GT7 Daily Race Discussion

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Heel and toe has specific uses in actual racing.

With modern gear boxes and slipper clutches it is needed less and less. For rally dipping the clutch to stop the drive has benefits for sliding or making a more acute angle but on the road or track unless you are absolute balls to the wall in most stuff just good braking and lines is enough.

It has downsides which people don't talk about in that it complicates car control so if you get it wrong you end up in no man's land. It's a technique to us but only when you need to find the 1000s of a second or when shifting drive to one axel over the other with angle is really needed.

You'll notice in the video is the pedal control harmonises with the wheel control. Walter works both of them. The wheel getting most of the inputs but the pedals being the controlling factor.

Understanding car control and feel negates any trail braking or clutch or gear selection stuff. It's much more visceral than that.

Every time I watch this video I get scared. We all know the Yellowbird and what happens if you make one mistake on the Nordschleife. The dude isn't even wearing a helmet
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I changed my brake bias on the R.S.01 to -2, and I got a new best QT. I'm in rarified air, on my leaderboard. Or course, just posting this is incentive enough for the others to crush my time, but it's still fun:


The question is, did changing the brake bias help, or was it just coincidence? I can tell you for sure that I can brake later with the bias set at -2 (-1 may be about the same, I'm not sure). And it doesn't appear to negatively affect my turning ability. We'll see how I feel about it after running it for awhile.
This was a once-in-a-lifetime experience for me, in between a couple of A+ drivers (and what an odd mix this lobby had):


I finished where I started, P3. But Eazy Elias was going to pass me before T1 on lap 2 (I think), and I decided to let him go ahead. We both moved to the right at the same time, which I'm sure looked like I was trying to block him. But I slowed down and let him go by, so I think he figured it out that I wasn't trying to be a jerk.


Fun stuff. I'm finally back to SR S. I'm getting close to DR A again, and I'm not sure how I feel about it. Not that it matters - whatever happens will happen. But the roller coaster contines.

Race C this week certainly is a gem.., but it's just a shame that too many people see it as a production car demolition deby.
Agreed. On Monday I noticed my SR was talking a hit through a combo of contact with cars, barriers and the odd track limit penalty, so I've had to rein in my own tailgating habits and be extra, extra vigilant on the old rearview mirror this week.

My awareness of what's going behind me has been honed sharp and there's been a few hilarious moments, to be honest.

(And some really good overtakes)
May i ask ehat BB you are running. I've got a 4.09 and feel like i could do better but haven't put it together yet. I've been running 2 to the rear. I think it could still be due to rust, i can feel that i am not pushing hard enough in a few of the turns.
Of course mate, on that lap which I have improved now to a flat .9 was 0 BB.

I've tried the other meta one of +5 BB and I can't tell the difference to be honest but I only did 5 laps with it set at +5

This is a weird one as I can beat Tidgneys ghost through the first Esses and through the first tunnel but after that I he gets his .2 offset back and then adds another .1 and I have no idea how 🤣
Did the rears lock or did the balance get upset and become front heavy due to the sudden weight transfer forward? Obviously, if you don't rev match there will be much more of a jerking forward effect as you let off the clutch which would cause the rear to lighten up, and potential oversteer/looseness.

I had that happen to me in the RSX-S. Well, kinda. It was lift-throttle-oversteer where I want into a turn (maybe 90mph), let of the gas (didn't even touch the brakes), and just that letting off of the gas was enough to loosen the rear to the point where I went around and ended up in the sand. This effect would've been exacerbated had I downshifted into a lower gear and let off the clutch without rev matching. That was definitely a pretty high pucker factor and learning experience!
Bit of both if I recall correctly!

I also used to trail brake into corners using the engine weight at the rear to turn into the corner, but overdid it a few times and spun the car!

This is such a fun topic!

As I said heel and toe has its place, in my M3 (e36 and 46) on track they benefitted from it with huge torque straight sixes up front, as it gave the LSD a break, the porches I've had (996.1 and cayman 987.1) didn't like it as much as was the longer gearing in them specifically 1st and second just didn't work with it well and when you are on it in the upper revs at speed it's not something you should do.

