GT5 delayed

  • Thread starter Kingdizzi
I'm quite surprised at the amount of people still pulling out the "'canceling my pre-order" card now that we have some indication of what happened. Sure at first I was extremely peeved off and a little suspicious but now that I know it was Sony covering their own back from piracy I couldn't care less. I have some fun games to play until it's out and this delay is really saving my grades because November in my school is when teachers start pushing out a lot of homework to get as much covered before the holidays. I don't understand why Sony couldn't face up when they announced the delay that it was because of something they demanded Polyphony to do but I guess they were probably in a rush mode, trying to sort out the little mess. What's probably another 4 weeks, right?
Exactly. While it's bad to outright lie (lest you be caught up in it) there are a lot of "honest" answers. For instance when you see the ban waves on Xbox, we know MS is fighting piracy, but they always want to say they are protecting your online gaming experience. While technically it's true, realistically the amount of protectiong your online epxerience receives is virtually none.

Have you ever been interested in Coach handbags or MAC makeup?
They do what PD just did on a monthly basis. This is accoding to my wife. Both companies advertise new items for months and then either delay the item at the last second or it is only available for a few hours (presumably they make very small quantities),only to then make it widely available weeks, or months, later.
If there is one thing that turbo kai says that makes a lot of sense is the fact how come there is no buffer for PD to get the game gold. I mean 3 days, that is rediculously close. I mean for a project of this magnitude and length, you would think there would be atleast a couple week buffer for PD to get the game done. On the flip side, it could be possible PD missed the buffer all together.

I'm leaning towards that last line of your's; surely they had a "deadline" and then an "absolute deadline"? A window of opportunity to finish the game, let's say. They missed it, and considering the season, I imagine the schedule at the manufacturing facilities is pretty packed. So I understand how it translates into a potentially weeks-long delay...
I hope that PD have respect for all the fans and give us some good stuff and informations about GT5 and inform us quickly the new release date...
Have you ever been interested in Coach handbags or MAC makeup?
They do what PD just did on a monthly basis. This is accoding to my wife. Both companies advertise new items for months and then either delay the item at the last second or it is only available for a few hours (presumably they make very small quantities),only to then make it widely available weeks, or months, later.

That is true..with SOME items.but,I make referance to EA and MOH.When the reviews hit..they're shares fell 6% in one day.the video game market is driven by opinions.MAC and those handbags have many many products,I hardly think the supply of them affect their stock unless there is a massive problems in logistics or internal turmoil that would show shareholders the company is volatile.In the case of EA,reviews set the tone for the consumer.So,by them saying the product is shoddy means people might take their advice and not buy it.With GT5 in mind,it was not planned that there be low stocks,or delayed on purpose.I guarentee that every review for it will mention it taking 5 years (even though its less than that) AND that despite that time,it was still delayed.How that affects the review scores,I dont know.but it will.PD and Sony stock will pay the price from those reviews as it is a HIGH profile game.Even so,Im surprized sony stock hasnt been affected by delay though
Secret bugged information from PD, late one evening just recently

