• Thread starter Sven4057
I like how this discussion has devolved.

Both sides are wrong and both are dug in.

You shouldnt be grinding for anything. However I'm opposed to a system where they just give you cars.

I do like a token effort of an economy.

I feel like since the most you can earn is 400,000 credits, there shouldnt be cars even at the $3.6 mil level let alone $15 mil. and $20 mil.

I mean I only grinded in GT5/6 via B-Spec.

I am opposed to mindlessly doing Blue Moon.

I would much rather they give you a "prestige car ticket" for doing milestones.

eg. I just passed a million drift points. I'm about to do the 180 day login. How about tickets for those?

For people who grind and do rubber band tricks, I'm happy people do this, life uh finds a way but I feel like I'm just a casual who does his 42km and that's it.

I think at last count there's almost 100 mil. credits of high end cars. That's an amazingly high bar given how low the prizes out in Sport and even taking into account Blue Moon.
Well, loaded up my game, hoping my cars would come back and my garage is still gone thanks to 1.24 and PD's corrupt server data. Nice to see them avoiding a fix for their data by glossing folks with content but no actual bug fixes. Amazing how this continues on.
Well, loaded up my game, hoping my cars would come back and my garage is still gone thanks to 1.24 and PD's corrupt server data. Nice to see them avoiding a fix for their data by glossing folks with content but no actual bug fixes. Amazing how this continues on.

This man speaks it ^^^ reddit/r/granturismo has a few cases of this regularly.

How a bug that disappears you garage is still here a year later...

and your USB Backup still may not be 100% insurance.
I see it as being no different than the Trophies that are unattainable for most. Only those who put in the hard work will get them all. It's the same for these cars. They are only meant to be for those who put in the work to get them. It gives some of us a reason to keep logging on and playing that would otherwise have nothing else to work towards. If I was giving every car in the game from the beginning I wouldn't be playing this game anymore because I would absolutely have no incentive to play as much as I do.

There is a sense of accomplishment when you put in the work to earn something and don't cheat or get it hand to you.

Yep,it definetly is controversial but i quite like it,it keeps players coming back,it gives players a objective to always drive towards in a multiplayer focused game and helps to maintain the rarity aspect of these cars.

If you keep playing GTSport you will eventually get these cars
All I simply said was even though its using the same time consuming means (Again with no better, effective method), the car can be obtained. I'm not a fan of the current method either as I missed stacking what I earned with the daily login bonus from GT6 and I too have PCARS2 (since you seem to bring that up a lot) but considering I can't paint them on there (Something I enjoy doing a lot on this game if my profile is anything to go by, sometimes more so then actually racing), I'm willing to do this grinding on GT Sport. Maybe you aren't willing to for various reasons, but all I'm saying is they aren't impossible to get if you're willing to do these methods (that or the rare occasion that RNGesus decides to actually give you one of those instead of yet another Tomahawk X).
The method is available, but only if I sacrifice basically every other reason I got the game (driving in online lobbies, online racing, creating custom liveries). Is it good for GT Sport if I spend my evening grinding blue moon instead of participating in sport mode races?

Perhaps to clarify why I bring up pcars. If GTS was the only place on console that I could find these old racecars, then I’d probably begrudgedly grind for them, because like you, I too really love driving the old stuff. However, instead of grinding in the game to get GT’s version of a Ferrari GTO, I can grind in real life for a fraction of the time, and get a more accurate representation of it in a different game. My point is that PD aren’t doing themselves any favoures with the grinding in GT, as they don’t exactly have a unique car list anymore, and they’re basically the only racing “sim” left that requires this style and degree of grinding to unlock what should be core elements of the game.

Your point about wanting the car in GTS so you can do liveries for it, I accept that stance, and it’s just where our personal preferences differ. As much as I like doing liveries, I enjoy other aspects (like driving and racing) more/enough that I’m not willing to sacrifice my game time to grind for a car in GTS just so I can paint it, when I could have an unpaintable version in a different game with no grind. While I accept that because of our different approach to the game you are willing to take on the grind, I would just ask, if you didn’t have to grind, couldn’t you find something “better” (more enjoyable) to do with your time in-game?

