GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
I finally felt well enough (back issues) to do THREE race C's yesterday after not being able to do them all week.

Started in the double digits in the grid every race with my 2:02 quali time and basically gained 3 ish spots each race. Lost DR each time finishing 10-12ish, and never finished last of all the people that finished the races. I got punted off the elbow in every race in every different configuration (ahead, behind, inside, outside, didn't matter) and never found a good way to deal with someone trying to force an overtake there other than slamming on the brakes and letting them get way ahead.

Overall had fun and didn't lose my small amount of DR B to become DR C so that's a win I guess (want to start the next GTWS in GT2 for the first time). Lot of good racing on lap 1 and the last couple laps. It was those laps 2-5ish that people really got antsy on forcing overtakes after being cautious on the first lap.
I finally felt well enough (back issues) to do THREE race C's yesterday after not being able to do them all week.

Started in the double digits in the grid every race with my 2:02 quali time and basically gained 3 ish spots each race. Lost DR each time finishing 10-12ish, and never finished last of all the people that finished the races. I got punted off the elbow in every race in every different configuration (ahead, behind, inside, outside, didn't matter) and never found a good way to deal with someone trying to force an overtake there other than slamming on the brakes and letting them get way ahead.

Overall had fun and didn't lose my small amount of DR B to become DR C so that's a win I guess (want to start the next GTWS in GT2 for the first time). Lot of good racing on lap 1 and the last couple laps. It was those laps 2-5ish that people really got antsy on forcing overtakes after being cautious on the first lap.
I want to get to DR B by then too. It would be the first time since switching to the wheel, unless I count when I was being downgraded from A to E when I switched.

I'm debating if I even boot the game this week. I may not, out of spite 🤣
The Lion King Reaction GIF

What does "low speed" in the tuning spec on race A mean?
Bored Nothing GIF
I'm back trying racing again after over a year moving from the city to an off-grid location in northern Idaho. Finally have a cabin and Starlink. What does "low speed" in the tuning spec on race A mean?

Dude, how good is starlink working for online gaming?
Here's the weekly race guide for those interested. Sorry for the delay was ready on time but Youtube got stuck processing the first upload... Will be a very intense week of racing I suspect with lots of side by side racing!

Nice, I'm going to take a look at this tonight, and start learning! I'll do RBR over the weekend, first off I'm focusing on Sardegna and Maggiore.
Dude, how good is starlink working for online gaming?
I've only done a handful so far and no connectivity issues. We do have some tall trees that may be potential obstructions but so far so good. In a very rural area like ours Starlink is probably our best option. (We're so rural the US Post Office doesn't even deliver mail here. We have to pick it up at the nearest post office! We're off grid with solar power only and only a mile or so south of the Canadian border. )
Good plan. Bottom end of GT2 is much more fun than top of GT3.
I ~ABSOLUTELY~ believe this. The top splits of GT3 were half full of GT1 alts and were absolutely ruthless and demoralizing until I realized who I ranked myself up into racing against.

Once I realized, I embraced my inner Haas driver and focused on not fok-smashing my own car and was able to hang with the mid-front pack based on consistent clean driving.
I've only done a handful so far and no connectivity issues. We do have some tall trees that may be potential obstructions but so far so good. In a very rural area like ours Starlink is probably our best option. (We're so rural the US Post Office doesn't even deliver mail here. We have to pick it up at the nearest post office! We're off grid with solar power only and only a mile or so south of the Canadian border. )
Maybe you can run some cable from Canada. . .

Meanwhile, why do they both have to be tuning races this week?! The hypothesis that they simplify the dailies to attract casual racers doesn’t hold up when the two ranked races require tuning to be competitive! I’m a combination of disappointed and angry about this weeks “choices” after last week’s breakthrough.

I can’t get a handle on what PD is trying to do to us. I’m back to assuming we’re guinea pigs for data collection. Maybe they’re trying to find the line where we decide to just quit?!
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Maybe you can run some cable from Canada. . .
If they charged the same per foot as the electric company quoted me to connect to the box that's only 100 or so yards from our house, that should cost less than $100,000! (Which is why we're on solar! Panels, batteries, inverter/chargers, etc. was far, far less than the quote to connect to electric utility.)
I might actually try doing some qualifying for Race A this week, as it does seem like a fun combination. I don't even remember the last time I did a Daily Race, as when I race online, it's almost always part of a championship.

