GT Sport vs Other Games: Comparison Video Thread

  • Thread starter GTPNewsWire
Sweet zombie Jesus...

News flash: every game uses different LOD models. Anybody cherry-picking examples of this — which are readily available in GT Sport, FM6/7, and any other title you care to mention — and attempting to present them as the norm in the respective titles is completely missing the point. You are not being clever; it isn't some "a-ha!" moment.

The attitudes in this thread are embarrassing — I genuinely hope nobody from outside the community stumbles across it. A fair few members really need to remove the rose-tinted glasses, from all camps. This isn't a suggestion: either the combative, flame-baity posts stop, or infractions are given.

Collectively laughing at the idea of a model composed of multiple hundreds of thousands of polygons being referred to as "low poly."

Sorry Administrator.
It seems that it was getting a little hot. I will be careful after that.
:lol: This thread is out of control.

I wouldn't say out of control,well exceptions here and there,it's more to do with the fact that forza 7 being awarded best racing game of e3,it goes to say that priorities or vision of gt as a whole how kaz sees it or rather pd has been caught up with and overtaken by the competition with forza 7 now dominating in terms of Visuals,content,i mean 700 cars fully detailed,how many does gt sport have for being 4 years in the making with i still say it to this day an upscaled engine from gt 6 applied to gt sport???
dynamic weather and time maybe not on all tracks but it allready outclasses gt sport which i expected to have that,especially on a ps4 pro,we'll have to wait for eurogamer or digital foundry for the comparison of forza 7 on xbox one and the x version,if that has dynamic weather and time of day cycle on normal xbox one then it cannot be anything else then pd fiddling around with basically ps3 code on ps4 for gt sport,otherwise if they built it on new tech imo they wouldn't have had those problems,i'd be ashamed as staff member on pd's team being outclassed by the competition knowing gt was the market leader for over a decade,the mighty truly has fallen and i say this as someone who played the beta on his own ps4 pro and 4k tv and my reaction was underwhelming,when i saw forza in 4k through YouTube from the e3 i was blown away and i don't even have an xbox to see it upclose but the footage alone allready impressed me,so much that i went ahead and bought forza 6 and horizon 3 in advance so that when the xbox 1 x comes along with forza 7 i'm sorted on my racing needs that gt can no longer provide nor deliver,and i'm not looking back,i might get gt,but not as a full priced title,to me it just isn't worth it imo!!
ps as far as i can say this comment isn't harsh nor insulting,just the plain truth as i see and experience it,beta taken in mind as well from gt sport imo
I wouldn't say out of control,well exceptions here and there,it's more to do with the fact that forza 7 being awarded best racing game of e3,it goes to say that priorities or vision of gt as a whole how kaz sees it or rather pd has been caught up with and overtaken by the competition with forza 7 now dominating in terms of Visuals,content,i mean 700 cars fully detailed,how many does gt sport have for being 4 years in the making with i still say it to this day an upscaled engine from gt 6 applied to gt sport???
dynamic weather and time maybe not on all tracks but it allready outclasses gt sport which i expected to have that,especially on a ps4 pro,we'll have to wait for eurogamer or digital foundry for the comparison of forza 7 on xbox one and the x version,if that has dynamic weather and time of day cycle on normal xbox one then it cannot be anything else then pd fiddling around with basically ps3 code on ps4 for gt sport,otherwise if they built it on new tech imo they wouldn't have had those problems,i'd be ashamed as staff member on pd's team being outclassed by the competition knowing gt was the market leader for over a decade,the mighty truly has fallen and i say this as someone who played the beta on his own ps4 pro and 4k tv and my reaction was underwhelming,when i saw forza in 4k through YouTube from the e3 i was blown away and i don't even have an xbox to see it upclose but the footage alone allready impressed me,so much that i went ahead and bought forza 6 and horizon 3 in advance so that when the xbox 1 x comes along with forza 7 i'm sorted on my racing needs that gt can no longer provide nor deliver,and i'm not looking back,i might get gt,but not as a full priced title,to me it just isn't worth it imo!!
ps as far as i can say this comment isn't harsh nor insulting,just the plain truth as i see and experience it,beta taken in mind as well from gt sport imo
Oh, I agree that the golden age of GT is over. I hope GTSport will be the long-awaited come back of the Gran Turismo franchise. From a factual point of view, Forza is now the reference for car games. Thanks to the looooong development time of GT, I've played FM5, FH2, FM6 and FH3 (a lot of money in Turn 10 pockets^^) What a refreshing experience! No standard cars, no standard tracks, no awfully stiff camera views, no ridiculous collisions... Only polished assets and I have so much fun with Forza 6 and FH3.
Though, there is something missing IMO. Forza is the best product today but GT has that intangible thing for me. So even if I acknowledge that Forza is the reference, I will buy also GTSport regardless of critics, awards....
I wouldn't say out of control,well exceptions here and there,it's more to do with the fact that forza 7 being awarded best racing game of e3,it goes to say that priorities or vision of gt as a whole how kaz sees it or rather pd has been caught up with and overtaken by the competition with forza 7 now dominating in terms of Visuals,content,i mean 700 cars fully detailed,how many does gt sport have for being 4 years in the making with i still say it to this day an upscaled engine from gt 6 applied to gt sport???
dynamic weather and time maybe not on all tracks but it allready outclasses gt sport which i expected to have that,especially on a ps4 pro,we'll have to wait for eurogamer or digital foundry for the comparison of forza 7 on xbox one and the x version,if that has dynamic weather and time of day cycle on normal xbox one then it cannot be anything else then pd fiddling around with basically ps3 code on ps4 for gt sport,otherwise if they built it on new tech imo they wouldn't have had those problems,i'd be ashamed as staff member on pd's team being outclassed by the competition knowing gt was the market leader for over a decade,the mighty truly has fallen and i say this as someone who played the beta on his own ps4 pro and 4k tv and my reaction was underwhelming,when i saw forza in 4k through YouTube from the e3 i was blown away and i don't even have an xbox to see it upclose but the footage alone allready impressed me,so much that i went ahead and bought forza 6 and horizon 3 in advance so that when the xbox 1 x comes along with forza 7 i'm sorted on my racing needs that gt can no longer provide nor deliver,and i'm not looking back,i might get gt,but not as a full priced title,to me it just isn't worth it imo!!
ps as far as i can say this comment isn't harsh nor insulting,just the plain truth as i see and experience it,beta taken in mind as well from gt sport imo
How do you expect people to be able to read that? One capital letter and not a single full stop.
I read it just fine and even though i will never get a xbox, i have moved on to ac ac and pcars . I will get gtsport when its onsale to visit some buds because i know they will buy it
I read it just fine and even though i will never get a xbox, i have moved on to ac ac and pcars . I will get gtsport when its onsale to visit some buds because i know they will buy it

