GT5 Sound Thread

  • Thread starter Marry_Me_GT
@dave_sz - I don't know if your talking about GT PSP or GT4. All I know is that GT4 sounds sucked, and GT PSP sounds are better, and its on a handheld device.

There should be no reason why GT5 sounds should not be better with more hardware to work with and space not to mention being in development for 5 years. GT5 prologue is split 50/50 in my opinion some cars sound great and other s are lacking.

Also no matter what the sounds will not be as good if you do not have the proper setup. Depending on what tv your using the speakers do not have enough bass to produce a good engine sound.

Having a good audio setup is just as important as having an up to date tv (LCD/Plasma) if you want to enjoy the full experience of a racing game the caliber of Gran Turismo

I sure hope I am right because this is the only gripe i have with the series because I love a good engine sound. Would make the game 10x better....if thats possible

You shouldn't have to have a fancy surround sound setup to enjoy a racing game. I, like a lot of people, live in an apartment. If I had to crank up a surround system to get the game to sound good, I wouldn't be a very good neighbor, and I probably wouldn't have an apartment for long.

The Gran Turismo series has the weakest sounds of any racing game I've played.
Weaker than Shift, Ferrari Challenge, Supercar Challenge, etc. And that's just on consoles. It's also weaker than most rFactor mods, most of the GTR mods, and all of the cars in iRacing. All of those games blow Gran Turismo out of the water in the sound department when you listen to them at normal volume levels or on headphones (the way I usually play).

I can't speak to what Gran Turismo sounds like on a nice surround system, because I haven't heard it that way. But if that's how you have to play it to get good sounds, that's pretty sad.
Define "weak" in this context.

And iRacing? Really? I don't agree.

GT5:P is excellent with headphones, assuming you use the appropriate dynamic range setting in the options menu. It doesn't change the sound samples, mind you.
Define "weak" in this context.

And iRacing? Really? I don't agree.

GT5:P is excellent with headphones, assuming you use the appropriate dynamic range setting in the options menu. It doesn't change the sound samples, mind you.

I think most of the engine sounds in Gran Turismo 5 Prologue sound weak in comparison to their real life counterparts, and in comparison to their counterparts in other games. As far as the comparison between iRacing and Prologue, there isn't really a 1 to 1 comparison that can be made, because neither game shares a car that is identical to the other. But, just for the sake of my argument, I've chosen what I think is the closest comparison that can be made--the Tuned Corvette in Prologue and the C6R Corvette in iRacing.

Here is the iRacing Vette:

And now the Tuned Vette from Prologue (not the best sample, I agree, but you can still hear the engine sounds clearly for the most part):

And now a real life C6R onboard from LeMans 2008:

There is no question in my mind that the iRacing Vette sound is FAR more accurate than the one in Prologue. No contest really.

Having said all that, I LIKE Gran Turismo Prologue and the GT series as a whole. The graphics are benchmark setting, the physics are good (but can, and hopefully have been improved for GT5) and the game as a whole is fun, rewarding, and very sim-like for the most part. But, one of the main criticisms with the GT series has long been the quality of the sounds. Some people think they are fine for the most part, and others disagree. I happen to think that, generally speaking, the quality of the engine sounds in the GT series is not as good as the quality of the engine sounds in other sims. And I am at a loss as to why this could be. I hope that GT5 will prove me wrong, and that the sounds will be enhanced and improved.
You shouldn't have to have a fancy surround sound setup to enjoy a racing game. I, like a lot of people, live in an apartment. If I had to crank up a surround system to get the game to sound good, I wouldn't be a very good neighbor, and I probably wouldn't have an apartment for long.

The Gran Turismo series has the weakest sounds of any racing game I've played.
Weaker than Shift, Ferrari Challenge, Supercar Challenge, etc. And that's just on consoles. It's also weaker than most rFactor mods, most of the GTR mods, and all of the cars in iRacing. All of those games blow Gran Turismo out of the water in the sound department when you listen to them at normal volume levels or on headphones (the way I usually play).

I can't speak to what Gran Turismo sounds like on a nice surround system, because I haven't heard it that way. But if that's how you have to play it to get good sounds, that's pretty sad.

