GT5 delayed

  • Thread starter Kingdizzi
I'm going to say that this is the least likely reason I've heard. Sony, being an international corporation has bank-roll in all major countries. Therefore it holds assets in those banks in dozens for currencies.

So what they'll do is release something, collect all the money in the local retailer's currency then hold for an advantageous exchange rate, then change it over.

I'm sure they do but I don't think it's as simple as that. Even in a big company you can't just shuffle money around divisions. I'm not sure if you can recognize revenue with it sitting in a foreign country, and even if you can you'd have to recognize it at the current exchange rate. I know it's all smoke and mirrors but in a public company common sense doesn't apply when it comes down to making the numbers look good on paper. I've seen some very big companies I've worked for do insane things leading up to the end of a quarter just so they could meet their numbers for that quarter.
going with thats just a place holder till that date passes then they will fill it in with a link to the real date where it turns out to be a rick-roll link from Sony & Kaz.

The email says amazon received the date of the 31st from SONY. Why would sony put out a placeholder date?
I would still consider it a placeholder until it could be corroborated with an official source, thought the last part of the statement implies that Sony has communicated with them.
"a new delivery estimate based on the new release date".

I wonder why the Prima Guide isn't pushed back to the same date.

From (USA)


We have received new release date information related to your pre-ordered video game in the order you placed on August 04 2010 (Order# XXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXXX). The release date for the video game listed below has been changed by the publisher, and we want to provide you with a new delivery estimate based on the new release date:

"Gran Turismo 5 Collector's Edition"
Release date: December 31 2010
Estimated arrival date: December 31 2010

Because we were unable to meet our guaranteed delivery date promise, we are refunding the shipping charges for your entire order. This refund should be processed within the next few days, and we will send you an e-mail to let you know when the refund has been completed.

We will make every effort to get the delayed item(s) to you as soon as possible and we'll send you an e-mail to confirm shipment.

Any other items in your order will not be affected by this delay"
The email says amazon received the date of the 31st from SONY. Why would sony put out a placeholder date?

If they had a solid date don't you think they would have made a formal press release, not through amazon. Mine says it will ship 1/1/2011 at game stop, nothing more than something to fill in a blank.
The 31/12 or 1/1/11 seem like daft dates to me, they have missed the big xmas sales window and are in the middle of the worst logistical & distribution time frame. With the various bank holidays round then any online perorders won't turn up till sometime around the 10th for most people. I also don't see many midnight openings with the publicity they bring.

Im sorry but this is getting beyond Unacceptable now, The delay is bad enough but being left in the dark is what bugs me the most.

None the less it will still be getting my money when it finally does hit the shelf.
Again, none of these article are giving us new info that we here haven't already speculated on. So at the moment nothing has changed. :)
Again, none of these article are giving us new info that we here haven't already speculated on. So at the moment nothing has changed. :)

True ... who knows .... perhaps its just Xbox-fanboys trying to bug us.... those are all 'general' console sites .... they love to paint it black :sly:
WOW! I finally got my account to work on this site! I've been following gtplanet updates and specifically this thread since like... Page 80 or something. But for some reason everytime I'd try to log in, the site would forget who I was a minute later... So I couldn't post. :guilty:

Not a single person on this site knows if that's actually what caused the delay... They don't want that information getting out, so they make up a less damaging excuse. Don't take everything you read so seriously, these are business men trying to tell you what you want to hear.

Ahhhh someone smells it. See guys, every company out there is in the business of what? No, not video games, über cool three dimensional televisions, or new fangled motion controllers; they're in the business of figuring out a creative way to take your money. I mean, I don't know about you guys, but programming a game for five plus years straight would start getting old rather quickly if I wasn't compensated for my efforts... Right?