  • You will not use “textspeak” (“r”, “u”, “plz”, etc.) in your messages. Decent grammar is expected at all times, including proper usage of capital letters.

You signed up to it as well.
What's wrong with paragraph? I'm in Canada, we speak English here. And I do not see mod by your name in this section so it is none of your concern :)
That's a surprising comment, given that the staff have spoken to you about this four times and you've ignored us as well.

The red corrections above are literally the bare minimum standard we expect from our Anglophonic members.

There won't be a fifth.
That's a surprising comment, given that the staff have spoken to you about this four times and you've ignored us as well.

The red corrections above are literally the bare minimum standard we expect from our Anglophonic members.

There won't be a fifth.
im canadian not french . i really dont care what you think
The whole idea of comparing games on different platforms is laughable. Like a bunch of schoolkids arguing whose fidget spinner is faster. :lol:

This thread makes me laugh every time I step into it. Seriously. :lol:

Come Autumn/Fall, when we get the full releases of these games, we'll be able to compare everything, like for like - the quality of this thread should skyrocket!:D
The quality of the thread will skyrocket during autumn/fall when all these games release, much like GT Sport during the optimization phase:P.

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IMO is better to do comparison with gameplay video, because you can see how the car moves and react to the surface if there is any bump or apex, how the environment rendered and spotting is there any attention to small details like spectators or trackside object. Obviously should be done in a same time and weather conditions. We could also compare how the gameplay looks like with various weather conditions, did it look great, fine, or instead makes the framerate unstable. Besides graphics, with video we can also compare sounds, which in this case a better way to do comparison between both games.

