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  • Thread starter gamelle71

Only by the motion animation I can tell thats not GT:scared:
It's not a video game. I think it's a real race.
And yes, the car in the end does have a GT sticker on it but it's a real race car I'm sure of it ;)

I think so. It's a 3D tv from LG they're showing and seems to feature real footage of what it seems to be a SuperGT race. However at some point there are three cars aproaching a tight right turn (similar to turn 1 in Fuji - although the scenery seems different). The last of the three cars seems a road-going Citroen C4 Coupe gray. This does not fit with the SuperGT footage. Later, the scene of the race car with the open door seems as a real pit footage and definetly there's a GT logo on that car's windshield. But I suppose that some cars in SuperGT series do have GT sponsorship
Yeah like i said, my mistake, however, it's a testimant to PD that we are starting to make mistakes like this (well i am anyway). You can tell it's real life by the way the guy moves his head with the open car door, and the grass texture at the end.

I do wholeheartidly hope that there are some suprises in store for us. What we've seen so far is impressive, but people are getting used to all this footage and critisising more, so when the game finally arrives, will we be a bit like 'good, but seen it already'?

Yes it wouild be great if this graphics engine is an old build, but i highly doubt it can be improved much further then where it already stands. There is already a great deal of improvements over prologue, better lighting/shadows/blur/depth of field and better track textures, so i doubt these will improve further than what we see now. Improvements will be in the additional features we have not seen yet such as the full damage model, weather, online and licences such as WRC.
I m sure the damage model level is "Bridé" <= i dont know the correct word in uk for "Bridé", it's impossible than P-D give us this pathétic damage level to see.

But the most important for me it's to see a part for reacting IA at 2:22 of the vidéo.
The rigth left at 120 km of the white car is so real good réaction.
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Like Famine did, and P3nT4gR4m didn't say, the damage (excluding WRC and NASCAR) to me has looked stupid ever since we first saw clips of it. That Motul GT-R drove 100mph+ into the first wall and it had a little paint scuffed on the front bumper. It continues to drive into walls and a little more paint comes off. It looks ridiculous. I would rather have no stupid, paint scratches after a 160mph crash. Of course the other option is to make the cars more fragile and let bumpers fly off after the first crash - like they should.

Realistic, visual damage or no visual damage. No inbetween for me thank you very much.
Realistic, visual damage or no visual damage. No inbetween for me thank you very much.
I'm inclined to agree with that. Half-baked "Forza'esque" damage looks stupid IMO. I know it's a licensing thing, not a technical limitation, and for that reason, if I were developing the game, I'd just say that race cars have full visual damage, and production cars have none due to licensing limitations. At least we'd have the honest facts.
I'm going to be optimistic about GrandCobra's post and use other games as examples of what and what is not possible. Not all of it has already been seen but it doesn't mean it can't be done.

Sorry for the format guys but I didn't know of any other way of breaking this down to it's objective parts.

From what I've seen tyres get deformed and can also tear & shred during massive crashes like in NASAR, the deformation of super-cars is as real as it gets.
- tyre deformation already done (Forza 3).
- unsure about tears/shreds...any examples?

I've also seen rain in action and it truly blew me away. The individual droplets of rain pouring down on the windshield actually cast shadows on the top of the dashboard and the physics during rainy conditions become ultra hard (as in extremely real in simulating driving on a wet road).
- Colin McRae Rally 3, PGR4 and Ferrari Challenge do rain pretty well already including physics
- not sure if dashboard shadowing has been done before

In WRC the tracks gradually deform from your tyres and it stays that way all in real-time.
- not new technology i.e. Motorstorm tech demo and implementation to some extent in Motorstorm and Motorstorm: Pacific Rift

When it starts to rain the ground gradually becomes very muddy causing it to stick to the side of the car and it also builds up on your tyres.
- cars getting dirty is old technology
- debris/grass/dirt tech seen in F1:CE

Barriers are fully deformable and you can fly well off the course,...
- nothing new here

...not to mention that wipers can be activated to wipe off mud on your windshield.
- been done plenty of times before including Colin McRae Rally 3, PGR4 and Ferrari Challenge

Lighting has been greatly improved and the graphics of every track in the game has been improved 20x's over from the current build you guys are seeing on mimiximax's YT channel,...
- exaggeration to get the point across that it does look better?

...PD have also over come those fuzzy shadow problems.
- hardly surprising, is it?

The showroom looks very different (but it's only a test) and the textures within every cars cockpit have been vastly improved,...
- did they need to be?

...hand cross over animations have come back, but this time the animations look very solid and incredibly real. Animations for gear shifting looks 10x's better
- in the whole scheme of things not that much extra work to implement but again maybe exaggerated to make the point it looks better?

...and there's no more hand clipping with the steering wheel.
- I'm sure there is but you just can't see it.

