My first download cut at 46mb, at the same time, my connections to GTP were refused when I tried to reopen the download page - hence, server went down. I'm up to 63MB on this restart, but not being able to download via a proper manager is very annoying and something Jordan will possibly look into resolving.
For everyone experiencing problems - there's nothing you can do, the problems are server side, it has nothing to do with our connections, once the server stops sending any more information the download manager seems to assume that's it and the files complete, even if it's very incomplete and hence corrupt. Go away for 30 mins and try again (ie don't just keep bombarding the thing immediately in case it cuts at 15% again and you waste both your time and bandwidth, and Jordan's).
I think cobragt should just put "I thought it was real" in his signature, it'd save him time whenever something new about GT gets posted. Console graphics of the year is going to go to Doom3 from what I can see - have you heard the amount of effort they've gone to?