GT5 Sound Thread

  • Thread starter Marry_Me_GT
I thought he said the sound was redone ... but I don't remember reading that we would only be able to listen to that in the final build.

It may have been implicit to some degree, but the impression is certainly one of "in the final game" as opposed to "in the demos". And, it was some time ago now, but the scale is one of "overhaul" not "improvement", in Kaz's words. Either way, we won't know until the release.

However, it is interesting to note just how varied peoples' impressions of various sounds are.

EDIT: @hardvibes, you can't post one video and say it's improved... improved compared to what? It's like the idea that the NASCAR sound has been "improved", when all that changed was that the gear whine was toned down a touch; the engine sound is the same (just as inaccurate).
EDIT: @hardvibes, you can't post one video and say it's improved... improved compared to what? It's like the idea that the NASCAR sound has been "improved", when all that changed was that the gear whine was toned down a touch; the engine sound is the same (just as inaccurate).
Improved compared to all the Motul GTR videos posted before. They didn't have the emphasized grunt (or whatever it is called) at very low revs and at idle.
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Well, as with the NASCAR vids, I'm not convinced there's any difference in the samples used, aside from a tweaking of the balance between the various components.

Then there's the issue of GT4 samples buried in the vast majority of cars in GT5:P and since...
This is a the proof of an improved Motul GT-R sound. Not redone.

p.s. I'm just commenting what other people post. I never said F430 nd 458 Italia will be exactly the same in the final version.

It's not improved. It's the same sound as from demos in late 2009 to early 2010!
I already posted examples showing the same sound in videos from back then
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How can you be so sure sounds will be completely different from those we hear now?
I never said they would be. My point is about the timing. KY said the improved sounds will only be in the final build of the game, and not in any of the pre-launch demos. And yet people here keep talking about how they can apparently "hear the sound getting better" in the latest demos.

Personally, they sound the same to me as they always have. Sure, there's a few that sound better than others. This is nothing new. Some cars in GT1 sounded better than others. But for every "ZOMG it sounds AMAZING!!" video that someone posts, we can probably find another half-dozen Hoovers from the same "latest build" with these so-called "improved sounds".

I have no idea how much better or different the sounds will be in the final game. Given how poor they are at this time, I'm expecting a night-and-day difference, and I'm fairly certain that I'm going to be sorely disappointed a month from now.
I never said they would be. My point is about the timing. KY said the improved sounds will only be in the final build of the game, and not in any of the pre-launch demos. And yet people here keep talking about how they can apparently "hear the sound getting better" in the latest demos.

Personally, they sound the same to me as they always have. Sure, there's a few that sound better than others. This is nothing new. Some cars in GT1 sounded better than others. But for every "ZOMG it sounds AMAZING!!" video that someone posts, we can probably find another half-dozen Hoovers from the same "latest build" with these so-called "improved sounds".

I have no idea how much better or different the sounds will be in the final game. Given how poor they are at this time, I'm expecting a night-and-day difference, and I'm fairly certain that I'm going to be sorely disappointed a month from now.

The only thing I can imagine that would make a huge difference is if they were working on a completely new audio engine. It could be that the engine itself was not ready for the demos and they will replace the complete audio engine for the final release.
As I stated earlier, it is not about the samples they use. Anyone in audio recording with half a brain and one ear can make a good recording of a car, especially given the opportunities PD has. It is about how the in game engines uses these samples (if it uses samples and not some form of physical modelling, but I guess it is samples).
If it's not the engine itself I doubt we'll see a night-and-day difference... but then again: We'll see.
DOH! if that "kiosk demo" posted on the news, is the way of sound in gt5, then I just saved myself money for another game. Sewing machines are back!

DOH! if that "kiosk demo" posted on the news, is the way of sound in gt5, then I just saved myself money for another game. Sewing machines are back!


The sound is a big deal, but if you do not buy this game just for that, you will be loosing one of the best racing videogames ever.

For the same reason you have never bought the last GTs, because the sound in GT series has been a little bit crappy.
I just played the GT5 demo at the Paris Motor Show and the sounds were really great. I have absolutely no GT5 Prologue reference so this comment is only based on my GT4 experience. And between the 2 games, GT5's sounds are much much better. Especially between 2000 & 4000 rpm.
Tire screech was better but not by a long shot.
The sound is a big deal, but if you do not buy this game just for that, you will be loosing one of the best racing videogames ever.

