GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
@Barney Da Dog @newmedia_dev We met again last night! :) For only one or two races but still :D

I don't know which one I screenshoted, this was a good one, 8:28 final time, nice race pace, 40.4 - 40.5 - 40.7 laptimes and the gap kept slowly but steadily increasing.

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Good to see you - well I didn't actually 'see' you in the race as I was so far back 🤣 first race of the week. Improved QT since then but not raced again.
Hurt my left foot and braking is pretty painful with the loadcell 😕
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I used your setup but didn’t get more than 2 practice laps before a race. It felt very light, I could feel the loss of grip in quite a few places so my QT wasn't very good.

After the 2 qualifying laps I went to a race with some very aggressive drivers, turns out that those setting were extremely stable, it just took me getting used to them and trusting the car. I got tires into the grass, got banged from all sides, pushed off course and NEVER swapped ends.
Now, on to improving QT.
You described it very very well, it's just like that, you just need to trust it, when the rear starts sliding, don't correct it, just let it go and wait for it to stabilize and then smash the throttle. Pure joy to drive :D
I have a question for you people about awareness on track. With offline racing the AI is predictable and dull, never had any real problems with closer racing. In sport mode racing that's different ofcourse. People can make strange maneuvers or suffer from poor car control, making contact a higher risk.

For myself I am quite aware when people are in front, or side by side and I can adapt my racing to it. But if people are behind it's much more difficult for me. At the moment I like using the chase cam, but you then don't have a rear mirror. I always place the radar in my HUD during a race, but during braking zones and cornering I am way to busy just keeping it on the track and trying to be fast. Apart from long straights I cannot watch the radar without risking a big mistake.

Is this something that will develop with the rest of your racing skills? When people drive close behind me, I more or less drive just as if they are not there. Resulting in maybe pinching them if they go to the inside of a turn (but I always correct when I suddenly see a car next to me of course), or it results in not defending at all. Everything is going so fast that I use all my concentration on the bigger picture (my car, cars right in front of me, racing line and braking points) and I don't have the skill to also at the same time look backwards.
I have a question for you people about awareness on track. With offline racing the AI is predictable and dull, never had any real problems with closer racing. In sport mode racing that's different ofcourse. People can make strange maneuvers or suffer from poor car control, making contact a higher risk.

For myself I am quite aware when people are in front, or side by side and I can adapt my racing to it. But if people are behind it's much more difficult for me. At the moment I like using the chase cam, but you then don't have a rear mirror. I always place the radar in my HUD during a race, but during braking zones and cornering I am way to busy just keeping it on the track and trying to be fast. Apart from long straights I cannot watch the radar without risking a big mistake.

Is this something that will develop with the rest of your racing skills? When people drive close behind me, I more or less drive just as if they are not there. Resulting in maybe pinching them if they go to the inside of a turn (but I always correct when I suddenly see a car next to me of course), or it results in not defending at all. Everything is going so fast that I use all my concentration on the bigger picture (my car, cars right in front of me, racing line and braking points) and I don't have the skill to also at the same time look backwards.
PD could, perhaps should implement a Spotter like Iracing does: "Car to the left". It's as simple as that.
@GrumpyOldMan - have you branched out with a new British lobby? 🤣 :-

I have a question for you people about awareness on track. With offline racing the AI is predictable and dull, never had any real problems with closer racing. In sport mode racing that's different ofcourse. People can make strange maneuvers or suffer from poor car control, making contact a higher risk.

For myself I am quite aware when people are in front, or side by side and I can adapt my racing to it. But if people are behind it's much more difficult for me. At the moment I like using the chase cam, but you then don't have a rear mirror. I always place the radar in my HUD during a race, but during braking zones and cornering I am way to busy just keeping it on the track and trying to be fast. Apart from long straights I cannot watch the radar without risking a big mistake.

Is this something that will develop with the rest of your racing skills? When people drive close behind me, I more or less drive just as if they are not there. Resulting in maybe pinching them if they go to the inside of a turn (but I always correct when I suddenly see a car next to me of course), or it results in not defending at all. Everything is going so fast that I use all my concentration on the bigger picture (my car, cars right in front of me, racing line and braking points) and I don't have the skill to also at the same time look backwards.
Side mirrors + the rearview > all
I have a question for you people about awareness on track. With offline racing the AI is predictable and dull, never had any real problems with closer racing. In sport mode racing that's different ofcourse. People can make strange maneuvers or suffer from poor car control, making contact a higher risk.

