The seasonal events come around quick enough for it not to be a big issue. It will be an incentive for those who haven't already downloaded the DLC to do so.
Seasonals are a joke.... we need real A-spec championships, not the same 5 laps snore fest that are seasonals. Even shift had new events for DLC.
Anyone see the Texaco logo on Prius TC? PD sense of humor?
Something just dawned on me, how exactly are these DLC tracks going to work online?
I can only see two ways this could go. They will either be unusable in online lobbies, or only be available to DLC owners, something I could see easily becoming unworkable; both of these things would make track DLC a very poor deal. Is this not content that would have been there in the first place had PD been given more time? It would have made far more sense to add this content in future patches for free, however, we know why PD were rushed and why we are being charged for DLC don't we...
Having DLC/not having DLC works fine with other online games, can't see why it would be a big issue here. You don't download the track, you can't race the track online. Simple.
DLC is all part of modern gaming, it has nothing to do with not including content from the off, but everything to do with the constraints of time/staff/money. It also keeps fans playing a game years after it's been released. It keeps things fresh, until they develop a whole new version of the game.
Can't be said any better.
I was totally thrown off by the Kart track and would have been disgruntled had it not looked the complete opposite of any other track in GT. It's got so much going on it'd be fun to drive a normal car in their, tooo.
Yep, it looks like this:
All I need is some bubble arches on mine and some bigger wheels. 👍
I wonder if the GT5 car will be as fast as mine...LOL
What have PD been doing all year? Spa was in development before release and they give us DLC with one track...
Spa is my favourite track in the world so I will get it but I think there should be more tracks and even the cars they are giving us suck. Another Skyline with a "GT" logo on it... I rather have some new Super GT cars and tracks if I am paying for content.
I don't like the way PD are charging us for content also, we have brought the game after waiting for years and they give us a game what felt unfinished and they just come along and charge us with a poor DLC.
At least Spec II fixed things about the game but this DLC is poor.
They need to fix those blocky trees though.
Did you know you don't have to buy DLC? Some of you are acting like PD is forcing you to buy. The only reason i'm getting the cars because the whole DLC pack is 12 bucks very cheap. I think Spa alone is worth 12 bucks. 👍
Yea...I'm hoping for this too. The track was much better with the original bus stop chicane and I reckon this variation would become the most played/raced.Do we know if it includes the 'bus stop' section of a few years ago or has PD produced it in its current form?
Plus, they need to add nicer textures to the leaves, maybe a few different breeds of tree too.
The DLC will provide only one variation of Spa, as far as I can read.
Plus, they need to add nicer textures to the leaves, maybe a few different breeds of tree too.