GT5 DLC missing on New Playstation store

  • Thread starter hansbeens
Hello everyone I have a question I have purchased the following dlc grandturismo Total pack Racer pack Car pack 2 Car pack 3 now I would like to add Circuit pack (this DLC adds the circuits Spa Francorchamps (with weather effects) and Kart Space I/II (normal and reverse direction).)

But I do not understand this state between in the PlayStation store does anyone know the solution to this Fri Gr Hans
Go to the PSN store, go to add-ons select PS3 add-ons, find GT5 click on it and select the packs you want. After downloading and installing go to the DLC option in the GT5 game their you will have to install them again. You should be good to go after that.

Good Luck and Good Racing.
JEh thats my problem the pack i want is not in the list and i dont no why?? Anyone

Kind regards Hans Beens
JEh thats my problem the pack i want is not in the list and i dont no why?? Anyone

Kind regards Hans Beens

Just go there where I told those aren't under gt5 👍
This is place where I try lead you :lol:

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Which list are you talking about PSN store, DLC menu in game or the track list in game?

Also i think you are trying to purchase the track right? In the US the PSN is undergoing maintenance. So I cant even get to the store to help ya.
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im talking about the list in the psn store there is no grand turismo 5 course pack the other packs are availeble but NO course pack i have 11 add ons and i have purschased

total pack
Racer pack
Car pack 2
Car pack 3
family pack
Finally able to enter store, and I must say the new store setup is weird. Okay I didn't even see the Circuit Pack it was there. I would say contact Sony and pd about it because its not in the store. And I don't know why.💡

Sorry I cant help ya.:cheers:
Ok my last help post in this thread.

1. Go store and you find there games.

2.One click right and you see down left PS3add- ons

3.Then 6 click down leads you PS3 add-ons

4.Then one click right and 8 click down and now you are in Vehicles& Race Tracks

It's right side of paint pack.
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While it's in the Euro revamp of the store the track DLC is missing from the US version of the store. Some people on another forum I'm on are reporting this as well. It's a Sony problem not a game or user problem.
Thanks JKI 83 i have finally found it

Kind regards Hans Beens

Did you find the course packs in the US PS Store? I've been searching for it and could not find them. I can only see the car, racing gear, paint, and family packs.
No just do as JK83 told us in his last post on this board and i have contact sony
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I just got off the phone with Sony and they said the Course Packs are currently unavailable at this time in the US. Sony said to check your store periodically throughout the day on Tuesday November 6th as the store updates and the add-ons might appear. If the add-ons do not appear on Tuesday, they may be permanently gone due to Licensing Agreements, Obligations, Contracts, and so on and so on, Sony says.
All I can say is call Sony and let them be aware of this problem. The funny thing is, on the Playstation store Webiste all of the add-ons are there. The car packs, course packs, gear pack, speed test pack and paint packs. But as soon as you go onto the PSN store on your PS3 all the course packs are not there.
I just was looking to buy the track pack finally and i when i wenr to the PS store it need an update. I did it (foolishly). I did a search for Gt5 and found it easily. HOWEVER, all three of the track packs are missing. It says there are 10 add-ons but it only lists 9. There are 13 DLC packs for GT5 if im not mistaken. I then called PS usa and spoke with a tech support dude for close to a hour, going through all my stuff. At the end of the call, he says, "well, we update the store every tuesday, and if its not there then call us back".


Anybody else notice this/has an idea what to do about it?
Any luck with the packs today? I am away from my PS3 right now and was wondering if they are back so that I can look forward to something when I get home. Thanks!
I agree with Alex145 , this appear to be a labeling/tagging problem.

I'm using the EU Store , and it lists only 11 DLC contents in GT5 page (the speed test is one of them).

To find Spa and Motegi , I had to go to the add-ons-cars& tracks section which doesn't lists all of GT5's DLC , so you have to visit multiple pages to find all the DLC.

This Store is unreliable , poorly organized. I usually check the game's page on the Store before buying it to see what kind of dlc is available , the new Store doesn't provide accurate information anymore.
I found at least one instance of this problem on Google.
Personally, I couldn't find it in the US store.

Just one thing, there are 10 items to choose from where it says "Add-ons 10". It includes the Family Upgrade.
I was just going to post about the PSN store,

I wanted to re download the paint pack but it doesn't have the option to re buy. It also says I haven't bought the Car Pack1 (TC Cars) but I have.......

Anybody else having issues debuting paint?
I was just going to post about the PSN store,

I wanted to re download the paint pack but it doesn't have the option to re buy. It also says I haven't bought the Car Pack1 (TC Cars) but I have.......

Anybody else having issues debuting paint?

There's a thread for the paints.
- Try searching “Gran Turismo”, in the store. All 11 pieces of DLC should be there.