Really Kaz? so this is what I gather from that little schpiel,, in other words - "GO **** yerself,, if you don't like it go get Asseta Corsa or buy yourself an XBox and play Forza."
I am not alone in my disappointment with how the game we've looked forward to for - how many years? - has this many 'issues' and seems almost amateurish. PD had it so right in GT5, GT6 we were given the Quick Matches that helped us earn credits to buy the car we had dreamed of,, and then there were changes to GTS and aa way to buy the cars and go immediately to a lobby and race. It brought some issues BUT eventually they got them ironed out. WHY ohh WHY does it seem all PD had learned in those previous games seems to have been tossed out the door and we're experiencing many of the issues we saw when G5 went LIVE? No, I will not go buy an XBox, NO, I will not play Assetta Corsa. I have been a fan, have owned and been a player of Gran Turismo since the first edition for the PS1 so I will continue playing GT7 thru all the pains PD will put us thru. I know these problems will be worked out BUT why could they have not had them worked out before they let the game out of their studios. It seems Kaz set a date and would not budge. Now we have unstable lobbys, cars glitching all over the track, no boost, the slip doesn't seem right, people who used to have no problems getting into the game now are plagued with so many issues they want to quit the game all together.