My focus ST and M140 did it for you so again not something you need to worry about.

I'm sure at the absolute 1% of people it makes a difference but in reality if you aren't top 100 in GT I'd argue it's more of a fun thing than competitive thing at our levels.

It's so interesting to get others perspectives on this stuff. I know for a fact my trail braking is my limiting factor alongside over steering, this is regardless of transmission input and I can put a car 1100th in the world for this weeks daily C.

I dont think using a shifter or technique In using a shifter is the performance enhancer some think it is.

I do think learning to drive correctly is important and technique is super important. But and I will bang on about this, reading the road and looking as far ahead as possible is way way more important.
It is fun!

I agree, other things are probably more important - car control, threshold braking, looking far ahead …

And the nice thing is we can practice all of these on the Sim!
Of course mate, on that lap which I have improved now to a flat .9 was 0 BB.

I've tried the other meta one of +5 BB and I can't tell the difference to be honest but I only did 5 laps with it set at +5

This is a weird one as I can beat Tidgneys ghost through the first Esses and through the first tunnel but after that I he gets his .2 offset back and then adds another .1 and I have no idea how 🤣
So i guess it's a skill issue for me then lol I've tried it at 0 and at 2 to rear and i can't tell if it actually makes a difference or not. No matter, weather or not i feel i can do faster laps, i am still getting great racing and that's what i care for most
So i guess it's a skill issue for me then lol I've tried it at 0 and at 2 to rear and i can't tell if it actually makes a difference or not. No matter, weather or not i feel i can do faster laps, i am still getting great racing and that's what i care for most
Great racing is all that matters. Otherwise we would play as this doesn't pay the bills :)

I have a couple of mediocre driver tips (me being mediocre btw)

Don't try to brake as late as possible here, brake early but slowly or hard if you need to but focus on flowing out of each corner mostly in 3rd.

The first sector is all about carrying speed, brake at the yellow marquees and make sure you turn early, and then coast, tap the power and coast over the right crest bend and then power to straighten the car a bit and then turn in super early, the car will slide and once it's pointing vaguely towards the tunnel while turned in get on the power. It feels a tad un natural but it's the quickest way through that section.

Everything else is just about braking smoothly and coming off them quickly, coasting to settle the car and accelerating in 3rd.

TM is an oddity I think, it feels like you should attack everything but in reality it's about being smooth which messes with my head a bit to be honest!


Never did I imagine I'd be complaining about @Tidgney 's ghost being slow.

I appreciate that was the earliest time and didn't have the grind in it in doing but I'm pretty chuffed tbh and right now for life reasons I'll take that small smile factor.

That I couldn't catch him but kept up was more than enough in all honesty.

This game is smiles and cries. I raced in A and A+ lobbies all day. Brought a second place home and the middle of the road grinding positions and as soon as I stream the wheels fall off, wine may have played a part in that though.

The race is on C is intense especially if you you get the whole race time thing so have to nudge someone forward.

It's also a weird but mega fun race in that people in the same car with faster times are always going to be faster and no amount of pushing shoving or dive bombs will change that.

The carnage hand on heart only happened after 5pm uk time when kids or dads decided to have a go before dinner. It happens every race but it is a thing. 10 people rock up doing their first race of the day, out brake themselves and quit.

Edit 2:

Even in the top lobbies after the first lap and the tires warm people still brake to 110 mph, you don't need to do that if you turn in and coast. The main thing is just to coast 115/118 mph and be accelerating in to the tunnel. Wide life and 3rd on exit. The rest is getting a good run on to both straight and they have multiple lines
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Never did I imagine I'd be complaining about @Tidgney 's ghost being slow.

I appreciate that was the earliest time and didn't have the grind in it in doing but I'm pretty chuffed tbh and right now for life reasons I'll take that small smile factor.
As well you should! Taking pleasure in the little things is a great way to live, because we all know that the big things can suck the life out of us if we let it. So good on ya!


Unbelievable! I just set another best QT, putting me second on my leaderboard. To the best of my recollection, I've never been this high up on my leaderboard on a Friday afternoon. And I'm well aware that participation is down, but as I just agreed with @newmedia_dev, it's OK to take pleasure in the simple things.

