GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
As ever here are my highlights from a week racing at Deep Forest, there was a lot of crashes in this one, I'm sure most are accidental from the tricky braking zone into turn 1 but also a few people not interesting in playing nicely. I even managed to earn myself a 22 second penalty for one incident. Aside from the bad I've loved this race, the tyre multipliers are set just right so multiple strategies can work and whilst tuning is a pain in the ass it does plaster over the monumentous cockup that is the default setup changes PD inflicted on us with the last update, it feels nice to be able to use the Porsche in Gr.3 again 🥰

Worst case scenario this is what their tool came up with....

I think there are so so many factors that go in to these things. Marketing want to promote a car (cough Mazda 3 gr4 cough) the desire to sometimes roughly align them to real world events and then I think there is the data.

I assume the data tells them the most popular weeks add in some social media influence, some tour driver influence and we get these races.

Being pragmatic chucking DB5s round good wood is fun as a TT but not as a race, driving karts round eiger held zero appeal for me.

Racing group cars or cup'esque cars (clio, golf, focus etc) is fine but it's the meta BS that annoys me, it's not even fractional it's just clearly "the car" grrrr
AAhhh a Clio Cup race...that would be nice :D
Well, I decided to try GT7 again after a long hiatus. First thing was to update my Fanatec wheel, which was a nightmare in itself. How is it that PD keeps screwing up their “official” hardware so badly?!

I decided to stick to Race A only, since I’m a bit rusty. And it turns out I need to completely relearn how to drive after the physics change. So I was happy to just run a few laps and then a few races. I saw a couple familiar faces and was looking forward to get back into the groove again.

After ten races, I was run off the road, often more than once, and finished last in every single one of them. And the usual solution: give me the track limit penalties and don’t give the people who ran me off any of penalties. Fun.

At least there’s ONE THING that PD will never change. Cars that shoot into space with the latest update? Sure, why not? Even the slightest improvement to the penalty system so that people can be held accountable for ruining other people’s races? Just go watch the sportsmanship video, sonny, and stop asking for the impossible!

Which brings me back to why I quit racing the last time around. What’s the point?! I’d like the challenge of honest racing, but this isn’t the game for that. Are things really still this bad, or am I missing something that makes this time suck bearable?
It's priceless when, at only third participation, you're in pole at Brands Indy. Even more priceless is seing the margin against 2nd growing by 2 sec per lap up to ar 20 sec at 9th lap. Some (stupid like me) can think: "No need to stop, tires are still in perfect state, gasoline is more than required to finish..."
Yeah man, congrats, 1st win of a B race... with 1 min penalty.
Isn't that priceless?
This has been an interesting conversation and I sure wouldn’t take offense at being labeled as “Elite”, it’s quite the compliment.

I’m retired (I’m 63) I race a lot at different times throughout the day. I think what people forget is that this is a sport that takes mental awareness as well as some physical stamina. But also, like every other sports, the more you race, the better you get.

When I’m racing consistently, I’m a mid B/S driver and I can compete at that level. If for some reason I take some time off, when I return, I’m still in B lobbies but I find that I can no longer compete and now I’m an impediment on the track.

I think one problem that exists is that some people have progressed faster than their true abilities e.g. drivers qualify fast but race-craft is poor (dirty, can’t drive in crowds, can’t handle pressure etc). One thing I’ve noticed is that racing is bad on Mondays and by Friday, it’s starting to clean up.

I have no history with many of the tracks so it may take me 2 days to learn braking points and passing zones. Much of the race data I get from just reading this forum, such as: can I just do a drive-through or do I need tires. Watching posted race videos is of a very high value to me.

But also, in reference to knowing or not knowing your competitors, I take a qualifying grid photo and a race result photo. I want to know who is around me. If you are doing multiple races, many of those drivers follow you from race to race and you can start tracking some of their habits like what sections are they fast, are they aggressive. There are a lot of drivers that you can let pass you because you know they aren’t going to make the corner.

Bottom line from someone with only 6 months of racing… it takes time in the seat to improve and it can get pretty frustrating at times.
👆What he said. Honestly, this text is in every word my own opinion.

