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  • Thread starter gamelle71
..from playstation eu blog

FirstPlay episode 4

This week we’re mostly drooling over HD footage of Gran Turismo 5


There it can be seen:


Winter 2010...
..from playstation eu blog

FirstPlay episode 4

This week we’re mostly drooling over HD footage of Gran Turismo 5


Not wanting to get anyone's hopes up but I've just spotted that next weeks edition of FirstPlay will feature Gran Turismo 5 although I believe this is only available in the UK. It is highly unlikely it will reveal any new information but I will probably be splashing the 99p on it next Thursday ;)

They said GT5 would be in the next edition last Thursday but good to know it's confirmed. It's only 99p so I'll be getting it even if it isn't anything new just to see it in HD on my TV.

There it can be seen:


Winter 2010...

It's a UK publication so bear in mind our winter starts early...if only global warming would hurry up ;)
I feel like an nerd because I´ve got an racing wheel :D

But if I imagine, I sit at home and play GT5 with an helmet haha freaky...

Besides the look, I think I sweat enough already with the G25. I can imagine how worst it would be with something like that in my head :scared:
It is by far the biggest selling PS3 exclusive, Sony made game franchise, that also happens to be run and created by a Sony exec :bowdown:

Without GT, the PS would not be where it is today....

I'm pretty sure Final Fantasy would beg to differ. The series was exclusive for how many years and how many titles?
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I'm pretty sure Final Fantasy would beg to differ. The series was exclusive for how many years and how many titles?

There are not many Final Fantasy games that were exclusive to Sony? (Excluding the spin-offs)

Here they are;

IX, X, X-2, XII

I think that's it. 1 to 5 were released before Sony entered the console market, so they're out. VI was re-released on the GBA. VII was also released on the PC, as was VIII. XI was PC only I think, and XIII is multi-platform.

IX - 5.3m
X - 7.65m
X-2 - 5.21m
XII - 5.69m

If I count, that is 23.85million? Now, if you add up the spin-off titles such as Crisis core or Dirge of Cerberus, you still don't come close to GTs sales.

Although to be fair, he did say the biggest selling PS3 exclusive. In which case, that isn't GT either I don't think, because there is only Prologue (Technically GTHD is a demo not a game, even if it was listed as a game on PSN, it is a demo.). I'd bet on maybe MGS4 or some crappy 'bargain bundle' (i.e. included free with just about every console just to shift the damn things) title like Motorstorm.

Strike that, it is indeed GT5:Prologue. It is only behind Modern Warfare 2 on sales, and that is cross-platform.
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Hey guys, with all the 3D and GT..

I rather see PD bring up the EYE TOY camera again. Sure 3D will immerse bit more, and give Field of view more clearly, but a EYE TOY head movement (confirmed by PD) will be better since you will be able to look around the cockpit as well see the drivers around your car. After playing with Trackir and iRacing, rFacotr, GTR games, there is no way I want to go back.

Also is way cheaper to just use EYE cam rather then very expensive 3D tv.
EYE TOY head movement (confirmed by PD) will be better since you will be able to look around the cockpit as well see the drivers around your car.

Quick question. Maybe I'm missing something, but head tracking with PS Eye seems like a flawed idea. I turn my head around to have a look elsewhere in the game, & whoops, I can't see the telly anymore......because I turned my head around.

Unless I can set up some fancy (read expensive & stupid) motorised system where the tv moves across the wall to stay in my line of sight, I don't see how this will work. How is turning my head away from the tv, so that I can see something different on the tv ever going to work?
Quick question. Maybe I'm missing something, but head tracking with PS Eye seems like a flawed idea. I turn my head around to have a look elsewhere in the game, & whoops, I can't see the telly anymore......because I turned my head around.

Unless I can set up some fancy (read expensive & stupid) motorised system where the tv moves across the wall to stay in my line of sight, I don't see how this will work. How is turning my head away from the tv, so that I can see something different on the tv ever going to work?

Legitimate point, but the process is proved and very succesful. There is a similar system for PC games, it's called TrackIR. Very popular among flight simmers, look it up as well as some videos, it works well.

Additionally TrackIR costs like 149 bucks. PD will give us (If it's confirmed) something similar for 30 bucks for the camera and 60 for the game. Awesome.
GT5 delay now due to 3D is my thinking.


I could give a crap about 3D!

I will not buy a 3D TV, or any other gizmo gadget!

I spent $2,000 on my current set up!

