Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
Hitting the T1 wall seems to dish out random penalties, but if someone bounces off of you to get a good T1 exit they get nothing, haven't figured it out

Did two races in GT3, mid-B lobbies with a few A rated drivers mixed in the 2nd round
Perhaps it's registering penalties on how many times they contact the wall? Might be some bouncing back and forth, the game might interpret it as wall riding.

I wish the FP had the same penalty setup that the race has. When this track was featured on the Time Trials, hitting a bollard would invalidate the lap. So one might expect a penalty if it's done in a race.
Wasn't expecting much and I'm glad this Nations is over as it has been a write off even with a round or two which should have suited me.

Qualified P14 as I just wasn't getting a good run through the last turn. Race started well and I made some progress off the line. (Same as Fuji) I guess people seemed to use TC off the line with FF and 4x4 cars when they are not needed. Turn 1 was a visual cluster... Cars everywhere pointing every which way. I escaped and into P10. I was on the outside of the next turn but the blob was back and I was barrelled into the wall.
(That's me 4th back).
I therefore lost all momentum and found myself back in P14 with only 2 poor saps behind who quickly caught my rear. For the next few laps we battled and caught a couple ahead. I passed 2 thanks to the slipstream but they kept repassing by switcherooing and drifting wide out of the corner. Eventually one of them broke too late and slammed into the wall at T1 earning a 1.5 penalty. They were easy prey on the straight. After that I was by myself and brought it home P11. It might get my 2nd highest score, but won't be enough to give me anything other than a clean sweep of Bronzes.

Onto the next seasons!
The Jimny round is a good laugh but maybe not a good combo for a serious competition, particularly with that crazy slipstream. I could see this being fantastic as a daily race though. This is possibly a controversial opinion, but if the point of the race was going elbows out and surviving a tightly packed field for 13 minutes, I think that would have been better achieved with boost enabled instead of using custom slipstream strength.

Having packs of cars barrelling into turns where there's only one valid line and you have to throw the car in just right combined with that big a speed differential is just asking for trouble. Had it been boost, at least the cars in each pack would be approaching turns at much closer relative speeds, and some door bashing that results in falling off the back a bit wouldn't become an immediate race ender.

My race was a flop but I enjoyed the chaos whilst it lasted. Q9, finished P15. It all fell apart on lap 7 after I got bump drafted into turn 1, took it far too fast and hit the wall. The walls did their party trick of making cars that hit them get deflected in the wrong direction and I ended up spinning anticlockwise with a 3 second penalty. I really hope PD fix that some day, since it's just frustrating to clip a wall in rally and end up with the car doing the opposite of what it should.

I'm not going to complain about PD at least throwing something new out there though. It might not be a very good combo, but I can respect the attempt. I wish they'd make more frequent use of the wide variety of cars and tracks that the game has to offer rather than sticking to the same old stuff, especially in Nations.

I needed 11 points to improve my ranking, so I didn't go into the 11 am CST, GT3 room with a lot of hope. My 1:19.810 practice lap from Thursday was tied for 5178th. The room was an interesting mix of D/S and C/C (and 1 C/E) drivers, with me wearing door #11 (should have been #10, as I saw a 16 in a 15-car room), 23 points for a win, and me needing 13th to improve my overall ranking. As usual, I didn't qualify, the only driver to do that. The fast time was a 1:18.6.

Most of the room didn't get turn 1 right, while I didn't get the rest of the track right. I could catch the pack there, but fell back in the last turn because I didn't use the chrome horn. I brought it home in a clean 12th of 13 finishers, for 12 points, losing a bit of DR in the process.
GT2 slot 1 in the Americas. Door #12. 107 points up for grabs.

Qualified Q2 with a time of 1:17.088, faster than anything I'd done in free practice. Q1 had knocked out a 1:16.875, though, so I expecting him to drive away with it.

