GT5 Sound Thread

  • Thread starter Marry_Me_GT
At this point I'm only really expecting a re-balance. So perhaps the gear whine will be toned down a touch. It's an awful noise in general, but (like the very similar supercharger whine) sometimes it does add a little something.

Sliders to adjust everything, like wind noise, tyre noise, squeal noise (separately) and gear whine would be great. You can tell that people will either 1. abuse it and "complain" (troll) or 2. not make head nor tail of it, make a hash of the settings and then complain. Still, it might be worth the risk for PD.

Definitely onboard with the separately adjustable final drive, though I'm still not "expecting" it.
An ingame mixer panel with "save preset" feature would be great so people could adjust stuff to their liking instead of doing equalization tests over and over again.
@ mikeonthebike

Thanks for the quote. GT5 does have a ways to go yet to be remotely perfect, but the whole "vacuum cleaner" cliche is so wrong.

Sliders to adjust everything, like wind noise, tyre noise, squeal noise (separately) and gear whine would be great.
I think you were the one who posted this previously, and that was a great post that slipped past too many people. If you could tweak all the aspects of the racing sounds including the wind, collisions and such, and save these per car, I think that would all but silence the sound complainers. Assuming the sounds overall were touched up anyway.

Someone mentioned previously using DSP on the exhaust roar, maybe you again, and I'd have to hear it. And again, give me the power to adjust it if they do. Forza 4 has such an effect, but it's WAY overdone, to the point that it sounds like it's being run through a guitar amp set to Metal. Doing proper recording with multiple mics would be the way to go, not using effects. Digital effects usually sound a bit cheezy unless they're studio quality and cost from hundreds to thousands of dollars, or else used very lightly.
Tenacious D
@ mikeonthebike

Thanks for the quote. GT5 does have a ways to go yet to be remotely perfect, but the whole "vacuum cleaner" cliche is so wrong.
Most cars do have decent sound, but there are quite a few that fit the vacuum description.
@ mikeonthebike

Thanks for the quote. GT5 does have a ways to go yet to be remotely perfect, but the whole "vacuum cleaner" cliche is so wrong.

I think you were the one who posted this previously, and that was a great post that slipped past too many people. If you could tweak all the aspects of the racing sounds including the wind, collisions and such, and save these per car, I think that would all but silence the sound complainers. Assuming the sounds overall were touched up anyway.

Someone mentioned previously using DSP on the exhaust roar, maybe you again, and I'd have to hear it. And again, give me the power to adjust it if they do. Forza 4 has such an effect, but it's WAY overdone, to the point that it sounds like it's being run through a guitar amp set to Metal. Doing proper recording with multiple mics would be the way to go, not using effects. Digital effects usually sound a bit cheezy unless they're studio quality and cost from hundreds to thousands of dollars, or else used very lightly.

Yeah, I talked about "DSP" stuff for the exhaust. If you take the manifold / header sound and then filter it according to the exhaust on it, it should work OK. That's mostly what the exhaust (beyond the collectors) is for, to filter out undesirable frequencies from the sound and attenuate it all at the same time; of course, manufacturers tune these now, too (e.g. LFA) and the supposed "undesired" responses (resonances) of the exhaust are the ones that give the most character. They are hard to directly replicate, but you should be able to get a good range out of it. You can really easily get that "pipe tone" (a pair of delays), and some rattle-distortion (which is very hard to tune), the rest is just ordinary filtering.

If they're going to use off-the-shelf stuff, then it might well sound "cheesy", but it's obviously better to make your own. Forza 4 uses an effect that "simulates inner ear distortion", (which they then make the mistake of applying all the time) so it's not really the same thing.
The new sounds will hopefully drop the annoying transmission sound, or at least quiet it a bit.
GT5 is lacking so much in sound compared to other racing games,
I really hope that they are adjusting the sound for cockpit view, the most important to me is tyre screeching/squealing. Look at some videos from the new game "Project C.A.R.S." by Slightly Mad studios, sims are going to sound like real cars in the future... GT5 is far away from that.
Finger crossed that they improved tire noise (which is really annoying while racing) and maybe added some effects to the cars when revving up/changing gear (another thing that we have in GTR, Shift, and we don't have in gt5)
Same can be said for a cliche you keep throwing about.
What? That GT5 is actually fun and good and feels like a PC sim in many ways? :sly:

By the way, the tire noise for street legal tires in GT5 is very realistic. I've heard countless near-accidents, and a few fender benders at an intersection near my previous abode, and they sounded almost exactly like the sounds in GT4 and 5.
What? That GT5 is actually fun and good and feels like a PC sim in many ways? :sly:

By the way, the tire noise for street legal tires in GT5 is very realistic. I've heard countless near-accidents, and a few fender benders at an intersection near my previous abode, and they sounded almost exactly like the sounds in GT4 and 5.

No, your apparent desire to claim every car in Forza 4 sounds like a racecar at every presentable opportunity.