EDIT: I also had a question. With more tuning options being available for Races B and C lately, would you people say that's helped other "non-meta" cars compensate for their potential shortcomings on a given track? I would certainly hope so.
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I ~ABSOLUTELY~ believe this. The top splits of GT3 were half full of GT1 alts and were absolutely ruthless and demoralizing until I realized who I ranked myself up into racing against.
Not just GT1 alts. I have on occasion dropped myself down from GT2 to chase the wins and bigger rewards. Of course I ended up against the GT1s and got obliterated. Lesson learnt.
The hypothesis that they simplify the dailies to attract casual racers doesn’t hold up when the two ranked races require tuning to be competitive!
To be fair Tidgney didn't do any tuning for his weekly race guides. Obviously he is alien fast but it does go to show that it's the humans that are the major factor not a few clicks of this and that.
What does "low speed" in the tuning spec on race A mean?
Honestly, it doesn't mean anything to us. Don't get me wrong - I'm sure ut changes some specs, but there's nothing we can do about it, other than what they allow us to "tune" manually, which most of the time I don't bother with.
So true. It seems as though the majority of players have no idea of real racing etiquette and I think a large proportion of those that do have been dragged down to their level.
Classic case yesterday at Spa, final lap coming out of Blanchimont, I’ve got a Mazda 3 1/2 a second behind me. I know full well he’s gonna try and dive up the inside at the final chicane, so I take a defensive line on approach to counter this before I turn right. Mazda man decides he’s going for it anyway, so I open my line to avoid collision, leaving me a very tight left turn onto the start/finish straight. Meanwhile, Mazda man decides he’s going to dive straight for the second Apex, leaving me zero space. Obviously in the ensuing collision he gets punted wide, and in the post race lobby has the audacity to call me ‘Dirty’! Absolutely clueless. Righteously, I got a Clean Race Bonus.
Haha, looked like you proved Mazda man wrong, guess he got his karma for being dirty!!

EDIT: if it's one thing I hate with a passion, it's dealing with dirty drivers who only care about themselves winning, not being courteous to others on the track. I'm not talking about you all posting on here, I mean the ones I have to deal with at my level(D rank).
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Well I'm using a different car than the Mazda, maybe I can outsmart them. I didn't really get that good results driving in the Mazda car at Deep forest a couple weeks ago.
I have the day off work and my wife has Covid so I have to separate from her, so I’m confined to the basement. What a tragedy, as that is where the gaming rig is! Lol.

Tried some laps for daily A. I don’t recall driving this track in that direction before. It’s interesting and tough. That said, it reinforces the notion that I’m not very good with road cars. I did determine that the brakes work better with abs at normal rather than weak.

Will try B next.
What does "low speed" in the tuning spec on race A mean?
I think it’s part of their BoP designation for the race, although I don’t think they really have different settings for those yet. Low, medium and high always seem to be the same, although I may be wrong hon this. For us, as people have said, it makes no practical difference.
I also had a question. With more tuning options being available for Races B and C lately, would you people say that's helped other "non-meta" cars compensate for their potential shortcomings on a given track? I would certainly hope so.
Nope. The metas get meta-ier and the aliens get more … alienated? No wait, that’s just me.
I'm back trying racing again after over a year moving from the city to an off-grid location in northern Idaho. Finally have a cabin and Starlink. What does "low speed" in the tuning spec on race A mean?
Famine summed it up, as it literally means nothing to YOU, as a driver. It just references the BoP that is being used for the event. There are Low/Medium/High Speed BoP set-ups applied depending on the track. Big tracks, high-speed. Small tracks, low-speed.👍

Which brings us back to the "Nothing" part, as I've yet to find a single benefit to having that knowledge.😁

