GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of the new physics either, but I haven't seen any glitches so I guess I can deal with them until PD fixes the issues. Too bad I don't own any alt accounts. I think one is enough. But good strategy GrumpyOldMan, do whatever you feel is necessary! I didn't do any races at Spa last week, just did a few at Tsukuba. I was slammed and busy some last week.

Some jackass punted me at the first tunnel on Lap 1 of my 11th race at TM, I love how drivers do that absurdness on the track, it caused me to finish in 10th, it took a small hit in my DR.
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Well, we'll see. Maybe in the future I'll make another one, for an emergency. I'm glad PD fixed the penalty system, I've only gotten 2 of them out of 11 races at TM, I've been more careful and cautious not to hit the rails or other drivers. I keep my distance if there's a cluster of pack.

I do have a lot of old posts to catch up on starting from Oct 2022.
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Just to be clear, it doesn't cost anything for alternate accounts. You just need another email address, and a free gmail account works fine.

I'm not saying you need an alt account - I just wanted to clarify that it doesn't cost anything extra.
It's even easier than that. You don't need different email addresses as long as you use google. Gmail allows vitual alliases by using a + sign.

So you can have a general email called You can then use that for different psn account, so for it could be: --> GrumpyOldMan --> Grumpy2 --> VRBlaster

Any emails from PSN to those "accounts" would all get routed to the general address.

You get the idea...
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It's even easier than that. You don't need different email addresses as long as you use google. Gmail allows vitual alliases by using a + sign.

So you can have a general email called You can then use that for different psn account, so for it could be: --> GrumpyOldMan --> Grumpy2 --> VRBlaster

Any emails from PSN to those "accounts" would all get routed to the general address.

You get the idea...
You can also just use an ALIAS so you can have more than one email address ending up in the same inbox e.g. I have two PSN ids and all the email arrives in the same place e.g. and feed into my main email address I have had for 15 years. Aliases exist in Microsoft accounts, not sure about gmail accounts.
You can also just use an ALIAS so you can have more than one email address ending up in the same inbox e.g. I have two PSN ids and all the email arrives in the same place e.g. and feed into my main email address I have had for 15 years. Aliases exist in Microsoft accounts, not sure about gmail accounts.
Interesting, I didn't know about this, thanks. It can come in handy for Sport mode and our daily races.
Just to be clear, it doesn't cost anything for alternate accounts. You just need another email address, and a free gmail account works fine.

I'm not saying you need an alt account - I just wanted to clarify that it doesn't cost anything extra.
I started an alt account for fun but quickly arrived at high CS/low BS,same as my main,which is probably my skill level.Only advantage was some easy wins and fastest laps on the way up.(some people call it sealclubbing)…..
I started an alt account for fun but quickly arrived at high CS/low BS,same as my main,which is probably my skill level.Only advantage was some easy wins and fastest laps on the way up.(some people call it sealclubbing)…..
The main purpose of the alt accounts is to allow you to race on different servers. Others use it to protect a primary account for gtws.

For me having one specifically for VR makes sense for now.

Otherwise I’m not sure the point of two accounts on the same server unless you like clubbing seals.
VR is really fun but definitely not a necessity. I've been tempted to pick PSVR2 up a few times for GT, but I used to use VR on iRacing etc. when the Oculus Rift was new (and I still have a Quest 2 I can and have hooked up) - and to be honest I find it a bit cumbersome for the most part, takes away from the 'seamless' feel of playing games with a big fat visor hanging off my face I have to keep taking off and adjusting between races.

It's deifnitely an awesome experience though and I'd recommend anyone try it out if you get the chance, it feels great when you're on the track but especially with GT7s races being so short (and the HUD missing random pieces of good intel) it feels to me it'd be even more faff than I found it on iRacing so I don't think I could see myself using it properly either.

I’ll second that, I had a oculus for a while years ago when I used to play assetto corsa on pc, I can remember lining up on the grid in a Ferrari f1 car, that’s when the wow factor came, it’s got to be tried.

But also there’s a lot of **** that goes with it! 🤣

Does anyone else feel like this?

