i don't want to prove how wrong you are ...
If you don't know about graphic processing then don't try prove otherwise.
Before I start, I should clarify what I've been saying. Yes, these game engines use normal mapping. It's almost impossible to go without any these days, and yes they use very little normals, BUT that is while in comparison to other engines, mainly multiplat. Source, UE2 / 3 to name a few.
Ok, to continue.
B3D has a section on different game developers with presentations on their game engines. The things I've noticed in the ND Engine 2.0, Guerrilla Engine, and Insomniac Engine (resistance 1/2) and they use very little normal maps. Like I mentioned above, these PS3 specific engines use a lot less normal maps that typical engines since the RSX is a very poor gpu in terms of normal renders. In fact, almost all normal maps are passed on to the cell, since the cell is a stream process (gpu's are also known as stream processors).
Anyway, you'll find these normals on every object, but to a lot less of the extent compared to others. For example, in Uncharted 2, there are normals on everything, ground, folds in characters clothing, etc, but the main detail comes from the lighting from a mixture of the high polys, the texture vibrancy, specular maps, and it's pairing with the NAO16 HDR ligthing. If you look at ps3 exclusive games vs multiplats, you can see, in example UC2 again, that there are a lot of objects. Trees, debri, other things, that sort of polygonal polish you don't see in other games, simply because the PS3 is more capable of doing that instead of lets say, a Normal intensive Gears of War is.
Anyway, I hope I cleared up all what I've been saying. Actually falling asleep after one of my posts allowed me to get some needed rest so i can have a post that can be more easily understood.