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  • Thread starter gamelle71
Right, and the writers at Jalopnik were sure it was the Grosslockner. They even backed up their claim via email. They said they just knew it was, 'cause they recognized it.

Tuscany was slightly different. The track is fictional. The location was shown enough to be identifiable, and it was corroborated with the Rally style starting gate that read "Rally Tuscana". All we saw was a glimpse of a mountain road, with a few cement barriers that are used all over Europe, and a tunnel, which are also abundant all over the world.

I'm not saying it's not Stelvio, but what we've seen thus far isn't hard proof. There are still many possibilities. I would love to have it, and I do think there's a chance that track is either inspired by or is the Stelvio, but it's not possible to claim, with conviction, that the Stelvio Pass will be in GT5.

In the context you mentioned it, in response to the Transfagarasan pics, you're giving people a false sense of what to expect. We've not seen one point to point road... and you would think that a rally stage like Tuscany would be point to point, but it's not. If they won't make the dirt roads P2P, then I doubt they'd throw paved ones in there.
Agreed. And although they only showed a couple small sections of Stelvio...they did a LOT of work on it. I mean, the buildings and everything were modeled. Seems like a lot of work if it were only to appear in a promo-video. That's why I would be VERY surprised if it WASN'T in GT5.

I'm sure it will be in GT5, but it doesn't seems to be stelvio. For one it's too wide as you pointed out. Since PD is know to be as accurate as possible, it makes no sense for them to make it this wide. Unless it's a section prior to the famous Ss it can't be stelvio and must be inspired on it.
Well, there's only been one p2p track in the GT series and that was shortened version of Pikes Peak in GT2. It was a cool track, though.

And you're right...I guess it might NOT be Stelvio, but I think if PD were to model a road AFTER Stelvio, they'd just model the real thing. You've got to think that Kaz has driven the road a few times during his travels.

One possible reason why it was too wide, could simply be because it was a promo-video. Another reason could be...well..the REAL Stelvio isn't really wide enough for two cars. (just barely, but it doesn't look like fun to pass someone and in the videos drivers have to stop before the tunnels to let traffic through.) And if they're going to use it as a Rally stage, it'd be rather useless as narrow as it is. you'd get to the tunnels and be stuck behind the slow AI idiot and wind up with a plethora of penatlies or something. So, they might have made it just wide enough for two cars to race on...oyu know, given you some passing room. And, in the FT-86 video it does look about Nurburgring wide. Which is wide enough for two cars to pass, but not much else.

But, to make everyone happy, I'll rephrase:

Well, IF Stelvio Pass is in, then I guess it MIGHT BE plausable for the Transfaragasan road to be in, as well. Here's hopin'. (If even Stelvio is in, we'll have to get Jeremy, Richard and James a BIG ol' thank you 'cause they'd be the ones to have suggested it...or Kaz saw the episode it was in and instantly began modelling it. Either way, you know Top Gear was the inspiration for it.)
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Damn... forgot about Pike's Peak. Please PD... We want P2P!!!

TG does deserve some credit for introducing us to the Transfagarasan, and for most, the Stelvio as well. I am already grateful for their contribution to the automotive universe, and their influence on GT, but their partnership doesn't mean that PD has to go out and model every car they run, or road they tour.

I'm just a little put off by the constant claims of certainty that people make, and it's nothing personal, but there seem to be a lot of people who need to look up the definition of 'Confirmed'. Thank you for bringing your expectations back down to earth. ;)

That road could just as well be the Grosslockner, there were several pieces of it that looked similar. It could just be the longer version of Eiger. Either way, I bet it will be awesome, what ever it turns out to be. Maybe it's the Grosslockner and Stelvio, connected by the Transfagarasan!!!! :D
Damn... forgot about Pike's Peak. Please PD... We want P2P!!!

TG does deserve some credit for introducing us to the Transfagarasan, and for most, the Stelvio as well. I am already grateful for their contribution to the automotive universe, and their influence on GT, but their partnership doesn't mean that PD has to go out and model every car they run, or road they tour.

I'm just a little put off by the constant claims of certainty that people make, and it's nothing personal, but there seem to be a lot of people who need to look up the definition of 'Confirmed'. Thank you for bringing your expectations back down to earth. ;)

That road could just as well be the Grosslockner, there were several pieces of it that looked similar. It could just be the longer version of Eiger. Either way, I bet it will be awesome, what ever it turns out to be. Maybe it's the Grosslockner and Stelvio, connected by the Transfagarasan!!!! :D

The Longest Race Track EVER! Seriously, I wouldn't mind that, might need a few hours to finish it.