I knind of agree on some levels. The things I agree with you is that most race cars and some cars are missing that GROWLING engine sound. And I agree that why people need 1000 dollar surround systems to enjoy the sound? Heck my girlfirneds laptop and youtube video of a F1 2010 race with onboard camera has 10 times better sound over my 7.1 system with F2007 in GT5Prologue.

So why wont PD fix those things up, sounds are as important to racers as butter on the bread. Sure bread (physics with graphics) gives you energy to live, but butter (sound) just makes it more sweet to live.
I think most of the engine sounds in Gran Turismo 5 Prologue sound weak in comparison to their real life counterparts, and in comparison to their counterparts in other games. As far as the comparison between iRacing and Prologue, there isn't really a 1 to 1 comparison that can be made, because neither game shares a car that is identical to the other. But, just for the sake of my argument, I've chosen what I think is the closest comparison that can be made--the Tuned Corvette in Prologue and the C6R Corvette in iRacing.

Here is the iRacing Vette:

And now the Tuned Vette from Prologue (not the best sample, I agree, but you can still hear the engine sounds clearly for the most part):

And now a real life C6R onboard from LeMans 2008:

There is no question in my mind that the iRacing Vette sound is FAR more accurate than the one in Prologue. No contest really.

Having said all that, I LIKE Gran Turismo Prologue and the GT series as a whole. The graphics are benchmark setting, the physics are good (but can, and hopefully have been improved for GT5) and the game as a whole is fun, rewarding, and very sim-like for the most part. But, one of the main criticisms with the GT series has long been the quality of the sounds. Some people think they are fine for the most part, and others disagree. I happen to think that, generally speaking, the quality of the engine sounds in the GT series is not as good as the quality of the engine sounds in other sims. And I am at a loss as to why this could be. I hope that GT5 will prove me wrong, and that the sounds will be enhanced and improved.

Ahhh man thats not fair The Vette sounds way better than the video shows. The sub is really important. You hear no bass in that video, doesnt sound anything like my surround puts out.
I think most of the engine sounds in Gran Turismo 5 Prologue sound weak in comparison to their real life counterparts, and in comparison to their counterparts in other games. As far as the comparison between iRacing and Prologue, there isn't really a 1 to 1 comparison that can be made, because neither game shares a car that is identical to the other. But, just for the sake of my argument, I've chosen what I think is the closest comparison that can be made--the Tuned Corvette in Prologue and the C6R Corvette in iRacing.

Here is the iRacing Vette:

And now the Tuned Vette from Prologue (not the best sample, I agree, but you can still hear the engine sounds clearly for the most part):

And now a real life C6R onboard from LeMans 2008:

Honestly, thats by far the most unfair comparison. You're comparing a fictional tuned car to a real life, purpose built Race car, which really doesn't justify your point. If you want to make a fair comparison, then get a video with the Ford GT in prologue (And a direct capture too) along with its real life counterpart and then maybe I could see your point.
iRacing does not seem to replicate the "off-load" sound quite so well as the "on-load" (which isn't great, but the general idea is there) - also, their sound engine has barely changed since NR2003, and that lets it down quite a lot.

And, yes, the Tuned 'Vette is a mystery to me, too. The standard Z06 is OK, though.

It seems that "weak" means inaccurate in this instance.
So when it comes out rather then overexpecting we will be plesently surprised.

Or maybe thats just me wishing. :D

I'd love to be wrong!

Been playing GT4 these days on a large primitive analog 5.1 system, one thing i noticed is cars at High Revs tend to lose some if not all the rumble they have at the low-mid range, but take an American muscle at 2KRPM with a flat accel (to maintain speed low) and cruise through George V then watch the replay, and you can hear the beautiful rumble you never hear when racing at high revs.

Remember to set you system volume high and set the digital SE levels in game at around 8-10, i find they clip less this way.
Honestly, thats by far the most unfair comparison. You're comparing a fictional tuned car to a real life, purpose built Race car, which really doesn't justify your point. If you want to make a fair comparison, then get a video with the Ford GT in prologue (And a direct capture too) along with its real life counterpart and then maybe I could see your point.

