GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
Hey, I woke up at about 8:30pm, I feel better and more alert. I got a new record of 1'31.588 at L.S.

I will post my run tomorrow and on my private daily race (gt7) conversation. There is still valuable time that I'm losing out there on the track.

If I'm gonna take a nap I usually have my ps4 set in rest mode so I can just turn it on and start playing gt7 again.
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Had a good start in race B, surprised there wasn’t any tuning though. At the moment I’m really liking Gr4 or the G70 I should say, qualified on 1.30.187 and 1 win from 1

Started third against DR C 🤔😂

180th win


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I’m a bit rusty at the mo, but decided to try some QT for B, because, well it’s Laguna Seca.:)

Now, I’m not going to race there because I feel like I would have to invest a week in it and I’m too busy to do that over the summer. I’ll get back to sport racing (more seriously) in the fall probably.

But if you don’t want to race the G70 then I found that the Scirocco is quite sporty on this track even though you don’t see it anywhere in the leader boards. I found it much better and easier to drive on this track. But that’s me. I used to like the Mazda3 here as well.


Do BB 1 to the rear.
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I had a weird start today at Laguna Seca. P1-P9 started but P10-P16 start was delayed about 3-5 seconds on the start timer, that’s the second time that’s happened, the first was about a month ago.
It seems pretty hard to overtake at Laguna Seca with the Gr.4 cars, so a late start really puts you in a hole. After racing Le Mans in the Gr.1last week, they seem even slower.
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Hi all I have 500 races with 55 win in sports mode, after childhood Gran Turismo 3 i haven't played any racing game.
On Monday tried Race B Laguna Seca I'm not good at this track only i had about 20 laps before Monday.
Started DR B/B after red bull ring which braked my A+/S after Brands hatch. after 15-20 laps got 1.28.2 and won 6 races in a row.
The worst is I play with a controller and not stable in races making many mistakes..
Good luck al

Hey man, I've been a full fledge GT fan since my schooling days in 2000. My first ever game was gt3. I can tell you from experience, the best way to improve lap times is to study replays, ghosts, and watching guides on Youtube.

I think you will love this site and awesome community. Maybe in the future when I have more free time we can do some lobbies.
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Morning lobby woes are persisting for me this week. I jumped into race C this morning on my main mid-A account (forgetting that I have a qualifier more than a second better on my alt account!). First, there were only 12 on the grid and more than half of them were Sr.B or C. Just nobody racing here this morning I suppose. Punted turn 1.

Jump into race B afterward since I actually have a decent Q in Gr.4 for a change, likely due to knowing Laguna well and the g70 combo. This lobby was A/A+ and more what I am used to. Qued P9 and threw it away driving like a complete bonehead, that's on me. The main account A rating is tanking, I might be done with morning races for awhile.

On a bright note, last night on my alt account, I had some of the best racing at high-B in both race B and C. Some really good driving near me with 3-4 cars proceeding within 0.5s and making respectful moves all around. If I'm not careful, I'm going to have that alt account into A soon!
On a bright note, last night on my alt account, I had some of the best racing at high-B in both race B and C. Some really good driving near me with 3-4 cars proceeding within 0.5s and making respectful moves all around. If I'm not careful, I'm going to have that alt account into A soon!
Best strategy for A drivers in the EST zone is to qualify as far ahead as you can and hope you can run away with it. T1 at Autopolis has been unkind to me this morning.

Edit: the good races are amazing though. Some of the A/A+ drivers I've encounter are incredibly clean show a bit of humility when they bump me wide.
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This is probably the most I've been able to notice the difference between a DD wheel (G Pro) and a starter wheel (G29). Laguna is so much more fun to navigate on a DD wheel and the hairpins are so much easier to control. Really like the floatiness of the Cayman through Turn 1. Feel like I have another second specifically at 5 & 6.
Best strategy for A drivers in the EST zone is to qualify as far ahead as you can and hope you can run away with it. T1 at Autopolis has been unkind to me this morning.

Edit: the good races are amazing though. Some of the A/A+ drivers I've encounter are incredibly clean show a bit of humility when they bump me wide.
Have your lobbies been full? I've seen you in some morning lobbies; my A rating has a dipped a bit, but not that much and I wonder why I am getting placed with SR-trash when the lobbies aren't even full (again, I am maxed on SR)?! Still, probably a summer thing.
Have your lobbies been full? I've seen you in some morning lobbies; my A rating has a dipped a bit, but not that much and I wonder why I am getting placed with SR-trash when the lobbies aren't even full (again, I am maxed on SR)?! Still, probably a summer thing.
Not always, no. My SR has been full right up and I'm still paired with DR/SR B drivers. I don't think the player base is there early mornings.
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I got some good news guys, my DR went up almost half, so I need to fill up the rest of my bar and I'll be at a level C. I finished in the top 5 in about 6 races this morning from 10-11am.

My SR went up significantly to almost a full bar. There were even several B drivers that I beat. I think if I focus hard I can lower my time even more to a sub 1'30.000.

@icycls, hey, what's your time so far? I'm still lagging behind some, my rank is 11,000 something.
I got some good news guys, my DR went up almost half, so I need to fill up the rest of my bar and I'll be at a level C. I finished in the top 5 in about 6 races this morning from 10-11am.