I'm not feeling any motivation to race right now, because I can't get a handle on the changed physics, and I know I'd suck so bad in a race that it seems pointless.

Maybe it's time to break out my alternate account until I can get the hang of things.

I guess I'll have to get off my butt and get the hell out of my time!

The thing is, as I mostly race and don’t qualify as much, it’s the same for everyone, cars going off left right and centre! I’m having crashes at the most bizarre turns, it’s taking some re learning, but they’re all doing it. Maybe it comes together on medium next week

That's both sad and humbling to hear.

I get what you are saying but you must be trying to improve against something?

Just so you know I rarely even feature on the first page of my leaderboard. That's life I know people quicker than me and I want to be quicker so every time I take a 10th or 2 off and climb up it's a great feeling.

We will always be virtual mates here obviously.


I once read if you are within 4 secs of the aliens times, you’ll be competitive. I’m probably between 3 on a track I like and race well and qualify at and 3-4 elsewhere, the physical QT isn’t as important to me as actually racing, and to sit in the bottom 3 of my friends list leaderboard wasn’t inspiring me 😀
I once read if you are within 4 secs of the aliens times, you’ll be competitive. I’m probably between 3 on a track I like and race well and qualify at and 3-4 elsewhere, the physical QT isn’t as important to me as actually racing, and to sit in the bottom 3 of my friends list leaderboard wasn’t inspiring me 😀
I absolutely get that :P

I love to race more than QT but some of the lobby splits I find myself in require a level of pace that I have to grind to find to be remotely competitive in. Otherwise I'm not racing per'se just waiting for the people in front to fall off.

Got a couple races in on TM last night...hope this trend holds over for the weekend (it won't). Wanted to see where my QT (1:51.728) had me on the grid. In an all A/A+ grid on Thursday night (10-ish ET), I was sitting on pole. Should correlate to a P6 - 10 start tonight, though.🤣
  • Race 1 was able to run flag-to-finish with someone .5 - .7 behind the whole way. Good clean race with no screw-ups. Had to mark that one on the calendar
  • Race 2 was a bit grittier, and of my own doing. Started P2 with P1 sportin' a QT in the low 50's. They had a pretty quiet, unchallenged race. Kept them in view until I had to serve my penalty on L2 (🤬🤬🤬), which served up some challengers to the rear bumper/alongside. After my 'time served' I was P5. Had some amazing racing and was able to make it back to P3 to finish. Been clean enough to go side-by-side through the woods with folks, too
  • Race 3 was another flag-to-finish but P2 cranked up the heat on L1. Kept divin' down the inside, which was cool by me. The new physics has kicked the door wide-open for my favoritest of passes...around the outside. Nobody likes it out there..
Have a blast and enjoy the drive!!:cheers:
Race B this week has been fantastic, clean and hard. The GR3 has always been my achilles heel, so I thought this week would be disaster, but it seems the new update have been favoring my driving style for some reason. I'm dancing around high B / low A, and that is where I belong.

I did try race C as well, and for the first time I was close to be lapped. Started last with no QT, did a few 360 on my own coming from touching the grass during braking. Lap 9 was frantic as I could see the leader coming closer and closer, but I managed to get over the finish line 15 seconds or so ahead. The shame from not being able to finish the race (there's a 1 min grace or so I think) is unbearable.
I think I know why I'm generally quite slow - I can't feel any difference in the cars' handling since the update! I'm obviously not sensitive enough to the nuances of handling, other than the differences between different cars.

I ran Gr4 at Road Atlanta last week without problems, same story this week with Gr3 at Mount Panorama! I usually make up a few places at Mount Panorama courtesy of others falling off track, and was hoping lots were going to have greater problems because of the update - no such luck, very few issues as far as I could see.

Am I the only one who can't feel any difference?
I absolutely get that :P

I love to race more than QT but some of the lobby splits I find myself in require a level of pace that I have to grind to find to be remotely competitive in. Otherwise I'm not racing per'se just waiting for the people in front to fall off.


I see you improved by a very decent margin! Well done, sir!

I managed to shave 0.25s from my previous best driving the Renault just now, can improve more but I think my best would be in the 51:8s if it all comes together in a lap.

