GT5 Sound Thread

  • Thread starter Marry_Me_GT
You know, I have Bob doing the Laguna race braking in a Maserati Gran Turismo and watching from 3rd person view the sound is actually good. Why didn't PD use the 3rd person sound in every camera?? From any other camera it just sounds like a damn vacuum cleaner!
You know, I have Bob doing the Laguna race braking in a Maserati Gran Turismo and watching from 3rd person view the sound is actually good. Why didn't PD use the 3rd person sound in every camera?? From any other camera it just sounds like a damn vacuum cleaner!

That would be the absence of intake noise. ;)
Lol! Yeah, so much to be desired in the sounds department...
I want this:

Earth shaking, eardrums piercing, sweet sweet violent sound!
Lol! Yeah, so much to be desired in the sounds department...
I want this:

Earth shaking, eardrums piercing, sweet sweet violent sound!

This car is a ball of scrap metal now from a 200mph wreck... R.I.P. GEORG

BTW this was a judd formula v8 in that car
Been a long time lurker here and never had the compulsion to post, but the GT sound issue really needs addressing, so I thought I'd add to the thread. Around half of the driving experience comes from the sound of a car, and PD's attempts fall short of what can be achieved these days, as demonstrated by FM and even GP Legends going back some years! If it's true that PD read these forums, I hope they pay attention to this thread and listen to another lifelong GT fan [who is probably adding nothing that hasn't been added here already] :)

Seems to me that the audio emphasizes too much high frequency whine and not enough exhaust sound (which is the most emotive sound in 99% of cars). I've also noticed this in replays, the car sounds 'whiney' on approach to the camera, and 'exhausty' once it has passed it. The human ear doesn't hear cars this way - low frequency sounds are much more apparent at distance than higher frequency. What we hear plays a huge part in what we experience.

Where are the pops and rumbles of the racecars? I've stood on the outside of Mulsanne corner and FELT Corvettes rumble past [the race car equivalent of a dirty slag wearing far too much makeup, misbehaving on a drunken night out]. I've shielded my assaulted ears as F1 cars scream down the Barcelona pit straight. Jesus, it's violent and frightening the first few times you hear that. I've tracked my car at the Nurburgring and whinced as I held 3rd, 4th and 5th flat out past 4000rpm. It seems the majority of GT cars don't really get going until above 6-7000rpm.

So come on PD, read this thread. Fix the sound issue. Bring the true driving simulator that crucial step closer to emulating the real thing and watch the hairs on the back of people's necks stand up when they pin the throttle to the floor...
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Been a long time lurker here and never had the compulsion to post, but the GT sound issue really needs addressing, so I thought I'd add to the thread. Around half of the driving experience comes from the sound of a car, and PD's attempts fall short of what can be achieved these days, as demonstrated by FM and even GT Legends going back some years! If it's true that PD read these forums, I hope they pay attention to this thread and listen to another lifelong GT fan [who is probably adding nothing that hasn't been added here already] :)

Seems to me that the audio emphasizes too much high frequency whine and not enough exhaust sound (which is the most emotive sound in 99% of cars). I've also noticed this in replays, the car sounds 'whiney' on approach to the camera, and 'exhausty' once it has passed it. The human ear doesn't hear cars this way, and low frequency sounds are much also more apparent at distance than higher frequency. What we hear plays a huge part in what we experience.

Where are the pops and rumbles of the racecars? I've stood on the outside of Mulsanne corner and FELT Corvettes rumble past [the race car equivalent of a dirty slag wearing far too much makeup, misbehaving on a drunken night out]. I've shielded my assaulted ears as F1 cars scream down the Barcelona pit straight. Jesus, it's violent and frightening the first few times you hear that. I've tracked my car at the Nurburgring and whinced as I held 3rd, 4th and 5th flat out past 4000rpm. It seems the majority of GT cars don't really get going until above 6-7000rpm.

So come on PD, read this thread. Fix the sound issue. Bring the true driving simulator than crucial step closer to emulating the real thing and watch the hairs on the back of people's necks stand up when they pin the throttle to the floor...

Welcome to the forum, indeed; however, as a long time lurker, no doubt you feel at home already! :P

The part of your post that I've emboldened is my major issue with the sounds. What you're hearing is two separate sounds emanating from the car, and they are usually directional. One is for the "engine", the other for the exhaust. Unfortunately the "engine" is just the whirring mechanical noise, and not so much the noise that comes from the intake tract, which is usually pretty meaty (that Judd V8 in the late great Georg Plasa's cars are a superb example, in fact!).

If PD were to incorporate proper intake sounds, the whirriness would be masked at full throttle (as it is in real cars, even standard road cars) and the car would be given the balls it so dearly deserves. Even in your basic passenger cars, intake noise is a big thing, given how it preferentially invades the cabin over other noises, and is the main sound that should be audible in the "interior" views of the cars in GT5. Instead, we get the thin mechanical whirr. That Zonda R, for instance; intake is very important in the cabin, given the roof scoop, but it's missing in GT5.

Now, the exhaust sounds aren't always great themselves, and are far too often well wide of the mark (e.g. wrong apparent cylinder count), but that's usually the fault of "tuning" (i.e. non-stock parts) combined with a lack of unique samples available for this use.