But when the race starts, I have have the outside line on T1 and get a run to take the lead (that's me in yellow).


I'm able to maintain the lead for the first three laps, during which a lead pack of four drivers breaks off from the rest of the field.


As we enter Lap 4, the slipstream brings the lead pack together and we spend the rest of the race exchanging places between the four of us. At one point, one of the other drivers gets a 1.5s wall-collision penalty, taking us down to three.

As we go into lap 10, I'm right where want to be, in P2 behind top qualifier. My plan is to stay close behind the leader until the final straight and use the slipstream to pass at the finish. All is going according to plan until we get to the final corner, and... I flub it.

P1 takes off without any hope of catching him. P3 is right on my tail and now I'm worried that he'll be using the slipstream against me. He has a better exit out of the corner so I'm expecting at any moment that he will pull along side and get by me.

Instead, he gives me bump. And then another. I don't understand it, but I'll take it.


I cross the line for P2 - 102 points.


Going in, I didn't really know what to expect for today's race, but this exceeded all expectations. The race is a crap shoot, for sure, but I'm really happy with how it turned out for me.
I was on 12h00 slot 155 pts GT2 lobby (50/50 split B/S A/S driver.)

For the race, I had a very good start, getting too close to P1, I had to slow down to keep my line. I though taking a different line would slow me down too much, this car is slow to pickup speed.

Bad move I guess, I lost a few positions with some chaos going around me, ended up P9, then went up to P5, to finish P6 for 122 pts.

122 pts is the most points I ever obtained in Nations cup. So I might stick to that.

Getting very close to getting to A DR, hopefully there is DR bonus for doing well in the Nation cup, will know tomorrow.
Slot 1, Primary acct. had @Moose78 in the race with me. Door #13, Q'd 5th, Finished 4th. 4 of us had a breakaway and were opening up a gap. On lap 5 I gained the lead only to tag the turn 1 wall, the pen caused me loose the other 3. A great fun race.

Slot 2, Alt account (Pops), had @GlockPants in with me. It took a few laps to get a breakaway, there may have been 6 of us. I tried to help @GlockPants get closer to the front but somewhere he fell back from the pack. A Canadian in the pack with us was a bit aggressive and walled me at the left hand kink before the final corner putting me nose first into the inside wall. Finished 7th which could been a top 4.
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Slot 1, Primary acct. had @MooseTheMooche in the race with me. Door #13, Q'd 5th, Finished 4th. 4 of us had a breakaway and were opening up a gap. On lap 5 I gained the lead only to tag the turn 1 wall, the pen caused me loose the other 3. A great fun race.
Sorry I didn't recognize you. It was great racing with you! Too bad about that penalty, though. That was a fun pack to run with!
I just went again for something to do, really shouldn't have.

My qualifying got wrecked by a Greek coming out of the pits as I was starting my second flying lap. He didn't even try to get out of my way, then fought me. Just... why?

My race was over within a minute thanks to turn 2. A South African came blasting across from the left, slammed into my side, that pushed me into the wall and the game gave me a penalty for it. So stupid. :grumpy: I'd started P13, and from that far back there was no hope of grabbing a lifeline via slipstream.

A Bulgarian got a penalty on lap 1 as well so I tried working with him by bumpdrafting and staying behind, but he wasn't quite taking the corners right so it was just holding me up. I overtook in the hopes he'd get the hint and bumpdraft me, only for him to start fighting... :banghead:

The Greek from qualifying won after starting P11. Siiiiigh. Oh, and I got demoted back to A, just to add insult to injury. At least that will hopefully mean the start of next season will have a bit less pressure, and I may actually be able to try fight for a win. (I don't do dailies, so that DR won't be changing!)

That was an odd race, I guess due to the slipstream settings.

I finished P8, and it was very lonely. There was a slipstream train ahead of me that I couldn't hold onto, and there was a slipstream train behind me that must have been a big punchfight because they still couldn't stay with me even with their slipstream, so I just sort of ended up in a pseudo time trial session. Definitely still more fun than the X2019 or SF rounds for my skill level though!