For the same reason you have never bought the last GTs, because the sound in GT series has been a little bit crappy.

I have been enjoying the gt series for 10 years now, building a dedicated racing seat with all the sound stuff in it, I feel I have been a true fan for a very long time. (as I have mentioned before, I have even been driving the full 24h lemans for three times now synchronized with the real race, starting and ending the same time)

But, as you say, sound is a big deal, and I have been waiting for better sound since gt3 came out, so for me it has become a dealbreaker. :ill:

Sorry to say, but the other stuff just doesnt do it for me anymore, if I feel that sound is still lacking.

I have been enjoying the gt series for 10 years now, building a dedicated racing seat with all the sound stuff in it, I feel I have been a true fan for a very long time. (as I have mentioned before, I have even been driving the full 24h lemans for three times now synchronized with the real race, starting and ending the same time)

But, as you say, sound is a big deal, and I have been waiting for better sound since gt3 came out, so for me it has become a dealbreaker. :ill:

Sorry to say, but the other stuff just doesnt do it for me anymore, if I feel that sound is still lacking.


Wow a strong view there, i hope that you reconsider your final decision as i don't think a long term GT fan as yourself should miss GT5 :( Also i'm not sure if you know, but Kaz has stated that they are working on car sounds and trying to improve them, i believe the final game will have great sounds and back at Gamescon, videos were uploaded that showed improved sounds in a variety of cars such as the ZR-1 and Castrol Toms Supra, i was very impressed.

Before i came to GTP, the only thing i really cared about in GT was the collection of cars and tracks, never gave sounds a second thought if im honest, but now looking through all these threads i now suddenly care about the sounds, the physics, the camera views and so on...
I hope I'll have a hearty erection come Novmeber, as far as sounds go :D


This videos are the smiling followed by the enjoyment. My breaths is shallow after a view, this videos. A hearty erection becomes me this november! And you!!


Someone made a good point on another forum - GT5 and Prologue before that was made for surround sound. So the intake and exhaust sounds are separated unlike other games. ie you will hear intake in front centre speaker, and exhaust from the rear speaker.
When mashed down to stereo, they don't appear to mixed properly though, intake sound is too dominant.
They also need to filter the intake much more to make it sound right, since they're recorded in the engine bay, they tend to be far too strident and "screechy"
There is rarely any intake sound at all in GT, it's mostly fan, pump and block noise. Intake sound is so important in modeling the sound of a car, even (especially?) when un-modified.
Someone posted before that the supercharger sound in Forza 3 is at the front and the "engine" is at the exhaust (since the engine sound is the same mixture, irrespective of the listening angle).

Locating sources is easy, but blending them appropriately is another matter - using directional constraints and Level-of-Detail-based mixing for distant objects, where the multiple sources get blended into one channel at distance, can help simplify the process somewhat through automation, whilst boosting performance for large numbers of cars. GT5:P definitely does blending (or at least volume changes where the sources are still discrete, assuming it does implement a LoD-type system) according to the listening angle.

That said, has anybody noticed that the Vipers in GT5:P have the exhaust sounds emanating from their rear, as opposed to their sides? :ouch:
I have been enjoying the gt series for 10 years now, building a dedicated racing seat with all the sound stuff in it, I feel I have been a true fan for a very long time. (as I have mentioned before, I have even been driving the full 24h lemans for three times now synchronized with the real race, starting and ending the same time)

But, as you say, sound is a big deal, and I have been waiting for better sound since gt3 came out, so for me it has become a dealbreaker. :ill:

Sorry to say, but the other stuff just doesnt do it for me anymore, if I feel that sound is still lacking.


Then i guess you never played GT5P, Not saying those sounds are the best, But some cars sound Amazing while some cars still need major improvement. Even the Demo TT sounded promising! All around I think GT sounds are going to be very good, do you have a surround system?
Good ol' (modded) GTR2.... still have one of the best sound! (hear the internal and the external sound!)

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Yeah GTR2 sounds good, but it has that Low quality vibe to it when not moded.
Yet on other hand, GT5 Prologue has high quality sound vibe but low quality Car/Engine sounds!
Perhaps PD following in Apple's footsteps... ie. make improvements gradually- so people will buy the upgraded iphone / apple tv / etc. next year.