Tried the 911 as well - hated it before the update, hate it even more now lol 😂 Previously I was able to string together at least 1 lap, albeit a terrible one! 😅 Now I can't even make it to the first tunnel without spinning out of the Forest and into a jungle 😂

Try the porsche again but with BB -2 (front)

I was beaten by an RS 01 earlier so it definitely has the pace in it.

Front brake bias seems to be helping keep the cars better.
So weird...I'll assume this is from my overly aggressive approach, but I was torching the fronts and struggling with understeer at -1. Tried it at 0, which worked, so thought I'd go the counterintuitive route and give +1 a shot. Shortly after set my current QT so haven't gone back.

Not sure if it's taking some of the pressure off the fronts allowing them to do more turning work or what but it worked for me. Also seems to keep the car a bit more balanced when on the brakes through turns. Again, though, YMMV.😁

FWIW, I've been using the 911 exclusively for almost a year now and, IMHO, it has never felt better. Pre-update, I was pretty happy to land somewhere in the 2500's on the boards. While I'm sure I've dropped now, I was sub-1000 on Wednesday, which was a first. I mean, really, when was the last time y'all saw my name wedged between Robster and Nebu on the friends list (again, earlier this week)? I'll save you the thought cycles...never.🤣

So weird...I'll assume this is from my overly aggressive approach, but I was torching the fronts and struggling with understeer at -1. Tried it at 0, which worked, so thought I'd go the counterintuitive route and give +1 a shot. Shortly after set my current QT so haven't gone back.

Not sure if it's taking some of the pressure off the fronts allowing them to do more turning work or what but it worked for me. Also seems to keep the car a bit more balanced when on the brakes through turns. Again, though, YMMV.😁

FWIW, I've been using the 911 exclusively for almost a year now and, IMHO, it has never felt better. Pre-update, I was pretty happy to land somewhere in the 2500's on the boards. While I'm sure I've dropped now, I was sub-1000 on Wednesday, which was a first. I mean, really, when was the last time y'all saw my name wedged between Robster and Nebu on the friends list (again, earlier this week)? I'll save you the thought cycles...never.🤣

With all these things it comes down to personal preference.

I might dig out my post questioning why rear brake bias aids turn in as that is not what you would typically expect.

Braking force is massively slanted to the front as that is where you can control deceleration.

The new physics honor this a bit. If you have ever ridden a motor bike the trail braking is done from the massive front brake. The same applies to cars.

You want to brake hard and ease off then turn in, so doing all the busy early.

Traditionally you want a much less rear bias as it's less effectual in actually slowing the car. GT broke that with how it lets you over rev in first which adds "rotation" and stabilises the car especially in Gr3 where they are all RWD.

Brake in a straight line and ease off the braking force to allow the grip to transition in before a starting to accelerate.

Try the porsche again but with BB -2 (front)

I was beaten by an RS 01 earlier so it definitely has the pace in it.

Front brake bias seems to be helping keep the cars better.
Hmm that is interesting.... I went with the default BB for MR cars so rear bias, not front! Was trying -4 or 05 BB so will give it a go either late tonight or tomorrow AM...
In the process of re-learning Trial Mountain and my biggest chanllenge is Sector 1. It's all about not messing T1 which is a challenge for me at the moment.

Two tracks with lots of elevation change and twists, the beginning of the week was event full to say the least. Got caught in a big crash when a GTR clipped the tunnel at Trial Mountain.

The new physics feel nice at least on a car I know well and easy to drive.

If reports like this started with e.g. “Race B:”, it would be awesome. Or at least mention which daily we are talking about at a very early point, - quite easy to do, and would just be so lovely.🙏🏻

I've had this thought many times in the past. I think this week with double dip Group 3 races has really made the issue rear its head.

As a general rule I try and mention the Race Number, or at least reference the circuit by name at some point in each post.
The wife turned 60 this week (us on the right) so, I took her to Denver to see Santana (someone older than us)… what this means to me is, only 1 day to race this week. I don’t know the B or C courses but, I got on Trial Mt and qualified with a 2:59… which I’m sure is good for a last place qualifying in a B lobby so I’ve opted out of races this week.
I did however, get on the GT Fastest Attack time trial at Spa, what a blast that is. That may end up occupying some time next week.
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So weird...I'll assume this is from my overly aggressive approach, but I was torching the fronts and struggling with understeer at -1. Tried it at 0, which worked, so thought I'd go the counterintuitive route and give +1 a shot. Shortly after set my current QT so haven't gone back.