For myself I am quite aware when people are in front, or side by side and I can adapt my racing to it. But if people are behind it's much more difficult for me. At the moment I like using the chase cam, but you then don't have a rear mirror. I always place the radar in my HUD during a race, but during braking zones and cornering I am way to busy just keeping it on the track and trying to be fast. Apart from long straights I cannot watch the radar without risking a big mistake.

Is this something that will develop with the rest of your racing skills? When people drive close behind me, I more or less drive just as if they are not there. Resulting in maybe pinching them if they go to the inside of a turn (but I always correct when I suddenly see a car next to me of course), or it results in not defending at all. Everything is going so fast that I use all my concentration on the bigger picture (my car, cars right in front of me, racing line and braking points) and I don't have the skill to also at the same time look backwards.
One of a couple of reasons I'm a staunch bumper-cam enthusiast... Rear view mirror. I like to race the same way I drive IRL, always keeping conscious of the cars around me via peripheral vision whilst fully focusing on the road.

Use you ears also!!! The game has great audio imaging and you can usually use it to get a pin on where the competition is in relation to your own car.
One of a couple of reasons I'm a staunch bumper-cam enthusiast... Rear view mirror. I like to race the same way I drive IRL, always keeping conscious of the cars around me via peripheral vision whilst fully focusing on the road.

Use you ears also!!! The game has great audio imaging and you can usually use it to get a pin on where the competition is in relation to your own car.
IRL you drive sitting on the front bumper? Sounds dangerous to me.
Aaaahhhhhhh !!!

I know I am starting to sound like a moaning old lady but come on! My luckless streak continues 😭 😭

Start in P13 (2nd account) and I am clearly (not being arrogant) a better driver than half the field for sure. I soon find myself in P6/7 (within Lap 1) and I get a better exit than the 2 in front, heading towards the last chicane. Boom, punted from behind! Damage, dirty tires and down to P8 and under pressure from a driver who isn't very friendly.

I am back in P7 half way into Lap 3 and right behind the next 2 drivers and they make contact heading downhill after Sector 1. One of them is slowed down, the other goes onto the grass and wouldn't you know it, the car is spinning right towards me and hasn't ghosted after more than 3s in trouble!

To avoid contact, I send myself left, onto the grass and barriers... Once again, I am blessed with damage, dirty tires and back down in P10.... I was ending the race in P8 but I let frustration get the better of me for one corner, which was enough for 1 car to go through and I finish in P9.

I know I could have had a top 5 in this one but nope, back to hell I go!

I am back in P7 half way into Lap 3 and right behind the next 2 drivers and they make contact heading downhill after Sector 1. One of them is slowed down, the other goes onto the grass and wouldn't you know it, the car is spinning right towards me and hasn't ghosted after more than 3s in trouble!

To avoid contact, I send myself left, onto the grass and barriers...
I wish there were no ghost system at all.
If theres a car spinning right in front of us... bad luck but its part of racing.

Now we have a bad system where you cant predict how long the ghost will last and if avoiding measures are needed.

However, I can see some races turning into memes with this approach.
Imagine DTS and the death chicane with no ghost system... :lol:
I wish there were no ghost system at all.
If theres a car spinning right in front of us... bad luck but its part of racing.

Now we have a bad system where you cant predict how long the ghost will last and if avoiding measures are needed.

However, I can see some races turning into memes with this approach.
Imagine DTS and the death chicane with no ghost system... :lol:
Maybe that would be enough pain to curb behavior.
Recently I discovered something odd - call me crazy, but if you start to oversteer and it seems like the only solution not to go onto the grass is to lift off a bit, if you instead start to shake the wheel - not much, just a few degrees left and right two, three times, very fast, the tires starts to grip again, and you're saved.
I haven't tried this exact thing, but if I do actually go into the grass, a quick wiggle on the wheel seems to allow the tires to grab in the grass (with the G70). I might not even need to lift off the gas, although I can't be sure about that.
I haven't tried this exact thing, but if I do actually go into the grass, a quick wiggle on the wheel seems to allow the tires to grab in the grass (with the G70). I might not even need to lift off the gas, although I can't be sure about that.
I find it depends on the angle I hit the grass.

If I'm half on the grass and curb/track it's a lottery for me.
Saw @bone_tone on track earlier. Was sitting in 2nd and he was 3rd. Thought we could have a nice little race however the other half decides to slice the mower wire in half so had to abandon before the race finished!
Ah, wondered where you went!

You've got your other half better trained than mine - mowing the lawn so that you can concentrate on enjoying your racing.

Get a battery mower like mine, then she won't interrupt you again 🤣

Finished in P2, resisting an idiot behind constantly flashing his lights....
Finally A+!

