So I have a tactical question. I’m out of town for a couple of days so if I can’t race, at least I’ll talk about racing, by gosh!
I ran into this situation a few times at Big Willow this week. I’m starting pretty low because I’m in lobbies with much better drivers. I’m averaging P10 to start. Lap 1 is always a circus so I accept that I just need to hold on for dear life and then the racing begins.
What I’ve found is that, for whatever reason, I’m gaining on people on turns 2 & 3, and through that hairpin. I often run into a tangle of cars who are hosting for position, and I have to brake, or at least lift off, to avoid plowing into them and knocking them off the track. When I do this, however, it kills my momentum and I get overtaken by at least one car behind me, often two.
I don’t know what to do in these situations. I’m tired of being overtaken by racing clean and avoiding contact with the crazy cars in front of me. Even if they throw themselves off the track (which they often do) I’m still back where I started after lost my two positions. What should I be doing differently? Should I be more assertive with some contact? Is that dirty if they’re the cars who are veering all over the track? If I lift off to avoid contact, is it dirty to try to play defense against the cars behind me?
Are there some tactics I need to change or learn for these situations? I already feel like it’s a bit strange to drive right through a ghosted car, for example, but I’ve come to learn that this is a necessary tactic in this game. What else should I be doing when I overtake a cluster of infighting cars who are holding me back?