Unfair? That's the closest, fairest sound comparison that can be made between iRacing and Prologue at the moment. A high performance, tuned Vette vs. a high performance, tuned Vette. And you know what, that Tuned Vette is actually one of the best sounding cars in Prologue if you ask me. And it still pales in comparison to the iRacing Vette.

I play both games with and without headphones. iRacing blows GT away in every possible sound category--except lame in game music.

Ahhh man thats not fair The Vette sounds way better than the video shows. The sub is really important. You hear no bass in that video, doesnt sound anything like my surround puts out.

The point I'm trying to make is this--I shouldn't have to play Gran Turismo with a surround setup to get great sounds. It should sound great out of the box, just like other games on the PC and on the PS3.
Unfair? That's the closest, fairest sound comparison that can be made between iRacing and Prologue at the moment. A high performance, tuned Vette vs. a high performance, tuned Vette.

Problem is, the Corvette C6.R is not tuned, its purpose built. Its not a street car turned race car, its a specifically designed car primerily for the race track and built to a certain rules package. So again (at least to me), its not by any means a fair comparison to a fictional tuned car thats by no means purpose built despite both being high performance. I honestly think iRacing is nothing to go by if we want talk about how bad GT5P's sound is since they share no cars. Maybe other games on PC and console since they can have cars that are on GT5P via DLC or mods, but iRacing not so much since it is primerily a motorsport service and not a mass market game. If anything, why not compare them to the real counterpart and I don't mean comparing there fictional tuned cars to real race cars, I mean comparing the exact road cars in Prologue to the exact Road cars in real life (since other then the Ferrari F2007, Road cars are all GT5P has)
Unfair? That's the closest, fairest sound comparison that can be made between iRacing and Prologue at the moment. A high performance, tuned Vette vs. a high performance, tuned Vette. And you know what, that Tuned Vette is actually one of the best sounding cars in Prologue if you ask me. And it still pales in comparison to the iRacing Vette.

I play both games with and without headphones. iRacing blows GT away in every possible sound category--except lame in game music.

The point I'm trying to make is this--I shouldn't have to play Gran Turismo with a surround setup to get great sounds. It should sound great out of the box, just like other games on the PC and on the PS3.

Ok man just like you Don't have to play on a HD TV/Cpu/ HD projector screen to get the full effect of GT5 amazing graphics. Your not even playing the game on small theater/large theater, so basically your not getting the full sound effect. The Vette has a nice rumble to it however the exhuast note sounds a little funky to me. That video you put up there does not represent what I hear when I play with the tunned Vette. Its kinda like somebody posting a video of GT5P on a old Tube TV saying the graphics look crap.
Well I'm glad I have a 7.1 Home Theater system and glad that GT5 supports 7.1. Just wish I had the money for one of those 3D Bravias.

I have a Samsung LCD that's about 2yrs old and it's really good, but I could never go to a tube TV again. It's just not the same.
Its also not correct to compare them from youtube videos because there are so many factors that can alter the sound. Was it taken with a really good capture device or did someone just set up a camera and tape it....

All i know is we cant complain until we have the final product in our hands. Keep in mind GT5:P came out nearly 3 years ago and a lot could have been done in that time. Especially if they read their fans comments because I agree is probably the worst feature in the game so hopefully they took notice and have made it better.
Nope, the nose cam, you can only hear the supercharger, if the guy show behind the car view cam the SVT has a lot more ROARR over GT4, I know because I have the GT PSP and GT4, and it sounds much better on PSP, also its a SL not CLK. I cant find any CLK55 videos from PSP GT version, but that car sounds even more badass then in GT4.

More examples and maybe clues that GT5 will have improved sounds.

As all of you can hear, huge huge improvement. I bet GT5 will be even better over PSP version.

Brilliant comparison! 👍 In my opinion, GT5 will either have the same sounds as GTPSP or possible better. I'm certain that they won't stick with GT4 sounds.
It is hard to compare racing games :(

Plus I have apoligised to cpp214 for over steping the mark and being rude and out of place.