@Barney Da Dog
Hi there new friend. Didn't find the time to write you on PS, cause I need a controller to write, which is kinda frustrating + i already have quite some messages to answers, cause of many friends. Driving fair and even using indicators to let faster drivers pass, is so appreciated, that it could be a sport on its own😂
Mr. Da Dog, because of you, I finished Sunday night in the top 5000 of the world.👸🏼 Because of you, I finished nearly every race in brands hatch in the top 5. I moved from Dr D (being nice on track can have disadvantages) back to Dr B in about 3 days (15-20races). I used your advised set up on the g70 and used and abused you as a ghost many times. By the way, you stayed on top of my friends list till the end, and I have 3 really good always at least A drivers there. But you are topdog now😉 oh, and my time 47.7xx one second slower than you, for me, unbelievable fast.
I even gained confidence to adjust the settings. And I got a little faster. You had the front, pushed to the highest numbers rear lowest. 10 - 1 stabilizers
4.00 - 2.50
Etc. I took from each side a fraction away.
9 - 2 stabilizer,
48 - 32 rear suspension
And the traction 6 - 48 - 7 for rear and front. It was perfect. Bb - 2 (to the front) and 0 traction.
But, you were right, all my really good laps were with the tcm switched on. That was really surprising to me.

Sorry for the long post. everyone who reads it deserves a cookie,
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Did three sessions of Daily Race A today and I managed to clock in a time of 1:35 which allowed me to start in pole position in all three sessions.

First session - Went with the NSX CONCEPT GT and due to the grid I'm in, it was uneventful as I managed to get away with a win easily. Would've liked to use something else if this was the grid I ended up getting queued to.

Gran Turismo® 7_20240923193345.png

Second session - Tried the RS5 DTM next and it went horribly wrong. I ended up building a train for me and two cars behind and it wasn't until lap 4 where both drivers passed me and because the RS5 doesn't clear those corners very well. it led to me struggling throughout the last 2 laps and I finished P3.


Last session - This one was all about defense because the person who won in the last session I was in went all out on me but I was able to bring out my defensive strats throughout the race and managed to pull through for the win.


I'll be trying out the other GT500s tomorrow.

Any word on Custom slipstream for the Group 2s? IMO it has really helped improve the racing the last couple of times they've used it.

I'm hoping the, ahem, less respectable crowd are drawn in by the bloated credits rewards of Race B and we'll see some good racing in A & C.

I decided to stick to Race A only, since I’m a bit rusty. And it turns out I need to completely relearn how to drive after the physics change. So I was happy to just run a few laps and then a few races. I saw a couple familiar faces and was looking forward to get back into the groove again.

After ten races, I was run off the road, often more than once, and finished last in every single one of them. And the usual solution: give me the track limit penalties and don’t give the people who ran me off any of penalties. Fun.

At least there’s ONE THING that PD will never change. Cars that shoot into space with the latest update? Sure, why not? Even the slightest improvement to the penalty system so that people can be held accountable for ruining other people’s races? Just go watch the sportsmanship video, sonny, and stop asking for the impossible!

Which brings me back to why I quit racing the last time around. What’s the point?! I’d like the challenge of honest racing, but this isn’t the game for that. Are things really still this bad, or am I missing something that makes this time suck bearable?
I feel your pain, you have to have such heightened senses in certain lobbies. As many have said before now, it's really good to get into a regular groove and so start recognising names in a lobby and you start to know who's who, which ones to avoid and which you can trust to have close racing. I've seen both sides of the coin in the R34, and I think there's still some satisfaction in seeing the do-no-gooders wrecking themselves later in a race, even if it's unfortunate what happens earlier with regards to your own prospects. Very predictable.

Actually, on the topic of dirty drivers. I was watching some old replays, in this instance Clio 24V at Nurburgring Sprint. There was this one driver, he was hunting down others like a paid assassin! At the beginning of the race when everyone was still bunched up, several times he skittled the 4/5 drivers in front of him (he'd been merked at the first corner after starting high in the grid and obviously couldn't take it). I barely escaped. I'm talking about inches away from getting wiped out.

Anyway, point of the story is that he didn't receive a SINGLE penalty for any of the pinball action on Lap 1, despite ruining several people's race. He even drove straight across the chicane without punishment, again due to some collision 'caveats'. It wasn't until he side swiped someone into a wall that he was hit with a 3 sec pen.
I was originally thinking of trying Race C, but then I saw the credit bonus for Race B, so I took a Genesis X Gr.3 and did some qualifying laps, ultimately getting something like 2:04.4xx - just outside the top 1k, at least for now.