

Woke up at 1:45am to hit the first oceanic slot before heading off to work. Despite being able to consistently hot lap in very low 1:31’s in FP, I completely barny’d qualifying and landed 5th with a 1:32 flat. Not the end of the world, but I was hoping to be near pole in order for my mandatory 1-stop strategy to have a fighting chance at the money. 1st lap went fine until this happened….

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-and with that, I was quickly ushered to the back of the pack and had a lot of work to do. Spent the next 7 laps catching back up to the pack, and as soon as I did, I ducked off for tires at end of lap 8. Predictably exited pit row in last place by a long shot.

Tried my best to hit my lines and braking points so that by the time peoples tires started falling off, I could hopefully get myself up to 7th to at least not lose any DR.

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- lap 13 and I’m finally back up to the pack


- planning my takeover at the next big braking zone.


- everything was going swimmingly until I blew a head gasket on lap 14. All the sudden that bumper sticker on the left takes on a whole new meaning of irony. White Trash Rust Bucket Race Team baby!!!


“Best job I ever had…”

Fun season all around, despite my mediocre results. Finished 8th on the day and out of the points. Would have liked this race to be a bit longer, but oh well. Hopefully PD got the data they need to make the next official season better 😎
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Rd.4 was a somewhat interesting round, but for all the wrong reasons.

Slot 1 - Qualified P7 with a time of 1:32.009. Not great but not terrible either for the group. The race started and everything was going well until I had to oversteer at the last corner and crash, leaving me at least. Then it got weird. The BMW which started at P2 pitted at Lap 3 for some reason and I managed to catch up to that car. Only for the car to leave me behind (Because it's a BRZ thing). It was uneventful until Lap 12 where that BMW had a collision with another BMW (which shortly left), which caused that other BMW to hit an oncoming Lexus. So that was a few positions in already. Laps 13-14 was just a small battle with another BMW which was fun. Finished P11.

Slot 2 - Qualified P5 with a time of 1:31.885. Which was actually great to be honest! In addition, I've managed to finish the first lap without crashing! Then came Lap 2 where 2nd and 3rd crashed at the first corner, prompting me to P2. I've managed to hold it until Lap 13 when my tires and I no longer cooperate at one of the corners. I was lucky to slow down for that. That got me down to P4, and to be honest that Merc that was chasing me would have gotten me even if I didn't do that mistake. Finished P4 with 213 points.

In the end it was an engaging season to try out the BRZ, even when it was obviously showing its disadvantages. Maybe I'll stick to it when the next one arrives soon.

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(Hooray for being the 4th in the Asian Subaru leaderboard too lol)

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Learning to drive on Dragon Trail Gardens was fun, just wish I had a bit more time to get used to it.

Had done a nightshift so raced in the afternoon. Before the race I did about ten minutes of practice and in the final lap I improved my time a bit and got (as usual) close to @Roggers his best time. Close...but no sigar, as they say!

GT2/B lobby, When qualifying started I was fourth out of the pits and when I started my first lap I had a gap to the Porsche in front of me. But he was sloppy and I was already right behind him after 2 corners. Fortunately I get past him clean but first lap was not very competitive so focussed on the second attempt. The two cars in front of me were quick in the first lap and both got a very low 1.39. My second lap got me a 1.39.2 and a bit which meant third place. Best I could do, A McLaren was on pole and an Italian in a Toyota was second.

At the start the three of us got away clean and we soon had a gap to the car in fourth. It was very close between us for two laps then the two cars in front of me got away a bit with the Italian taking first place. But after about 5 laps I got in a nice rhytm and soon I was behind them again. I was chasing the McLaren in second and when he made a small mistake I was able to pass him and get that second place. From that moment on we fought for second place with the Toyota about 2 seconds in front of us.

Final lap: the McLaren was right in my tail, so focussed on taking the chicane as well as I could, in which I succeeded. But the McLaren nailed said chicane and was right beside me going to the U-turn. I decided to brake early, hoping for a switchback and because the McLaren braked a bit too late it went as planned for me and I was in front again. The last corners were a bit difficult to navigate through clean but I went over the finishline in second, about 2 tenths before the McLaren en about 1.7 seconds behind the winning Toyota.


It was a fun race, felt like I could compete here with 2 drivers faster then me and it was all clean. Nice one!
