GT5 Sound Thread

  • Thread starter Marry_Me_GT
Wow those Shift sounds are amazing! How do they do that? You get a much better sense of the engine and transmission being under stress than what you get in GT5.
Shift is way overhyped, play the demo and I don't get a good impression of the sounds to be honest. Sounds horrible to me quality wise. No bass, all squashed sounds with no dynamic range.

Basicly I think all games suck to one degree or another. Even iRacing is pretty bad
Maybe the reason why they don't put the entire sound effect in all of this demo is because it takes time to do so, and they are in a hurry to finish the game. Since this is a software they need to pack the whole thing with Gigs of sound samples. You can't just put an mp3 sample in there and say it's done. It's far more complicated. So I'm expecting something on the sound department from PD. The Super GT car video already showed that adding a transmission whine adds more to the quality. All they have to do on that car is more bass. But the stock cars need some work IMO.

yeah I've been listening to rfactor videos this week.

PD :banghead:

Great find. That's my favorite rFactor mod and the sounds are a big part of why (along with the well made, accurate car models and amazing physics). I never realized how much good engine sounds add to the driving experience until I tried the Enduracers's so much more intense, and really pulls my focus into every little thing the car is doing. Every single Gran Turismo game has missed the mark by miles in this aspect. How in the world is a 454 Chevelle at WOT whisper quiet? And has anybody listened to the part in the standard cars video where the pack of muscle cars are going by? They sounded like a bunch of buzzing vacuums. :yuck::yuck::yuck:👎👎👎

Hey PD, I'll help ya out. Just as an example, here's a mild bored/stroked 383ci Chevelle:

Its a shame that PD cant make this game sound half as good as the others. Hell id be fine if they copied the exact same sounds from other games and put them in a game. My questions is. How big is the PD staff that is takes them ages to do things such as sound?? it must be a 3 man crew or something.

This is how car sounds should be. Visceral, intense, giving a real sense of having a fast car at wide open throttle. And fyi, the video above is a high quality rfactor mod.

The more I read about rfactor the more I want it. Too bad I cont have a Desktop computer right now.

GT5 Sounds are to clean, to sterile and ultimatly kill the feel.

Id be ok if they could manage to pull at least that off, fact is a lot of the sounds in GT are flat wrong.
The more I read about rfactor the more I want it. Too bad I cont have a Desktop computer right now.

I definitely recommend getting it when you can. It's not hard on system requirements, and if you get some high quality mods on high quality tracks, it's one of, if not THE best sim racing experiences around.

Id be ok if they could manage to pull at least that off, fact is a lot of the sounds in GT are flat wrong.

Exactly. Even the sounds in NFS Shift are lightyears better than the ones I've heard in previous GTs. Prologue's sounds were a big upgrade from GT4, so I'm hoping they've improved even more since then and that the sounds in the standard video sounds are just placeholders.
Racing cars are supposed to sound awesome, and unfortunately for us, it seems like GT just doesn't do awesome when it comes to sound.
Whoa that was mmmm... :) I can't wait to dance on the 'ring with a shiny new Zonda Cinque at dusk...ahhh... I really really hope PD's gonna surprise us positively audio-wise in the end...
We keep going around in circles....

GT sounds suck, example clip ---> Shift sounds awesome, example clip --> Rfactor rocks, example clip --> return to step 1

And me again saying RFactor sounds aren't that great either, no bass, usually clipped, obviously because they're usually taken from videos, and sound frozen with obvious pitch shifts, and never seem to match the on screen action. They sound pasted in.

Ground hog day!
I know, but seriously, even though other modern(even some older ones) games may be a bit exaggerating or having some foibles in their audio engines, the end result, independent of potential capabilities of the audio engine or the hardware puts GT at the back of the pack frankly. Whichever way you look at it, from the fidelity(and emotion it brings)standpoint, the other games have surpassed GT a long time a go, and PD doesn't seem to change much with time. Honestly, my only hope is a new audio engine(or a new set of samples) with which they'll surprise us. btw. I base my hope on one sentence from an interview with KY where he said that the sound is one of the few areas of the game which will receive complete overhaul.
p.s. The only new sounds that did stand out were IS-F and JGTC GT-R...
Yeah Kaz did say GT5 was going to break video game standards, including sound, so there has to be some substance to the statement, unless of course, he is not aware of what the standards are :)
If the IS-F is just the tip of the iceberg then things will be OK.

