GT5 Latest News & Discussion

  • Thread starter gamelle71
Yeah, and some others who post here have this demo as well.. (you know who im talking about).

Good for them.. but im still in need of GT5.. was there not going to be a announcement about the release date "soon"? or are we talking E3 again...?
An user on NeoGAF uploaded a capture that seems show that all demos shown until now are selectable from a switch menu in the demo code.



Do you know that?

Quick and very very dirty interpretation of the Katakana; no idea what the "nomi" in hiragana after each "event" is (I have no knowledge of Japanese!)

CES '10
Autosalon (GT booth)
Autosalon (vs. ??)
Autosalon (Ranking ??)
Toyota Event [no mi] (?? ga Toyota ??)
Toyota Event [no mi] (?? ga ??)
Supercar Event [no mi]
GT500 Event [no mi]
WRC Event [no mi]
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I just wanted to show abouy move and head tracking. i wont use these gadgets.
maybe someones wonder how work it is
i must say Dave your posts getting annoying coz most of them related to personal..
When will you stop to post like that? I hope its very soon.
i must say Dave your posts getting annoying coz most of them related to personal..
When will you stop to post like that? I hope its very soon.

huh? I asked how you're supposed to hold the thing when your hands are occupied with a controller/wheel?
Who want to see this car in GT5?

Pagani Zonda R
Apollo Gumpert
Porsche GT
Porsche Gembella Mirage GT
Koenigsegg CCX
Maserati MC12

Gentlemen star your Playstations.




Who want to drive japanese hatchbacks in GT5?
I don't, too many of them in the last past GT's.
Who want to see this car in GT5?

Pagani Zonda R
Apollo Gumpert
Porsche GT
Porsche Gembella Mirage GT
Koenigsegg CCX
Maserati MC12

Gentlemen star your Playstations.

Who want to drive japanese hatchbacks in GT5?
I don't, too many of them in the last past GT's.

Given that you're a new member I'll tell you that there's a specifical thread for cars that "You want/wish to see in GT5" HERE. Also, as discussed before, you gotta admit some japanese hatches are good fun and are part of the GT experience ;).
Who want to see this car in GT5?

Pagani Zonda R
Apollo Gumpert
Porsche GT
Porsche Gembella Mirage GT
Koenigsegg CCX
Maserati MC12

Gentlemen star your Playstations.

Who want to drive japanese hatchbacks in GT5?
I don't, too many of them in the last past GT's.

Haha. Someone just finished reading the argument I was a part of only pages ago.
Oh my God! Lego Star Wars!


Oh my gawd! Oh my gawd!!! Could it be true? Could it be finally here? The reason I bought a PS3 and a G27, and the reason I joined this forums? Could it be??? LEGO STAR WARS!!! :cool:.

Seriously now, where the heck you got that pic? Please, can a photoshop expert tell if it's fake or not?
Given that you're a new member I'll tell you that there's a specifical thread for cars that "You want/wish to see in GT5" HERE. Also, as discussed before, you gotta admit some japanese hatches are good fun and are part of the GT experience ;).

I know there's thread a for that.

But this was a response for a discussion in a few pages back. I've been here long enough to know where to post and located threads.
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But what about the lurkers? The people who don't post on this section 'cos of all the haters hatin'? Those that don't even frequent this establishment (the horror...) etc.

Everyone has an opinion, just not everyone voices it - always be on the lookout for the silent ones ;)

And it's obviously a fake, given the manner in which the accompanying text was posted...
More like:


Seriously, I wonder why more guests don't join. Where else would you want to be when news breaks?

We're the smartest Gran Turismo followers on all the web!
Would be a nice E3 announcement. Would be ideal to play a demo of a damn game 5 years and nearly 3 months later.

*marches out of topic*