GT game must make us aware of climate change and also driving safely.

  • Thread starter yogaflame
We should all stop playing videogames in general.

The PS3/HDTV/Home Router/Online Servers/DFP/Living Room Lights/Air Conditioner all consume alot of energy which usually come from evil carbon emitting power plants. Let's stop wasting energy and and register to race our automibiles on the nearest track while wearing seatbelts of course...

No, let's use that same track to hold a hypermiling competition so some lady in a Prius can run a stop sign and make a sudden ninety-degree right turn while almost understeering into me because her soy-derived tires can't handle anything resembling a lateral g for that one extra mpg.

Also, Al Gore.
Okay no cares while your house in under 20 feet of water. Come on this game can be a medium to encourage to support cars that use alternative and clean source of energy by including them more

If you believe the lies of politicians and greenweenie special interests absorbing taxpayer money, you've got bigger problems than fearing a gigantic power-and-money grabbing hoax.

Just use your brain, observe reality. Don't let your life be directed by people who could only get government jobs. Then go out and drive like hell.

A very interesting topic. One mature intelligent people who have strong views and accept other views as well can contribute to. If we think about the Automotive world we are moving fast towards Eco-Cars; look at no other than the Board of Management at BMW who have even sacrificed their Motorsport division for Hybrid/Sustainable concepts. As GT represents the world of Automotive cars it naturally should also reflect the changes in that genre. Thus there is a strong place for Environmental themes in this game. Raising awareness is critical; and as GT is a media medium tool so to speak; and respected across the world advocation of Environmental factors would be a great additional powerful force the automotive industry needs to going towards the Sustainable model. How could it work in the game however? Well management of battery/electric and respectable driving style to improve MPG. Further more safe driving tutorials which earn you massive rewards (exclusive cars, money). I would be willing to participate in such events. And then some documentaries encouraging safe driving and also talking about the future sustainability of the Automotive industry. What I am saying is that there is a strong space in Gran Turismo for factors such as these which do not remove the traditional aspects; but which merely add to the cake giving us a truer representation of the Automotive world that is represented by Gran Turismo.
Oddly enough I don't care if my virtual car gets ***** gas mileage.

Maybe the OP can stop contributing to global warming by getting off their PC.

A very interesting topic. One mature intelligent people who have strong views and accept other views as well can contribute to. If we think about the Automotive world we are moving fast towards Eco-Cars; look at no other than the Board of Management at BMW who have even sacrificed their Motorsport division for Hybrid/Sustainable concepts. As GT represents the world of Automotive cars it naturally should also reflect the changes in that genre. Thus there is a strong place for Environmental themes in this game. Raising awareness is critical; and as GT is a media medium tool so to speak; and respected across the world advocation of Environmental factors would be a great additional powerful force the automotive industry needs to going towards the Sustainable model. How could it work in the game however? Well management of battery/electric and respectable driving style to improve MPG. Further more safe driving tutorials which earn you massive rewards (exclusive cars, money). I would be willing to participate in such events. And then some documentaries encouraging safe driving and also talking about the future sustainability of the Automotive industry. What I am saying is that there is a strong space in Gran Turismo for factors such as these which do not remove the traditional aspects; but which merely add to the cake giving us a truer representation of the Automotive world that is represented by Gran Turismo.

The _WHOLE_ point of a racing game, any racing game, since the days of "pole position" has been the escapist rush you can get from driving fast, in exotic cars in exotic locations without any of the associated risks encountered in the real world. Challenges such as the ones you mention sound indescribably boring.

ITS JUST A GAME PEOPLE! Besides, putting a buttload of mobile phone batteries in an ugly little Japanese bore machine isn't going to make a lick of difference to any changes that might be happening to the world's climate. You are kidding yourself if you believe otherwise.
The _WHOLE_ point of a racing game, any racing game, since the days of "pole position" has been the escapist rush you can get from driving fast, in exotic cars in exotic locations without any of the associated risks encountered in the real world. Challenges such as the ones you mention sound indescribably boring.

ITS JUST A GAME PEOPLE! Besides, putting a buttload of mobile phone batteries in an ugly little Japanese bore machine isn't going to make a lick of difference to any changes that might be happening to the world's climate. You are kidding yourself if you believe otherwise.

