I was going to change "glad" to "appreciate". I honestly don't disagree that they should explain further about a lot of things and that we shouldn't have to wait till the day of to find out we're getting an update, but to me, I don't see what that'll change. I get anxiety like crazy and it isn't exactly great that the communication is lacking. The reason I'm fine with, or don't let the lack of communication affect me is that it simply won't do anything but appease people's minds.
It would be awesome if they/Kaz let us know directly what tracks they're working on and what updates they have/had planned for the future. Complaining about it won't affect Kaz's position and his views, since after all these years he hasn't altered that practice.
I didn't know until I saw a video interview with Famine (I think it was that interview) at Gamescom 2010, before GT5 released obviously, that Kaz wanted a "simplified" interior view for Standard cars, but he scrapped it since he didn't like the look of it. He never told us that directly, regardless of how interested we were in the reason behind there not being a cockpit view for Standard cars with GT PSP having them the way he and us wanted it. Motorcycles, also, might have been implemented into GT4 had it not been for hardware limitations. *Kaz is lying* Yea, whatever.
No thanks. I'll take a seat when THEY stop posting like THEY do. And it's not just a video game. If anyone reads that literally like THEY always do, save yourself the time and don't reply. Recently, it's been decent and dare I say, boring around here, with the inevitable jab at Kaz and constant "CorvetteConquer - More Japanese races…this is new AND exciting!" which was why I haven't posted much lately feeling that I didn't need to get involved with such petty thoughts. CC's actually been the "worst offender" with Muyonoinla being Muoinoanonkla.
I was going to say when I made the comment about how some of these guys walk in packs to back each other up and how it used to be that I needed proof whenever I said anything, that Toronado was the only one that I butted heads with that usually/always had something to back up what he said, even though those were some of the harshest arguments I've had with a fellow member and one of few, if not the only person, to somewhat shut me down. The ONLY reason I didn't mention that was, because I had a feeling he'd reply to that long post I made. You'll know when I'm raging/ranting when someone tells me to calm down, because I'll be saying, "Leave Kaz alone, you batch!". :|
My point is, I was 100% right about how THEY, not Toronado, travel in packs, although it's always been blatantly obvious. As I kept on seeing that the "last post made by" show that it was a "member" of THEY

, I couldn't help but laugh a little. SERIOUSLY, I was going to make a comment about how someone was going to break down my post like, "Oh, I (we) got you NOW!". I'm just going to have to ignore them. It never gets old.
When I mention/point out how many sales GT5 has thus far, I know THEY! look at it like "quantity /= quality" and other such things. My point always is that I'm pointing out how relevant GT/5 still is despite the constant "GT5 is the biggest flop in the series" and then, "GT5 is only selling well, because of its name". GT5 is relevant to this day, since it LITERALLY has been selling as well as it was one year ago. The most recent PS3 + GT5 bundles only helped it jump a few thousand out of 15-20,000 copies sold each week. There I go again being as unbiased as I know how to be on this subject.
I don't know. Have a good day/night, THEY.