GT5 Video From TGS!

Well, GT4 development graphics, at 1280x960. Those and the Vision video do look excellent. If we can get the PS3 to run on our monitors at 1280x960, then I take it back. But either way, we aren't going to be complaining about the graphics.

I'm intending to get a wide aspect hi-def TV specifically because of the PS3 and "a certain game." ;)
Your right, resolution may be higher, but the graphics arn't as good as we'll get from the PS3, we know the PS3 will support 1080p, so the resolution may not be that far off anyway. But 20k poly cars modelled by PD will be a lot better than the 6k poly cars we see in GT4 even at that resolution. Either way, I won't be complaining about graphics, not for GT5, as longas the gameplay issues from GT4 are fixed and were given new cars and tracks, not neccisarily more, just some new which is inevitabley going to be the case.
Definitely. And I'm hopeful that the graphics will look like the Vision footage we've seen so far, and like the graphics on the 360 games. More "technicolor," real life hues rather than the video quality of GT3 and 4. I think Kazunori will pull out all the stops, but we'll see in a few months at E3 when we get a taste of things to come. Maybe my dream will come true, and Solid Lifters and Amaro will have some incredible news for us. ;)
How could some of you not like this video. It's a video being taped from a large screen — we can't even see how good the graphic really are. Yet, people can still point out the reflections on the cars, etc.

GT4 ready impressed me as far as how PD could push the envelope and has everyone following in their footsteps. Everyone seems to be expecting a lot from PD on this one. I feel that they'll do a good job with GT5.

The two areas that they need to work on is increasing the size of the field — done, and the AI. The other cars on the track need to be more agressive at times — stop raming me from behind and stop pitting with one lap to go.
How could some of you not like this video. It's a video, being taped from a video that's on a large screen and yet people are still picking up on the increased detail, reflections, etc. My big thing — I want to play the game in 2007.
There was clear press released footage downloadable ages ago, both video's are GT4 with better lighting effects and more cars on track. I don't hold any opinion that connects that video to GT5 other than I now GT5 will have more cars on track at once.
may i just say that i find it unbelievable that anyone could criticize that video...

its amazing, the field is HUGE, the cars look amazing and best of all, its coming out sometime soon...

It's not coming out soon, it's not even a proper game, it's a demo to forward where the GT series is heading. Yes the grid was huge, but no the graphics wern't much better than GT4's. Yes you can criticise that video, but no it doesn't really mean anything if you do, since that video is not of the next GT game. I've already seen 2 cars modelled for GT5, the words stunning entered into my mouth. That's what GT5 will be, not slighty better GT4 (no next gen game sohould be), but stunning.

I haven't looked at this site for about a week and i need some serious catchin up to do....

Anyway, i've only seen two videos of 'GT5', or 'Vision GT' or whatever...

One was the tgs trailer and the other from - Both great videos 👍
They may just be GT4 graphics with extra cars and put in HD but its still nice to see some kind of 'preview'...

...and they both have great music! 👍

Lets see people critisize a video with the full GT5 graphics...
hi everybody.. that makes several months now that i haven't come here (and speak english.. sorry..).. i would like to know if anybody knows the name of the soundtrack which have been used in the trailers of gran turismo vision which have been presented at the E3??
I will just whait and see, I think 2 years is pretty much time to work on a game... and especaly when the PS3 is very easy to work with compared to the PS2 from what i have heard! making cars i think will take just a few days for exampel. the hard thing is gonna be to make the AI good, realistic tyresmoke maybe, damage and stuff...

Let me just correct you real quick... Making cars "Faster" has nothing to do with the "Easier" not "Easy" to use PS3 SDK... Its more along the lines of using OpenGL for rendering or the Unreal3 engine which is shipped.. whatever. Point being is that Models need to be Modeled using Maya or 3DS then they are simply imported into the game engine, Same goes for the tracks. So the modeling doesnt speed up, just the production of the rendering engine will :)..

P.S: In Game Development You never have enough time :( 2 yrs i'm sure will not be enough.. I just hope they put in all the features they dropped from GT3-> GT4 some of which are Staples in my opinion.. "Racing LANorWAN w/o using your Garage anyone?? Lame!"
So nice? You couldn't see anything, it was a black silhouette with a rear view mirror.
Yeah there is a small clip from in the car, but you can't see any detail, it's just black with a working rear view mirror.
I wasnt impressed at all, I'm sure it'll get better.. plus, I didnt really look like gameplay.
We have a long, long wait ahead of us, no need to get hyped too soon. :)

Just thought I'd come back to this and point out that it was in fact in-engine footage, lol, since it's pretty much identicle to GT: HD.