An image or gameplay screenshot comparison is fine I guess, as long it is still representative of gameplay vs gameplay with same lighting, time and weather conditions. (Gameplay vs real life also nice, so we can see how accurate the game to replicate realistic aspect). Replay is fine too, so we can compare how the camera angle works and how camera focus to the moving cars. Did it felt realistic like watching live broadcast or towards cinematic style.

Photomode is a bit irrelevant in this case imo because it is basically trying to do "beautification" of in-game graphics. Well you know stuff like adding more polygons, blur effect, lighting adjustment etc. Unless you want to compare photomode vs photomode that would be another story.
That was my point with the PC2 & GTS videos at Bathurst. I used similar cars for the virtual and real videos. Used similar time of day and conditions.
The PC2 video has some wet weather, but dries out. So, we can see a bit how the cars react on track.

PC2 will have a photomode, but not as in depth as GTS. Some players are prizing that feature as a reason to buy GTS. I'd say it's valid. Same as, some warrant changeable weather & Time Of Day, to aid in their decision.
not sure if this was posted already but here goes:

btw, what's wrong with the car in Forza? revs go up and down like crazy, wipers shake like they're broken, as well as the mirror? all in all, forza looks more CGI, GT looks more real, sounds are so over-exaggerated in forza imo
not sure if this was posted already but here goes:

btw, what's wrong with the car in Forza? revs go up and down like crazy, wipers shake like they're broken, as well as the mirror? all in all, forza looks more CGI, GT looks more real, sounds are so over-exaggerated in forza imo

For a sounds more like the windows are open. GT is true to life with windows closed. In the same breath, GT has put me to sleep at times, due to how quiet the cars are.

I'd say Forza is more engaging and GT too smooth. From that comparison.
GT still looks too smooth. There is no motion to the driver's view. In Forza, it's more dynamic. GT doesn't capture the driver's movement in the seat like below and in the comparison video. It's too smooth.

I've been saying this since GT5 Prologue: it's too static. Yeah PD have tried to fix things adding more vibrations inside the cockpit in GT6...but now it looks like they're back to their GT5 model, only with new and pronounced lateral movements of the camera, from a driver's point of view. They got rid of those mini vibrations. Could have been a good mix.
But let's be honest, in Forza both motion from the driver's view and sounds are exaggerated. Especially the sounds. I know Turn 10 want to please and attract the young and casual audience with their super duper mean roar sounding cars but...come on...tone them down. You don't have your ears attached to the exhausts, do you? All the virtual pilots in the game have their helmets on and windows are closed, so T10 are not coherent with what they're trying to represent (real racing).

Another complaint about GTS cockpit: why in any car the thumbs of the driver are touching the front of the wheel? It wasn't like that in GT6, virtual hands had a solid grip.
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That was my point with the PC2 & GTS videos at Bathurst. I used similar cars for the virtual and real videos. Used similar time of day and conditions.
The PC2 video has some wet weather, but dries out. So, we can see a bit how the cars react on track.

PC2 will have a photomode, but not as in depth as GTS. Some players are prizing that feature as a reason to buy GTS. I'd say it's valid. Same as, some warrant changeable weather & Time Of Day, to aid in their decision.

You already done the right thing, don't have any problem with your video. It is nice comparison and good example btw.

It is just something that bothers me when some people try to give comparison without thinking the relevant aspect to what is going to discussed, instead just posting random screenshot and rather do useless arguments which game is far more superior to their belief.

My advice to those kind of people is that we should act neutral, simply just to observe and analyze the advantage or disadvantage between both games. Being critical is fine, as long it is still make sense and on point, rather than turned up into mocking and bashing with each other.
For a sounds more like the windows are open. GT is true to life with windows closed. In the same breath, GT has put me to sleep at times, due to how quiet the cars are.

I'd say Forza is more engaging and GT too smooth. From that comparison.
Indeed. Forza's sounds are a little over the top, perhaps mimicking an aftermarket exhaust but they are quite a bit more engaging. It also seems to react more to the physics. The Nurb is quite bumpy and Forza represents that well from what I've seen before whereas in GT it looks like the track was just repaved and they are out for a Sunday drive. There's no sense that you are trying to tame a wild beast on the most iconic racetrack in the world.
The quality of the thread will skyrocket during autumn/fall when all these games release, much like GT Sport during the optimization phase:P.