I still have no idea how the last corner is meant to work.
Thought I was going to need more than one shot at this, GT3 B/S, Door 2, Q4 with a mediocre quali time.

Tangled up in turn 1 by people bouncing low to high and lost places from P4 to P11 and momentum but at least didn't get penalized for the wall contact. Was back in P4 again by the top of the hill on lap 2. Drove consistently and made my way though the field with no penalties or wrecks. Battled in the P2/3 slots for a couple laps. Pulled into P1 on lap 7 on the turn 1 exit and held it from there.


Was thankfully able to outpace the slipstream once I got into the lead and had enough peace of mind to joke about wrecking in the final corner on the VR video. Had fastest lap with a 1:16.7xx for a while but someone else took it with a 1:15.8xx while working their way up the field with slipstream.

Had my mic on for a race finally and didn't say a single word until divulging my secret racing strats going into the last turn of the race.

Full VR Replay:

Full Cinematic Replay:
I maybe should have skipped this round. Two entries. First one I'd have needed to finish top 2 to improve my points. Second even a victory was worse points wise that my result from the previous entry.

The only thing nice that worked out for me was a good FP lap of 1:16.609 in-between sessions.

Race 1 (@mobilmasher this was the race with you)

I got jammed up a bit in qualifying. Not horribly, but there always seemed to be another slower player on the racing line even after letting the field start way ahead. Q4, not a huge deal.

The race was about as expected after reading everyone's reactions here. Bumping and shoving, not in a dirty way, just in a bump drafting driving in snow way. Some people would get caught out on a bad bounce.

I was in a good group at the beginning, but picked up a penalty for hitting the wall just right. I'd lose the draft and cruise in to finish P5.

I should've stopped there, but my DR increased a little while my SR decreased to an A. The possibility of more points, too. I didn't really have much to lose having another go.

Race 2

Worse points, but I set pole position by a good margin.

I ran away with the top three players and easily gapped the field by about 10 seconds while we were bump drafting and swapping positions.


At Lap 7, one of the group and I would bump into each other in T1 and they lost the slipstream. I tried a bit too hang back, but they were gone. So it was just me and one other.

We'd continue the same dance, but on Lap 9 I'd give up the lead so I could have the slipstream on the final lap. And it would've worked, but they were pretty aggressive about not letting me pass on the drag to the finish. It would've bothered me if I needed the points, but it was pointless to fight. I took P2 for a meager 85 points vs. 93 from the previous race (vs. 101 of my lowest counted score).

But at least I got a little more DR and my SR was restored to S.

I would've preferred the full course this round. I'm not really sure why PD is loading the schedule with all these oval track bump draft-fests.
The slipstream made it feel too much like luck and almost rewarded people who couldn't take the corners consistently. This combined with the nature of people smashing into each other was infuriating.

Gt1 Europe lobby qualified 1st by 0.3 seconds and 2nd in my next round. Finished 10th and 16th respectively. Smashed into the wall by the opposition leaving me facing backwards with a penalty. A fun combination, but the slipstream seemed to make it a chaotic lottery.
Overall really fun race but definitely lots of luck and evasive action to stay out of too much trouble.

Qualified about .5 slower than my best time and surprised it put me q6 just a few cars behind @D_Dragline
Actually got to bump draft him before t1 and a couple times in the first lap. Was great seeing you out there and congrats again on the podium!

Second time into t1 I touched the wall enough to grab it and nearly spun but saved it.

Ended up spending the whole race with 2 others who most of the time worked together and never could quite catch the group ahead. We kept trading places and bump drafting but fell short on the mission.

Last corner we went in together and stayed clean out of it with a tight drag to the finish of which I got the short straw.
Still a great time in a race that could have turned ugly quickly.
P9 and did score enough points to replace my previous low score.