Also, I know not EVERYTHING TG had on their show will be in, but I do know that IF Stelvio Pass does make the cut, then TG is probably to thank 'cause a lot of us had never heard of it until TG. What would be REALLY awesome is if all the "greatest driving roads" from that episode were in and if they could all be connected, that'd be even better. you could call it, "The Top Gear Rally." It'd be an endurance race and you'd go from where they started all the way to the bottom of Stelvio Pass.
It doesn't have to be Stelvio, there are kms of roads between Davos and Stelvio! All the roads around the Alps area have quite similar looks, and tunnels. And some roads further toward Davos are better driving roads anyway. Much wider and flowing like in the FT-86 vid

"Not like playstation, where you press the reset button when you get it wrong" Did anyone else catch what Jeremy said? Why would he say that while driving on that track? Could be a hint that the track is in the game!!!!!

Or he's been playing a lot of GT5 TG track lately who knows. How old is that video?
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to be optimistic :)
Stelvio from real life,Toyota trailer,again real life:

To be pessimistic::nervous:

Eiger from GtHD
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To be pessimistic::nervous:

Eiger from GtHD

Yeah, that is definitely the same mountain range in the background, from the same general direction. With those two pictures, however, I can't tell if the first picture is simply a close up of a modified version of the bend seen in the second picture, or if it is a brand new section of road.
"Not like playstation, where you press the reset button when you get it wrong" Did anyone else catch what Jeremy said? Why would he say that while driving on that track? Could be a hint that the track is in the game!!!!!

Or he's been playing a lot of GT5 TG track lately who knows. How old is that video?
That video is during Episode 1 of Season 10 in 2007.
to be optimistic :)
Stelvio from real life,Toyota trailer,again real life:

To be pessimistic::nervous:

Eiger from GtHD

Wow nice find. Maybe modeling the real road didn't fit into their schedule so they just made a fantasy track after it.
Seems like that part of the road is closer to the snow capped mountain that the track PD made. Below the ridgline of the buildings.

*Crosssing fingers*
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I guess the mountain at Eiger is the same as Stelvio's as it's part of a pre created background. Otherwise they'd have to make a new one for every mountain track. Depending on the amount of those it could have been that we'd have had one track less.
Seeing as the FT-86 vid was a demo, the Eiger model could be a place holder just for the time, they may re-model other mountains but they needed to get the video out so they just used a place holder. Sounds plausible to me. Good spotting though.
Oooh interesting pics. If Eiger has had a redesign that will be cool :)

Am I the only one who isn't that excited about Stelvio? It's a fave of motoring journalists because they get great shots, but I've driven roads very much like it and you spend like 10 mins at a time going to the top of 3rd gear and back down again, winding the steering wheel left, winding it right, left, right....
Maybe there will be a new and longer version of the Eiger track, though there are not that many real roads to choose from up there.

I also think that's the most likely scenario. The fact that there are no real roads up there didn't deter them from making the GT5P Eiger track either. I think I can remember reading that in real life, there's just a dirt track there, certainly not a circular piece of road.

So, why not let your imagination (or rather PD's) lay a fantasy track in there?
PD fantasy track design is the best out there. So yeah, I would never say no to them doing doing more or longer versions of already popular ones :P
Maybe there will be a new and longer version of the Eiger track, though there are not that many real roads to choose from up there.
I'm sure that along with confirming there would be a longer London circuit variation, Yamauchi also mentioned there would be a longer variation of Eiger too.
If you look at the Kleine Sheidegg Railway Station, on Google Earth, the place that Eiger is modeled after, to the Northeast (which is the direction that shot of GTHD is looking) there are some sweet roads that wind back down to the village of.... Grindlewald.
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Hmm... now, why does that sound familiar?

Here's hoping that there's a great reason that sounds familiar! :D

That road, from Kleine Sheidegg to Grindlewald... it's likely to have a bit of road that looks like this, with the mountain shooting up to the right side, while facing that same peak to the NE.

Still, we shall see in the end. Nothing is confirmed. But do yourself the favour of checking those roads out on GE or maps
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If you look at the Kleine Sheidegg Railway Station, on Google Earth, the place that Eiger is modeled after, to the Northwest (which is the direction that shot of GTHD is looking) there are some sweet roads that wind back down to the village of.... Grindlewald.


This is what I was wanting to hear. :D

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