- 299
- The_Revengel
Pure V.R. in GT7 Driver here.I've only been using VR since this year and it's incredibly realistic. It's a bit difficult in the races, you don't see the other vehicles properly or you see them too late. It also depends on which car you're using.
I can agree with a portion of this, but - like when I drive a car on city streets - I look around me as much as possible.
zero lies detected. I do wish there was an option to have track position as one of the options (radar, brake balance, etc.) in the MFD menu.In the Veyron the view to the rear is still good, but in other cars it's not possible at all. Another problem in races is that you can't see where your opponents are and who is/was in the pits.
I don't want to drive anything else, even if I can never move up. For me the feeling of driving a real racing car is great (and I know what it feels like in real life). Have fun with VR2.

I suspect individuals in the lower levels may have a great qualifying lap but lack consistency. Perhaps they run off track (or into other cars) and have that one "golden lap" which puts them on the pole position.Has anybody else noticed that you sometimes get more drivers with faster QTs when you drop down the rankings? - seems couterintuitive to me....
Grew up driving around our nation's capitol and I can confirm. Actually, it's worse around here than most places for specific reasons:On the east coast we drive like flaming arsehats, and i used to have a bunch of trucks without rearviews, so while this was natural for me to adapt too it may be hard for people who didn’t grow up driving the jersey turnpike etc
- People who grew up in different parts of the world (Michigan, Miami, Morocco) sharing the same road because they support congress/diplomatic corps/etc.
- As a result, weather expectations (and traffic expectations) are all over the place.