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  • Thread starter gamelle71
THIS 👍 When I'm in a real car, driving at speed all I see is the road too. My visual focus and mental processing filters out the walnut or leather interior, everything is worked out in terms of where my head is, compared to the road or track.

Why people want to restrict that view anywhere from 1/3 to 1/4 just so they can check out the lovely plastic paneling on the Peugeot they're driving is utterly beyond me but it takes all sorts I guess. It's this "cockpit view is more realistic" nonsense that makes me argumentative. The very notion that driving from the back seat, looking through the invisible driver in front's helmet is more "realistic" is ludicrous and deserving of nothing less than my very finest mockery :dunce:

It does take all sorts and since the interior option is included, my guess is i'm not the only one.
I can see that if you're using a steering wheel you don't want to see another one before you and the whole debate which is more realistic depends more on preference and whether you use a wheel or controller and for the large part seems irrelevant to me at least.
For me, although it strangely seems hard to comprehend, using interior view gives me a more complete experience when driving different cars, when i use bumpercam the only distinction between them is the way they drive, handle, etc. and being a petrolhead first and a gamer second i like to immerse myself
into the whole experience a digital car offers.
For me it feels more natural, offers me more fun, and yes it's only a matter of personal preference to me.
IRL i don't look too much at the dashboard design, walnut veneer, etc. when driving as i probably wouldn't be alive right now.
I'm not claiming interior view is more real, the game offers you the option to choose which experience you want, whether it's more real or not i couldn't care less, for me at least it feels ( feels, not is ) real enough within the context of a game.
yesterday i have been in stuttgart at the mercedes benz museum.

i have visited this place with my girlfriend, because she´s a bit of a mercedes fan :).

so, a good chance for me to try the sls demo :).

here the vid of my run. i see 20 seconds, or more left. btw, the wheels were really bad and squeezed out.

here the vid:
mhm, it was cool, but the textures were a bit bad. there were no flowers or gras beside of the track.

btw, i noticed better anti aliasing. everything was really really sharp.

and the sound was better than in gt5p. but its hard to compare, coz we had no sls in the prologue.

Edit: what i forgot to say. the physics were really great. the AI can easily turn your car around. that happens mostly if u dont overtake them right.
the car felt really smoot and light in the wheel. one false brake, and everything is gone... means away from track. in other words, its not that easy as it looks.
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At around 3:03-06 in that video, notice how the driving line goes way off the track :dunce:

Nice driving, 99% of the videos we see are with first time players who maybe crash on the first corner and either don't learn from their mistakes or just refrain from using full throttle for the rest of the race :sly:
here the vid of my run. i see 20 seconds, or more left. btw, the wheels were really bad and squeezed out.

Erstaunlich guter Fahrt! Echt "hamma" :D
Was meinten Sie mit "squeezed out" ?

Amazingly good drive!
What did you mean by "squeezed out" ?

I think we can expect slightly better sounds for at least some cars, let's hope the consistency is bang on! It looked amazing fun, in any case :dopey:
btw, i tried to steal the disc :D.

i pressed the "PS" button on the DF GT to get into the ps3 main menu.

the sls demo was unfortunately an installed software :(.

it was called "GRANTURISMO©"
@ oburst
You say you noticed better antialiasing, but did you notice any aliasing at all? as in was it even visible? I ask because im very interested to see if PD will employ this newly perfected MLAA technique in GT5. This would be ideal for them as it would free up a LOT of resources to make the game look (I only say look because the algorithm should make no difference to any physics calculations, I think, due to MSAA not really involving processor/ram too much amiright?) quite a reasonable bit better. They're managing to push 4xAA @ 720p and 2xAA @ 1080p with the ps3's rsx and these couplings would take up a massive amount of performance. However if they can nullify the need to use the rsx to apply MSAA whilst rendering a massive resolution then, well, coupled with the freeing up of ram on the ps3 could we not expected larger textures, better shaders, better effects and (the only thing besides aliasing stopping GT5 looking exactly like real life) higher resolution shadow maps. Plus this algorithm means they'd be pulling off a level of AA that, in some areas, is as effective as 32x and even 64xAA. GT5 is preeeeeetty :)
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i cant say what it was. was it AA, or a real Full HD resolution - i dont know, but i looks even sharper than the prologue.

i noticed absolutely no edges on the track barriers. they were smooth.

but i saw a few edges on the car itself. the most on the back of the car, in the backlights area and the rear wing. but it was not really annoying.

the only thing i can say is: It was the sharpest looking GT i have ever seen.
Well, that sounds more than good enough :P are you saying a real full HD resolution because you havent played prologue @ native 1080p before btw?
I just think it very much in PD's best interests to invest in this algorithm. It's entirely a post-process and so can be simply added on to their existing code with no problem at all and we will probably see GT5 (ingame) surpass its previous trailers (partially CG)
Thats the AA and a good calibrated TV.
The aliasing on the back end of the car is understandable, the LED taillights and the (animated) wing are pretty prone for that.

Thanks for the video and your comments, im glad youre not only pleased with the visuals, but also with the physics, since you also play PC sims and other games on both "HD consoles".