That's the worst model from a development point of view, even more when it's Kaz :lol: I understand now all the delays.
not sure if this was posted already but here goes:

btw, what's wrong with the car in Forza? revs go up and down like crazy, wipers shake like they're broken, as well as the mirror? all in all, forza looks more CGI, GT looks more real, sounds are so over-exaggerated in forza imo

Both game look absolutely beautiful. But I am a little disappointed with the way FM7 looks. It looks just a little better than Forza Horizon 3. I guess I expected it to look leaps and bounds better, but it looks just a little better, unless that's YouTube's compression messing everything up again. Overall though, GT Sport does look more realistic and less exaggerated. As for the upshifts and downshifts, Forza sounds better, but they have never bothered me in GT at all so, yeah.
Both game look absolutely beautiful. But I am a little disappointed with the way FM7 looks. It looks just a little better than Forza Horizon 3. I guess I expected it to look leaps and bounds better, but it looks just a little better, unless that's YouTube's compression messing everything up again. Overall though, GT Sport does look more realistic and less exaggerated. As for the upshifts and downshifts, Forza sounds better, but they have never bothered me in GT at all so, yeah.
I think the fact that it looks better than FH3 in the first place is testament to what has changed within this iteration. You gotta remember that FH3 was able to achieve what it did because it was at half the FPS. Forza has been on this gen for a good handful of games already, so we wouldn't have seen to much of a jump with graphics as it is, where as GT is coming from a completely different generation of consoles giving it that feel of being more "new."

I wonder when we'll get more gameplay videos of Forza at different tracks.
Both game look absolutely beautiful. But I am a little disappointed with the way FM7 looks. It looks just a little better than Forza Horizon 3. I guess I expected it to look leaps and bounds better, but it looks just a little better, unless that's YouTube's compression messing everything up again. Overall though, GT Sport does look more realistic and less exaggerated. As for the upshifts and downshifts, Forza sounds better, but they have never bothered me in GT at all so, yeah.

As long as Motorsport series runs in 1080p @ 60fps on Xbox One we won't see huge jump in graphics, especially when Horizon 3 was only 30 fps. With Motorsport they have to get 2x the framrate with same hardware.

@ImaRobot Was faster. :cheers:
As long as Motorsport series runs in 1080p @ 60fps on Xbox One we won't see huge jump in graphics, especially when Horizon 3 was only 30 fps. With Motorsport they have to get 2x the framrate with same hardware.

@ImaRobot Was faster. :cheers:
Now I'm wondering how it'll run on the original XBOX ONE, seeing as it looks better than FH3. I can see it running at 60fps on the ONE X, but I don't know it will perform on the ONE.

I'm also waiting for those Forza/XBOX fanboys to start trashing GT and say how awful it looks. Even though the ONE X is more powerful than the PS4 Pro by a long shot.
Now I'm wondering how it'll run on the original XBOX ONE, seeing as it looks better than FH3. I can see it running at 60fps on the ONE X, but I don't know it will perform on the ONE.

We were assured at E3 that all platforms will run at 60fps. It's been a hard target for all FM games this generation — and, as it seems, pretty much unique within the genre.

I'm also waiting for those Forza/XBOX fanboys to start trashing GT and say how awful it looks. Even though the ONE X is more powerful than the PS4 Pro by a long shot.

The One X being more powerful than the PS4 Pro doesn't matter. If you're going to dismiss any comparisons based on that, then you'd have to do the same for any comparisons between the base PS4 and XB1, since the PS4 is more powerful. In fact, you'd need to dismiss any comparisons that weren't made on identical systems.
Now I'm wondering how it'll run on the original XBOX ONE, seeing as it looks better than FH3. I can see it running at 60fps on the ONE X, but I don't know it will perform on the ONE.

I'm also waiting for those Forza/XBOX fanboys to start trashing GT and say how awful it looks. Even though the ONE X is more powerful than the PS4 Pro by a long shot.
This is something I'm also wondering. I know they care about locked 60fps first and foremost, and if we go off that current philosophy we would hope that they haven't strayed from that. I don't see them doing that, however.

Anyone who truly says one game looks awful in comparison to the other are only trying to fool themselves. They're both outright visually stimulating.