Translatorsan – Boss, we’ve got a teeny bit of a problem…
Kaz – What?
Translatorsan – Well it seems we’ve gone Gold 3 days too late to meet our production window
Kaz – Please tell me you’re kidding…
Translatorsan – Sorry, I’m not. We now won’t be able to have enough copies of the game to meet demand…
Kaz – Can anything else go wrong with this damn game, we thought we were going to release in Xmas 2008!
Translatorsan – Well since you asked there is something else…
(phone rings)
Kaz – Hang on… gotta get this…
Kaz answers the phone
Logitech – Hey Kaz, Logitech Technologies here…
Kaz – Hey man, what’s up? You happy with the full G27 support we’ve given ya?
Logitech – Yeah, thanks, but that issss what I want to talk to you about?
Kaz – Stop right there, we’ve given you everything you freakin’ asked for!!!
Logitech – Oh it’s not that, it’s with this launch date of early Nov you’d announced we can’t produce enough G27’s to meet expected demand…
(Kaz cell rings)
Kaz holds one finger up to Translatorsan to indicate one minute.
Kaz to Logitech – One minute please I need to take an extremely urgent cell call.
Kaz answers cell
Kaz – Good morning
Porsche – Hey Kaz, still got those 15 cars of ours modelled?
Kaz – Yes, of course, but despite our generous offer you refused us to use them.
Porsche – Well we got a favour to ask…
Kaz – You want them in the game now??!!??
Porsche – Yeah, it seems we had a little more leverage in our Terms and Conditions in the other contract than we first thought.
Kaz – You realized the game has gone already Gold and the production window is very tight!
Porsche – Well, we know that, we’re prepared to waive our charge for the cars and go halves in costs of the production delay.
Kaz – You realize how many millions of people that are going to be peed off?
Porsche – Yes the number is roughly the same as the people that want Porsche in the game…
Kaz – Good point, suggestions?
Porsche – Well, we’ve had a talk with the Ruskies and they’re in on pretending a “production problem”
Kaz – One sec please
Kaz to Translatorsan – Was there something else?
Translatorsan – It seems, a recent hack, means that Firmware 3.41 isn’t compliant but we should’ve had 3.50
Kaz to Translatorsan – The game has firmw….
Translatorsan – Yes sir, I know. It’s a two day fix. Delays the game to late Nov at most, hopefully.
Kaz – Hopefully?
Translatorsan (smiling) – It is GT5 afterall sir, people expect delays…
Kaz – Not funny. Go get it all started I’ve got a mess to sort out. Leave
Translatorsan leaves
Kaz to Logitech – Sorry about the delay, it seems we can conjure up something to accommodate your request, but by George you owe us.
Logitech – Really? Wow. Thank you so much, you’ve got us out of a tight spot.
Kaz – Keep this in the bank, we’re gonna cash this sucker in, guaranteed.
Logitech – No problem, anything you want. Thanks bye.
Kaz – Bye
Kaz to Porsche – All the delay costs and you have a deal, we get the fallout you don’t. You just have win-win.
Porsche – Fair enough, deal. We’ll call the Ruskies now. Talk later.
Kaz – Bye
Kaz to Sony – Hey Kaz here… you’re not gonna believe this…
Secret bugged information from PD, late one evening just recently

Translatorsan – Boss, we’ve got a teeny bit of a problem…
Kaz – What?
Translatorsan – Well it seems we’ve gone Gold 3 days too late to meet our production window
Kaz – Please tell me you’re kidding…
Translatorsan – Sorry, I’m not. We now won’t be able to have enough copies of the game to meet demand…
Kaz – Can anything else go wrong with this damn game, we thought we were going to release in Xmas 2008!
Translatorsan – Well since you asked there is something else…
(phone rings)
Kaz – Hang on… gotta get this…
Kaz answers the phone
Logitech – Hey Kaz, Logitech Technologies here…
Kaz – Hey man, what’s up? You happy with the full G27 support we’ve given ya?
Logitech – Yeah, thanks, but that issss what I want to talk to you about?
Kaz – Stop right there, we’ve given you everything you freakin’ asked for!!!
Logitech – Oh it’s not that, it’s with this launch date of early Nov you’d announced we can’t produce enough G27’s to meet expected demand…
(Kaz cell rings)
Kaz holds one finger up to Translatorsan to indicate one minute.
Kaz to Logitech – One minute please I need to take an extremely urgent cell call.
Kaz answers cell
Kaz – Good morning
Porsche – Hey Kaz, still got those 15 cars of ours modelled?
Kaz – Yes, of course, but despite our generous offer you refused us to use them.
Porsche – Well we got a favour to ask…
Kaz – You want them in the game now??!!??
Porsche – Yeah, it seems we had a little more leverage in our Terms and Conditions in the other contract than we first thought.
Kaz – You realized the game has gone already Gold and the production window is very tight!
Porsche – Well, we know that, we’re prepared to waive our charge for the cars and go halves in costs of the production delay.
Kaz – You realize how many millions of people that are going to be peed off?
Porsche – Yes the number is roughly the same as the people that want Porsche in the game…
Kaz – Good point, suggestions?
Porsche – Well, we’ve had a talk with the Ruskies and they’re in on pretending a “production problem”
Kaz – One sec please
Kaz to Translatorsan – Was there something else?
Translatorsan – It seems, a recent hack, means that Firmware 3.41 isn’t compliant but we should’ve had 3.50
Kaz to Translatorsan – The game has firmw….
Translatorsan – Yes sir, I know. It’s a two day fix. Delays the game to late Nov at most, hopefully.
Kaz – Hopefully?
Translatorsan (smiling) – It is GT5 afterall sir, people expect delays…
Kaz – Not funny. Go get it all started I’ve got a mess to sort out. Leave
Translatorsan leaves
Kaz to Logitech – Sorry about the delay, it seems we can conjure up something to accommodate your request, but by George you owe us.
Logitech – Really? Wow. Thank you so much, you’ve got us out of a tight spot.
Kaz – Keep this in the bank, we’re gonna cash this sucker in, guaranteed.
Logitech – No problem, anything you want. Thanks bye.
Kaz – Bye
Kaz to Porsche – All the delay costs and you have a deal, we get the fallout you don’t. You just have win-win.
Porsche – Fair enough, deal. We’ll call the Ruskies now. Talk later.
Kaz – Bye
Kaz to Sony – Hey Kaz here… you’re not gonna believe this…