Thank you. 👍
Truth speaker here.
To be an ultimate simulation , GT needs to make all sides happy. Hardcore petrol head, tech savy, and environmental concern gamers. And to include proper racing and driving technique modes and stages. We all ask for damages, skid marks, smokes, porsche, etc. But having green cars and next gen cars is very important.

GT already has green cars. Various GTs have had electrics, hybrids, electric concepts (Nike One, anyone?... surely better than the electric puppy!).

What more do you want it to do? It features these cars and shows how they perform.... sometimes unrealistically, I might add (the aforementioned non-fuel usage on the Prius). Past GT games have had alternative energy vehicles, and future GT games will include alternative energy vehicles, simply because they're there. Nothing more, nothing less.

GT is a driving simulator. As such, it cannot make all sides happy. Will it make cyclists happy? No. Joggers? No. Swimmers? No. Off-roaders? One can only hope... :lol:
The _WHOLE_ point of a racing game, any racing game, since the days of "pole position" has been the escapist rush you can get from driving fast, in exotic cars in exotic locations without any of the associated risks encountered in the real world. Challenges such as the ones you mention sound indescribably boring.

ITS JUST A GAME PEOPLE! Besides, putting a buttload of mobile phone batteries in an ugly little Japanese bore machine isn't going to make a lick of difference to any changes that might be happening to the world's climate. You are kidding yourself if you believe otherwise.

But it is a simulation of reality and in reality oil will be gone as soon
Man made global warming is a fraud. Don't come with that filthy propaganda in this forum! :grumpy: Seriously, why do you hippies have to spam every forum about this ****?

You might want to have a look at this thread. It's a better place to discuss such issues than this topic and you'll see that even the people who do believe in man-made global warming are far from "hippies". That's a very ignorant assumption.

As for the subject of this topic, I think GT does more than enough already with regards to including alternatively-powered cars, and although I think that some economy-biased challenges could be implemented, I wouldn't like it to be the focus of the game.
Yes, the game should kill your game-character, so you basically can never play GT5 again.
As that character in-game, you could still play as another in-game character but from the beginning.
Anyway there would need to be lots of detail on what kills you or just injures you and keeps you out of the game until you have healed.
My point is ther should be more next gen cars that use alternative source of energy, clean and efficient since this is next gen already and oil is almost dried out and polluitng our environment and also since this is a simulation there should be modes or features that shows proper driving techniques and even racing techniques. Make it more educational that is what a Simulation is all about.
A few points,

1/ There are many decades, if not hundreds of years, worth of oil reserves, that why motor corporations continue to invest massive amounts of time and cash into combustion engine technology.

2/ Every car on the market today is 'environmentally friendly' when compared to those cars built a decade or more back.

3/ You don't have to educate/force people to buy 'environmentally friendly' hybrid cars, they will dominate the market when they are good enough and affordable, which will be within a decade. It's the march of technology, nothing to do with do gooder environmental campaigns.

4/ Do you seriously believe an electric supercar can be fully charged in ten minutes, my iPod takes longer to charge!

5/ Seperate politics and pressure groups from facts. We struggle to predict the weather next week, nevermind fifty plus years ahead.
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A few points,

1/ There are many decades if not hundreds of years worth of oil reserves, that why mega motor corporations continue to invest massive amounts of time and cash into combustion engine technology.

2/ Every car on the Market today is 'environmentally friendly' compared to those cars built a decade or more back.

3/ You don't have to educate/ force people to buy 'environmentally friendly' cars, they will dominate the Market when they are good enough and affordable, which will be within a decade.

4/ Do you seriously believe an electric supercar can be fully charged in ten minutes, my iPod takes longer to charge!

5/ Seperate politics and pressure groups from facts. We struggle to predict the weather next week, nevermind fifty plus years ahead.


The whole problem with Global Warming is it mixes pollution and the theory that the earths coming to an end unless we do something about it. It has scared a whole generation into believing. It has became so charged, that any body that disagrees with the theory is for pollution, toxic waste etc.,. The science is all over the place, when I was a teenager during the seventies we where being taught that the earth was going into the next ice age, of course it wasn't. As I got older I have learned to question these things and not let my emotions direct me. In twenty years we will have a new disaster that will replace Global Warming to worry about.
Yes, the game should kill your game-character, so you basically can never play GT5 again.

