Secret bugged information from PD, late one evening just recently
Translatorsan Boss, weve got a teeny bit of a problem
Kaz What?
Translatorsan Well it seems weve gone Gold 3 days too late to meet our production window
Kaz Please tell me youre kidding
Translatorsan Sorry, Im not. We now wont be able to have enough copies of the game to meet demand
Kaz Can anything else go wrong with this damn game, we thought we were going to release in Xmas 2008!
Translatorsan Well since you asked there is something else
(phone rings)
Kaz Hang on
gotta get this
Kaz answers the phone
Logitech Hey Kaz, Logitech Technologies here
Kaz Hey man, whats up? You happy with the full G27 support weve given ya?
Logitech Yeah, thanks, but that issss what I want to talk to you about?
Kaz Stop right there, weve given you everything you freakin asked for!!!
Logitech Oh its not that, its with this launch date of early Nov youd announced we cant produce enough G27s to meet expected demand
(Kaz cell rings)
Kaz holds one finger up to Translatorsan to indicate one minute.
Kaz to Logitech One minute please I need to take an extremely urgent cell call.
Kaz answers cell
Kaz Good morning
Porsche Hey Kaz, still got those 15 cars of ours modelled?
Kaz Yes, of course, but despite our generous offer you refused us to use them.
Porsche Well we got a favour to ask
Kaz You want them in the game now??!!??
Porsche Yeah, it seems we had a little more leverage in our Terms and Conditions in the other contract than we first thought.
Kaz You realized the game has gone already Gold and the production window is very tight!
Porsche Well, we know that, were prepared to waive our charge for the cars and go halves in costs of the production delay.
Kaz You realize how many millions of people that are going to be peed off?
Porsche Yes the number is roughly the same as the people that want Porsche in the game
Kaz Good point, suggestions?
Porsche Well, weve had a talk with the Ruskies and theyre in on pretending a production problem
Kaz One sec please
Kaz to Translatorsan Was there something else?
Translatorsan It seems, a recent hack, means that Firmware 3.41 isnt compliant but we shouldve had 3.50
Kaz to Translatorsan The game has firmw
Translatorsan Yes sir, I know. Its a two day fix. Delays the game to late Nov at most, hopefully.
Kaz Hopefully?
Translatorsan (smiling) It is GT5 afterall sir, people expect delays
Kaz Not funny. Go get it all started Ive got a mess to sort out. Leave
Translatorsan leaves
Kaz to Logitech Sorry about the delay, it seems we can conjure up something to accommodate your request, but by George you owe us.
Logitech Really? Wow. Thank you so much, youve got us out of a tight spot.
Kaz Keep this in the bank, were gonna cash this sucker in, guaranteed.
Logitech No problem, anything you want. Thanks bye.
Kaz Bye
Kaz to Porsche All the delay costs and you have a deal, we get the fallout you dont. You just have win-win.
Porsche Fair enough, deal. Well call the Ruskies now. Talk later.
Kaz Bye
Kaz to Sony Hey Kaz here
youre not gonna believe this