My SR went up significantly to almost a full bar. There were even several B drivers that I beat. I think if I focus hard I can lower my time even more to a sub 1'30.000.

@icycls, hey, what's your time so far? I'm still lagging behind some, my rank is 11,000 something.
Hi Chris, I can't recall, but it was around ~1300 on the leaderboard this morning. Which is much (much!) better than I usually place in Gr.4.
It's not about the math, it's about how small I can make you in my mirror. I'm not trying to race your ghost.....if I put you ahead you get in the way.

Again doing some different types of video because I think they can help in context.

Previous one was my QT session going faster.

This time it's 2 laps following @Tidgney the first one is a 1:30.126 the second is a 1:28.170

The aim is to be able to compare in an easy way in the same video.

Annoyingly the way replays work is that they don't quite track a few of the things pedal wise and you'll see lots of ABS action vs where I was just braking less and reapplying it briefly.

You were saying? 😂 🤪


I do feel a bit bad for @Leon Kowalski though.... Are you still on controller? Even more impressive if it's still the case! As for @newmedia_dev well.... lol

Also for some reason Sony decided that @Barney Da Dog and I are not allowed to be friends 🙁 Randomly cancelled our friendship lol wth?!
Also for some reason Sony decided that @Barney Da Dog and I are not allowed to be friends 🙁 Randomly cancelled our friendship lol wth?!
I hate to break it to you mate...he just refused your request.....said to me something about Maltese Migrant this and that...

I do feel a bit bad for @Leon Kowalski though.... Are you still on controller? Even more impressive if it's still the case! As for @newmedia_dev well.... lol
That's a great time 🔥

Has the expansion tank replacement arrived so you'll be busy for the rest of the week?
Not sure if anyone else mentioned this but of you find yourself not able to finish a race just pit and stay in until race is over. You'll take a DR hit for sure but you'll beat anyone that DNFs!
Phew, I dozed off and went to sleep, I am really tired. I did about 50 races over the weekend and my DR/SR are still at 0, there is nothing in the bars. The big issue about races are if I finish 2-5 in one I get a ton of DR, but if I finish 9-13 in another one then the opponents that finish ahead of me take away my DR/SR and then I'm back to square one. It is jacked up, honestly it should be neutral for like every other race. I hate losing because then all my hard work earning the DR gets backfired. I wish I could be consistent and finish in the top 5 everytime.

I wish I could do more but my body gives me a signal of how much I can do, plus family is more important, without that, things wouldn't be the same for me, my mom has raised me from the get-go, so I need to be focused about the household and our stuff instead of getting sidetracked with gt7, it is addicting though, :)

So, what do you guys think of Race A, I guess it's fine. PD could have chosen a better car suited for the rally track, but they're not perfect either.

I'm going to bed, I am totally wiped out and exhausted. Bye!
Where can I find out exactly how many DR points I have? I'd like to know so I can figure out when I'm gonna reach the next level. I wonder if there is a chart somewhere. I'm midway to reaching the C-rank so I got some more work to do, I've got over 300 top 5 finishes so far which I should be proud of.
Where can I find out exactly how many DR points I have? I'd like to know so I can figure out when I'm gonna reach the next level. I wonder if there is a chart somewhere. I'm midway to reaching the C-rank so I got some more work to do, I've got over 300 top 5 finishes so far which I should be proud of.
Don’t do it! Don’t focus on the exact numbers. It’ll just cause frustration and pain. Speaking from experience 🍻
My first all-A-rated lobby in Race C yesterday (I have find memories of the recent edition of this same combo, so very keen to get a few races in unlike last week). Starting 6th on the grid, and the familiar flag-sharing figure of Kimi Velocini loomed in 2nd place, long with plenty of trash-talking between him and those around him. No prizes for guessing how it went (clue: I spent the first sector practicing my dodging skills).

Brought it home in 2nd after me and one other escapee pulled away for a decent fight.

Top Tip: wearing a Spanish flag gives you a bit of Kimi Armour.
It would be remiss of me if I didn't share this here. Remember, if you do something near me during a daily race, I may just meme it.

So to address a couple of things which we all know but let's recap them.

B and C lobbies are a massive melting pot of very variable ability and temperaments which is what makes them challenging.

B and C lobbies are and I mean absolutely no offence to anyone slower pace wise than the A and above lobbies sometimes the pace differential can be quite large. Also the skill gap can be even bigger.

Ignoring the mentality side of things because that's not rating related and any rating can be a muppet at times as we have seen.

We also need to stop focusing on nationalities and labelling them good bad or ugly.

I wanted to show a short video, it's 2 laps the first is for context and how close we were racing the second is 2 moments of utter racing bliss that @Tidgney would be proud of. The finish was .093 but the corkscrew and final corner is why I race.

This was a BB lobby but I'll hold my hands up and say it was probably a lobby I shouldn't have been in when you look at the times and distance differentials. I suspect also that Rob wasn't a BB driver either but judge for yourselves

2:57 long and the last lap of the 2 is the awesome driving the first lap is just context of how close we were racing. No dive bombs, weaving etc

BB lobby in GT7 and clean, close and fast racing