GT5 delayed

  • Thread starter Kingdizzi
You need to use more soap when you wash your car then, haha.

To stop people from getting confused, they should have put puddles of water on the ground too.
It's funny how many people look at that and think it's a livery, lol.
When I saw the pic I thought there was some kind of white dragon painted on the car. A second later I realized it was the carwash because of the crew holding sponges.
I wish I had an SLS AMG so I could get 4 people to wash it for me. Preferably the female variety, with little clothing.
I just went to EB Games today, in the Fairview shopping mall, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. EB games is GameStop in the US.

Anyways, i told them about the delay, and they said they did not receive anything! She said the the Collector's edition is still scheduled for November 2nd, and the regular edition is scheduled for the 16th of November.... Ill keep you guys update, cuz the girl i spoke it ended up being one of my girlfriend's friend, lol.

HELLLOOO. GUYS!! You guys only read what you want to read? I've got some info about the north American release, and nobody even noticed?
HELLLOOO. GUYS!! You guys only read what you want to read? I've got some info about the north American release, and nobody even noticed?

Why would the Regular edition come out after the Collectors? :indiff:

if they didn't receive anything, Collectors and Regular would be coming out on the same day.
HELLLOOO. GUYS!! You guys only read what you want to read? I've got some info about the north American release, and nobody even noticed?
Notice what?
I stopped reading after "She said the the Collector's edition is still scheduled for November 2nd" for obvious reasons.
November 16th you say? (Does it make any sense to you with a CE still scheduled for the 2nd?)
It's a date, like all the other dates given by shops. They mean nothing until Sony/PD speak.
HELLLOOO. GUYS!! You guys only read what you want to read? I've got some info about the north American release, and nobody even noticed?

make sure you camp out at the eb games the night of november 1st so you can be the first in line to get the game. don't be surprised if you're the only one on line :)
HELLLOOO. GUYS!! You guys only read what you want to read? I've got some info about the north American release, and nobody even noticed?

Just the fact that you harbor that fail ass Alexei Kovalev's name as your nick voids all credibility.

You know that "HELLLOOO. GUYS!!" is something that only comes out of a 10 year old girl with braces or a very effeminate gay man.
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HELLLOOO. GUYS!! You guys only read what you want to read? I've got some info about the north American release, and nobody even noticed?

Guys guys guys, constructive criticism is what is needed. :)
So a girl at EB told you she never heard of the delay? So all of GTPlanet is supposed to believe her over Sony? Even though none of us believe what is going to come out of there mouth next, the simple fact is the game is DELAYED. Thank you for your humble efforts but most will not even read the whole paragraph you had written. The last time I was in a Gamestop the manager told me that Sony was going to start charging for psn at the beginning of the year and it was no longer going to be free, and that Xbox was a better value.....Not saying that everyone at Gamestop and EB don't know anything because there are some great people that work there one is a friend of mine and there are a few here.
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Just wondering, if we don't get a date by the end of next week, I some how worry that Gt5 won't be out until next year :S, I mean theres by the first week of December for it to launch, anything after then seems very unlikely as its way too close to the Xmas holiday season....
Just wondering, if we don't get a date by the end of next week, I some how worry that Gt5 won't be out until next year :S, I mean theres by the first week of December for it to launch, anything after then seems very unlikely as its way too close to the Xmas holiday season....

That's exactly why it's been done as they have announced.

Look, 20 day's before expected release they announce it's being held back till March 2011.

Not good.

20 day's before expected release they announce a slight delay but there's a good chance for a Christmas release.

Now during the period of uncertainty, people come around to the idea that maybe this game is not coming till next year. Just as you have posted.

Then come's the announcement that it is indeed delayed till next year.

They have softened the blow somewhat. By letting you come to terms, by your own admission that it's coming next year.

See, Sony ARE a caring company.
If the game doesn't hit the stores till next year that could be a big blow for Sony UK as on the first of January the rate of VAT (UK sakes tax) increases by 14%, that may not be much on the standard game but with the signature edition retailing for £149.99 with the current VAT levels that increase may put people off bit more importantly will be the impact on the £260 and £300 game and console bundle sales that GT5 would have generated. Add in missing the big sales of Xmas and it would be a very costly delay.
If the game doesn't hit the stores till next year that could be a big blow for Sony UK as on the first of January the rate of VAT (UK sakes tax) increases by 14%, that may not be much on the standard game but with the signature edition retailing for £149.99 with the current VAT levels that increase may put people off bit more importantly will be the impact on the £260 and £300 game and console bundle sales that GT5 would have generated. Add in missing the big sales of Xmas and it would be a very costly delay.

Increases by 14%?! Are you sure about that? That sounds like a very high tax raise even for the British.