- 1,702
- balang_479
11 pages and basically everyone dissagrees.... this is so irrelevant to any videogame.
I think tetris ought to make us aware of falling blocks.
gimme 8, 10,12, or more cylenders of exaust pumping iron, let some fool in a Prius leave dozens of pounds of contaminated lead from their batteries behind when their politics move on to some other feelgood issue of the day.
I took a Prius around the Nordschleife today in GTPSP. I swear; I could see the trees swinging with approval.![]()
I took a Prius around the Nordschleife today in GTPSP. I swear; I could see the trees swinging with approval.![]()
I don't remember, I fell asleep.LOL Nice one .Were the trees looking realist ?
I think that actually may be faster around the Ring than that Prius I drove yesterday.Even more when you're bicycling.
As I have said before, there is no problem with including "green" cars. Tesla, Chevy Volt, etc can all be put in the game, as they exist and are just another car.It is an interactive encyclopedia and simulation so it should simulate what reality is. Green cars is the future and oil will be gone soon. We have to face that
It's a video game. Don't make PD do something hypocritical. Everyone! we need to drive hybrids because they're less emissions (but they forget to tell you about the emissions from getting the nickel from Sudbury, Canada, to Europe, to China, then to Japan)! And we're gonna teach you this well you play on you 50" TV, Surround Sound, with a power sucking steering wheel!
Please, this is horrible idea.
the climate has always changed. I'm in the north east United States. At one time this was a tropical zone, at another it was under 3 miles of ice. i'd say that was climate change, and we had nothing to do with it.
its not a climate issue, its a political one. And really dosnt belong in any game, or this website;
That's why its not called "Global Warming" anymore - because it's not as easy to sell if it isn't true. "Climate Change" is ambiguous enough that it will always be true.
Ah Henny Penny... how far we've come...
As I have said before, there is no problem with including "green" cars. Tesla, Chevy Volt, etc can all be put in the game, as they exist and are just another car.
What I don't get is what you are wanting the game to do to simulate the supposed "soon" that we will run out of oil. I mean, after so many in-game days pass can we only use the alternative fuel cars? Or maybe you have to pay for carbon credits? What? How many race cars out there are "green" cars? So far all you seem to do in response to people asking you this is attempt to deliver an Al Gore-like scary message, and barely even touching on how it should apply to the game itself.
You are saying that you want the game to have some kind of message, but why? How does that fit with Gran Turismo? How many other games attempt to offer some sort of message that has very little to do with the game itself.
And then you really need to follow up by asking this question: If the game attempts to simulate a world where oil will run out just around the corner and whatever scare tactics the media portrays, will people still want to play it?
I mean, think about it. No oil from now on so you must only use alternative fuel cars. "But I didn't buy any of them because they drive like crap or have horrible setups for proper pit strategies." Oh, game over then. Save the Earth.
Really, I am questioning your goal with this thread if you don't explain what you want the game to do specifically. So far all we are getting is rhetoric and I don't know if you are trying to be totally serial or just wanting to have a climate change rant. If so, we have a thread for that.
I hope GT game will make us aware of climate change and also driving safe. I agree with having more electric cars and I hope there are biogas, hydrogen cars in the future in GT and also some message for all gamers to support environmentaly friendly cars.
And also endorsing proper driving techniques and safety. Seeing some safety tips or message or a track course on how to drive safely. Or safe racing maneuvers should be given as tip and training mode. GT or any games are great mediums to spread ideas to everyone and to influence a lot of people. I hope GT will be like that
What I don't get is what you are wanting the game to do to simulate the supposed "soon" that we will run out of oil. I mean, after so many in-game days pass can we only use the alternative fuel cars? Or maybe you have to pay for carbon credits? What? How many race cars out there are "green" cars?
Not to mention that although oil will eventually run out, it will not happen in our lifetime.
Ummmm.... I'm not agreeing with this topic but they say oil will run out by 2050.