And to reinforce what I said earlier, the R.S.01 with BB set at -2 has really helped me. And to top it off, I just went pole-to-pole for a comfortable win. Yay me! :lol:

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Have to say this week has been marvellous is race B & C, what great races they turn out to be? Never really liked catalunya but this week changed that and trial mountain in the bm is cracking, next week brands (hopefully not Mazda ruined) and sardegna A (my all time fave)
Totally, it’s trying to be the Megane from gtsport but failing miserably. I think brands hatch will be rife with them 🤨
I did a lobby today that was competitive and chaos but the Mazda was strong if driven well to be honest.

It's getting very ridiculous now.
Race A is quite fun - I'm crap at it but love how it feels on the wheel. Had a couple of races with @GOTMAXPOWER in them - I'm 4 seconds slower with my qualifying time 😳😂

Actually not too keen on C this week - just not a TM fan.

Anyhoo, a box from Fanatec has arrived - with shiny new V2 pedals🤩 So I'll be getting them set up tonight
I really like race A this week, it took a while to get up to speed but once you get it its great. There are quite a few donkeys who dive into every corner and ruin it for everybody around them in the midfield though, they probably should leave SR on for races like this.
I really like race A this week, it took a while to get up to speed but once you get it its great. There are quite a few donkeys who dive into every corner and ruin it for everybody around them in the midfield though, they probably should leave SR on for races like this.
They should have another daily slot or just unranked versions of the dailies across the board.

You choose a ranked or unranked game when signing up to dailies. It means people of "mixed abilities and sensibilities" can practice race craft in the same configuration as the ranked races.
Race A is quite fun - I'm crap at it but love how it feels on the wheel. Had a couple of races with @GOTMAXPOWER in them - I'm 4 seconds slower with my qualifying time 😳😂

Actually not too keen on C this week - just not a TM fan.

Anyhoo, a box from Fanatec has arrived - with shiny new V2 pedals🤩 So I'll be getting them set up tonight

I really like race A this week, it took a while to get up to speed but once you get it its great. There are quite a few donkeys who dive into every corner and ruin it for everybody around them in the midfield though, they probably should leave SR on for races like this.
In a halfway clean lobby with people who can actually drive in snow it's probably the most fun I've ever had in GT7.
I just got bumped back up to DR A, and I was worried where I'd be starting in an all-A room. Pleasantly surprised:


I finished P6, which wasn't too bad since I totally screwed up the first lap. I kept trying to tell myself this is no different than any other race. Unfortunately, I didn't listen to myself. At least for the first 1-1 1/2 laps. Then I settled down and drove OK. Still shaking with adrenaline, though. :lol:
They should have another daily slot or just unranked versions of the dailies across the board.

You choose a ranked or unranked game when signing up to dailies. It means people of "mixed abilities and sensibilities" can practice race craft in the same configuration as the ranked races.
I think there should be just more dailies, seasonal events to follow real world, stuff like that. For me, it’s proven this week that you could focus on 2 races over the week, I used to do it with GT7 & GTS.

Just more variety
I think there should be just more dailies, seasonal events to follow real world, stuff like that. For me, it’s proven this week that you could focus on 2 races over the week, I used to do it with GT7 & GTS.

Just more variety
The daily C this week is probably the best online racing they have ever produced.

If they could have balanced the cars a fraction better this is perfection for me out side of strat stuff.

As nice as Gr3 cars are and all that I just enjoy racing. GR3 or 4, or Clio's I draw the line at samba buses and Fiat 500s but I actually like this racing. Daily B is so so so sweaty vs C where it's just constant give and take because if you fall off it's hard to catch up. But then you are racing door to door in the second or 3rd pack.

I just enjoy this racing. My second favourite race was ranked Clio's round brands. It just ticks all the boxes. Close. Balanced. Fun.
The daily C this week is probably the best online racing they have ever produced.

If they could have balanced the cars a fraction better this is perfection for me out side of strat stuff.

As nice as Gr3 cars are and all that I just enjoy racing. GR3 or 4, or Clio's I draw the line at samba buses and Fiat 500s but I actually like this racing. Daily B is so so so sweaty vs C where it's just constant give and take because if you fall off it's hard to catch up. But then you are racing door to door in the second or 3rd pack.