GL to everyone still getting ready for the next 2 slots 🍻

Ran 1 race, Q5 to P12 and what an adventure it was. I should have remembered snow and dirt really stinks in GT. Practice went great and was laying down some decent lap times but forgot that adding 15 others is where the pain comes in. I am not sure if the extremely slow speed of the Jimny XC made the race the "fun adventure" or "hazardous adventure". Maybe some tuning should have been allowed?

So I am done with the exhibition seasons - bring on the real stuff!
Overall really fun race but definitely lots of luck and evasive action to stay out of too much trouble.

Qualified about .5 slower than my best time and surprised it put me q6 just a few cars behind @D_Dragline
Actually got to bump draft him before t1 and a couple times in the first lap. Was great seeing you out there and congrats again on the podium!

Second time into t1 I touched the wall enough to grab it and nearly spun but saved it.

Ended up spending the whole race with 2 others who most of the time worked together and never could quite catch the group ahead. We kept trading places and bump drafting but fell short on the mission.

Last corner we went in together and stayed clean out of it with a tight drag to the finish of which I got the short straw.
Still a great time in a race that could have turned ugly quickly.
P9 and did score enough points to replace my previous low score.

GL to everyone still getting ready for the next 2 slots 🍻

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Great to finally share the track with you. When I saw where you were on the grid I was hopeful we might have been able to team up throughout the race, but that turn 1 is a lottery every lap.

I had the advantage of having done the race on my main account yesterday, so all I did was try and stay within slip and out of trouble. I was p4 into the final turn of the race and thought I was a chance for the win but p2 and p3 tangled on the exit and I had to go around them which meant I lost the slip to 1st. Very happy with p2 though.
Suffice it to say Nation's went way better than Manufacturer's. While the X2019 race at Spa continued my frustrating trend from Manufacturer's of wasting my first attempt due to stupid mistakes, Rounds 2 and 3 went much better, as I managed to grab unexpected wins in both of them in the first slots! This was my first ever season grabbing back-to-back wins and back-to-back 300+ points results. And of course since only 2 rounds counted, it meant, not including my dropped score from Round 1, I have a 100% win record for the season! Unfortunately I couldn't quite reach the regional Top 10, but I'll definitely take more seasons like this! It's a shame Nation's isn't as popular as Manufacturer's (and the Americas have to play in split regions ON TOP OF the general lack of participation overall); Nation's almost always has better combos.
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Kinda mediocre results this season, but much better after yesterday's race.


Things I liked about this season of Nations:
  1. I had some good luck in yesterday's Jimny race, resulting in a podium finish and a big boost to my final rankings. Prior to that race, i was on track for bronzes across the board.
  2. All the races used cars that you could drive in offline practice races. No hidden magic tunes.
Things I didn't care for:
  1. I missed the first race. I like racing at Spa, and tend to have good results there. I wish I could have tried it out.
  2. Mazda3 at Fuji. I don't care for the car or the track. PD seems to be under the impression that so many people are driving the Mazda3 because they like it, rather than it simply being out of balance with the rest of the Gr.4 category.
  3. A poor result at Interlagos. I felt like I was capable of doing much better than I did, but I was cursed with bad luck.
  4. The 'custom' slipstream in the Jimny race was too much. It felt like the entire race hinged on how well you were able to leverage it to your advantage instead of how fast you were around the track.
  5. The wall-collision penalties at yesterday's race were needless. Nobody is gaining time riding the wall in those cars. Even the slightest touch of a wall in that race could easily cost you seconds in a lap. There no need to heap penalties on top of that.
  6. PD really needs to adjust the racing line used by the AI cars at Lake Louise - Short Course. Doing offline practice races there was useless. I'd pass the entire field on the first corner, then spend the rest of the race turning laps.
As always, the community here at GTPlanet was amazing. Thanks to all for the tips, discussions, rants, jokes, race reports, and just generally making the whole experience that much more rewarding and entertaining. It's great to be a part of it.