And also no, I don't do it because "Look how good I am at the game" (a strange assumption towards people who have them). I genuinely enjoy driving the old cars (Even the expensive ones), even more so a lot of times then the modern ones (just one look at the amount of miles I put on my Ferrari 250 GTO will tell you that) so knowing that the Shelby Cobra Daytona Coupe is now here, a huge favorite of mine from GT2 AND GT6 (That and because I abit of a Shelby fan in general), I'm willing to grind for that even if I'm not exactly thrilled that the price tag has gone up. Of course that's just me, the same person who managed to get the Peugeot 908 within a week of having GT5 because I loved the hell out of that car and was willing to grind like crazy for it (and that's before login bonuses were a thing), but I don't do just to show off.
Fair enough, if you grind for them just so you can access them, good on you. There are a lot of people who grind for them just so they can tick them off though, either because they’re completionists (nothing wrong with that at all), or so they can parade around in them in online lobbies.

So, think about this. We both love driving the old cars, but I’m not willing to grind for I guess we can’t have a race then, huh? Now, you could find someone else who has the GTO or the Daytona to have a head to head with, but I don’t think I need stats to assume that you’re looking at a relatively small pool of people to race with (small compared to overall game population).

We both know those old cars are fun to drive and a hoot to race, so if they weren’t behind a grind wall, don’t you think your chances of finding more people to drive/race them with would increase? I know we just had the GTOs at Brands in sport, but 1 make with everyone in the same livery isn’t exactly the greatest experience ever. What would be cool is getting a full grid, a mix of GTOs, Daytona’s, and then some of the faster cars like the GT40 Mk IV and the Jag and the Ferrari, have a “proper” multi class sports car race with all these beauties. Unfortunately because of the grinding, chances of finding enough people who can all meet at the same time to make this happen, is pretty low.

I honestly don't know. I do 3 blue Moon races a day for over a million credits then I just do all kinds of things from league's to custom races. So in about 15 days I have 20 million credits again.

Mostly don't use them but this new update gives me an event to get them out. I don't have anything else to spend my money on because I have every car but the highest price ones.

I enjoy it. I've been playing GT from the very beginning so after so many years it's just normal game play to me. It's not like I'm grinding until my fingers bleed or anything. Like I said 3 blue Moon races a day is all the true grinding I really do everything else is just normal game play.

It is strange that they are adding all the high priced cars in back to back to back updates and makes most feel it will be impossible to get them all. But once you have ev
So basically, grinding has become part of your regular GT routine. Nothing against that, you’re totally entitled to that approach, and it’s completely normal in a variety of games. As much as I’ve said I dislike grinding, it’s mostly because I have done extensive amounts of it across a wide variety of games, so whilst being pretty sick of it in general, I am aware of how it can be, let’s say relaxing or calming, hell, I’ve spend days just fishing in various mmos :lol: That said, I’m pretty tired of grinding in video games period, on top of really disliking the type of grinding required in GTS specifically.

Like I said above, in a game that’s suppose to be about driving and racing a variety of cars, locking some behind a grind wall does no favours to the game overall, especially when the competition doesn’t have the same archaic format.

I see it as being no different than the Trophies that are unattainable for most. Only those who put in the hard work will get them all. It's the same for these cars. They are only meant to be for those who put in the work to get them. It gives some of us a reason to keep logging on and playing that would otherwise have nothing else to work towards. If I was giving every car in the game from the beginning I wouldn't be playing this game anymore because I would absolutely have no incentive to play as much as I do.

There is a sense of accomplishment when you put in the work to earn something and don't cheat or get it hand to you.
I was kind of following you in your first response, but you’re losing me here.