EDIT: He means "real" because Prologue runs in 1280x1080 upscaled and PD said they want to make GT5 1920x1080.

sure sure, i played the prologue in 1080p native, but the real FULL HD res. in the prologue you will only get in the main menus. Ingame is it 1440x1080 or something. not sure, i read that here on the gtp forums.

whatever, the DEMO looks sharper, and i dont imagine that. my GF (a non gt player, but spectator) said that too.
More GT Academy footage - with nice sound too :)

Daniel Holland at Tokyo - Note he isn't exactly a slow driver, and yet the AI didn't just let him blow them all away ;)
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Damn, that McLaren F1 really takes a beating in that Gamersyde video. lol

Looks so beautiful though, especially with that frame rate.
Thanks for the video and impressions Oberst Struppi, looks like you have done plenty of laps of the Nordschleife, nice driving. 👍
ah ok thanks dude I see what you meant now, don't blame me for the slowness, its 1am here :P. Also yeah struppi its 1280 horizontal rez as GT ace said :) Btw what do u mean the demo looked sharper? do u mean the TT demo or the sls demo? Because I was under the impression that the TT demo was representative only of GT5's physics and was running prologues graphics engine (without many, if any, enhancements)
the SLS demo looks sharper than the prologue. thats what i meant.

i dont count the Academy TT Demo. That Demo was pure ****... lags, bad textures... all pure **** :).
lol I know what you mean, but did the demo lag for you?! :embarrassed:. I mean i can notice any drop to around 45fps with rfactor and my other pc games and I never noticed any tbh. Heres hoping GT5 will be true HD, completely locked @ 60fps, have MLAA, 70 actual tracks and not just reverses ;), groundbreaking real time deformation, awesome car tuning and modifying plus 1000 cars including >5 f1 cars >13 nascar cars and lots of pagani, maserati and hopefully a gumpert among others :D I couldnt care less about porsche tbh, their design direction has gone nowhere for too long and I never liked the look of the things. Sure the driving experience is above par however its not THAT far above par for it to matter to me IMHO. Thats pretty much everyones wishes summed up right? This list, if we're honest, is pretty unrealistic though. However i'm ready to be surprised :)
I get slowdown in GT5:P :odd:
I hadn't noticed it before, but it's popping up now and then with a full field at certain points on certain tracks :grumpy:

I remember GT2 used to have terrible slowdown at the start of races, for some reason. Here's hoping PD jump on that 🤬 and beat it right out of the game :D

Also, "morphological anti-aliasing" looks the business! There're some clever buggers out there... Single sample in texture space (from the framebuffer), as opposed to 2x2, 4x4, 8x8 etc. samples per pixel in geometry space requiring ray tracing (OK, many AA algorithms use stenciling etc. to adaptively single out areas for more / less accuracy and more / less rays, but still...) The main benefit for the PS3 is that the RSX doesn't have to deal with it! But, why hadn't it been done earlier?
Both on and off line had 16 cars in GT5 prologue

At TGS or something from 2 or years ago, they showed a screen with all the features. I remember one of the lines on the screen saying "16 players online races" or something along those lines. That's where my confusion came a few posts back about the nascar thing.
@ oburst
You say you noticed better antialiasing, but did you notice any aliasing at all? as in was it even visible? I ask because im very interested to see if PD will employ this newly perfected MLAA technique in GT5. This would be ideal for them as it would free up a LOT of resources to make the game look (I only say look because the algorithm should make no difference to any physics calculations, I think, due to MSAA not really involving processor/ram too much amiright?) quite a reasonable bit better. They're managing to push 4xAA @ 720p and 2xAA @ 1080p with the ps3's rsx and these couplings would take up a massive amount of performance. However if they can nullify the need to use the rsx to apply MSAA whilst rendering a massive resolution then, well, coupled with the freeing up of ram on the ps3 could we not expected larger textures, better shaders, better effects and (the only thing besides aliasing stopping GT5 looking exactly like real life) higher resolution shadow maps. Plus this algorithm means they'd be pulling off a level of AA that, in some areas, is as effective as 32x and even 64xAA. GT5 is preeeeeetty :)

I think it is too late in dev. cycle for they to implement something like the newest AA solution using the Cell SPUs found in both GoW3 and the PS3 version of The Saboteur..

I would be awesome if they could do it, the game would look absolutely amazing with virtualy Zero aliasing to be noticed ^^

probably he noticed the same temporal 2xSSAA found in the GT TT Demo making the game look less aliased than 5 Prologue ;)

but I really hope that PD take a look at that "MLAA-like" tecnique for GT6 :D
But what if they have already put it in? GT5 is first party, surely they'd get the goods as soon as anybody else? I mean, it's probably too late to add it to GoWIII by now, but it's in there...
Missing the gearbox whine. But I feel this is a very old build, I'm sure it's the same one shown back in Early 2009


I believe its the straight cut gears. Good improvement already, hopefully you're right and its an early build. 💡
yesterday i have been in stuttgart at the mercedes benz museum.

i have visited this place with my girlfriend, because she´s a bit of a mercedes fan :).

so, a good chance for me to try the sls demo :).

here the vid of my run. i see 20 seconds, or more left. btw, the wheels were really bad and squeezed out.

Thanks man!

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