This isn't directed at anyone, so don't take it personally!
but I see a trend developing in our society which is worying, it's not just an US phenomenon.. it's global! and the events here highlight it.
- Why is it always someone else's fault! (no personal accountability or responsibility it was PD or Sony's fault for not preventing me doing this!!) isn't that the same as saying smith and western are to blame for allowing us to shoot folks with guns.. they should make them safe!
- Why do folks take an attitude of everyone else would cheat if they were in a position to do so, therefore justifying there actions?
- Why do some think that all's fair in a competition it's only about winning...
- Others would have taken advantage of my cunning shortcut were they as smart as me!
imo in a competitive sport, winning is nothing if it's without honour and fair play.
How can any individual who takes part in this online sport, or any sport be happy with themselves by winning by cheating or foul play..
Where's the sense of achievement or competition when others are playing to different rules or constraints!
do these folks who exploit the game engine feel it show's they are smarter than the others?
In my book it highlights a lowering of moral standards where we are happy to ignore right or wrong in pursuit of our own gain..
This will ultimately destroy the very backbone of civilised society...
now please excuse this interruption whilst I climb down off my soapbox and get back in the cockpit..
Good luck to all you fair and honest racers still in this competition may the best person win. 👍