First, cars are not trophies. Trophies are little things that sit on your mantle that show you’ve accomplished xyz. Cars, in the GT world, are why people by the game. Some people buy the game to collect cars (that they’ve already collected before in previous version of the same game), but most buy the game to drive the cars.

I have nothing against trophies, although I think trophies which can be obtained through grinding are worthless, but the cars in GT are not the equivalent of trophies in GT.

Second, using the term “putting in work” to describe cheesing the same race over and over again is pretty far fetched in my opinion. For reference, grinding isn’t considered cheating, but it is exploiting every game mechanic to its fullest potential to achieve the goal in the most efficient way possible. Technically, you aren’t supposed to grind to earn those credits, you’re supposed to earn those credits by competing career mode and sport mode, and arcade mode I supposed. Feeling a sense of accomplishment for grinding (more than likely a strat that someone else came up with as well) is, I don’t know how else to say it, weak.

Third, if the routine of grinding is the only thing that keeps you coming back to the game (and maybe it’s not, but you kind of said “if I had all the cars from the start, I’d have no reason to log on anymore,” implying grinding for these cars is what brings you back.), then maybe it’s time to check out another game?

I also find it kind of odd that it would be grinding for these expensive cars that keeps you coming back, as opposed to driving, tuning, racing, painting, etc, the cars that you do have. I’m not saying you don’t enjoy that stuff, maybe you do, I just think it’s strange that you’d say “it gives some of us a reason to log on and something to work towards”. From experience, if the routine of the grind is the only thing bringing you back to the game, do yourself a favour and check out another title, if only for a month or so. At the very least, you’ll come back to GT refreshed and excited to do more than just grind.
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The vintage cup race at La Sarthe is going to be a popular grinding race...less than 8 minutes, 160,000 credits, easy to win, easy clean race bonus (+80,000), and a lot more fun than Blue Moon Bay. Two clean races in 16 minutes pay more the 1hr GR. 3 endurance series
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Haha. My ping is lower and my pentagon is bigger and more even than yours.

One thing I'll mention about the "rare" cars, I do have thec choicev of purchasing with real money. It's the same as me buying just the Ford Falcon EA 351 GT in Forza. If I don't want the whole pack of 10 DLC for $9 and choose to spend $3 for one car, that's on me. In that game, as far as I remember, I can't get it any other way than to buy it.

At least, in GTS, there are 4 ways to obtain some DLC cars. Use real currency, in-game CR, Gifted and FIA contract.
Beat was NA, S660 is Turbo :dunce:

I‘m looking forward to try the Amuse, it‘s been one of my favourite cars in GT6 :dopey: I hope we‘ll also get the regular R1 Titan one day

Well, not really sure what your point is, as you surely didn’t get mine.

The Beat was also not a 4 cylinder so please understand the nature of what I said before trying to ridicule. I am fully aware the Beat has no turbo, but I doubt anyone wants the pathetic attempt of a sound it has rather than an actual 3 cylinder sound. This is PD I’m sure it’s not rocket science for them to use the same sound and muffle the turbo noise slightly.
One thing I'll mention about the "rare" cars, I do have thec choicev of purchasing with real money. It's the same as me buying just the Ford Falcon EA 351 GT in Forza. If I don't wanst the whole pack of 10 DLC for $9 and choose to spend $3 for one car, that's on me. In that game, as far as I remember, I can't get it any other way than to buy it.

In Forza it becomes a matter of how much real money you want to spend.

ie. in Forza 6 I felt like that title delivered so I bought the VIP and car pass and the two dlc. Sure it was expensive but that was my decision at the time.

In Forza 7, not so much, didnt bother with VIP or the car pass.

In GT5/6 and Sport their revenue stream is different so its not a direct comparison.

I remember lately that I was playing Forza 7 and I purchased the Miura for something like a milllion credits? I dont remember the cost but all along I though... this thing is $15 mil. in GTS so whatever it costs here, who cares.

