GT5 Latest News & Discussion

  • Thread starter gamelle71
For some reason I don't think the EU blog will have anything to do with GT. Although they are really the only ones who let out the 'good news' anyway
For some reason I don't think the EU blog will have anything to do with GT. Although they are really the only ones who let out the 'good news' anyway

With GT5 being the biggest thing that is being advertised(on multiple cars and signsaround the track), how would it not be related to it? You can clearly see that talk regarding Sony's presence at Le Mans isn't about the Move.
Hyped! :)

Most likely will be an edited trailer recycled from the old ones and have a proper new one at their conference, who knows? I hope I'm wrong!
Hyped! :)

Most likely will be an edited trailer recycled from the old ones and have a proper new one at their conference, who knows? I hope I'm wrong!
Likely so, but I am passing the news along.

All aboard!!! The hype train will leave tomorrow or even tonight......:)
With GT5 being the biggest thing that is being advertised(on multiple cars and signsaround the track), how would it not be related to it? You can clearly see that talk regarding Sony's presence at Le Mans isn't about the Move.

PS is very big, and GT is a small part, regardless of Le Mans and E3 going on this weekend and upcoming week it could be very likely they are related, but unless they have mentioned anything that related to GT I wouldn't relate the 'two huge announcements' to the EU PS blog.

I mean, wouldn't they save the announcements for E3? With the GTTV tonight on Spike, these two huge announcements possibly about GT, and then E3? I think there might be a new overload, which we haven't ever seen before hahaha. Anyway, I think if anything the announcement might be you can now download the Le Mans GT5 Demo now! But the PSN store is only updated on Thursdays?
This amount of news, rumours and al that remind me when a german guy here on GTP said he was talking to a PS executive or something similar, and the executive said him "If GT5 is getting closer, you`ll have a plenty of news and information, and when i say plenty, i mean plenty"
Do you remember this guys?
Guys! Playstation are announcing " two major announcements" tommorow morning. Maybe the GT5 release date , so they can use E3 to show it off a bit more??
Wishful thinking maybe.
But will it crash and burn? :nervous:

Man Furismo Jive, full GT5 sponsoring at Le Mans, confirmed presence at E3, etc.
Nah, it won't crash and burn this time.
This time they're the ones upping the stakes, not just some wishful thinking by dedicated forum members.

Looks like this hypetrain is solidly on rails, if they screw it up this time the aftermath would be devastating, like a bullet-train crash at full speed.....:)
Woooohohohooooooo!! :embarrassed:

Licence tests are back, I almost forgot that. :D

Seriously, this is the time, I'm quite sure Kazunori sensei is ready to show his masterpiece, lots of new content, GT4 models in Full HD and featuring cockpit view and weather effects.... E3 is going to be HUGE:embarrassed:
Haha guys, this is too funny. German gaming site ( makes fun of GT5, it's in their E3 rumour-feature (E3 - Ein Gruß aus der Gerüchteküche), funny stuff.
It says: WE WANT TO BELIEVE. Further: Does GT5 really live still? Or will it be stuck forever at 90%.? Maybe this title will even be "let out" like Leisure Suit Larry 4 at it's time and than GT6 will release, on the PS5 of course, lol.