GT6 News Discussion

  • Thread starter Matty
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I don't think GT6 will be at TGS and I think it will be a PS3 game.

The two don't really go together. If it's not at TGS the next place to announce it would be E3 next June and that's far too late for it to be a PS3 game given that it's almost certain the next gen consoles will be announced there or even earlier.
So say we did see GT6 at TGS, when would we expect to see GT6? We don't know, but I'm sure some people's guesses would allow enough time between E3 next year and that release date. You then have all of the Summer to hype it up through the usual game shows/expeditions.
If it appears at TGS I would then expect a release date no later than October 2013. If it was announced at E3 it'd be a PS4 game. It would make no sense to announce your new console and then reveal one of your biggest IPs next game is coming out on the old console.
I think Sony will attempt making GT6 go on the PS4, just because it's a money making series. All I know I ain't blindly buying a system for just ONE game that failed to live up...
I was going to change "glad" to "appreciate". I honestly don't disagree that they should explain further about a lot of things and that we shouldn't have to wait till the day of to find out we're getting an update, but to me, I don't see what that'll change. I get anxiety like crazy and it isn't exactly great that the communication is lacking. The reason I'm fine with, or don't let the lack of communication affect me is that it simply won't do anything but appease people's minds.

It would be awesome if they/Kaz let us know directly what tracks they're working on and what updates they have/had planned for the future. Complaining about it won't affect Kaz's position and his views, since after all these years he hasn't altered that practice.

I didn't know until I saw a video interview with Famine (I think it was that interview) at Gamescom 2010, before GT5 released obviously, that Kaz wanted a "simplified" interior view for Standard cars, but he scrapped it since he didn't like the look of it. He never told us that directly, regardless of how interested we were in the reason behind there not being a cockpit view for Standard cars with GT PSP having them the way he and us wanted it. Motorcycles, also, might have been implemented into GT4 had it not been for hardware limitations. *Kaz is lying* Yea, whatever.

No thanks. I'll take a seat when THEY stop posting like THEY do. And it's not just a video game. If anyone reads that literally like THEY always do, save yourself the time and don't reply. Recently, it's been decent and dare I say, boring around here, with the inevitable jab at Kaz and constant "CorvetteConquer - More Japanese races…this is new AND exciting!" which was why I haven't posted much lately feeling that I didn't need to get involved with such petty thoughts. CC's actually been the "worst offender" with Muyonoinla being Muoinoanonkla.

I was going to say when I made the comment about how some of these guys walk in packs to back each other up and how it used to be that I needed proof whenever I said anything, that Toronado was the only one that I butted heads with that usually/always had something to back up what he said, even though those were some of the harshest arguments I've had with a fellow member and one of few, if not the only person, to somewhat shut me down. The ONLY reason I didn't mention that was, because I had a feeling he'd reply to that long post I made. You'll know when I'm raging/ranting when someone tells me to calm down, because I'll be saying, "Leave Kaz alone, you batch!". :|

My point is, I was 100% right about how THEY, not Toronado, travel in packs, although it's always been blatantly obvious. As I kept on seeing that the "last post made by" show that it was a "member" of THEY :D, I couldn't help but laugh a little. SERIOUSLY, I was going to make a comment about how someone was going to break down my post like, "Oh, I (we) got you NOW!". I'm just going to have to ignore them. It never gets old.

When I mention/point out how many sales GT5 has thus far, I know THEY! look at it like "quantity /= quality" and other such things. My point always is that I'm pointing out how relevant GT/5 still is despite the constant "GT5 is the biggest flop in the series" and then, "GT5 is only selling well, because of its name". GT5 is relevant to this day, since it LITERALLY has been selling as well as it was one year ago. The most recent PS3 + GT5 bundles only helped it jump a few thousand out of 15-20,000 copies sold each week. There I go again being as unbiased as I know how to be on this subject.

I don't know. Have a good day/night, THEY.