I really think that if PD wanted to release a $20 mil. prestige car pack for how many real world dollars people would go for it. They would cop crap but I see my time as more valuable than grinding Blue Moon.
In Forza it becomes a matter of how much real money you want to spend.

ie. in Forza 6 I felt like that title delivered so I bought the VIP and car pass and the two dlc. Sure it was expensive but that was my decision at the time.

In Forza 7, not so much, didnt bother with VIP or the car pass.

In GT5/6 and Sport their revenue stream is different so its not a direct comparison.

I remember lately that I was playing Forza 7 and I purchased the Miura for something like a milllion credits? I dont remember the cost but all along I though... this thing is $15 mil. in GTS so whatever it costs here, who cares.

I really think that if PD wanted to release a $20 mil. prestige car pack for how many real world dollars people would go for it. They would cop crap but I see my time as more valuable than grinding Blue Moon.
I’d 100% support micro transactions for these expensive cars. I spent 8.5 hours “grinding” today, surely I should be able to purchase the cars I desire with my hard earned credits.

I’d even support locking these cars behind a paywall exclusively. Generates money for PD, retains their “rareness” (:lol: at the idea of “rare pixels”), and rewards those players who have really put in lots of hard work (or got lucky). It’s really the perfect solution.

PD, exchange the grind wall for a pay wall, and take my money!!!

How many of the “grinding has always been the way of life” supporters out there would support locking these expensive cars behind a paywall? Not many, I assume (but they have zero qualms about locking these cars behind a time sink wall, the hypocrites).
The grind has always been there in GT games, in GTS you dont need the grindy cars to play sport mode but the option is there for those that want a rare car and they keep it rare by making it a grind to get.

People play for different reasons and just because you buy the game doesnt mean the game has to give you access to everything. Most games you find will hace some obstacle in the way of the 'endgame' in GT its the expensive rare cars that you have to grind for.

I have earned 58mil and only bought the GTO as that was the only time I had 20mil banked. I havent played much of the carreer type bit but I have done the license part and the circuit experience, havent done much of the challenges and played a ton of sports mode.
I feel like even in GT5/6 I grinded a hell of a lot but only on B-Spec. But in GT5 it was so fun the team management process. I remember my B-Spec Bobs.

If you want to go back into prehistory, I remember when Forza 4 had a car pack which you paid money for and then you still had to pay game credits to buy them.

So for the Porsche pack, people sold their current fleet cars to buy the DLC pack... that they paid real world money for.

Turn10 learned their lesson there and this didnt come back.

To give you some perspective on GT Sport, I've done all the driving tests at gold, did 97% of the mission challenges also gold and 97% of the circuit challenges also gold and about 120 trophies in Leagues, however I only did them once only.

I think I've done all the arcade races at professional and a million drift points.

This all in total wouldnt be $20 mil. I think.

So a full career of sorts isnt enough to buy one car.

Granted my fleet in totail has costed me $12 mil. as I bought all the Group C cars etc.
It's a bit disappointing the new track is Red Bull Ring rather than something more universally enjoyable like Spa or Silverstone, but this does give me hope that both those tracks are almost certainly being worked on. I honestly didn't even remember the Red Bull Ring being in GT6, that's how forgettable it is imo, but it is another track to add to the roster to keep online interesting, and now surely we'll probably have both Spa and Silverstone by year's end.
A1 ring was cycled all the times in seasonals. It was a DLC track there too I think which is why it didnt make itself known in the main game.

I personally dont like it but its actually quite driveable in GTS. It didnt drive well in GT6 for some reason.
The vintage cup race at La Sarthe is going to be a popular grinding race...less than 8 minutes, 160,000 credits, easy to win, easy clean race bonus (+80,000), and a lot more fun than Blue Moon Bay. Two clean races in 16 minutes pay more the 1hr GR. 3 endurance series

I have four P4’s and two XJ13’s. All won from events and daily mileage.

I wouldn’t pay 20m credits for any of them. As a result I always have over 15m credits despite buying everything else of interest.
I've been saving (not a grinder) for the Miura since it came out as I love that car so much. Now the Shelby's out, the Miura has been bumped down the list as I love the Shelby even more... 1st world problems huh?