See you all next season! (Or maybe before. I just finished up my Gr.4 tire wear tests this morning. Hope to post the results here soon.)
Round 4 of the 2023/2024 Gran Turismo World Series Exhibition Series 2, North America GT1 League, 10:00pm slot. Suzuki Jimny XC '18.

This was a fun but frustrating race, first I entered the 8:00pm slot, and qualified P1 with a 1:16.8 lap. It has hard to hold the lead due to the ridiculous drafting effect, and I got body slammed in Turn 1 midway through, effectively ruining the race for me, and I ended up P6.

I was feeling confident so I took another swing in the final 10pm slot. I couldn't find my previous speed, and only managed a 1:17.8 this time, in a field with 5 A+ drivers, putting me P11. I was keeping touch with the leaders, but unfortunately, I got clobbered in Turn 1 again on lap 4, dropping me to the back of the pack. I managed to hang in there, and finish P6 again, losing by a nose to P5. At least it was worth more points (179). You can see my Jumping Jimny below after getting put into the snow wall.

Full race recording in VR perspective.

Jumping Jimny 2.jpeg

Jumping Jimny 1.jpg
Jimny SBS.jpg
Nations Cup Race Report, GT2, First time slot NA.
Lobby included GT2 league standings leaders and promised good points with good result. Qualifying couldn't have gone better resulting in pole position:

The race had the expected excitable start and I was able to stay in the top 3 after several laps. As I was trying to bump draft 2nd pace to close the gap to first, I believe at some point I lost momentum that caused me to lose the slip with the 2 leaders Maccs and DSR Pavman. Allthough I was putting in good lap times on my own, I was not able to close the gap to these 2 as they were slipstreaming each other. Final result was 3rd place with best points of the season so one-and-done for me :)


All in all fun (short) season and happy with final results:

240128 Nations Cup Final.png

On to next season, good luck everyone, see ya on track!

Here are the results of some tire wear tests I've done on the Gr.4 cars (excluding the Alfa 155, which I'm waiting to buy from the Legendary Dealership; sorted by distance to first failure).

ManufacturerModelDrivetrainDistance to first failure (km)Time to first failure
Alfa Romeo4C Gr.4MR18.97:48.800
McLaren650S Gr.4MR16.06:36.233
SuzukiSwift Sport Gr.4FF14.96:13.416
RenaultMegane Trophy Gr.4MR14.96:14.516
CitroenGT by Citroen Gr.4MR14.06:00.100
VolkswagenScirocco Gr.4FF13.85:44.600
HondaNSX Gr.4MR13.65:39.633
AudiTT Cup '16FF12.85:24.100
Ferrari458 Italia Gr.4MR12.75:19.700
NissanSilvia spec-R Aero (S15) Touring CarFR12.04:59.766
ToyotaGR Supra Race Car '19FR12.04:58.416
AMGSLS AMG Gr.4FR11.64:46.450
LambourghiniHuracan Gr.44WD11.64:50.866
DodgeViper Gr.4FR11.54:45.766
PorscheCayman GT4 Clubsport '16MR11.44:42.916
Toyota86 Gr.4FR10.54:26.600
ChevroletCorvette C7 Gr.4FR10.44:23.400
Aston MartinV8 Vantage Gr.4FR10.24:15.083
PeugeotRCZ Gr.4FF10.14:10.966
BugattiVeyron Gr.44WD10.04:14.050
RenaultMegane Gr.4FF10.04:11.600
MazdaMazda3 Gr.4FF9.74:04.633
JaguarF-type Gr.4FR9.74:02.466
BMWM4 Gr.4FR9.43:54.266
FordMustang Gr.4FR9.43:54.483
GenesisG70 Gr.44WD9.33:53.683
HyundaiGenesis Gr.4FR9.33:51.750
MazdaAtenza Gr.44WD9.23:51.416
LexusRC F Gr.4FR9.23:51.283
NissanGT-R Gr.44WD9.23:48.350
MitsubishiLancer Evolution Final Gr.44WD8.43:33.016
SubaruWRX Gr.44WD8.33:30.116