There's now a new animation for scrolling down windows...
- done in Test Drive: Unlimited

...which brings a new element of PD's GT5 engine, 'dynamic sound' meaning PD can accurately capture the sound of a car from the inside with the windows scrolled down having sound coming in from the outside at the same time. Cars zooming by with your windows scrolled down sounds very very real...
- occlusive sound already done in SOCOM: Confrontation and MAG

...and during rainy conditions rain can enter your car if your windows are scrolled down (that just blew me away seriously).
- I have tremendous problems relating to this i.e. why would they put it in anyway?

Grass can tear and flick up in the air and muddy grass gets stuck on your tyres and suspension.
- grass flicking up has been done already (Ferrari Challenge)
- sticking on suspension seems unlikely...another why add such an insignificant feature?

During night races rain can still be seen with your headlights reflecting light off of the rain drops. Animations for switching you wipers on have also been added.
- wipers work on previous racing games
- animation just an extension of gear changes

There...sounds a little more plausible dunnit :D
Haha it's getting worse every day..
Due to the lack of news we have now people PRETENDING they have news & are from PD.
Maybe tomorrow someone who claims to be of a magazine

Maybe in the next few days Kaz himself comes here to post some fresh news... :lol:
Vincent Viceroy:
"There...sounds a little more plausible dunnit"

Not really, no. Because with all that the game would either be 720p 30fps like motorstorm/pgr/tdu or with one car at a time like the rally games you meantioned. Its a load of crap and a pretty obvious one at that.
and definetly there's a GT logo on that car's windshield. But I suppose that some cars in SuperGT series do have GT sponsorship

Don't think so, I've seen the first two races this season at least and didn't notice a GT sticker during those. The 24hr. of Nurburgring race however, has cars with a similar windscreen sticker.

The track bit they show doesn't look like the Nurburgring GP circuit though. Could be an entire different demo too. Track bit being real footage and the pit being GT5 for example.
There...sounds a little more plausible dunnit :D
Not really, no. Just because a series of things have collectively been done before in other racing games does not mean that everything has worked its way into GT5. Sure, they can all be plausible to some extent, but I call BS an all of it, and if anything does turn out true, it's hardly a tough guess is it? For a start, Kaz stated that the look and feel will be similar to Prologue, but the scale and diversity will be totally different:

So, it's not going to look 20x better than the build Mimaximax has, nor is it going to look even twice as good, not just in terms of how the graphics/tracks look.
Quit whining about the damage model. Chances are it's not even close to the final damage build, so no reason to get your panties all in bunch.
Well, except for gravel... But it got snow :dopey:

Although I doubt that will be available in the game...

If you missed this, it's brilliant!

I love the poeticism at the end:
Nürburgring has the reputation of being somewhat of a gallows, but rather than think every second of the people who came and "went" before, he approaches it from the hangman's perspective, and is simply grateful for this wonderful day!

Well, that's my approximate understanding... :ouch:

As for damage, if the mechanical part is properly implemented (with at least some form of visual correspondence) I'll be more than happy!
Quit whining about the damage model. Chances are it's not even close to the final damage build, so no reason to get your panties all in bunch.

Not chances. It IS an old build so why would anyone think that just because now we're having more videos of the CES demo it's suddenly the latest build of the engine? Shouldn't be fooled so easily now.
Damn I wish we will get an good racing game like GTR2 for the PS3... Even though GT5 will have 1000 cars and more, I miss an real racing season with real existing starting grids on real existing race courses...

I will play an DTM season or an real GTR season. The races in FM3 are a bit boring... there is the #1 car with 600hp the #2 car with 580hp the #3 car with 530hp... There are no real and hard races, no real fighting. I play in hard mode and win every race within the first try. The only thing you got to do is to choose the same car as the #1 car in the starting grid... The same thing was in GT4... It´s boring... And also this 3 lap races... they suck... It´s better to have races with 10, 20 or 30 laps...

I hope the career mode in GT5 will include some challenging races with all the same PP and so on...

Only by the motion animation I can tell thats not GT:scared:

First of all i think that is real.No way that current gen can do this BUT how often you see on real TV racing that car going off the track?I mean USUALLY it's not a best shot you can get.
But really again.No way that current gen can handle this.GT Prologue are not SO FAR from the GTHD demo and CES '10 builds are almost identical to Prologue.TTDEMO Indy is already worser...I mean that's all.

Edited: It's 100% real.No GT logos.Only "" or upper-right and big LG logo on bottom.
Rain footage is used to give you some raindrops right in your eyes...
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Ok I must have missed alot but is Grandcobra really a Sony employee,What he said about those features are pretty strange to be honest so I just want to make sure

P.S by strange I mean something completely unheard of like windows scrolling and what not.[ /IMG]

Only by the motion animation I can tell thats not GT:scared:[/QUOTE]

There is one very simple way we can figure this out.

Someone needs to post an image of that car in real life with the GT decal on the windscreen. Then we know its not an ingame pic.

I'm sure it isn't that hard.
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