I gave up for a while, thought it was impossible. I were 70% A after the Grand Valley Highway adventure a few months ago, then just went down slowly week after week until I was at around 28% or so last week. Then came Kyoto! Oh, how I love Kyoto and the Lambo!

Long story short, I came here a year ago as a C, thinking I could race, but soon discovered the determination, ambition, passion and cooperation that is evident in here that is needed to be fast for real. GTP Daily thread tune sharing, driving tips, helpful and supporting messages made it possible.

My super unimpressive stats is below. No second account. I had the pleasure to have two good friends from in here joining in on my "final conversion" race, so nice to see you there!

Skärmavbild 2024-05-31 kl. 18.33.46.png
I hate weeks with tracks like this (Race B). Not that I'm not enjoying it - I really am. But it seems like if I take a break for a couple of hours, or especially overnight, it takes me for-freeking-ever to get back in the groove. Hmm, sounds like a movie idea - "How Grumpy Got His Groove Back".

Or maybe not.
Ah, wondered where you went!

You've got your other half better trained than mine - mowing the lawn so that you can concentrate on enjoying your racing.

Get a battery mower like mine, then she won't interrupt you again 🤣

Finished in P2, resisting an idiot behind constantly flashing his lights....
Trained would be completing it. Not a 'ooh I sliced the wire what do I do' so I end up doing it :lol:
Ah that will be a lesser spotted controller user....they are the most common species found in the wild....
The best thing I've ever done was remapping the high beam buttons

I'm not sure how many of you are having this (or any) experience of Race A...

One or two A-drivers, the rest mostly B's and some C's. Survive Turn 1, get into a squabble around the stadium section (sometimes with disproportionate retributions from simple door-banging), then regardless of track position between 3.5 and 4.5 laps of catching the lucky survivor/survivors ,or leaving the pack in your dust.

There seems to be a whole load of over-qualifying going on, no-one seems capable of replicating their quali pace in the race itself. Easy.
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Finally A+!

I gave up for a while, thought it was impossible. I were 70% A after the Grand Valley Highway adventure a few months ago, then just went down slowly week after week until I was at around 28% or so last week. Then came Kyoto! Oh, how I love Kyoto and the Lambo!

Long story short, I came here a year ago as a C, thinking I could race, but soon discovered the determination, ambition, passion and cooperation that is evident in here that is needed to be fast for real. GTP Daily thread tune sharing, driving tips, helpful and supporting messages made it possible.

My super unimpressive stats is below. No second account. I had the pleasure to have two good friends from in here joining in on my "final conversion" race, so nice to see you there!

View attachment 1360549
Ha, shoutout and congratulations! I was there!🥳

Which brings me to a little report about my own experience: I actually did some real races (with DR implications) on my main account for the first time in about a year. Race B. It was a mixed bag.
Race 1: Started from P6, messed up T1 and lost a place, but kept my composure, clean race to the end, capitalized on some guys fighting and one binning it in the final corner, finished P4. Not too bad.
Race 2: Uneventful, started P5, little mistakes, got overtaken once, finished P6. Actually gained DR in both races.

But then...

Race 3: Despite my QT still in the top500 at that time, I start P9 😱. Being too slow to get out of the mess in the lower half of the grid, I get bumped and punted left and right and finish in P14. Ugly. And what the hell is wrong with the drivers "down there"?
Race 4: Similar. This time even starting P11, and the same kind of race. This time I was able to pass some guys who had spun out, I approached the final turn in P10. I didn't go defensive, because the Italian in P11 was more than half a second behind. So he wouldn't... would he? Yeah, of course he would. He divebombed me from the right. Both recovering, we exit the turn side by side, and i got the better run. Which he didn't seem to like, so he made sure to push me into the grass. Thanks a lot. I mean, for P10??? Again: what is wrong with some of these people?

Anyway, at least it showed me my place again. My 60% DR A will soon be gone, high B/ low A seems to be me natural ceiling. Which is still okay, right?😇
Finally, on a Friday evening, I finally get 2 decent outcomes in Race B!

Race 1 - I Start in P7 with a certain Mr @newmedia_dev in P2. As soon as we notice we are in the same lobby, the banter begins! 😂 Didn't take screenshots of the pre-race lobby but managed to remember after the race! I am sure the other players had some questions after they read what we said to each other 😂 In terms of the race itself, I was instantly knocked down to P10 on the first turn but managed to finish in P7, whilst that guy actually took the early lead and won the race!

Well done mate 😜



Race 2 - I somehow get thrown into the deep end, starting in P14?! Once again, I am soon down to last (P16) but manage to finish in P12 after some close and clean racing with 1 driver and some sketchy manoeuvring from another 😅😊

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