you've forgotten that words might be lost in translation due to the amount of "ano.... oro...." he was going to say. lol
I wonder how all the people (= Sony, PD, KY) involved feel after reading all the negative comments on delaying GT5, again. Some of them much be embarassed and feel ashamed.
I have to read the entire thread because I still don't know exactly why GT5 has been delayed again.

What does, going gold, exactly mean?
If you think about it, there's a lot of features in the game though, so think about how the time could be used to improve further on the game.
I have to read the entire thread because I still don't know exactly why GT5 has been delayed again.

Ben Collins.

What does, going gold, exactly mean?

The master disc from which all BluRays are duplicated is also called the "gold" disc. Going gold means it has been finalised and sent for duplication.
If you think about it, there's a lot of features in the game though, so think about how the time could be used to improve further on the game.

I wouldnt mind,a day before launch,Kaz tweets 'SURPRIZE! Hahaha.contrary to popular belief,I was not stuck in the toilet,again.I used the time to give you 800 psp style cockpits! " I'd forgive them if they did
The master disc from which all BluRays are duplicated is also called the "gold" disc. Going gold means it has been finalised and sent for duplication.
Meh, they probably couldn't find the disc on time then. :lol:
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If 3.50 hit 21 September 2010, surely PD knew about it and would have built it into the game? This couldn't have been the reason for the delay.
If 3.50 hit 21 September 2010, surely PD knew about it and would have built it into the game? This couldn't have been the reason for the delay.

No, but Sony mandated that all games have the updated SDK on the disc and because PD missed the production deadline, they fell under the new rules.
No, but Sony mandated that all games have the updated SDK on the disc and because PD missed the production deadline, they fell under the new rules.

Another good example of why, you should not develop a game with no clear objectives matched to a realistic, relative time constraint.

GT5 has, is and continues to be, held hostage to the consequences of too vast and unrealistic dev time.
And why there is still no game.

Kaz, PD, Sony, or all of the above, allowed the game and themselves to become trapped in this vicious cycle.

Their big mistake IMO was not prioritizing, building and releasing GT5 in the previous dev time frame of 4 yrs. Whatever they had should have been released.
Save the rest for GT6, because by then there will be more complications and expected features, created by the time lapse.

As a result, they are subject to, and trapped by, the inevitable pressures of the time lapse.
Now they are forced into trying to release GT6 instead of GT5, the second next gen game, instead of the first.

Helplessly, caught between game cycles.
I think that this will be the greatest GT game ever, and will be well worth the wait. So lets all be patient. It doesnt matter why its been delayed, just that it is coming.
I think that this will be the greatest GT game ever, and will be well worth the wait. So lets all be patient. It doesnt matter why its been delayed, just that it is coming.