Results were obtained by driving the cars full out, without any attempt at tire saving, in an offline custom race at Suzuka - East Course on RH tires with a tire wear multiplier of 25x, fuel multiplier of 1x, grid start, and BoP enabled. I drove until the first tire wore completely (always the front left), then noted the time and distance (according to the odometer reading).

Observations and comments:
  • Disclaimer: I'm a mediocre mid-B DR driver using a controller. I'm not especially fast, smooth, or consistent in my driving. The results reflect how I drive the car. Your mileage may vary.
  • Why Suzuka - East Course? It is all corners, and it eats tires like a tire-eating monster.
  • In general, the MR cars did best at this track and 4WD worst. The FF cars were scattered all over the place.
  • The clusters in the chart coincide with the right-hand corners on the track. Where you see several data points in the chart bunched together, it is cars that failed all on the same corner.
  • I found that most of the cars were still quite drivable after the first tire failed. I could usually go several more laps afterwards without suffering any spin-outs or sliding off the track, albeit more slowly and carefully. I might go back and re-run these tests, driving the car until the second tire fails to see how much of a speed hit comes from driving on the tires fully worn. Later, though.
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Round 4 of the 2023/2024 Gran Turismo World Series Exhibition Series 2, North America GT1 League, 10:00pm slot. Suzuki Jimny XC '18.

This was a fun but frustrating race, first I entered the 8:00pm slot, and qualified P1 with a 1:16.8 lap. It has hard to hold the lead due to the ridiculous drafting effect, and I got body slammed in Turn 1 midway through, effectively ruining the race for me, and I ended up P6.

I was feeling confident so I took another swing in the final 10pm slot. I couldn't find my previous speed, and only managed a 1:17.8 this time, in a field with 5 A+ drivers, putting me P11. I was keeping touch with the leaders, but unfortunately, I got clobbered in Turn 1 again on lap 4, dropping me to the back of the pack. I managed to hang in there, and finish P6 again, losing by a nose to P5. At least it was worth more points (179). You can see my Jumping Jimny below after getting put into the snow wall.

Full race recording in VR perspective.

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So in VR you do not get to see any racing data?
So in VR you do not get to see any racing data?
In VR you can see the thing that floats in the middle of the screen with lap time/place/gear, and your MFD. that’s it really. you can see it in my full race replay video.

The only other info you get is when you momentarily switch to cinema mode for the pit stop, you can briefly see the leaderboard UI.

You get no time delta info in races or time trials so you can never see pace feedback. It’s like having a dead radio in a race where you’re supposed to have a team/engineer.
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Decent final results for this Nations Cup.


I got bumped out of the #1 spot on my Secondary Area after Round 4. Looking back, I could've called it good after Round 2. I just was not getting into any good points lobbies on Saturday mornings. But overall I'm pleased with my results.

Hopefully with the higher B DR going into next season, I'll be able to find more points.
  1. Mazda3 at Fuji. I don't care for the car or the track. PD seems to be under the impression that so many people are driving the Mazda3 because they like it, rather than it simply being out of balance with the rest of the Gr.4 category.
It is still a newish car and they wanted to run it for a round. It wouldn't be the first time a particular category car was used for a one make. They have done things in dailies such as FF's only for Gr4 back when they were the Metas, and they have done a German only Gr3 for Nations before too.
Here are the results of some tire wear tests I've done on the Gr.4 cars (excluding the Alfa 155, which I'm waiting to buy from the Legendary Dealership; sorted by distance to first failure).

