GT4 BMW Series 1 Virtual Drive is OUT!!!

  • Thread starter amar212
Mine stops too at different transferred sizes :(
Can somebody who has the whole file allready share it with eMule/eDonkey and post an ed2k link here? :bowdown:
ahhhhh........Jeeez.....It says it can't play the file...Ive updated everything and download the divx stuff...........why could it have been encoded in an easy format like avi or wmv or somthin!!!

How do I make it work.......!!
how big is the actual file...the one ive now got.....but can't open is that rite......I'm starting to think that its incomplete???
Screw that itS stopped again, could somebody re-encode it with Dr Divx or tmpgenc to get the size down, maybe even Torrent it?
yeah, just Torrent It Now!

i've lost count how many times it has cut me off now
BitTorrent, just a way of releasing files in a sort of P2P system.

I got cut at 223MB myself, it's just not gonna happen with the server going down like a Vietnamese prostitute.

Anyone who already has the file got a real mirror? It seems Jordan just can't host things. Some people.
Tried downloading it last night, but was cut off @ 225mb. Trying again today, got 61mb so far, at one point managed to get Getright to download it, but it said server doesn't support resuming so Getright was useless...
I'm very sorry that many of you have the serious problems with download.

I'll do my best to make the file smaller, still maintaing the quality, primarely of the sound. It is an 466MB QuicTime .mov format video. You can expect it tommorow. Maybe I'll succed to make the NY and Capri videos too.

I know it is large, but it have to be since the original resolution of the video is 728x576. It has been compressed, and it is the main reason for lack of details on the track asphalt.

Video can be played perfectly using the QuickTime 6 software, avaliable free at (download at QuickTime section), both for Mac and Windows.

Hope that Jordan can make something with the establishing the adequate connection.
As long as I can see the vid......I don't really mind if its super super quality.....

just got kicked of at 200 MB.........this is really really annoying!!! :grumpy:
Thanks for your work Amar! Keep it up!

Some Questions:
Is the BMW in the video diesel?
Did you record the driving part of the video with the bumper cam? (Gives more speed feeling/sound/etc)

I'm not an encoder expert, but I think compressing the video in a DivX Avi format would reduce file size to about 300 megabytes without visible quality loss, aswell as making it compatible with most video players.
no, dear amar, don't downgrade the quality BUT PLEASE RELEASE IT ON TORRENT - that way, everyone can have it and resume the dl as many times as necessary - i know u and the owners of this site want to keep it GTP exclusive and get as many new members as possible, but c'mon now, do us all a favour - u can name the file "GTP exclusive" if u want.

btw i just got cut off again would be way better to aleast save what is downloaded and keep connecting to get the rest!

How does torrent it like a program or somthin?...sorry newbie at certian download stuff!

Thing that annoyed me is that ive got 372 MB of it.........but its broken!! :ouch:
Finally got the chance to watch this beast. Great work Amar & Jordan, also brilliant driving skills.

Couple of things i noticed, the game loads fast i think much faster than prologue. Probably because just one car has to be loaded, but that just can't be it because Nur is also much bigger than anything else. Also haven't seen the acceleration and brake gauges during race before in the same fashion as R:Racing Evolution, GT3A-spec had it in the replays but not during the races. Loving the look of the GUI very clean and practical. would be way better to aleast save what is downloaded and keep connecting to get the rest!

In a few hours the american users get up and turn on their computers. Currently only the european users are online because of the time difference. With all the american users online nothing will go so we need to "torrent" it now.
He downloaded it fast I'll bet ;)

Got cut again, twice. Don't lower the quality, or at least, leave the high quality one, I'd rather wait for the real thing than get a cut down version. My stance on GT4 too ironically. The problems aren't your fault man and we all know this **** happens, it's just so damn irritating, we've all downloaded gig after gig of nothing. We're killing Jordan's upstream for the month too.

Another mirror would still be a good idea, or a torrent - yes BitTorrent is a program, you get a .torrent file that tells it what to look for on the network and it goes about finding the files for you. It uploads to other people as you download to keep the world turning.
Jesus christ, 29 active members, 7 guests... and we wonder why things are dying. Wake up Jordan! Get your power back on!
^ :lol:......yeah I know.....we think it hard to download now.......what till ya get half of america trying to download it!

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