LMAO Travel in packs? :lol:

Do you think I PM'd the guys who replied to your long post and asked them to help me out or something? Because I'm perfectly capable of defending myself, thank you very much. And I'm sure the others are too.

I saw your post when you put it up but when I saw how long it was, I honestly decided this no longer was worth the effort or time because surprise! This is only a video game. We're not exactly discussing an important global issue.
I think Sony will attempt making GT6 go on the PS4, just because it's a money making series. All I know I ain't blindly buying a system for just ONE game that failed to live up...

I don't understand people who think like this. I don't remember people playing GT2 and saying "if GT3 is on ps2 i won't be buying it". Why is it suddenly such a big deal on which console ends up? Or why do people think it's a bad thing if GT6 ends up on PS4? It's natural, as long as there are GT's and Playstations the series will eventually move to better hardware. Or we would be playing GT5 on the ps1.

I understand you don't want to buy a console for one game and be disappointed. But it's really simple; Personally, if GT6 is a PS4 game and it's good, I'll buy it. If it's too expensive, I'll wait for a price drop. If GT6 turns out to be horrible, then I'm not missing anything by not buying it. And if I bought a PS4 already and GT6 is garbage then I'll sell both and get my money back. I really don't see the problem. And if you are blindly buying consoles then you are to blame...
I don't understand people who think like this. I don't remember people playing GT2 and saying "if GT3 is on ps2 i won't be buying it". Why is it suddenly such a big deal on which console ends up? Or why do people think it's a bad thing if GT6 ends up on PS4? It's natural, as long as there are GT's and Playstations the series will eventually move to better hardware. Or we would be playing GT5 on the ps1.

I understand you don't want to buy a console for one game and be disappointed. But it's really simple; Personally, if GT6 is a PS4 game and it's good, I'll buy it. If it's too expensive, I'll wait for a price drop. If GT6 turns out to be horrible, then I'm not missing anything by not buying it. And if I bought a PS4 already and GT6 is garbage then I'll sell both and get my money back. I really don't see the problem. And if you are blindly buying consoles then you are to blame...

Because at the time the PS2 was the console to look forward to, and it ended up destroying all the rest sales and quality wise. Nowadays it's the xbox720 and that also will have a game of the series that got better critics than GT5. It isn't like the good old days in which it was PS2+GT3 or nothing.

I bought a ps3 exclusively to play GT5, and tbh it was a waste of money. Now I keep the console because its resale value is awful (same with the wii), so I'm not making the mistake once again: I'm going to buy only one console.

With all that said, that's why to me and to lots others it is ps3 or nothing. Microsoft and Turn10 won the console and racing games wars.
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Because at the time the PS2 was the console to look forward to, and it ended up destroying all the rest sales and quality wise. Nowadays it's the xbox720 and that also will have a game of the series that got better critics than GT5. It isn't like the good old days in which it was PS2+GT3 or nothing.

I bought a ps3 exclusively to play GT5, and tbh it was a waste of money. Now I keep the console because its resale value is awful (same with the wii), so I'm not making the mistake once again: I'm going to buy only one console.

With all that said, that's why to me and to lots others it is ps3 or nothing. Microsoft and Turn10 won the console and racing games wars.

Well if the xbox720 and the next Forza are the ones you're waiting for why spend the time here waiting for the next GT on inferior hardware? Also I can't see why people still care about video game "critics" (or music and movie critics for that matter) but if that's what's important to you, then alright. I mean, you say that the xbox720 is the console to look forward to, and that system has the game with better reviews, and you want GT6 to be better than that on inferior hardware? Sorry, but your logic is a bit strange to me.
Well if the xbox720 and the next Forza are the ones you're waiting for why spend the time here waiting for the next GT on inferior hardware? Also I can't see why people still care about video game "critics" (or music and movie critics for that matter) but if that's what's important to you, then alright. I mean, you say that the xbox720 is the console to look forward to, and that system has the game with better reviews, and you want GT6 to be better than that on inferior hardware? Sorry, but your logic is a bit strange to me.

