GT7 April Update Discussion

  • Thread starter PuffelPizza
"Extra Menu 20 will require you to collect three cars wearing Shelby badges."

Correct me if I'm mistaken, are there not only 3 Shelby in the whole of the game? I think the Mark and GT40s should count but, that's my opinion.

"Fuji Speedway appears to have had an environment update."

Why? Who's idea was it to put an ugly building in front of a sacred volcano 🌋

I get it. That's probably what it looks like in real life but, 😮‍💨
But, not on Google Earth 🤔
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Correct me if I'm mistaken, are there not only 3 Shelby in the whole of the game? I think the Mark and GT40s should count but, that's my opinion.
You can see in the picture that the 3 cars needed are the Shelby Cobra 427, the Shelby GT350 and the Ford Shelby 350R.

Which is a good job as the Shelby Cobra Daytona Coupe is a 20 million credit car so glad that's not needed for an extra menu.
You can see in the picture that the 3 cars needed are the Shelby Cobra 427, the Shelby GT350 and the Ford Shelby 350R.

Which is a good job as the Shelby Cobra Daytona Coupe is a 20 million credit car so glad that's not needed for an extra menu.

So two real Shelby cars and one tribute car. Got it. Yeah, the thought of grinding my fingers to nubs to get the Daytona as soon as it popped up wasn't that appealing. I still want the car. A Factory Five version would be nice.
"Extra Menu 20 will require you to collect three cars wearing Shelby badges."

Correct me if I'm mistaken, are there not only 3 Shelby in the whole of the game? I think the Mark and GT40s should count but, that's my opinion.

"Fuji Speedway appears to have had an environment update."

Why? Who's idea was it to put an ugly building in front of a sacred volcano 🌋

I get it. That's probably what it looks like in real life but, 😮‍💨
But, not on Google Earth 🤔
There are more than 3 Shelby vehicles in GT7. Fortunately this extra menu doesn’t require the 20M Cr. Shelby Cobra Daytona.

EDIT: looks like I was a few minutes late to the party.
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Because of the Hagerty collaboration. These cars are rarer and don't come up for auction as often. The same reason the UCD doesn't do it. Although these cars are more abundant so they cycle through more often.

1. In your game library, navigate to the game you want to delete.

2. With the game selected, press the Options button on the controller. Choose the game you want to delete and press the Options button.

3. Select "Delete." Confirm your choice by selecting "OK."

Your welcome! :D
Unfortunately, I had to bail because this update is just too exciting for me to miss out on all the new photo locations. And don't even get me started on the new building at Fuji Speedway - that's a can't-miss opportunity.
Nope, I don't think so. But in the Super Formula race event, the AI cars'll be using a bunch of different liveries, that's what he meant.
I wish we had access to at least those liveries (since they won't let us use saved styles) when we build out our custom grids. Having to buy every grid car is annoying.
The M4 looks like more of a meany in GT4 guise. The recent GT4 European Series race, at Monza, it tore the field a new one.
I wish we had access to at least those liveries (since they won't let us use saved styles) when we build out our custom grids. Having to buy every grid car is annoying.
Its a small task for PD, but they don't care about small things to make the game more enjoyable.With the option to assign different liveries to the AI, we could have recreated the f1 season. And no custom championship too. I think gt7 the only sim racing game without the option of custom championship. All the tracks and cars just worthless at this point.
It's only the second time PD teased the Extra Menus, the first time we know (most of) what it's going to take to complete said Extra Menus, and the first time they announced a new class of races in advance (though not whether it's an extra Menu Book, which all new classes of races post-launch have been part of, or what tracks will host them)

Here is what it is going to cost to complete the Extra Menus:

Shelby - 3,086,000 Cr.
  • 2016 Ford Shelby GT350R - 75,000 Cr. (from Brand Central)
  • 1965 Shelby G.T.350 - 511,000 Cr. (from the Legendary dealer - last available beginning 3/7, last sold out 3/18)
  • 1966 Shelby Cobra 427 - 2,500,000 Cr. (from the Legendary dealer - last available beginning 4/8, last sold out 4/21)
Bottom line - if you missed out on the recently-sold-out Cobra 427, you'll be waiting until at least the end of June (and the next price adjustment update) to get your Shelby ticket, and if you missed out on the original G.T.350, you'll be waiting until at least the end of May. Hopefully it's one of the 6-stars, but it's been a while since we've had one of those coming out of an Extra Menu.