Now, GT5 is a creative way to take my money. I don't mind if Sony/PD/Kaz/the pizza guy takes my money so long as I have the software. However, what we should all start realizing is that some higher up (probably at Sony's end) sees "opportunity" in this delay. Otherwise there would be no delay. Whether it's to avoid competition with another game (call of duty?) or to allow a more passive aggressive approach to sales (i.e: sorry, we don't have GT5, but why don't you buy our vast array of other racing games) there is a definite method to all this madness. Somewhere in one of Sony's buildings, one exec. consultant, analyst, economist, whoever- told someone else to delay the release. The security or bluray issue is just a load. I think we just need to face the facts and believe that GT isn't as easy a sell as something more mainstream and more of a guarantee... Like shooting games, motion controllers with flashy ping pong balls and space ship TVs that operate in other dimensions. somtimes i think everyone at sony is busy raving when they're not at work.

In alot of ways though, I think this whole GT thing is turning out to be a big nightmare for Sony. They can't cancel it because they're already waist deep with it's investment, and they can't release it because they're just as paranoid about it not selling well. They don't know what to do with the game, and it's hilarious! But firmware mandates to compensate for software piracy and corporate insecurity? Gross.

"Sorry guys, but because lotsa peeps like to jack our s***, we gotta release firmware whatever point five... Oh and by the way, the bluray guys don't really like us too much so they ended up giving us the finger when we told them we gotta reschedule (because of course bluray printers call the shots and not Sony execs. [managment issues much?!]) . But uh... It'll be out for the "Holiday Season".....(crickets).... Yeah. Holiday... Season... (crickets)....Uh. Yeah." :ouch:

I don't know what's more retarded: Sony not hammering out a release date by now, or sitting on one for the next dog & pony show (i.e. SEMA).

Not that either's gonna happen, but still.
Now, GT5 is a creative way to take my money. I don't mind if Sony/PD/Kaz/the pizza guy takes my money so long as I have the software. However, what we should all start realizing is that some higher up (probably at Sony's end) sees "opportunity" in this delay. Otherwise there would be no delay. Whether it's to avoid competition with another game (call of duty?) or to allow a more passive aggressive approach to sales (i.e: sorry, we don't have GT5, but why don't you buy our vast array of other racing games) there is a definite method to all this madness. Somewhere in one of Sony's buildings, one exec. consultant, analyst, economist, whoever- told someone else to delay the release. The security or bluray issue is just a load. I think we just need to face the facts and believe that GT isn't as easy a sell as something more mainstream and more of a guarantee... Like shooting games, motion controllers with flashy ping pong balls and space ship TVs that operate in other dimensions. somtimes i think everyone at sony is busy raving when they're not at work.

So you say we are hyping the product....and we are used for their benefits ...right? ... free buzz ... free marketing ... talk of the community .... and lets say a few weeks after NFS & COD ... and well before LBP2 & KZ3 .....

good point ....

so we worry for nothing .... it will come out early december.... boosted by us...
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I would still consider it a placeholder until it could be corroborated with an official source, thought the last part of the statement implies that Sony has communicated with them.
"a new delivery estimate based on the new release date".

I wonder why the Prima Guide isn't pushed back to the same date.

From (USA)


We have received new release date information related to your pre-ordered video game in the order you placed on August 04 2010 (Order# XXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXXX). The release date for the video game listed below has been changed by the publisher, and we want to provide you with a new delivery estimate based on the new release date:

"Gran Turismo 5 Collector's Edition"
Release date: December 31 2010
Estimated arrival date: December 31 2010

Because we were unable to meet our guaranteed delivery date promise, we are refunding the shipping charges for your entire order. This refund should be processed within the next few days, and we will send you an e-mail to let you know when the refund has been completed.

We will make every effort to get the delayed item(s) to you as soon as possible and we'll send you an e-mail to confirm shipment.

Any other items in your order will not be affected by this delay"

Maybe if you read ESTIMATE in the context correctly. The ESTIMATE part is talking about delivery date. Even with a confirmed date of NOV 2nd, the delivery date still said ESTIMATE or NOV 2nd. They couldn't guarantee that FEDEX or UPS would get it to you on the release date.

If they had a solid date don't you think they would have made a formal press release, not through amazon. Mine says it will ship 1/1/2011 at game stop, nothing more than something to fill in a blank.