The Time Trial was obviously running on a different sound engine to the Prologue, but even then it had some obvious pitch shifting in the higher gears, especially when the revs go real low. It could be put down to cutting out samples to keep the file size down. So until we get the games in out hands, we won't know for sure.
The standard 370z in The Time Trial had a fair amount of bass though unlike any other GT game before. It actually sounded louder than the Tuned car

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In-game sounds of - Peugeot 908 HDI FAP:


Forza 3:



Which game has the closest engine sound to the real life one?
Yeah Kaz did say GT5 was going to break video game standards, including sound, so there has to be some substance to the statement, unless of course, he is not aware of what the standards are :)
If the IS-F is just the tip of the iceberg then things will be OK.

The Time Trial was obviously running on a different sound engine to the Prologue, but even then it had some obvious pitch shifting in the higher gears, especially when the revs go real low. It could be put down to cutting out samples to keep the file size down. So until we get the games in out hands, we won't know for sure.
The standard 370z in The Time Trial had a fair amount of bass though unlike any other GT game before. It actually sounded louder than the Tuned car

I think the number one priority for sound improvement in GT5 for PD would be to fix the Bass..
The time trial demo had incredible sound... I remember back in 09 I was furious at my sound system (I now know it was the receiver) for having very bad bass. When I later played the time trial I was amazed at how deep sounding the 370 was, Now all they have to do is apply that quality sound to all the cars.

(My sound system still lacks in bass, but it goes to show how much they really worked on the sound to have me impressed)
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And me again saying RFactor sounds aren't that great either, no bass, usually clipped, obviously because they're usually taken from videos, and sound frozen with obvious pitch shifts, and never seem to match the on screen action. They sound pasted in.

You have no clue what you're talking about. The videos posted are not doctored in any way...I have the mod and it sounds exactly like the videos, and at no time do the car sounds mismatch with the onscreen action. How can you judge the bass from a youtube video? :lol: My surround sound shakes the floor whenever I'm driving in rfactor.
You have no clue what you're talking about. The videos posted are not doctored in any way...I have the mod and it sounds exactly like the videos, and at no time do the car sounds mismatch with the onscreen action. How can you judge the bass from a youtube video? :lol: My surround sound shakes the floor whenever I'm driving in rfactor.

Your reading my words literally, when I say mismatch, it means you can tell the sounds are obviously taken from a video of a car or something. You have this cartoon looking car and this sound which doesn't sounds like it belongs to it. Not literally, but artisticly and subjectively

I'm a mastering engineer, so my ears are better than average :)
And I can judge bass fine from youtube videos, especially since if you take a sound from a video, video camera mics have no bass, and then use that as a source of your car sound. The speakers I use don't exaggerate the sound like a lot systems people use to game on. If the sound lacks bass, Ill be able to tell straight away.

That GT5 Time Trial youtube video has plenty of bass, and sounds much like it did when I had it running on my PS3. But you can tell the samples weren't taken from video of a car.
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... This one is better, and has the best-sounding car in the least to me.

Listen to that crackle. :drool:

If PD ever had sounds like that in a GT title, I'd honestly never have anything else bad to say about it...unless whatever it is I'm complaining about is really, really annoying. :D


Also, another example of upgraded sound since Prologue (but not in the E3 demos) is the R8. Someone posted a R8 video from E3 that sounds exactly like Prologue however well over a year ago PD had the R8 sounding much better. Compare these two videos to notice the difference. Left is from early 2009 and right is E3 2010.

It's the same sound. Different hardware, different listening environment etc. changes the sound a lot, but its still the same sound.
Our hearing is a funny thing. We can hear sounds that are completely different, and yet recognise that they come from the same object. Nobody really knows why. Everybody bear this in mind, please.

NFS sounds are very good.

Distorted and artificially "enhanced" - good, in the sense that they're exciting, utter **** in the sense that that's not how any car sounds (in terms of the dynamic changes in sound).

yeah I've been listening to rfactor videos this week.