As for replicating the feel of sound, I'd say that's still an open problem, unless you have access to some mean hardware. If PD just get a better hold of the samples they're using (i.e. include intake, and sort out the sample / car mismatching) then it would put the sounds at a whole new level.
@sokira Well, it's not that diferent, they did record the car's sound afterall. But due to either PD's way of recording or mixing the recorded sounds it just doesn't sound right. For example, with the sound of the real Zonda I can get goosebumps, with GT5's sound I don't fell a thing. It just doesn't have that feel to it...
IDK if this have already been posted, but...

Maybe we need to have a really bad ass sound system?:scared:

Wait! That didn't work either...
There! Now it works!

Ok, this video has been shown before... Ok, if you try really hard to hear something odds are you problably will fool yourself and hear it. In reality the sounds on GT5 are just weak! While some cars in stock form somewhat resemble their real life versions, you can't really enjoy the sounds in any other view than 3rd person wich render them pretty much useless if you're doing any serious driving...
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What is the 3rd person the cockpit view ? The sound from the cockpit is pretty good only for stock road car.I'm only play with road cars and cockpit view I have no complain about the sound. I enjoy the most of cars like 458 R8 GTR Gallardo Skyline R Murcielago and the LFA wow so damn cool and real !
IMO, this is the sound PD should use for all V12 cars:

V10 cars:

Big Cross-plane V8s:

Small Flat-plane V8s:

Fixed 'er for ya! ;)

Why two videos per category? Because there's no point in every car sounding the same, despite that being the case for many cars already in the game. (Also, you should probably try to ignore the whirring "engine" note. I was focusing on the exhaust.)

Finally, apologies to anyone whose browser walks out on them over this post :P
Something a little bit out of topic, but there are few Forza 4 Sound comparisons to real life... why? I do belive the engine sounds are to exagerated just as NFS by the other hand GT5.. it lacks the punch. More bass...maybe? Closer mics while recording?
Thanks Fav for fixing my post:tup:
Apologies for posting this in this thread too if it breaks any forum rules but I'm just adding this from a thread I made earlier today in case anyone didn't see it as I think it's pretty relevant to this discussion. It might help some people get better sound from the game.

In short - turning up the rear speakers a lot on a surround sound system and reducing the centre speaker a bit improved the sound (for me) no end when driving in cockpit (and bumper) cam.

Original post

I've read many comments from some members about the "bad sound" when driving cockpit and bumper cam. Mainly that the noise of the tranmission (especially using customisable upgrade) drowns out any pleasing growls and pops coming from the engine. This may well be realistic but I want to hear the growl and pop of the engine more while driving in cockpit view.

Apologies in advance to all those who have already worked this out (see below) but there may be a few who benefit from my experience. Also if you don't have seperate amp / rear speakers then there's less you can do to control things.

When I got the PS3 and game in March along with a Sony amp and TV I used the microphone that came with the amplifier to auto set the volume surround settings for each speaker (3.2.1 speaker set up). I hadn't really experimented with major changes since then. The other day I decided to try tweaking volume settings and boost the rear speakers while balancing out the speakers at the front. It involved driving a maxed out MX5 2007 one handed around High Speed Ring while fiddling with the amp remote/menu in the other hand.

I pretty much tripled the level for the back speakers and reduced the centre front speaker a bit. Hardly touched the front left and right or sub woofer. This gave me much improved results for all cars. It made hearing cars behind and to the side of me much better. An added benefit is also that if you do have the ocassional late night crash it won't make quite such an overly loud thumping noise waking the family.

I'm not saying this makes it any more realistic however I enjoy the noises much more now from cockpit mode. It won't change an engine sound that isn't right for the car but it might make for a more engaging/thrilling driving experience. It put a real smile on my face.

Hi guys :) Is there any other car that Sounds like Lancia Delta Integrale with Titanium Race exhaust ?

At first I thought the video was fake , then if you actually install a titanium exhaust Delta sounds like a beast.....Especially on the low revs, if it revs too high the whole sound changes again to a vacuum cleaner..... strange.Try it
I've heard it before, but I couldn't tell you where (probably a standard racing car, somewhere). I think it sounds awful through the whole rev-range, though. That fake detailing has to stop!
Fixed 'er for ya! ;)

Why two videos per category? Because there's no point in every car sounding the same, despite that being the case for many cars already in the game. (Also, you should probably try to ignore the whirring "engine" note. I was focusing on the exhaust.)

Finally, apologies to anyone whose browser walks out on them over this post :P

While those samples sound pretty good(exept for the Viper), I failed to state on my previous post that I was refering to race cars. My apologies.
I don't know what do you think about the LFA but I think this Lexus do the same sound as the real one in gamplay and replay.

Here's my replay

Enjoy :drool:
While those samples sound pretty good(exept for the Viper), I failed to state on my previous post that I was refering to race cars. My apologies.

Yeah, the ACR isn't too accurate, but I think the lumpy sound suits the car's character. The ACR-X, for instance, has nice 5-1 headers that smooth the sound out, like the Audi / Lamborghini units, but lose the uniqueness of that Viper sound (for me.)

And no worries, I wasn't being serious anyway. Although I do dislike the "racing" sounds in general.

The LFA isn't bad, but I don't like that the sound of the real car is almost like a caricature, so the game version doesn't really appeal either.
Mazda Atenza with sports exhaust :drool: Sounds damn brilliant. As does a Civic 08 with sports exhaust.