No, I don't, why would I?
I think the 12/31 as well as the 1/1 dates are just derived by the orignal delay statement of "this holiday season" The last day of which is 12/31 or 1/1 depending on your pov. Basically they have just posted the latest possible date based on the info they have received. Yet Sony indicated that it would be available at the latest mid Dec. So I for one will not pay any attention to Gamestop of Amazon dates and will wait to hear from Sony or PD as to when the actual date is.
Maybe if you read ESTIMATE in the context correctly. The ESTIMATE part is talking about delivery date. Even with a confirmed date of NOV 2nd, the delivery date still said ESTIMATE or NOV 2nd. They couldn't guarantee that FEDEX or UPS would get it to you on the release date.

You need to read it in the context that I was stating it.

"new delivery estimate based on the new release date"
This is where i think your joking or you really are that gullible and will just believe any second hand information put in front of you.

Gullible? You mean like all the people who keep believing everything SONY and PD are feeding them?
All I'm saying is that unlike every other date out there, we have AMAZON who has a very solid rep, telling us that this is what SONY told them. I think if it was BS, SONY would contact them and tell them to retract the statements. No other retailers are publicly saying sony said this or that.

You need to read it in the context that I was stating it.

"new delivery estimate based on the new release date"

You kept pointing out that they used estimate to say they had no date and were estimating the release. When in fact they are using the new release date given to them as an estimate for delivery.

Erm, I'm lost now. Sorry, you were talking about the prima guide not the game, right?
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What the hell is going on? It would be best if Kaz just explained specifically why this is happening. All I want now is a good explanation now...
Gullible? You mean like all the people who keep believing everything SONY and PD are feeding them?
All I'm saying is that unlike every other date out there, we have AMAZON who has a very solid rep, telling us that this is what SONY told them. I think if it was BS, SONY would contact them and tell them to retract the statements. No other retailers are publicly saying sony said this or that.
Yeah Sony told them and everyone else that it would be "this holiday season" they interpreted this to mean no later than Dec 31 so there you go. The actual date has not yet been released which is why the different retailers all have different dates right now.
Yeah Sony told them and everyone else that it would be "this holiday season" they interpreted this to mean no later than Dec 31 so there you go. The actual date has not yet been released which is why the different retailers all have different dates right now.

If that was the case, they would've put that announcement up when sony told everyone, the game would be out this holiday season a few weeks back and not a day or two after sony said they would issue a new date.
If that was the case, they would've put that email up when sony told everyone holiday season a few weeks back and not a day or two after sony said they would issue a new date.
Would have or could have? Seems to me that they were very very slow at changing anything related to the release date and I do not trust what they have there now as there is no way it will be released on or near Friday Dec 31 in the US
I still believe that we'll see the game before 2011. :lol: Man, you gotta love being optimistic! :D
I feel the same way. There is just little to no info about this game being shown. Which is not a good sign at all. I highly expect this game to get bumped to 2011. Then after that we can just forget about it until the PS4 is released. :dunce:
What the hell is going on? It would be best if Kaz just explained specifically why this is happening. All I want now is a good explanation now...
At this point, I don't care if we get a "good" explanation... Hell, I'll take ANY explanation. But that's the problem... everyone's been left in the dark.
Yeah, gotta say...the silence from PD & Sony is well and truly deafening! Even if they are horribly behind schedule or something else has gone badly wrong, tell us! Inform their loyal and dedicated fans what is going on. I'm usually pretty relaxed but this waiting game is getting me more and more annoyed.
Sony communication politics worry me a lot... Seriously, since the delay annouce... nothing has been said. That isn't good news at all... Don't except a release before 2011, not even january.
Would have or could have? Seems to me that they were very very slow at changing anything related to the release date and I do not trust what they have there now as there is no way it will be released on or near Friday Dec 31 in the US

So you're saying is that if dec 31st was the earliest possible date for them to release the game after finding a new window to print all the games, they still shouldn't? If the whole bit about kaz missing the press date by 3 days is true and they found a window at the beginning of december to press all the games, they should wait til january to get it out? From the tone of sony a few weeks ago, they were pretty pissed so I wouldn't put a stupid release date past them. Just saying. I would honestly be fine with them not releasing them game til march, call of duty would be getting stale around that time.