$80 bucks for 🤬:banghead::censored:3D glasses!
Quick question. Maybe I'm missing something, but head tracking with PS Eye seems like a flawed idea. I turn my head around to have a look elsewhere in the game, & whoops, I can't see the telly anymore......because I turned my head around.

Unless I can set up some fancy (read expensive & stupid) motorised system where the tv moves across the wall to stay in my line of sight, I don't see how this will work. How is turning my head away from the tv, so that I can see something different on the tv ever going to work?

Always wondered the same thing until I watched this video. 💡

Legitimate point, but the process is proved and very succesful. There is a similar system for PC games, it's called TrackIR.

Absolutely. 👍

The head tracking feature is easily one of the features of GT5 I am most excited about. Without three PS3's, and three HD monitors, you are left with a flat viewing angle, and the sense of speed isn't what it could be.

Now, if you DO have the aforementioned setup, and head tracking...:drool:

I'll have to have a look when I get home. I'm at work at the moment (just passing the time away until they take off the shackles & let me go). Unfortunately to say the works internet is rubbish would be an understatement. In short I can't look at videos.

Only 37 minutes left. Not that I'm counting (cough!)
Absolutely. 👍

The head tracking feature is easily one of the features of GT5 I am most excited about. Without three PS3's, and three HD monitors, you are left with a flat viewing angle, and the sense of speed isn't what it could be.

Now, if you DO have the aforementioned setup, and head tracking...:drool:;)

If you had three monitors, surely head tracking wouldn't be as important. You'll already have a panoramic view of your surroundings anyway.

Perhaps you can set up a numbers of monitors that go round you in a complete circle, & then you'd always be able to look in every direction without any head tracking.....nah, dumb idea.
Mybe this will work for flight simulators but I don´t know how you would use this in an racing game... If you look right in real life then you see whats on the right site... But If you look right on this head tracking thing, then you got to keep your eyes anyway on the tv...

They´ve implemented so much things we don´t need... head tracking, 3D, move, this gprs thing... It would be much better to focus on online mode, maybe an facebook connection possibility and some other usefull things... It would be better to spent the money to get porsche in the game than to have gprs or an citroen by PD...

I race nearly only with porsches in Forza3... especially the carrera GT is a hell of a car... to race with that and an racing wheel on the ring, that would be much more fun than using this stupid move controller to change some wheels or whatever you can do with that...
I wonder how much the head tracking relies on you being sat close to the screen like you typically are with PCs? Sat further back, it doesn't take much motion for your eyes to lose focus of the screen. Interesting though, and something I hope is implemented, because THAT is far more impressive to me that pseudo 3D. I'd even wear a stupid headset if needed.
I wonder how much the head tracking relies on you being sat close to the screen like you typically are with PCs? Sat further back, it doesn't take much motion for your eyes to lose focus of the screen. Interesting though, and something I hope is implemented, because THAT is far more impressive to me that pseudo 3D. I'd even wear a stupid headset if needed.

Maybe if you sat further back you could duct tape the Move controller to your head as an alternative.;)
That TrackIR video is awesome, if head-tracking is that easy and smooth I'll buy a PSEye just for GT5, even considering a videogame camera a total waste of money. Even Prologue would be fun with that thing. :dopey:

Regarding 3D, I really don't care, I'll buy a 3D-ready HDTV as soon as the prices start to stabilize, but I'd rather have the game in June without 3D than waiting for the whole year until Sony finishes it's 3D technology portfolio and start sales.
If you had three monitors, surely head tracking wouldn't be as important. You'll already have a panoramic view of your surroundings anyway.

Not exactly. Triple monitors, with the addition of head tracking, is actually quite common in the PC flight sim/race sim world. Triple monitors still limit you quite a bit, just not as much as a single monitor setup. With a TM setup, the sense of speed is much greater when you're looking straight ahead. Head tracking and triple monitors allows you to have that sense of speed, and still allow tracking (i.e. looking behind you, leaning to look around the pillars(blindspots), etc...

Winter, what the hell?


It's a UK publication so bear in mind our winter starts early...if only global warming would hurry up ;)
Winter, even in UK, starts in november. Not good... I was hoping for the first week of october.
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I have a question regarding this GT5-3D thing...

Will the physical support of the game itself (Blue-Ray Disc) be a single one or there'll be 2 different: one 'regular' 2D GT5 version and a 3D Edition? If so (the latest) is a price difference between them to be expected?