PD :banghead:

That was posted and discussed in this thread ages ago. It's very impressive, but has its flaws too (the scene with the cars going away from the camera down the straight highlights rFactor's sub-par audio engine.)

This is how car sounds should be. Visceral, intense, giving a real sense of having a fast car at wide open throttle. And fyi, the video above is a high quality rfactor mod.

Doesn't sound quite like this, though, eh? It's got a fantastic intake growl in the lower revs, best heard off the throttle (e.g. at 0:32), that seems to be missing in the rFactor mod?

Racing cars are supposed to sound awesome, and unfortunately for us, it seems like GT just doesn't do awesome when it comes to sound.

That sounds broken! :crazy: Something's up with the manifold on that car, there's not supposed to be that staccato effect. Either that, or it's the microphone on the camera :rolleyes:

I know, but seriously, even though other modern(even some older ones) games may be a bit exaggerating or having some foibles in their audio engines, the end result, independent of potential capabilities of the audio engine or the hardware puts GT at the back of the pack frankly. Whichever way you look at it, from the fidelity(and emotion it brings)standpoint, the other games have surpassed GT a long time a go, and PD doesn't seem to change much with time. Honestly, my only hope is a new audio engine(or a new set of samples) with which they'll surprise us. btw. I base my hope on one sentence from an interview with KY where he said that the sound is one of the few areas of the game which will receive complete overhaul.
p.s. The only new sounds that did stand out were IS-F and JGTC GT-R...

All games sound wrong. It's as simple as that. No true fidelity anywhere you look. GT's engine is fine, it's already got a lot of useful "features" that other engines don't. Yes, the samples are underwhelming at times, and I don't think I should be able to hear the water pump as well as I can on most cars in GTs of yore. Then there's the almost complete absence of intake noise... Forza has the intake blended in, but the sources are merged, so the car sounds the same coming towards you as it does away from you. Not so in GT.

The IS-F clips are still inconclusive. And the GT-R, to me, sounds just as inaccurate (on average) as the other cars in the game. The 370Z is missing a proper intake sound, and that x-pipe howl caused by "overdriving" the vibrational modes of the pipes.

Quick comparison:
GT - GT2 - GT3?? - GT4 - GTPSP (skip to 2:00)
(for giggles)

Draw your own conclusions from this, but that's not really sitting still in my mind. The samples are all similar from GT2 - GT4, but the whole package (the, er, "end result") is completely different. Baby steps, people. Perhaps the 908 video is evidence that PD is deliberately using placeholders - that's a fully tuned R33 skyline from GT2, used for many tuned / racing cars since.

Oh, and re: Grand Prix Legends (my favourite EVER racing game), I'll leave you with this. (Dan Gurney's Weslake V12 powered Anglo American Racing Eagle at 0:53 for the impatient. Same as the car posted in the Dundrod vid a few pages back.)
It's a long way off, though there are plans to introduce a multi-sample based method in the near future (i.e. next couple of years...)

In case you were unaware, This is how the current gen of Imprezas sound in Japan, and presumably Europe - not sure if it's the same in the US.

I seriously hope Kaz doesn't read this thread and think we all want his next game to sound like Need for Speed - that's an end result I could do without.
I mean, I was over NFS by 1995... well, until High Stakes, and it's been **** ever since Porsche Unleashed - 10 years in fact. The sound has never really been hi-fidelity - it got exciting from Underground onwards, though. Gotta love The Fast and The Furious! :lol:

(In case nobody cares: I used my "affordable studio quality" headphones in all judgements made previously.)
The more I read about rfactor the more I want it. Too bad I cont have a Desktop computer right now.

Prepare to be dissapointed. I would suggest GTR2 over rFactor. The only positive aspect of rFactor is the F1 mods. If you're in the market for F1 on PC, though, you can't do much better.

In-game sounds of - Peugeot 908 HDI FAP:


Forza 3:



Which game has the closest engine sound to the real life one?

Dont know, I can tell you which one sounds the worst though. Not a good sign. Heres to hoping these demos are all not using final sounds from the game.