GT Sport - Trailers, Videos and Screenshots

  • Thread starter sk8er913
Put it this way though. These are new cars. Not as in new to the franchise, but new enough to make the game more modern and up to date than before. I sense progress here :)

Progress indeed.

However has PD heeded our suggestions sub-forum and the general publics' suggestions in terms of cars and tracks? Guess we'll have to wait and see.
Oke Trailer is defintley in game look at the white line

It looks brilliant if that's in game. No doubt it will run at 1080p and 60fps :cheers:
Progress indeed.

However has PD heeded our suggestions sub-forum and the general publics' suggestions in terms of cars and tracks? Guess we'll have to wait and see.
I should think so. The new MX-5 and the AMG GT S are highly requested. Plus, people have been going on and on about adding more GT3 cars. I think the added employees is starting to pay off :D
Too bad those wonderful 60 frames will drop during rainy conditions sadly...
You are so negative, go away and play other games if you hate GT. Did you come from future to know that fps will be bad? For me few fps down is not big problem until its abrove 30...
Oke Trailer is defintley in game look at the white line


Definitely in game assets, but it doesn't mean that they didn't render on some super-computer so that they could run full photomode level models and lighting.

It's the first trailer, so they almost certainly did everything they could to make sure it would look spectacular. Representative graphics are not high on their list at this point.

It's not like it matters, we all know the game is going to look good.
As I have been saying for the past months, Driveclub cars are coming to GT since sony has the rights to those cars, so expect all those nice looking Driveclub cars in GT Sport.
I just opened DRIVECLUB to compare AMG GTS from trailer, and I can say that the models look different (radiator grid, space between panels, modeled bumper sensors on GT car). It would be great if they share content, but as I can see PoDi is still only use they own content, created inside their studio.
Based on the wording around this Sport title, it seems like it will be very similar to the GT Academy, on a larger scale. I'm expecting this to either be separate from, or part of the next 'proper' GT title, being GT7. If not, then it's all a little confusing at this point... Either way, I'll be keeping a close eye on the PSX for more details.
Definitely in game assets, but it doesn't mean that they didn't render on some super-computer so that they could run full photomode level models and lighting.

It's the first trailer, so they almost certainly did everything they could to make sure it would look spectacular. Representative graphics are not high on their list at this point.

It's not like it matters, we all know the game is going to look good.

but if it was pre-rendered they would've added AA and removed the flickering shadows, I've seen Pre-rendered videos from PD before and they look perfect.
The hype train should really start when full info comes out for GT Sport. This trailer looks good,but all I can say really.

Edit: Also love how it shows a montage of motorsport history. Something GT2 sort of did in its intro.
Evidence? ;)'ve already played the game, I take it?

Well then, give us all the details!
Didn't say I played the game, nor have any evidence of playing it to share because I experiance it many times in the past. Usually during weather conditions, don't the frames drop depending on how heavy and how many cars are on track (especially on consoles)?

I'm not saying PD can't pull it off, but it's just based on my experiance with games that have 60fps with dymatic day/night cycle and weather. Which also led me to believe why T10 never added it yet.

Plus when there are more than 3 cars in the same area...
Excatly. That's how it usually occurs.

You are so negative, go away and play other games if you hate GT. Did you come from future to know that fps will be bad? For me few fps down is not big problem until its abrove 30...
Again, I have no rock solid evidence on this, instead it's experiance. Also if you don't like post, ignore them because it's annoying having to read replies like yours everytime one comes... :rolleyes:
^ LOL at Toko trying his hardest...
LOL at you for thinking I'm even trying... :sly:

Look guys, I'm not trying to start argument or anything but seriously?...
Didn't say I played the game, nor have any evidence of playing it to share because I experiance it many times in the past. Usually during weather conditions, don't the frames drop depending on how heavy and how many cars are on track (especially on consoles)?

I'm not saying PD can't pull it off, but it's just based on my experiance with games that have 60fps with dymatic day/night cycle and weather.

Excatly. That's how it usually occurs.

Again, I have no rock solid evidence on this, instead it's experiance. Also if you don't like post, ignore them because it's annoying having to read replies like yours everytime one comes... :rolleyes:

LOL at you for thinking I'm even trying... :sly:

Look guys, I'm not trying to start argument or anything but seriously?...
You should have known this will happen...
Didn't say I played the game, nor have any evidence of playing it to share because I experiance it many times in the past. Usually during weather conditions, don't the frames drop depending on how heavy and how many cars are on track (especially on consoles)?

I'm not saying PD can't pull it off, but it's just based on my experiance with games that have 60fps with dymatic day/night cycle and weather. Which also led me to believe why T10 never added it yet.

Excatly. That's how it usually occurs.

Again, I have no rock solid evidence on this, instead it's experiance. Also if you don't like post, ignore them because it's annoying having to read replies like yours everytime one comes... :rolleyes:

LOL at you for thinking I'm even trying... :sly:

Look guys, I'm not trying to start argument or anything but seriously?...
It's a new console with new hardware. The only way is up. I'm pretty confident it can be well optimized myself, but lets wait and see.
Didn't say I played the game, nor have any evidence of playing it to share because I experiance it many times in the past.

To be clear; you have precisely zero experience with GT Sport, past or otherwise.

While it's entirely possible PD would end up over-taxing the PS4 just as they did the PS3, and frame rates fluctuate as a result, that's an unknown at this point. Stating something as if it's common knowledge, when it's a guess, is what people are taking issue with.
I simply can't believe TokoTurismo. Dude's got a freakin' time machine and what does he use it for? Not visiting the past, appreciating bygone cultures and seeing history come to life before his very eyes. Not going to the future to gain foreknowledge on potential catastrophical disasters and help the entire human race. Not even going to Nazi Germany in the 1930s and killing Hitler, saving millions of innocent lives. No, the only use he has for a time machine is going back to the recent past and complaining about future racing games on internet forums before they were released.

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