Alpine - 1,223,900 Cr.
  • 1972 Alpine A110 - 143,900 Cr. (from the Used Car dealer - last available beginning 4/5, last sold out 4/15)
  • 2017 Alpine A110 - 80,000 Cr. (from Brand Central)
  • One of the Alpine VGTs - 1,000,000 Cr. (from Brand Central; I can't tell from the picture which of the three)
Bottom line - if you missed out on the recently-sold-out older A110, you'll be waiting until mid-May to get your Alpine ticket. It most likely will be a 4-star ticket, though knowing my luck with the workout Wheels of Despair so far this year (37.5% 3-stars as of yesterday on the Plus account, despite being at Collector Level 50 since last summer), it will more likely drop a level than rise one.
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It's only the second time PD teased the Extra Menus, the first time we know (most of) what it's going to take to complete said Extra Menus, and the first time they announced a new class of races in advance (though not whether it's an extra Menu Book, which all new classes of races post-launch have been part of, or what tracks will host them)

Here is what it is going to cost to complete the Extra Menus:

Shelby - 3,086,000 Cr.
  • 2016 Ford Shelby GT350R - 75,000 Cr. (from Brand Central)
  • 1965 Shelby G.T.350 - 511,000 Cr. (from the Legendary dealer - last available beginning 3/7, last sold out 3/18)
  • 1966 Shelby Cobra 427 - 2,500,000 Cr. (from the Legendary dealer - last available beginning 4/8, last sold out 4/21)
Bottom line - if you missed out on the recently-sold-out Cobra 427, you'll be waiting until at least the end of June (and the next price adjustment update) to get your Shelby ticket, and if you missed out on the original G.T.350, you'll be waiting until at least the end of May. Hopefully it's one of the 6-stars, but it's been a while since we've had one of those coming out of an Extra Menu.

Alpine - 1,223,900 Cr.
  • 1972 Alpine A110 - 143,900 Cr. (from the Used Car dealer - last available beginning 4/5, last sold out 4/15)
  • 2017 Alpine A110 - 80,000 Cr. (from Brand Central)
  • One of the Alpine VGTs - 1,000,000 Cr. (from Brand Central; I can't tell from the picture which of the three)
Bottom line - if you missed out on the recently-sold-out older A110, you'll be waiting until mid-May to get your Alpine ticket. It most likely will be a 4-star ticket, though knowing my luck with the workout Wheels of Despair so far this year (37.5% 3-stars as of yesterday on the Plus account, despite being at Collector Level 50 since last summer), it will more likely drop a level than rise one.
Look like the Alpine VGT Race Mode.
Literally claims that all Mercedes did was "Facelift the Headlights"

The original 2015 model:


2020 Evo:


Not sure how you really classify that as just "Facelifting the headlights".

And what makes his complaint bizarre is that quite literally at present, there is only 3 truly "New" GT3 cars while the majority of the Field is literally Evos and a Mclaren (As well as that one stubborn team that continues to field the Aston depending on what series you watch). Hell, the GT World Challenge Asia is set to have, Gasp, another Evo courtesy of 2022 Super Taikyu Champions Team 5zigen and their 2022 Nissan GT-R GT3 Evo.
Tell me, how is this not literally a facelift? Lights and grille changed. Has anything else changed besides that and the color?
Ah, they changed the colour too! 🤓
Definately not the typical AMG color I'd expect but its indeed an option :lol:

I was creating an example and none of the kids in this forum seem to be getting my point. My point is that there are several cars and car manufacturers who don't have proper representation in GT's race series, or no representation at all, and some manufacturers that don't even exist in the game which need to be represented, like Bentley. The developers need to concentrate on filling these gaps rather than over-representing some brands with multiple choices. An example is how the Ford GT was an excellent addition because the Mustang Gr3 isn't even a real car (yet) while BMW shipped with three representatives and now they're adding multiples to others rather than filling gaps.

So the same thing that's been hammered to hell and back for god knows how long (seemingly almost every time time before an upcoming update) and seems to still have had little to no effect on things. I still argue that for instance, comparing 3 GR.3 choices for Mercedes (In the same game that has three choices for BMW) to the 34 GT-Rs from GT4 to GT6 is reaching far beyond just to make the same tired argument (And that's ignoring the fact that its not even remotely close to comparable considering I or anyone with eyes can distinguish all 3 Mercs apart, something that can't be said for a good chunk of the GT-Rs which seem to mostly be just name & color changes & slightly interior changes even among the racing models)

Why do they "Need" to fill in those gaps? Why do they "Need" to get those manufacturers not already in for Proper representation? Is there some hidden agreement or contractual obligation that they "need" to do this? You also appear to be cherry picking who actually deserves what new models as you make it seem like its somehow a bad thing that Mercedes now has 3 choices for Gr.3 (One of which is a updated version of the car in game, just as the Audi R8 LMS GT Evo is for the 2015 car that was here since GT Sport) but its totally ok for Ford, who now has the most choices of Gr.3 with 4 cars, to have another one because its the real deal (Like...The Mercedes is? Like the 2018 GT-R GT3 Nismo is?). What about Porsche, who doesn't even have a GT3 car real or PD made?

