GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
I really enjoyed Race B his week. Basically held my own in DR A, even though most of the time I lost positions by the end.


For the past 11 weeks or so, I've managed to stay in DR A, although it was a lose call in week 18:


Don't know how I'll do at the 'Ring this week - it hasn't always been kind to me. Time will tell.

Hope y'all had a good week.
Last couple of races before the GP starts. Have to say, I really enjoyed race C this week, even more so after switching to the Ford GT. Anyway, 2 races done, 2nd in the first race and a win just now. 1 more to go. 😀😀
It was great racing together. I noticed you dropped out during the third race.

After four races, I reached Rank B, but then I started from P12-P14. I was mostly surrounded by some Russians who were eager to push me off the track. Despite that, it was still nice racing because you can just avoid all the carnage.
Here's my best lap and tune that is currently fastest in the world so far for the new Race A.

Additionally to what is shown I have the engine swapped, wide body and wheels and roll cage. I don't think the aero parts matter. The transaction is the typical flip.
Add more camber or less rear ride height if it's too loose and it might be worth adding a bit of weight to get the better brakes but I think it's mostly personal preference.
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The Jimny race allows engine swaps so just had someone fly past me, first time I've ever been blue flagged in a race.
Even though there's a PP cap? How interesting. Maybe that driver had a setup that maximized HP while using Comfort Hards or something. I'll likely do some qualifying laps in the Jimny I did have, which has both a widebody and various tuning parts, but with the stock engine. If I feel like my time is unusually far off the top, then maybe it'll be better with a swapped engine. At least both the Jimny itself and the swap seem to be among the most affordable in the game, too, so if I need to buy another Jimny and swap it, it's not like it'll cost much at all.

EDIT: I also imagine that for that grid start, you'll want a torque splitter, and have it set to 50:50.
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Even though there's a PP cap? How interesting. Maybe that driver had a setup that maximized HP while using Comfort Hards or something. I'll likely do some qualifying laps in the Jimny I did have, which has both a widebody and various tuning parts, but with the stock engine. If I feel like my time is unusually far off the top, then maybe it'll be better with a swapped engine. At least both the Jimny itself and the swap seem to be among the most affordable in the game, too, so if I need to buy another Jimny and swap it, it's not like it'll cost much at all.

EDIT: I also imagine that for that grid start, you'll want a torque splitter, and have it set to 50:50.
The Jimny race allows engine swaps so just had someone fly past me, first time I've ever been blue flagged in a race.
That might have been me on my French account (frd028). I do remember racing with @Rossell2 earlier. Here is the setup I used. Full disclosure, I have no idea what I'm doing. I bought the car, changed the engine, and added the parts. Later, I added a wide body and tweaked the LSD a tiny bit. Oh and added the Barbie livery which obviously makes a huge difference. I think this setup is a good example how broken the PP system is, especially with engine swaps. Well, at least it's nice to have something a little bit different for once.

Edit: sorry, the setup is in French, but hopefully it makes sense :D


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It's just a funny lighthearted race. I only do Daily Race A, because the classic "BOP Gr4/3/2/1 on the same tracks with the same meta cars" is very boring to me. I wish there were 4 or 5 daily races, with two being with road cars, professionally tuned cars or other race cars. This way, a PP race like this would feel less weird when it shows up. And everyone can enjoy more of what they like. That's my only concern with the game right now.
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Wow. been a minute. My driving says it's been longer, tho.

I've been busy with <insert most things you can think of here> that I haven't been racing at all. Did some weekly challenges here and there but zero sport time. I took a peek this week to find Maggiore in rotation (for me, 👍👍) so threw some laps at that. Then I noticed tuned road cars at the Glen. Hmmm...yeah, shoulda never walked into that bar.🤣

Ended-up not leaving WG and had a BLAST losing DR. Lot's of it. First dozen races were a mixed bag P6 - 11 finishes all with blazing red arrows for the DR column. That said, super proud of not losing any SR, which came as a bit of a surprise. Blowing the cobwebs out can get kinda clumsy. If I did something stoopid to anyone here, I apologize.😇

Was nice seeing some familiar names some laps in with @morfastmadboy and saw @Mc_Yavel on the friends LB again (been ages). Overall an amazing week and was able to get my crap together towards the end. Racing was unreal, clean AND payed well for once!! Nothing brings you back into the fold like a win:

Took my earnings for the week and bought a Cobra (they REALLY should've put white stripes on the maroon).😁