Yup. And so that we don't, it should put something on the firmware of the console so that you can't put GT5 again and play it or use game saves. You are just done.
Climate change is a point of view, point that i not acept, for me is a natural cycle of Earth. But thats an opinion.

The fact is the electric cars coming not for "save the Earth" but for all fossil fuel resources gone to desapear.

It is for "save the Earth", long time ago in different places on Earth are alrealdy cars that work without gas, like vegetal oil, but thats not good for the big oil empires.

Sorry my english.
Yup. And so that we don't, it should put something on the firmware of the console so that you can't put GT5 again and play it or use game saves. You are just done.

And the PSeye takes a retina scan before each game as well as verifies finger print via controller so you can never play another GT game anywhere in the world ever...

There is realism for you!
And the PSeye takes a retina scan before each game as well as verifies finger print via controller so you can never play another GT game anywhere in the world ever...

There is realism for you!

This, with the combination of killing a gamer via electrocution through the G25 as mentioned above should make the game real. Until, then I am not buying it.
For me Gran Turismo is not just a racing game; it is an entrance into the automotive world and whole historical account of the past. It is more than just a racing game. That is why it will accommodate environmental cars and environmental challenges. KY said so himself; in-fact I do expect a lot of concentration to come onto this aspect in future GT versions including GT5. And I look forward to such events/cars/challenges arriving. It will make Gran Turismo an even more fuller and richly enhanced game. There is for sure space for this sort of activity in the more grand serious racing in Gran Turismo. I have no problem with diversity and I do not see any conflict between these new challenges and the classic hardcore racing. Instead I see only great opportunities and of course a more rich all-encompassing automotive video-game.
For me Gran Turismo is not just a racing game; it is an entrance into the automotive world and whole historical account of the past. It is more than just a racing game. That is why it will accommodate environmental cars and environmental challenges. KY said so himself; in-fact I do expect a lot of concentration to come onto this aspect in future GT versions including GT5. And I look forward to such events/cars/challenges arriving. It will make Gran Turismo an even more fuller and richly enhanced game. There is for sure space for this sort of activity in the more grand serious racing in Gran Turismo. I have no problem with diversity and I do not see any conflict between these new challenges and the classic hardcore racing. Instead I see only great opportunities and of course a more rich all-encompassing automotive video-game.

I agree. I know it's kind of cliched to say this, but GT isn't just about racing. It's like an interactive encyclopedia of the whole auto industry. Sure, the main reason we play GT is to drive, but there are other things involved too. The amount of passion that PD has for cars, motorsports, and car culture is what sets this series apart from any other.

Getting back on topic, I don't see anything wrong with GT having hybrid and alternative-fuel cars. They are the future. But global warming and safe driving? :crazy: I play GT to get away from all that stuff!
I agree. I know it's kind of cliched to say this, but GT isn't just about racing. It's like an interactive encyclopedia of the whole auto industry. Sure, the main reason we play GT is to drive, but there are other things involved too. The amount of passion that PD has for cars, motorsports, and car culture is what sets this series apart from any other.

Getting back on topic, I don't see anything wrong with GT having hybrid and alternative-fuel cars. They are the future. But global warming and safe driving? :crazy: I play GT to get away from all that stuff!

It is an interactive encyclopedia and simulation so it should simulate what reality is. Green cars is the future and oil will be gone soon. We have to face that
gimme 8, 10,12, or more cylenders of exaust pumping iron, let some fool in a Prius leave dozens of pounds of contaminated lead from their batteries behind when their politics move on to some other feelgood issue of the day.

yogaflame if you care so much about the enviroment, TURN YOUR PC OFF. i'm sure the electricity is coming from burnin fossil fuels. and go live in a igloo. don't preach about what other people should do when your just being a hypocrite by participating in global warming
Getting back on topic, I don't see anything wrong with GT having hybrid and alternative-fuel cars. Maybe they are the future. But global warming and safe driving? :crazy: I play GT to get away from all that stuff!

👍 👍 👍 👍 👍