Almost all GT5's flaws aren't related to being on the PS3. Moreover, people expect newer console = better games. If that were the case a gaming PC would be the only thing to buy, but it isn't.

Also I never said that I want GT6 to be better than forza5 on the xbox720. What I said is that to me the xbox720 is a must buy no matter if GT6 comes for the ps3, but I'll only buy the later game if it is released for the ps3.
But now that you bring the issue up, it's quite obvious forza5 will destroy gt6. Why? Though I'm more inclined to the GT series it'd be delusional to think GT5 is better than forza4, and we know Turn10 works miles faster than PD too.

As for reviews, I know that when buying things trying them in person is what matters, but reviews serve as an objective (not just personal opinions) and known point of view.
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Almost all GT5's flaws aren't related to being on the PS3.

And almost all flaws of previous GT's weren't related to the console they were on. Does that mean they weren't supposed to move to better hardware? And sure, most of GT5's problems are design decisions, but a lot of problems are still related to the console (mostly graphics related). Not to mention that on better hardware you can improve physics, number of cars on track and all kinds of stuff. The next Forza will surely use the power of the next Xbox.

Moreover, people expect newer console = better games. If that were the case a gaming PC would be the only thing to buy, but it isn't.

Of course, but newer consoles enable the resources to make better games (for those developers that can use them correctly).

As for reviews, I know that when buying things trying them in person is what matters, but reviews serve as an objective (not just personal opinions) and known point of view.

Actually for me reviews are nothing more than personal opinions and are hardly objective. But I understand if you disagree.

Also I never said that I want GT6 to be better than forza5 on the xbox720. What I said is that to me the xbox720 is a must buy no matter if GT6 comes for the ps3, but I'll only buy the later game if it is released for the ps3.

Okay, now I see your point of view. Makes sense.

But now that you bring the issue up, it's quite obvious forza5 will destroy gt6. Why? Though I'm more inclined to the GT series it'd be delusional to think GT5 is better than forza4, and we know Turn10 works miles faster than PD too.

I'm not really bothered by these "wars". If you think the next Forza is the better package I say go for it. It's just that I think that if GT needs better hardware to advance they should do it regardless of what my wallet thinks about it.
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Which is the entire crux of the matter.

So after 4 great games and 1 bad game we should just say that PD sucks and lose all faith. You know, I was just as disappointed in GT3 as I was in GT5. But I waited to see what they'll do next and enjoyed GT4. And that's what intend to do this time.
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So after 4 great games and 1 bad game we should just say that PD sucks and lose all faith. You know, I was just as disappointed in GT3 as I was in GT5. But I waited to see what they'll do next and enjoyed GT4. And that's what intend to do this time.

You know they haven't released a finished AAA game in 8 years and counting right.
So after 4 great games and 1 bad game we should just say that PD sucks and lose all faith. You know, I was just as disappointed in GT3 as I was in GT5. But I waited to see what they'll do next and enjoyed GT4. And that's what intend to do this time.

This. But with GT6, I feel that this is their most crucial step if the series wants to continue being healthy.

If the series goes on after GT6, the series has to adapt with GT6. More modern features have to be added that we've been desiring for quiet some time!

If GT6 is the last GT game ever, I do hope the series can go out properly, and not like a joke of a title that GT5 is.
So after 4 great games and 1 bad game we should just say that PD sucks and lose all faith.
In your (inaccurate, incomparable and anachronistic) attempt to strawman, you basically undermined your own point.

I'm fairly doubtful anyone here truly believes that PD is now the WORST DEVELOPER EVAR; but it doesn't seem like the horrible thing you are making it out to be to want to see what PD can actually do with the hardware they've currently got like they did with GT2 and GT4 before Sony gives them new hardware and a practically unlimited budget and as much time as they want to develop a PS4 title, basically being a repeat of GT5's development circumstances. Because regardless of if you think repeating the circumstances would lead to a repeated result, it's not exactly a stretch to think that it would when there is currently nothing else to go on.