Unless it does a pro Evo soccer. It should beat a last gen game.
Pretty good explanation of what's happened, SuperCobra. I have a similar feeling about it myself. You learn so much from letting go of your creations, showing them to people and accepting the reaction. It gives you a lot of freedom to change direction with things that you would have spent years pursuing, trying to perfect in the secrecy of your own little vacuum. This is how crazy artists work, and they're brilliant but flawed, but they're making art, which is totally subjective and personal. It's insane that PD work like this on such a massive scale, ignoring other game makers, with no communication to their fans (or anyone apparently!) The funny thing is, they only seem to get worse! :lol:
I think that this will be the greatest GT game ever, and will be well worth the wait. So lets all be patient. It doesnt matter why its been delayed, just that it is coming.

But how will you feel if it gets poor reviews ?
But how will you feel if it gets poor reviews ?

Does anyone in here care for reviews? Oo
We all should know by now that it's gonna be an awesome racing game. It has got the best driving physics on console (TT demo), a lot of different cars and tracks, tuning variety, a course-marker for endless fun, go-karts, awesome graphics and a big online component.

I think that "hardcore" GT fans shouldn't have anything to fear about the quality of the full game, even if reviewers don't like it.
The TRUE story is: somebody at PD deleted the hard drive. PD is frantically re-making the game from scratch. Latest version is to have 1 premium car and half a standard car. Track is a field with 2 bales of hay and some snow in the corner. Game will be out in time for dinner at 1.30 on December 25th. :D
Pretty good explanation of what's happened, SuperCobra. I have a similar feeling about it myself. You learn so much from letting go of your creations, showing them to people and accepting the reaction. It gives you a lot of freedom to change direction with things that you would have spent years pursuing, trying to perfect in the secrecy of your own little vacuum. This is how crazy artists work, and they're brilliant but flawed, but they're making art, which is totally subjective and personal. It's insane that PD work like this on such a massive scale, ignoring other game makers, with no communication to their fans (or anyone apparently!) The funny thing is, they only seem to get worse! :lol:

This is exactly how I see it as well. They work like lackadaisical artist (relying on their talent) who aren't really in the real world when it comes to time constraints, thanks to their product which carries so much hype behind it.

On another note - I wouldn't even call Kaz much of an artist though as the vision for GT5 (and the GT series in general) is quite simple, and the way anyone should go about making a proper racing game (for the most part) if they have the resources (which is the most important thing - BTW PD needs MORE developers for christ sakes). Now IMO, the real skills involves the modeling of all the cars, tracks, physics, and such (as it is quite beyond me as to how the developers manage to do such things with the software). I'm not sure what involvement Kaz has in all of this, other than being the visionary (which I'm not that impressed by) though.
Does anyone in here care for reviews? Oo
We all should know by now that it's gonna be an awesome racing game. It has got the best driving physics on console (TT demo), a lot of different cars and tracks, tuning variety, a course-marker for endless fun, go-karts, awesome graphics and a big online component.

I think that "hardcore" GT fans shouldn't have anything to fear about the quality of the full game, even if reviewers don't like it.

We know bugger all. It could be a buggy mess of a game for all we know, and they're desperately trying to get it to a playable state. The amount of blind faith in the game is disturbing at times.

Yeah, it seems like it should be good from the feature list, but the endless delays and problems that continue to crop up aren't exactly a good sign.
We know bugger all. It could be a buggy mess of a game for all we know, and they're desperately trying to get it to a playable state. The amount of blind faith in the game is disturbing at times.

Yeah, it seems like it should be good from the feature list, but the endless delays and problems that continue to crop up aren't exactly a good sign.

Were there ever huge bugs in a GT game? I mean bugs or glitches comparable to those in F1 2010 e. g.? (I can only think of the one erasing your garage in GT2)

That amount of blind faith is pretty justified looking at the series history IMO. Of course it won't be perfect but without a doubt it'll become the best racing game available on PS3 and likely the best up to date on all platforms.