Not sure if it's taking some of the pressure off the fronts allowing them to do more turning work or what but it worked for me. Also seems to keep the car a bit more balanced when on the brakes through turns. Again, though, YMMV.😁

FWIW, I've been using the 911 exclusively for almost a year now and, IMHO, it has never felt better. Pre-update, I was pretty happy to land somewhere in the 2500's on the boards. While I'm sure I've dropped now, I was sub-1000 on Wednesday, which was a first. I mean, really, when was the last time y'all saw my name wedged between Robster and Nebu on the friends list (again, earlier this week)? I'll save you the thought cycles...never.🤣

Im with you. With abs off either 2 or 3 to the rear will lock up all 4 tires close to simultaneously. With abs weak or default this results in the car being much more stable under braking.

Tried the lexus rf 17 today which benefited from 2 to the front. Used to think that thing a skittish write off, but post update its a growly beast. So much more personality apparent in the cars now.
Im with you. With abs off either 2 or 3 to the rear will lock up all 4 tires close to simultaneously. With abs weak or default this results in the car being much more stable under braking.

Tried the lexus rf 17 today which benefited from 2 to the front. Used to think that thing a skittish write off, but post update its a growly beast. So much more personality apparent in the cars now.
I swear to god my posts are ignored 🤣


Sensibly Glen is on his alt account this late at night:

Pros: I can still do a decent QT wine, beer and a JD in


I cannot hold said QT wine beer and JD. Do not drink and drive kids honestly it's not worth the humiliation 🤣
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I swear to god my posts are ignored 🤣
Nah. I appreciate your explanations and often agree. But i drive the porsche lots and she’s more stable with bb in the 2-3(rear). 4-5’s too much for me. Stuff to the front makes me yoke her 🤷‍♂️

And yes with rear wheel torquey things. Box trucks to race cars, if you want it to stick, you need to brake in a straight line gathering up all of your mass before releasing it, loading up grip, and propelling you through the corner then picking up accel on the other side.
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Nah. I appreciate your explanations and often agree. But i drive the porsche lots and she’s more stable with bb in the 2-3(rear). 4-5’s too much for me. Stuff to the front makes me yoke her 🤷‍♂️

And yes with rear wheel torquey things. Box trucks to race cars, if you want it to stick, you need to brake in a straight line gathering up all of your mass before releasing it, loading up grip, and propelling you through the corner then picking up accel on the other side.
As I said personal preferences on these things.

But you run a lot of ABS off and VR which is probably a nuanced experience to be fair.

I didn't say don't trail brake or (pretend that is what most peeps think they are doing) just said get the heavy braking out of the way while the chassis is settled.

But it's all yin and yang
The wife turned 60 this week (us on the right) so, I took her to Denver to see Santana (someone older than us)… what this means to me is, only 1 day to race this week. I don’t know the B or C courses but, I got on Trial Mt and qualified with a 2:59… which I’m sure is good for a last place qualifying in a B lobby so I’ve opted out of races this week.
I did however, get on the GT Fastest Attack time trial at Spa, what a blast that is. That may end up occupying some time next week.View attachment 1377728
Awesome picture, where are you? In the blue shirt? It looks like y'all are having a good ol' time. I'm at a mid-C rank, so maybe before the year ends I'll get to a high B/low A. It depends on how much time and work I put into getting good lap times and doing a lot of grinding in the races. My BB is set at -2. And my TCS is set at 1-2.

What about you all?
Awesome picture, where are you? In the blue shirt? It looks like y'all are having a good ol' time. I'm at a mid-C rank, so maybe before the year ends I'll get to a high B/low A. It depends on how much time and work I put into getting good lap times and doing a lot of grinding in the races. My BB is set at -2. And my TCS is set at 1-2.

What about you all?
He said on the right Chris... surely you know your left and rights!