See y'all out there!:cheers:
I got my PP up to a 407, I bought all the necessary tuning parts and modifications to increase the horsepower. The best I could clock in was a 1'01.174. And I set my TCS at a 2. I only ran 6 laps which is very little effort.
For anyone needing help with setups for race B I've listed my settings below. The numbers are in order of the suspension / diff settings in game:

BMW M6: Suspension: 8 10 20 20 50 50 3.00 3.10 suspension, diff: 5 60 5, brake balance +5

Nissan GTR 18: 10 10 20 20 50 46 2.50 2.62, 5 60 5, brake balance 0

My best time after a few laps this morning was 1.53.9 in the M6. But much quicker times are possible
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Really struggling with oversteer on braking into turn 1 on Daily Race A in the Jimny. Tried a Priano tune, and even tried turning stability mgmt back on. Still losing races due to wiping out in the first turn, despite a nice engine swap and trying various things to tame down the rear end lightness. Thoughts on things to tweak to make the tune I have work?

I may just try the tune above. In my hands this vehicle is not as quick with the swap as a standard one with all the tuning parts.
I have a setup for the 911 for B if anyone wants it?

Thanks i'll try that as i barely get round Nurb GP at any decent pace I just cant get the flow and entry exits right to get decent launches out of all the corners. I find it an incredibly difficult track and can barely get under 1:59 at the moment and have to have an FR car at TCR 3.
Thanks i'll try that as i barely get round Nurb GP at any decent pace I just cant get the flow and entry exits right to get decent launches out of all the corners. I find it an incredibly difficult track and can barely get under 1:59 at the moment and have to have an FR car at TCR 3.
You just need to coast a bit more here and brake early. It pays dividends just to have super smooth exits where you just accelerate out of the corners cleanly.

The chicane brake, coast, hit the post and the once off the curb accelerate.

The hardest part is sector 2 where stringing them together is hard to do consistently

Edit: From a friend

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Had a go on race A. Was only one with engine swap getting weird looks from everyone. Started to pull to a 30 second lead. At which point I felt terrible and quit before the last lap. I'll keep my swapped Jimny for when everyone figures it out but will race with the normies for now.

Edit: still at least it means pole positions galore.

Edit 2: next lobby half had the swap and I had the normal car. What you supposed to do, it's either be slow or upset other drivers.
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Daily A is a Gem. Now that people are figuring out the swap and tune.

@Rossell2 I suspect that less brakes, and lower level suspension might be faster than your tune, but I am not a good enough driver to beat it yet. I am at 340hp at 420pp.

Hand brake seems to be faster in T2(the first right hander)

If you struggling with braking oversteer trying turning down rear camber.

Also I love how people complain about lack of content but allowing tuning in Daily A, and setup in Daily B. Really make individual races much harder and more engaging.

its no longer trying to tune to beat stupid AI, its tuning to beat humans. You should tune to how you drive and frankly if you do not know set up you deserve to lose DR on Daily B. Real race drivers know how to adjust cars even if they do not do the actual adjustment themselves(but amatuers do most things themselves)
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and frankly if you do not know set up you deserve to lose DR on Daily B. Real race drivers know how to adjust cars even if they do not do the actual adjustment themselves(but amatuers do most things themselves)
I really don't like that statement bud.

Tidgney is faster than 99.9% of this forum with no "setup"

Does tweaking a bit of suspension and diff really make people that much faster that they can get in to the top 10 vs untuned cars?

And in the real world it's still all very very subjective....because abilities's why you or I could never lap a yellow bird round the ring as fast as Walter Rohl even if we set the car up how we like.

Generally people need to stop thinking setups are a silver bullet for lap times. If you can't hit a line or a braking/acceleration zone smoothly and cleanly no amount of setup is going to make you faster.

And on the topic of amateurs do it themselves, I'm pretty sure wedging massive engines in to Jimnys is a niche hobbie.

And finally, nobody "deserves" to lose DR purely because they haven't moved a few sliders that in your own words "tweak a car to the way you like to drive" [sic]

The problem is that a lot of people are so short sighted on these things.

There is already meta strategies in both races which makes it laughable really because people are tuning to win not their driving style. Sweeping generalisations are a bit meh tbh.
different topics but mods please merge if required, apologies

So this week my chasing ghost is Tidgney, he's in a stock car and my current fastest lap is disappointing because T1 and T2 are the worst I've done them all evening. Had I hit my previous T1&2 then this would have been a considerably faster lap. I'm still learning and not gonna lie @Tidgney teleporting at the start threw me a bit.

Enjoy 2 mins of a slow 1:56.2 following a stock car and I'm in a tuned one. But clearly not as good on the brakes or go pedal.
