I've added another minor update for Chrimbo - I probably won't update again until just before New Year.
This one's a little more complex. We're down to 956 cars - there were a few duplicates due to mismatched naming systems and I've added a couple more. You'll note that the power column is part bold, part not. Where the power figure is bold, this is the dealership power figure. Where it is not, this is the garage overview/tuning shop power figure (which, since it's the only place a figure is duplicated, I'm taking as "real"). Anything with a non-bold power figure has had its real stats taken and logged - this is what you will see when the car is in your garage. Occasionally, a car's weight will change too (don't ask). This is also reflected in those cars.
The most complex part is the drivetrain column. All featured cars will have at least either a two letter drivetrain code or "-" where PD feels like not telling us. However, some will have a three or four letter drivetrain code. The four letter code is the final version:
First digit = number of forward gears (currently 1 to 8)
Second and third character = drive type
* FF - Front engine, front wheel drive
* FR - Front engine, rear wheel drive
* MR - Mid-engine, rear wheel drive
* RR - Rear engine, rear wheel drive
* 4W - Four wheel drive
Fourth character = Tuning type
* T - The car will get most power from a stage 3 turbo
* t - The car will get most power from a turbo other than stage 3 (not seen this yet)
* S - The car will get most power from a supercharger
* N - The car will get most power from stage 1-3 engine tuning
* n - No major power upgrades available for this car
7FFN - 7-speed, front-engine, front-wheel drive tuned by engine tuning.
6MRS - 6-speed, mid-engine, rear-wheel drive tuned by supercharger.
44Wn - 4-speed, four wheel drive without major power tuning parts available.
Post 1 file updated along with the linked file.