And how would you honestly know how GT5 compares to a PC sim - don't you use SRF?
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There are some things in these discussions that I'd like to adress:

First of all, the sounds in GT5 aren't bad per se, like said before they are muted beyond all understanding, they always were, and I really hope they fixed that!

Second of all, I don't understand the :censored:ing on Griffith if they only thing he says is that PGR4 has better sounds. Sure it's an arcade race, but even then the sounds can be quite realistic. I don't understand this 'not worthy of GT5' crap, he's talking about sound purely from that point, not about the rest of the game! I you're too stupid to even argue on a decent level, unable to at least try and understand one's viewpoint which may differ from yours, then please go cry out somewhere else!
No, your apparent desire to claim every car in Forza 4 sounds like a racecar at every presentable opportunity.
If you're saying the stock cars don't, you be telling a fib. By the way, you weirdoes with the silly fonts are way annoying and condescending.

And how would you honestly know how GT5 compares to a PC sim - don't you use SRF?
Yes I do. I'm also not racing mid-engined cars in GTR. All I know is G25, GTR, GT5, similar experience. Your mileage may vary.
There is no need to defend this game with saying '' sounds are fine''.

Theres a plenty of premium cars sounds like vacuum cleaner, no joking no, exaggerating, thats the truth, some premium cars sounds like hair dryer, vacuum cleaner, and shave machine, and far away from real car's sound.

Go play forza and listen how a car can sound...
Oh, cars can "sound" in Forza all right. They "sound" so much you can't hear the bleeding tires till they're about to slide right off the track. :P
Tenacious D
Oh, cars can "sound" in Forza all right. They "sound" so much you can't hear the bleeding tires till they're about to slide right off the track. :P

That's correct though isn't it?

You shouldn't hear them before they slide?
Err.... I can't really feel the cars in a video game.

Say you're controlling a robot walking on ice. How can you tell it's losing its traction until you see it slip and fall?

See, video games have to give you some kind of help, and the best way I'm aware of to give you an instant "grip meter" is to make tire noises. The feedback you get from that is immediate and relates very well to most of us. Unfortunately, unless I want to race in bumpercam mode all the time - and I can't - the engine roar drowns out the tire sounds in Forza 4 until they're losing grip. Which in a race is a bad place to be.

I know some of you have no problems with F4. Yay on you and Merry Christmas. ;)
GT5 is lacking so much in sound compared to other racing games,
I really hope that they are adjusting the sound for cockpit view, the most important to me is tyre screeching/squealing. Look at some videos from the new game "Project C.A.R.S." by Slightly Mad studios, sims are going to sound like real cars in the future... GT5 is far away from that.
Finger crossed that they improved tire noise (which is really annoying while racing) and maybe added some effects to the cars when revving up/changing gear (another thing that we have in GTR, Shift, and we don't have in gt5)

I just thought I'd point out that, sonically, CARS doesn't offer anything over any other sim at this point; it's really just a re-balanced Shift (with new samples, no applied distortion). An overhaul is apparently due sometime soon, and there are lots of cool things planned, but it's promisingly disappointing at the moment. :D
Wouldn't make much sense to have a brand new car with 2 different sound samples would it? And the fact that you can't hear the car over the music or tire squeal re afirms it. But then again we are talking about PD and I got no clue on how long this car has been on existance.
I'm still hoping for the best, but also prepared to be disapointed once again by this game.
What I'm hoping for is a remix of all sounds using existing samples. Surely they did record intake noise, but just didn't mix it in, right?
What I'm hoping for is a remix of all sounds using existing samples. Surely they did record intake noise, but just didn't mix it in, right?

Same here man! I hope they are re-aplying the sound samples correctly. I know may of you will say they are fine, all agree they are too muted. But there is great potential by just reasigning the existing racing exhaust sound samples to where they belong.
This is slightly off topic, but how is a sound paired with something in the game. Like when a car recap how de it know when to make what sound? Is it paired with an RPM count?
What I'm hoping for is a remix of all sounds using existing samples. Surely they did record intake noise, but just didn't mix it in, right?

This is the last bastion of hope for me (at least for GT5), but I'm not overly confident. Maybe only half the cars are missing intake, and they're catching up. I don't know.

I still only expect a tweak to the levels, and maybe one or two individual cars (as has happened before). The 86 video linked to doesn't really show any promise for intake, but there is a small chance they're not using the new build, or the samples are deliberately balanced like that, so as not to spoil the "surprise". Clutching at straws, perhaps. EDIT: PD must have had access to a prototype for the FT-86 concepts' sounds. Maybe it's using the FT-86 samples, not the new ones? Again, another straw.

@ BubbleBelly542, Not sure if I understood properly, but: the game logic (general code that orchestrates everything) constantly "listens" for things to happen, like changes in rpm, throttle position, car position, when it crashes etc. and all of these trigger changes in the playback of sounds. It's like there are a hundred or so cassette recorders / mp3 players / whatever, each being independently controlled by the game's logic / physics etc.

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