I just enjoy this racing. My second favourite race was ranked Clio's round brands. It just ticks all the boxes. Close. Balanced. Fun.
Bang on mate.

They should have another daily slot or just unranked versions of the dailies across the board.

You choose a ranked or unranked game when signing up to dailies. It means people of "mixed abilities and sensibilities" can practice race craft in the same configuration as the ranked races.
I would quite like it if they had different versions of the driver ratings like iRacing does and they made all daily races ranked (their are lobbies for the others, a bit more structure there would help imo like adding shuffle races). If todays race A only affected your dirt/snow rating and the oval races only affected your oval rating it wouldn't affect the game for the majority of people but would help with the matchmaking for these oddball events. Of course when these races come up in GTWS they would look a lot different but if certain players aren't the best at a certain type of event they can't complain about not being in the top lobbies.
I would quite like it if they had different versions of the driver ratings like iRacing does and they made all daily races ranked (their are lobbies for the others, a bit more structure there would help imo like adding shuffle races). If todays race A only affected your dirt/snow rating and the oval races only affected your oval rating it wouldn't affect the game for the majority of people but would help with the matchmaking for these oddball events. Of course when these races come up in GTWS they would look a lot different but if certain players aren't the best at a certain type of event they can't complain about not being in the top lobbies.
I think that's a fair idea. Personally I just have no time for the snow or dirt but at the end of the day racing is racing regardless of car or surface so I absolutely understand the appeal.

In terms of balancing the problem is to me 2 fold. At the sharper end of the lobbies it's all mostly OK with some grumbles about a send here or there in the mid lobbies it's about car control and anticipation (braking, lines etc) and in the C lobbies it's just people trying to have fun and win a race or two. These are all natural things.

Where I think the progression system breaks down a bit is that you and I have spent time doing all the CEs work on QT times and get it's ok to finish where you finish.

That's not how a lot of people rock up to daily races. So if there was a race condition practice mode (unranked) version people could warm up to the pace of their given lobby.

It's not a flawless system but it does provide a race hopper that may improve all of our ranked races.

Overall I this weeks C shows they mostly can address contact penalties (the wall ones are silly and over punishing in most race contexts).

I've lost my point here a bit now other than I agree with you but the nuance for segregating players and race variety could be better spread and balanced :)
I really like race A this week, it took a while to get up to speed but once you get it its great. There are quite a few donkeys who dive into every corner and ruin it for everybody around them in the midfield though, they probably should leave SR on for races like this.
I had been loving Race A, had many top 3 finishes.

The only problem is you have to use manual to be competitive, and I have tendonitis in my hands, so always drive with auto gears. I've used manual (paddles on my wheel) just for this race, and now have a left hand which is all swollen and sore, so have had to give up ☹️
Well, initial impressions of the Fanatec CSL Elite V2 pedals are very good - I definitely prefer the feel of the brake pedal, though I'm not so keen on the throttle pedal. I have the Race Sim Engineering mod on my CSL's and that provides a much stiffer throttle.

I've done a few laps around Catalunya and bettered my previous qualifying time, with more time to be found.
I had been loving Race A, had many top 3 finishes.

The only problem is you have to use manual to be competitive, and I have tendonitis in my hands, so always drive with auto gears. I've used manual (paddles on my wheel) just for this race, and now have a left hand which is all swollen and sore, so have had to give up ☹️
Man that sucks, my joblessness is hopefully short term but tendinitis is pretty much there all the time.

If you go back to your physio just a small tweak constantly will ease it a bit.

Try manual but focus on just pulling as you can.

Apart from a gentle exercise it will help you sort braking points and being lazier on the gears (which is what manual gives you in race, early up shifts and artificial downshifts.)

The limiting factor is not manual or auto but how smooth you can be. The thing with auto gears is you carry more speed in because the drive of the transmission keeps driving (ask and auto owner on the snow and they will say the car keeps pushing forward)

You have to focus on the lines, everything else is just the mechanics. Get the line right, the speed right and hit that go trigger/peddle.