The fact that there would be several hundred extra dollars (to say nothing about what they might be missing out on if they skip the next XBox and go PS4 instead) riding on whether or not people give PD another chance depending on which system is set for release is only icing on the cake.
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In your (inaccurate, incomparable and arguably anachronistic) attempt to strawman, you basically undermined your own point.

That's what I got from your post. You didn't make it exactly clear what you were trying to say, and English isn't my first language so forgive me if I misinterpreted you.

I'm fairly doubtful anyone here truly believes that PD is now the WORST DEVELOPER EVAR;

Actually I doubt that too, but there sure are a lot of people who just love saying that. I'm sure you noticed.

but it doesn't seem like the horrible thing you are making it out to be to want to see what PD can actually do with the hardware they've currently got like they did with GT2 and GT4 before Sony gives them new hardware and a practically unlimited budget and as much time as they want to develop a PS4, basically being a repeat of GT5's development circumstances.

Too bad I never said it's a horrible thing. But I think they did that already. If GT6 ends up on PS3 and somehow solves all the hardware problems present in GT5 I'll gladly eat my words. We can speculate as much as we want but PD are the only ones who truly know how much they're pushing the PS3.
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You know they haven't released a finished AAA game in 8 years and counting right.

maybe because in that time frame they released only 1 game, things like this takes time, yeah gt5 took a lot of time and wasnt finished but thats because they focused on the wrong things. you just cant assume new games in the series are terrible or that a company sucks just because 1 was a let down.
maybe because in that time frame they released only 1 game, things like this takes time, yeah gt5 took a lot of time and wasnt finished but thats because they focused on the wrong things. you just cant assume new games in the series are terrible or that a company sucks just because 1 was a let down.

8 years of letdowns and counting
8 years of letdowns and counting

Sorry for OT but what about team Ico? 2 albeit good last gen games and then zilch.
Still being bankrolled by Sony whilst studio Liverpool get the elbow.

No justice.

At least PD have knocked something up this gen.
8 years of letdowns and counting

but wouldnt only 1 or two years count as letdowns because thats when gt5 came out. If you hate gt5 so much would you have wanted them to stop at gt4 and end the series? whats better an unfinished game or no game at all?
GT5 may be flawed but I still enjoy the game for what it is. No point in being disgruntled with it imo, it has enough positives still and I'll keep playing it for those. The lack of DLC now is frustrating however, as it seemed so promising to begin with, but the absence of DLC makes me think GT6 isn't too far off and new cars and tracks are being saved for that instead.
I don't mind waiting for GT6 to get new cars and tracks, still I wish PD would at least provide some of the old GT series tracks and a few standards upgraded to premiums in the meantime.
Personally I think GT6 will be a PS4 game (probably a launch title), and I hope PD will be smart and start offering some of the new cars and tracks from GT6 as DLC for GT5 after GT6 has been released. Assuming GT6 is on PS4, there will be a large number of people who won't rush out and buy a PS4 for GT6 but would buy DLC for GT5 still (me included probably).
At any rate I'm hopeful that PD will have learned a good few lessons with GT5 that will be addressed in GT6. PD were definitely behind the 8-ball this time round, things had changed in the 5 years from GT4 but they hadn't (enough). Time will tell if they can catch back up - I hope so.
I personally feel that GT5's B-Spec system is flawed (in comparison to GT4's which is the only other version I've played - ya, I'm a newbie) and I hope that they correct the problems. Jeez, the drivers - for the most part - often seemed to get worse as their levels increased.
No news as per usual with PD. When is our next big game show as I suspect we may get something but KY is way more reluctant to spread news these days due to all of the critique he gets.
No news as per usual with PD. When is our next big game show as I suspect we may get something but KY is way more reluctant to spread news these days due to all of the critique he gets.

E3, GT6 will be announced alongside the PS4 i'm guessing.
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