ManufacturerModelDrivetrainDistance to first failure (km)Time to first failure
Alfa Romeo4C Gr.4MR18.97:48.800
McLaren650S Gr.4MR16.06:36.233
SuzukiSwift Sport Gr.4FF14.96:13.416
RenaultMegane Trophy Gr.4MR14.96:14.516
CitroenGT by Citroen Gr.4MR14.06:00.100
VolkswagenScirocco Gr.4FF13.85:44.600
HondaNSX Gr.4MR13.65:39.633
AudiTT Cup '16FF12.85:24.100
Ferrari458 Italia Gr.4MR12.75:19.700
NissanSilvia spec-R Aero (S15) Touring CarFR12.04:59.766
ToyotaGR Supra Race Car '19FR12.04:58.416
AMGSLS AMG Gr.4FR11.64:46.450
LambourghiniHuracan Gr.44WD11.64:50.866
DodgeViper Gr.4FR11.54:45.766
PorscheCayman GT4 Clubsport '16MR11.44:42.916
Toyota86 Gr.4FR10.54:26.600
ChevroletCorvette C7 Gr.4FR10.44:23.400
Aston MartinV8 Vantage Gr.4FR10.24:15.083
PeugeotRCZ Gr.4FF10.14:10.966
BugattiVeyron Gr.44WD10.04:14.050
RenaultMegane Gr.4FF10.04:11.600
MazdaMazda3 Gr.4FF9.74:04.633
JaguarF-type Gr.4FR9.74:02.466
BMWM4 Gr.4FR9.43:54.266
FordMustang Gr.4FR9.43:54.483
GenesisG70 Gr.44WD9.33:53.683
HyundaiGenesis Gr.4FR9.33:51.750
MazdaAtenza Gr.44WD9.23:51.416
LexusRC F Gr.4FR9.23:51.283
NissanGT-R Gr.44WD9.23:48.350
MitsubishiLancer Evolution Final Gr.44WD8.43:33.016
SubaruWRX Gr.44WD8.33:30.116

View attachment 1323313

Results were obtained by driving the cars full out, without any attempt at tire saving, in an offline custom race at Suzuka - East Course on RH tires with a tire wear multiplier of 25x, fuel multiplier of 1x, grid start, and BoP enabled. I drove until the first tire wore completely (always the front left), then noted the time and distance (according to the odometer reading).

Observations and comments:
  • Disclaimer: I'm a mediocre mid-B DR driver using a controller. I'm not especially fast, smooth, or consistent in my driving. The results reflect how I drive the car. Your mileage may vary.
  • Why Suzuka - East Course? It is all corners, and it eats tires like a tire-eating monster.
  • In general, the MR cars did best at this track and 4WD worst. The FF cars were scattered all over the place.
  • The clusters in the chart coincide with the right-hand corners on the track. Where you see several data points in the chart bunched together, it is cars that failed all on the same corner.
  • I found that most of the cars were still quite drivable after the first tire failed. I could usually go several more laps afterwards without suffering any spin-outs or sliding off the track, albeit more slowly and carefully. I might go back and re-run these tests, driving the car until the second tire fails to see how much of a speed hit comes from driving on the tires fully worn. Later, though.
Thanks for all that work, much appreciated! :cheers:
Here are the results of some tire wear tests I've done on the Gr.4 cars (excluding the Alfa 155, which I'm waiting to buy from the Legendary Dealership; sorted by distance to first failure).