From now on I will keep the posts civil.

I now also have new found appreciation for how hard it is to make comparisons of sound for games and I will not ever criticise anyone for trying to make a comparison.

Im sure GT5 will have good sound and I can't wait until November!!!:)
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As to NoxNoctis Umbra great compare, I would be happy to have the psp sounds as they would sound great on uncompressed 7.1:)

EDIT:Sorry about the double post was trying to edit mine and instead ended up quoting myself.
iRacing does not seem to replicate the "off-load" sound quite so well as the "on-load" (which isn't great, but the general idea is there) - also, their sound engine has barely changed since NR2003, and that lets it down quite a lot.

And, yes, the Tuned 'Vette is a mystery to me, too. The standard Z06 is OK, though.

It seems that "weak" means inaccurate in this instance.

They clearly put a toyota 4a-ge in the tuned vette. :sly:


For the record, a tuned vette should sound like this:

GT5P isn't even in the same ballpark.
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@Topsu: Yeah, this is how a race car sounds. At the end i cant help the feeling that she is screaming in the face of GT sound designers. Could listen to that all day long. Listening to GT though sometimes makes me nauseaous.
I'd like to apologize to Witham for reacting so harshly to his post.
We all have our own tastes, whether it's in cars, food, entertainment, or anything else for that matter. I think we all love the GT series to varying degrees, or we wouldn't frequent this forum. Some of us have differing opinions on the quality of the car sounds in the GT series. After taking some time to think about it, I think it's better to just leave it that way.

I honestly think the sounds in all the GT games are very good. I just think some of them can be improved on, and I'll just leave it at that.

Judging by the sounds in the TT demo, I think GT5 will do just that--have improved sounds that we can all be happy with 👍
Would somebody with GT PSP upload a video that demonstrates the sound of the 787B? I've heard the furai, and it is wrong...but not terrible. Sounds like a 2 rotor.

The 787B sounded so amazing in GT3, but then ****** in GT4. I'd love to see if it has been improved for 5.
Meh - the previous examples of Tuned C6 are blah. This is a real Tuned C6

fairly clean, not too distorted. The main problem with GT sound is the throttle blipping doesn't start from low enough in the rev range, and no bass drone on the overrun, and it never seems to have that "trumpet" like quality of an engine under load

Oh the sound engine in iRacing is pretty bad too... horrible Doppler, and some obvious pitch shifting artifacts and aliasing
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lol @ the mixed class racing, a Mustang and a Legends car? At least a Daytona Prototype and a Mustang would have made sense given the real life class structure of Grand-am, but that is just sad. Perhaps this is the biggest indicator that it needs more cars :lol:

On-topic, I always felt that iRacing's sounds kinda lacked, either because they too have the overused tendency of adding gearwhine where they don't need it or some cars just not deep enough. In the Corvette C6.R's case, it unfortunately suffers the same unnecessary Gearwhine like the one in most of the Rfactor and GTR2 mods.
They need to hire the audio guys from Dice...bad company, bf1943, and BC2 have the best sound quality of any video games I've ever heard. None of it feels contrived; it is all so dynamic feeling. Like when a plane flies past it just sounds spot on. I know the games are nowhere near similar, but I think similar audio concepts could be used.
Would somebody with GT PSP upload a video that demonstrates the sound of the 787B? I've heard the furai, and it is wrong...but not terrible. Sounds like a 2 rotor.

The 787B sounded so amazing in GT3, but then ****** in GT4. I'd love to see if it has been improved for 5.

It's much better in GT PSP. Although this video doesn't do it justice. I hooked up my PSP to some computer speakers and the bass was great. Just doesn't convert into the camera microphone.

Other then the increased Gearwhine noise , I can't really hear much of a difference between GT3 and GT4.

Also, am I the only one that thinks the Enduracers Mod has by far the most annoying, overdone gearwhine? I just can't help but ask why.
Found another Z06 Corvette incar race vid on Tsukuba. With a nice mix of cars, looks much like a GT style race, apart from the Porsches :)
Note how loud the other cars are, even from the interior view - they're all tuned though - especially the Ferraris

Nice flames from the Viper