GT5 Latest News & Discussion

  • Thread starter gamelle71
Not exactly. Triple monitors, with the addition of head tracking, is actually quite common in the PC flight sim/race sim world. Triple monitors still limit you quite a bit, just not as much as a single monitor setup. With a TM setup, the sense of speed is much greater when you're looking straight ahead. Head tracking and triple monitors allows you to have that sense of speed, and still allow tracking (i.e. looking behind you, leaning to look around the pillars(blindspots), etc...


Yep, but I don't think the PS3 headtracking will work like trackIR at all. You will not be turning your head to look out the side windows or anything like that.
I have a question regarding this GT5-3D thing...

Will the physical support of the game itself (Blue-Ray Disc) be a single one or there'll be 2 different: one 'regular' 2D GT5 version and a 3D Edition? If so (the latest) is a price difference between them to be expected?

I would guess that it'll be one game with an option for 3D which will be available to you if you have a 3D TV connected.
Yep, but I don't think the PS3 headtracking will work like trackIR at all. You will not be turning your head to look out the side windows or anything like that.

Not sure I understand what you're getting at... I wouldn't assume how the head tracking will work in GT5, but I can't imagine why they would limit the functionality to such a degree that you couldn't look out the side window. That just doesn't make sense. It's one of the main reasons I would think the HT is included in GT5. Having a small range of tracking, just wouldn't make any sense, especially in a racing/flight sim.

Although, until we see the PSEye and GT5 working together, it's hard to say exactly how it will be implemented.

Not sure I understand what you're getting at... I wouldn't assume how the head tracking will work in GT5, but I can't imagine why they would limit the functionality to such a degree that you couldn't look out the side window. That just doesn't make sense. It's one of the main reasons I would think the HT is included in GT5. Having a small range of tracking, just wouldn't make any sense, especially in a racing/flight sim.

Although, until we see the PSEye and GT5 working together, it's hard to say exactly how it will be implemented.


I'm pretty sure it's going to be something along the lines of the headtracking done by Johnny Lee.
I'm pretty sure it's going to be something along the lines of the headtracking done by Johnny Lee.

While I do like the effect that creates. It's definitely not as functional. I can only hope it's closer to the TrackIR system. The little info that has been released thus far, is pretty vague. Although, most PSEye head tracking demos do look like the "Johnny Lee" demo you mentioned.

We'll see. It's PD, so I can imagine they are taking into consideration the different functions such a system would benifit the most from, in a racing sim environment.

I can only hope.....

but, you're probably right.


This may help:tup:

👍 Thanks for posting this, I saw it ages ago and have been searching for it recently. If they can do this on Wii hardware imagine what the PS3 and Move will be able to do!

Maybe if you sat further back you could duct tape the Move controller to your head as an alternative.;)

I'm sure a peripheral along these lines has already been considered :crazy: I think my wife would file for divorce if she found me with a glowing appendage strapped to my head :lol:

Winter, even in UK, starts in november. Not good... I was hoping for the first week of october.

It was meant to be a joke that UK weather is rubbish and our winters start on August bank holiday regardless of what the calendar says ;)

Always wondered the same thing until I watched this video. 💡

Awesome, thanks for posting 👍 I knew it worked in this way but this is the best demonstration I've seen of it. I got an eyepet (meh) with eyetoy camera so I had one for Move and GT5 so I'm hoping it's implemented and well executed.
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They´ve implemented so much things we don´t need... head tracking, 3D, move, this gprs thing... It would be much better to focus on online mode, maybe an facebook connection possibility and some other usefull things...

'Facebook' and 'Useful' in the same sentence!?:lol:
You laugh but I´ve found out how fun it is to compete with friends in facebook... I´ve hated facebook but some games are fun... for example I play bejeweled blitz since 2 weeks and we started a big fight with friends... Normaly I hate onlinegames but it´s addicting...

Ok for GT5 maybe this won´t work because we already got hot-lap stats and so on... But they should focus more on useful things than gprs data...
Further to the previous discussion about this weeks FirstPlay episode TheSixthAxis are claiming the GT5 coverage will be new! Fingers crossed.

Still there is some stuff to look forward to this week, such as new coverage of Gran Turismo 5, some hands on time with PlayStation Move and also a guide to not losing in Super Street Fighter IV.

Also following on from Soundtrack's head tracking clip this is what PS Move can do, skip to 4:00 for the good bit.

Head tracking must be kept in perspective. Literally.

You move your head slightly to the right and the view angle does the same. Allowing you to have part of the front view and a bit of side view to check if someone is coming by besides you. Not as on/off front/side view.

Done correctly, it will be awesome. Done bad, will be disconcerting, ruin concentration and produce more contact, crashing and mayhem than a Nascar short track race. Which is not all that bad :P
For the weather issues, Polyphony Digital should go to Rockstar Games to get their help on this feature. 💡 Rockstar has been showing this well-going in game weather feature, especially in the GTA series ever since GTA III in 2001, and still improving. 💡
If they can't make something possible, that has been done about 9 to 10 years ago in GTA, then PD's screwed. GT5 is sucking the life out of them. ":dunce:👎:crazy::nervous::guilty::irked::boggled:🤬:scared::ouch::indiff::yuck::(:eek::odd::banghead:" Thinks PD.
To me, the weather effects in GTA aren't that great. Some rain and things are wet all of a sudden? It doesn't just go to a downpour unless you're in the rain forest. More realism is required for DYNAMIC weather in GT5. I'm sure if there is this feature in GT5 it won't be as sudden as GTA.
True, I guess, but I would say final fantasy had a much greater impact on the playstation brand than GT.

I don't know about that

Non-gamers will buy any PS just for a GT game these days. You know car nerds, racing drivers, normal people and so on. People that don't play games on a usual basis. People into cars, and cars do dominate every day life, outnumber people into FF, which are mostly hardcore gamers and emo nerdy fan boys :)

I just don't see many people buying a PS just for a FF game. Hell do they even know what FF is?
I don't know about that

Non-gamers will buy any PS just for a GT game these days. You know car nerds, racing drivers, normal people and so on. People that don't play games on a usual basis. People into cars, and cars do dominate every day life, outnumber people into FF, which are mostly hardcore gamers and emo nerdy fan boys :)

I just don't see many people buying a PS just for a FF game. Hell do they even know what FF is?

Most of my communication class knows what FF is (18-40 year olds), whereas none of them knew what an F1 car was, so I'd bet on FF.
I thought this game had previously looked all good but the graphics in that video there arnt really doing it for me? Still looks like a fun game though so probley still get it.

Yeah, a bit too much sepia and bloom like g.r.i.d. and other codies games, but it will probably be smooth(fps-wise), and good with sim settings and with a wheel...
I am worried about simulation part. They said SAME damn thing wiht DIRT 2, when they claim its a SIM and realistic.. yet its very arcade!, aslo same thing with Need For Speed guys with latest one, they claim its SIM yet its still very Arcade like. I hope they really do mean SIM will be true to life!
I am worried about simulation part. They said SAME damn thing wiht DIRT 2, when they claim its a SIM and realistic.. yet its very arcade!, aslo same thing with Need For Speed guys with latest one, they claim its SIM yet its still very Arcade like. I hope they really do mean SIM will be true to life!

Yeah same here. iv only just got into the F1 sport this year so would love a good in-depth SIM but.. Yeah not holding my breath unfortunately..