ManufacturerModelDrivetrainDistance to first failure (km)Time to first failure
Alfa Romeo4C Gr.4MR18.97:48.800
McLaren650S Gr.4MR16.06:36.233
SuzukiSwift Sport Gr.4FF14.96:13.416
RenaultMegane Trophy Gr.4MR14.96:14.516
CitroenGT by Citroen Gr.4MR14.06:00.100
VolkswagenScirocco Gr.4FF13.85:44.600
HondaNSX Gr.4MR13.65:39.633
AudiTT Cup '16FF12.85:24.100
Ferrari458 Italia Gr.4MR12.75:19.700
NissanSilvia spec-R Aero (S15) Touring CarFR12.04:59.766
ToyotaGR Supra Race Car '19FR12.04:58.416
AMGSLS AMG Gr.4FR11.64:46.450
LambourghiniHuracan Gr.44WD11.64:50.866
DodgeViper Gr.4FR11.54:45.766
PorscheCayman GT4 Clubsport '16MR11.44:42.916
Toyota86 Gr.4FR10.54:26.600
ChevroletCorvette C7 Gr.4FR10.44:23.400
Aston MartinV8 Vantage Gr.4FR10.24:15.083
PeugeotRCZ Gr.4FF10.14:10.966
BugattiVeyron Gr.44WD10.04:14.050
RenaultMegane Gr.4FF10.04:11.600
MazdaMazda3 Gr.4FF9.74:04.633
JaguarF-type Gr.4FR9.74:02.466
BMWM4 Gr.4FR9.43:54.266
FordMustang Gr.4FR9.43:54.483
GenesisG70 Gr.44WD9.33:53.683
HyundaiGenesis Gr.4FR9.33:51.750
MazdaAtenza Gr.44WD9.23:51.416
LexusRC F Gr.4FR9.23:51.283
NissanGT-R Gr.44WD9.23:48.350
MitsubishiLancer Evolution Final Gr.44WD8.43:33.016
SubaruWRX Gr.44WD8.33:30.116

View attachment 1323313

Results were obtained by driving the cars full out, without any attempt at tire saving, in an offline custom race at Suzuka - East Course on RH tires with a tire wear multiplier of 25x, fuel multiplier of 1x, grid start, and BoP enabled. I drove until the first tire wore completely (always the front left), then noted the time and distance (according to the odometer reading).

Observations and comments:
  • Disclaimer: I'm a mediocre mid-B DR driver using a controller. I'm not especially fast, smooth, or consistent in my driving. The results reflect how I drive the car. Your mileage may vary.
  • Why Suzuka - East Course? It is all corners, and it eats tires like a tire-eating monster.
  • In general, the MR cars did best at this track and 4WD worst. The FF cars were scattered all over the place.
  • The clusters in the chart coincide with the right-hand corners on the track. Where you see several data points in the chart bunched together, it is cars that failed all on the same corner.
  • I found that most of the cars were still quite drivable after the first tire failed. I could usually go several more laps afterwards without suffering any spin-outs or sliding off the track, albeit more slowly and carefully. I might go back and re-run these tests, driving the car until the second tire fails to see how much of a speed hit comes from driving on the tires fully worn. Later, though.
That Alfa is a pretty extreme outlier. If I'm interpreting your data correctly, it can do 72.5 kms more than the next best car on real-time degradation and 265 kms more than the WRX.

For perspective, that's more than 45 laps of the full Suzuka circuit. :eek:
That Alfa is a pretty extreme outlier. If I'm interpreting your data correctly, it can do 72.5 kms more than the next best car on real-time degradation and 265 kms more than the WRX.

For perspective, that's more than 45 laps of the full Suzuka circuit. :eek:
The math checks out.

I'd be hesitant to extrapolate the tire life to the full course though, since that course is going to have a different tire wear profile from the short track where the test numbers came from. But I wouldn't be surprised if it is somewhere in that ballpark. Maybe more, maybe less.

Interestingly, when I was first setting up the parameters for my tests, I tried a few cars and figured a tire wear multiplier of 15x would be enough to have all the cars hit their first worn tire in a 10 laps race. And then I bought an Alfa 4C. It just kept going. I adjusted the multiplier to 20x. Not enough. It took a few more tries for me to get to 25x. Thankfully, I was working through the cars alphabetically by manufacturer, so the Alfa was the first one I was testing for real. I didn't have to go back and retest any other cars.

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