Here's an idea. I've got about sixty Miura's gathering pixelated dust in my GT6 stockyard so can I part exchange them? Sixty GT6 Miura's for one PS4 Miura? I've got a few 250 GTO's, XJ13's and P330's I'd be happy to swap for one single solitary Daytona too. I'll even throw in my current 9-10 million credits as a sweetener.👍👍

Where's the quick match credits when you need them.:banghead:
So the 787B has a better idle sound, but how is the drive-by sound? Previously it was a far cry from the chorus of banshees of the real car, has this been improved?
I like how this discussion has devolved.

Both sides are wrong and both are dug in.

You shouldnt be grinding for anything. However I'm opposed to a system where they just give you cars.

I do like a token effort of an economy.

I feel like since the most you can earn is 400,000 credits, there shouldnt be cars even at the $3.6 mil level let alone $15 mil. and $20 mil.

I mean I only grinded in GT5/6 via B-Spec.

I am opposed to mindlessly doing Blue Moon.

I would much rather they give you a "prestige car ticket" for doing milestones.

eg. I just passed a million drift points. I'm about to do the 180 day login. How about tickets for those?

For people who grind and do rubber band tricks, I'm happy people do this, life uh finds a way but I feel like I'm just a casual who does his 42km and that's it.

I think at last count there's almost 100 mil. credits of high end cars. That's an amazingly high bar given how low the prizes out in Sport and even taking into account Blue Moon.

I have all the cars Now Except for 4 of them.
Combined they add up to 70 Million Credits.
I will not grind away to earn the credit to buy them...

This is Utterly ridiculous - 70 Million.. You Bank can only Have a MAX of 20 million..
and you can earn about 400K in 12 to 15 minutes..
that would be 175 events at 400k a pop.
15 minutes each, that's 2,625 minutes or 43.75 hours of Grinding..

Sorry, but most of us Have Real Lives.
No Game should require such waste of a person time..

Sell 20 Million Credits for $20 in the store...
You already Offer all the Cars, under 2 million for sale...
Why not Sell the credits too?
KAZ, Your Word has already been Broken.

1 Million credits for $2.99
5 Million for $6.99
10 Million for $12.99
20 Million for $19.99

and your USB Backup still may not be 100% insurance.

Your USB backup is the Same that is on PS+, But PDI has a Completly Different one on Their own Servers.

I lost all my Cars in my 2nd account. But I have a backup on USB
Unplug the Internet and go Off Line,
Copy from USB my GTS progress file.
Start GTS off line..
All my Cars and Progress are there.. Everything is back..

Quit GTS
Plug in the Internet.
Copy My GTS progress to PS +

So now my Local Progress file, and PS + are both the Same...

Start GTS and Go On-Line.
( a Progress file from PDI is somehow Loaded that over rides my Local Progress file. )

Garage is Empty except for cars I won...
Everything is Gone...

Quit GTS

Un plug Internet.

Start GTS
All My Stuff is Back. It's now using the Local Progress File again.

So this tells me, that the Error is on PDI's Servers..
Not my Progress file, and Not the File saved to PS +
But a Different Progress file on the PDI Servers that is only active when you are On-Line, and Connected to the PDI servers.
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Rumble motors work on the pedals if you turn abs from auto to a number like 100 within a profile on the wheel settings.
No, they don't. At least with cronusmax. Also Fanatec native mode is not working, have to play with logitech emulation.
Does anyone have any idea why Mini got 970 cc engine?
As far as I understand (and according to Wiki and some other sources), Cooper produced two special "S" models specifically for circuit racing, rated at 970 cc (1.0 L; 59.2 cu in) and a 1,275 cc (1.3 L; 77.8 cu in), both of which were also offered to the public. The smaller engine model was not well received and only 961 were built with 970 cc engines until the model was discontinued in April 1965.
So why PD chose the smaller engine? Any Mini enthusiasts here? Maybe I'm just misinformed and 970 cc engine was better for some reasons - let me know, please.
Don't get me wrong, I love the fact we got Mini at all and I enjoy driving it. But PD's choice of lesser version just triggers my OCD a little bit.
Maybe I'll get lucky after this update and manage to pull a car, that is not a Jaguar F-Type Gr.3.

