Been a long time lurker here and never had the compulsion to post, but the GT sound issue really needs addressing, so I thought I'd add to the thread. Around half of the driving experience comes from the sound of a car, and PD's attempts fall short of what can be achieved these days, as demonstrated by FM and even GT Legends going back some years! If it's true that PD read these forums, I hope they pay attention to this thread and listen to another lifelong GT fan [who is probably adding nothing that hasn't been added here already]
Seems to me that the audio emphasizes too much high frequency whine and not enough exhaust sound (which is the most emotive sound in 99% of cars). I've also noticed this in replays, the car sounds 'whiney' on approach to the camera, and 'exhausty' once it has passed it. The human ear doesn't hear cars this way, and low frequency sounds are much also more apparent at distance than higher frequency. What we
hear plays a huge part in what we
Where are the pops and rumbles of the racecars? I've stood on the outside of Mulsanne corner and FELT Corvettes rumble past [the race car equivalent of a dirty slag wearing far too much makeup, misbehaving on a drunken night out]. I've shielded my assaulted ears as F1 cars scream down the Barcelona pit straight. Jesus, it's violent and frightening the first few times you hear that. I've tracked my car at the Nurburgring and
whinced as I held 3rd, 4th and 5th flat out past 4000rpm. It seems the majority of GT cars don't really get going until above 6-7000rpm.
So come on PD, read this thread. Fix the sound issue. Bring the true driving simulator than crucial step closer to emulating the real thing and watch the hairs on the back of people's necks stand up when they pin the throttle to the floor...