Famine summed it up, as it literally means nothing to YOU, as a driver. It just references the BoP that is being used for the event. There are Low/Medium/High Speed BoP set-ups applied depending on the track. Big tracks, high-speed. Small tracks, low-speed.👍

Which brings us back to the "Nothing" part, as I've yet to find a single benefit to having that knowledge.😁

I genuinely assumed it just meant gear ratios because they BOP them all the same power and weight wise. I could be completely wrong but power and weight is the same for LMH.
The hypothesis that they simplify the dailies to attract casual racers doesn’t hold up when the two ranked races require tuning to be competitive! I’m a combination of disappointed and angry about this weeks “choices” after last week’s breakthrough.
Quite simply - tuning doesn't matter to casuals. They just won't do it or even know you can do it. So they don't care, and numbers don't change.
But on the other hand, you can't ignore a long race, it's fundamentally just part of the race - and so if a casual doesn't like the length, they won't do it at all.

Sport Mode ultimately boils down to one major problem, and that is that it has to appeal to the lowest common denominator of player to pull in respectable numbers, but what casual players are attracted to, isn't what many regular or dedicated sport mode players constantly want to do.
The issue here is that most of those regular players WILL drive slop combos. They'll complain that it's slop, they'll be annoyed that the combos are slop again, but they'll still play.

If a casual sport player sees a combo they don't like, they don't play, and the numbers go down. That's bad for the game, so the combos stay sloppy because both parties still play.
A casual player won't play a unique combo, but a dedicated player will still play a boring repeat. PD likely prioritise what gets numbers, and because the dedicated players play slop, we get slop.
Quite simply - tuning doesn't matter to casuals. They just won't do it or even know you can do it. So they don't care, and numbers don't change.
But on the other hand, you can't ignore a long race, it's fundamentally just part of the race - and so if a casual doesn't like the length, they won't do it at all.

Sport Mode ultimately boils down to one major problem, and that is that it has to appeal to the lowest common denominator of player to pull in respectable numbers, but what casual players are attracted to, isn't what many regular or dedicated sport mode players constantly want to do.
The issue here is that most of those regular players WILL drive slop combos. They'll complain that it's slop, they'll be annoyed that the combos are slop again, but they'll still play.

If a casual sport player sees a combo they don't like, they don't play, and the numbers go down. That's bad for the game, so the combos stay sloppy because both parties still play.
A casual player won't play a unique combo, but a dedicated player will still play a boring repeat. PD likely prioritise what gets numbers, and because the dedicated players play slop, we get slop.
Or summarised. A live service game lives on retention.

They feed the core the stuff they are familiar with, and like you say we moan...still race though in varying degrees.

This is why a game with competing metrics (live service vs selling copies) is what is fundamentally breaking games now.

I could go in to a diatribe of held content, weak careers "because we will add to it" etc

But you are right.

Genuine question but I don't know what or who this game is aimed at any more either SP or MP.
Race A is pretty entertaining but is hazardous to your SR.

First race started 4th and came in second to last after crashing out. Don’t recall hitting anyone but I lost 1/3 sr.

Next race started p3 and finished second. I did lightly tap p2 (to no adverse affect after they broke sooner than me) but otherwise clean. Still lost another 1/3 sr. Perhaps it also counted the time when p2 spun in front of me and ghosted right as I was about to T-bone them? 🤷‍♂️. In that case I had no where to go…

May have to run around at the back to get my sr back up now.
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Race A is pretty entertaining but is hazardous to your SR.

First race started 4th and came in second to last after crashing out. Don’t recall hitting anyone but I lost 1/3 sr.

Next race started p3 and finished second. I did lightly tap p2 (to no adverse affect after they broke sooner than me) but otherwise clean. Still lost another 1/3 sr. Perhaps it also counted the time when p2 spun in front of me and ghosted right as I was about to T-bone them? 🤷‍♂️. In that case I had no where to go…

May have to run around at the back to get my sr back up now.
Race C is where it is at this week unless you nail a good time on B and can do it consistently.

It's hard to judge this early on, as race pace isn't where normal QT is, the strat is just as and when to be honest. I don't think it makes a lot of difference for us mere mortals

But it's an enjoyable race if you survive T1 whole.