Edit: They literally just facelifted the headlights and front grill. You gotta be pulling my leg lol.
Hey, You said they only facelifted the headlights and clearly, its not the only thing changed. Its had some aero work done as well


The car even has an auto-start function as it comes off the airjacks.
Tell me, how is this not literally a facelift? Lights and grille changed. Has anything else changed besides that and the color?
You tell me how all they did was "Facelift the headlights", which was the point I was making and elaborated on in the post above. So what if looks wise its had little done on the outside, clearly it wasn't just a lazy Headlight redesign like the Renault Clio RS in Sport was (because those little RS checkered foglamps totally add at least 50 HP over the previous model:lol:)
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btw seeing Fuji updated makes me want Le Mans updated as well since it was never finished properly :/
And Spa's new grand stand. Should have really been updated with the 24hr layout.

1682543511702.png event?
Why do they "Need" to fill in those gaps? Why do they "Need" to get those manufacturers not already in for Proper representation? Is there some hidden agreement or contractual obligation that they "need" to do this? You also appear to be cherry picking who actually deserves what new models as you make it seem like its somehow a bad thing that Mercedes now has 3 choices for Gr.3 (One of which is a updated version of the car in game, just as the Audi R8 LMS GT Evo is for the 2015 car that was here since GT Sport) but its totally ok for Ford, who now has the most choices of Gr.3 with 4 cars, to have another one because its the real deal (Like...The Mercedes is? Like the 2018 GT-R GT3 Nismo is?). What about Porsche, who doesn't even have a GT3 car real or PD made?
That's the thing, isn't it? There should be a broader spectrum of manufacturers and real GT3 cars because different people will want to see their favourites represented. As you've said, an actual rear engined Porsche GT3 would be a fantastic addition.

There's logic to filling out missing and under represented manufacturers before jamming in facelifts (especially if said facelifts don't offer anything new in terms of vehicle dynamics ingame).
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Double post since GT's social media has tweeted about it:


I'm afraid it only says "race" event... And since it's not a Café Menu, it's likely just going to be 1 to 3 individual races on 3 different tracks with the SF cars that will pay peanuts compared to the 1 year old 4 grinding races. So... non-replayability value. And once again, a missed opportunity to create a propper Championship. These don't appease the 0.01% of youtubers who play online or e-sports players, so, an understandable decision. This game is for them after all.
Oh, and how could I forget about photographers... Those are really important as well.

Oh, another 2 Menus to collect cars. ... That force you to grind to get them instead of them being rewarded for completing a set of NEW challenging races or missions. ... So basically, another 90 seconds of "playtime" of pressing X for me in this case.

... Actually, scratch that. a VGT is going to be included in these Extra Menus. So it's probably a bit over 2 minutes since I'm going to Brand Central, buy the VGT, complete the Extra Menu, open it's low-payout or non-payout reward (last have been duplicate parts and engines) ticket and then sell the car again.
I'm flooded with money so it won't bother me much, but mixing a VGT with other actual historical car pieces is just too out of place. Is it that hard to wait for an addition of another real life Alpine car and then make the propper Extra Menu? Not even this they can get it right.
On that note, why not include the Daytona in the Shelby Extra Menu? Sure it's expensive, but it IS an actual Shelby car and not a Ford. At the very least it would give some sort of reason for the people not interested in it to maybe... you know, try a bit harder to get it to complete the Menu and at the same time, drive it out!? Would still be lackluster in terms of game engagement but heck, it would be something at least.

Looks to be quite an underwhelming update. Hopefully the physics remain the same because the last change was really good. The content itself, no track and the addition of 4 cars of which 2 are almost the same and one is just yet another variation of an existing car (which by itself already has 4 other variations) and from the looks of it, yet again no propper career mode events.
Not really an update with the intent to excite people to be honest.

It can't be too hard to code Café Menus with championships... Endurance races... and a pack of another 8 Missions. I mean, can it? I know for a fact it can't because we basically have this feature for ourselves in the game but nerfed (AI and payouts) to absolute oblivion for whatever reason.

At this point, I wouldn't mind an update with NO cars and NO tracks, but full of added championship/mission/endurance events for all types of cars.

... Also, how long is it going to take to have the PP system for the suspension, gearbox and differential fixed? Like seriously, they introduce this system which IMO was really good, aside from a few glitches here and there, but overall it worked out and it helped lots of people who don't know how to tune... to tune their cars propperly without wasting potentially hours of finding a setup for the car. This is a game first and foremost... And it's not like you (PD) even make e-sports events with tuning enabled to begin with, or at least not that frequently.
They removed it because of said glitches and that's their way of fixing this problem? Could be better.