I'm still buying the game but the sound is crap. Didn't they say that they were going to improve the sound in GT2? Keep your expectations low - that way if it improves a little (from crap to polished crap) you'll be satisfied.
Perhaps PD following in Apple's footsteps... ie. make improvements gradually- so people will buy the upgraded iphone / apple tv / etc. next year.

I'm still buying the game but the sound is crap. Didn't they say that they were going to improve the sound in GT2? Keep your expectations low - that way if it improves a little (from crap to polished crap) you'll be satisfied.

I don't understand how you say GT sounds are crap. Yes some cars sound terrible (I'm looking at you BMW M3 :lol) but some cars sound amazing. All around I think GT5P sounds pretty damn good. Way better than GT4, however I know the sounds are going to be better In GT5 back fire turbo spool hopfelly super charger. If you played the TT demo the tuned 370z sounded sick man I loved it 👍
Wow. GT5 sounds like crap compared to that, I'm serious, how could PD leave something so vital, so dam* important out? :confused:

That is so true...

to myself, look at it as the vehicles sound is part of its soul, each car has a specific tune, depth.. whatever all you audiophiles might consider a factor of it...

anybody care to expand? 💡
That is so true...

to myself, look at it as the vehicles sound is part of its soul, each car has a specific tune, depth.. whatever all you audiophiles might consider a factor of it...

anybody care to expand? 💡

^ This guy knows what I'm talking about...
I'm one of those that drive with the whole car view, so seeing backfire and hearing the car sound through the exhaust will be such a treat for me. I really cannot complain about the sounds. U guys shouldn't either, until you insert your own GT5 copy into your PS3, listen to it on your own 5.1 / 7.1 system, and then make a judgement call.
I'm one of those that drive with the whole car view, so seeing backfire and hearing the car sound through the exhaust will be such a treat for me. I really cannot complain about the sounds. U guys shouldn't either, until you insert your own GT5 copy into your PS3, listen to it on your own 5.1 / 7.1 system, and then make a judgement call.

Correct, but if PD has enough time and effort to put into the weather effects, snow and rain particles, I think they could at least put a bit more effort into the sounds, I'm not obliged to talk about 'how they should operate' as they have showcased an amazing game which has yet to be released.. just my 2c really..
I'm one of those that drive with the whole car view, so seeing backfire and hearing the car sound through the exhaust will be such a treat for me. I really cannot complain about the sounds. U guys shouldn't either, until you insert your own GT5 copy into your PS3, listen to it on your own 5.1 / 7.1 system, and then make a judgement call.

Again with this incredibly flawed logic? How many times are people going to bring this up and how many times must it be said (at this point 'enforced') that if the source audio is garbage, the individual samples themselves are garbage then having a 5.1, 6.1, 7.1, 10.1, etc will not make the samples sound significantly better as if there's something being 'unlocked'.

If anything having a surround sound system is only going to make the issue more prevalent than it already is. Now, as I've been saying for the longest: I hold absolutely no reserve for audio improvement, it is what it is and it seems nothing is going to change that. I can't speak for what's going to be in the final game come next month, but please stop using this train of thought - it makes absolutely no sense.
I don't get what is the fuss about sound in GT5. All we have heard are sound from videos, and non of them that is coming from True HD sound systems extracted without compression. Comparing sounds from Youtube, video cameras with lots of noise etc. is totally pointless. We will hear sounds when the game is out, and even then sounds will be different from each system, TV's, headphones. I might be wrong. When my band is recording in the studio, sound on the studios speakers is different from sound at my home.We are trying to get the same sound for each system, radio stations, or TV's but no mater how much you try, it won't sound as great as it sounds in studio, and even in the studio you need to listen it on high volume to enjoy it fully, and i am talking about speakers that are worth 3000€ each.
dzidza, all you can get with Prologue or latest GT5 demos is high fidelity crap, because even with all that miserable recording chain (game,speakers, microphone, youtube, yet another set of miserable speakers) you can clearly hear they haven't used correct samples and engines sound crap. It can be solved in the final game but not this way of evolution, just revolution in their recording and blending samples could bring solid solution.
I see your point and i disagree a little. I think they have correct samples, but those samples are made while car is static, and this is where the problem lays. Recording a sound of engine in a static car, will be crystal clear (all other noises excluded), but those sounds will be different as soon as car goes on the road and under a load. When we hear a sound from a car (moving), that sound constitutes of other sounds also, which if are not included won't give us the complete sound of a car.

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