"I have a dream, that one day, my garage is getting a car above the price of 1 Million".

It will most likely end up like this:

*4 magic silhouettes appear*

Jaguar XJ13
Ferrari 330 P4
Ford GT40 Mark IV
Volkswagen Golf GTI

*wild choosing of cars intensifies*

*the game chooses...*

The Golf!
I had a GT40 and a Miura in the pot yesterday. Of course none of them was chosen.

I had a P4 in the pot once. After a while I had already seen that the P4 will be selected. And what happens? The selection that always goes round jumps across when it's time to select the P4.

You know what, PD? Take the multi million cars and stick 'em up your ... whatever...
Does anyone have any idea why Mini got 970 cc engine?
As far as I understand (and according to Wiki and some other sources), Cooper produced two special "S" models specifically for circuit racing, rated at 970 cc (1.0 L; 59.2 cu in) and a 1,275 cc (1.3 L; 77.8 cu in), both of which were also offered to the public. The smaller engine model was not well received and only 961 were built with 970 cc engines until the model was discontinued in April 1965.
So why PD chose the smaller engine? Any Mini enthusiasts here? Maybe I'm just misinformed and 970 cc engine was better for some reasons - let me know, please.
Don't get me wrong, I love the fact we got Mini at all and I enjoy driving it. But PD's choice of lesser version just triggers my OCD a little bit.
It seems to be the rarer model and won some significant races. But it also depends what car PD got their hands on. I doubt there are many original cars left in standard spec.
I've been saving (not a grinder) for the Miura since it came out as I love that car so much. Now the Shelby's out, the Miura has been bumped down the list as I love the Shelby even more... 1st world problems huh?

Here's an idea. I've got about sixty Miura's gathering pixelated dust in my GT6 stockyard so can I part exchange them? Sixty GT6 Miura's for one PS4 Miura? I've got a few 250 GTO's, XJ13's and P330's I'd be happy to swap for one single solitary Daytona too. I'll even throw in my current 9-10 million credits as a sweetener.👍👍

Where's the quick match credits when you need them.:banghead:
If this is the only GT for this console, it's a shame we can't transfer credits and cars like in PS2 & PS3 games.
I'm sure a code can be written to allow such transfers from accounts.

Really weird(not) for PD to "sell" $2million Cr and then gift a bunch of cars in Campaign Mode.
Just as a comparison as I wanted to see for myself...

Gran Turismo 6's in-game currency, called credits, are available in four different-sized packs with the following pricing:
  • 500,000 credits for £3.99/€4.99 (approximately $6.76 USD)
  • 1 million credits for £7.99/€9.99 ($13.54 USD)
  • 2.5 million credits for £15.99/€19.99 ($27.10 USD)
  • 7 Million credits for £39.99/€49.99 ($67.77 USD)
This isnt really suitable for today's market is it?

Saying that arent GT3 cars like $3 usd each? For a $450,000 credit car.
Just as a comparison as I wanted to see for myself...

Gran Turismo 6's in-game currency, called credits, are available in four different-sized packs with the following pricing:
  • 500,000 credits for £3.99/€4.99 (approximately $6.76 USD)
  • 1 million credits for £7.99/€9.99 ($13.54 USD)
  • 2.5 million credits for £15.99/€19.99 ($27.10 USD)
  • 7 Million credits for £39.99/€49.99 ($67.77 USD)
This isnt really suitable for today's market is it?

Saying that arent GT3 cars like $3 usd each? For a $450,000 credit car.
If I want to pay real money for a Mini, I think it's $1.45 or $2.45 AUD. That's Hot Wheels money here.