GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
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Am I the only one who wishes for the ability to do ordinary & legal mundane work for money in free mode? Things that don't put a massive red dot on you in everyone else's radar screen? Currently the only free-mode, non-vip/ceo task you can do is rob stores. That gets old. I'm thinking...

Truck driver (or tow truck driver)
Taxi driver (could drive other players around for money)
Tug boat captain
Sight seeing tour pilot
Bounty hunter (of NPCs)
Crop duster
Hunting (bring animals to online!)
Also, I would love to see surfing and/or sailing mechanics added.
Gang clearing for money (ala RDR)
Nighwatch/Security guard (ala RDR)
Home invasion (ala GTA SA)
Search & Rescue (coast guard or mountains with helos?)

They would have to all pay out competitively, despite that not being realistic.

Basically a big free mode activities dump so that in any open lobby players are doing a host of things other than killing each other and spawning windmills.

None of the online, money-making gameplay is very satisfying to me, to be honest. Being a criminal all the time is kind of boring.
I'd love the casino to be opened in the game. I'm sure there was a rumour going around a while back about it, but so far I haven't heard anything recently. I loved going to the casino in TDU2, even if I could only play slots since the servers wouldn't let me play anything else. GTA's casino should be like that, with a prize car too like TDU2's R8 (that I won on the slots and didn't buy on it's own :sly:).
@Eunos_Cosmo I'm pretty sure a Euro Truck Sim-style trucking system could be integrated quite easily, with the added GTA-ness of other truckers trying to take your cargo or whatever.

A friend and I tried the SHANC exploit earlier, it's not very profitable but it's probably more entertaining than most exploits. We went around in his Valkyrie so it was pretty quick, but there was some sort of bug where every time Headhunter started, I'd lose the ability to use the cannon and shortly after that my character would casually leap out of the heli. It happened so regularly that he eventually learned to just land about 30 seconds after starting to speed things up.

Anyway, we made about 300k, let's hope this doesn't get patched out too soon.
A friend and I tried the SHANC exploit earlier, it's not very profitable but it's probably more entertaining than most exploits. We went around in his Valkyrie so it was pretty quick, but there was some sort of bug where every time Headhunter started, I'd lose the ability to use the cannon and shortly after that my character would casually leap out of the heli. It happened so regularly that he eventually learned to just land about 30 seconds after starting to speed things up.

Anyway, we made about 300k, let's hope this doesn't get patched out too soon.

Were you part of his organisation? If not, that might've been why it was kicking you out.

EDIT: Or not, judging by @Jahgee's post below. :P
@Eunos_Cosmo I'm pretty sure a Euro Truck Sim-style trucking system could be integrated quite easily, with the added GTA-ness of other truckers trying to take your cargo or whatever.

A friend and I tried the SHANC exploit earlier, it's not very profitable but it's probably more entertaining than most exploits. We went around in his Valkyrie so it was pretty quick, but there was some sort of bug where every time Headhunter started, I'd lose the ability to use the cannon and shortly after that my character would casually leap out of the heli. It happened so regularly that he eventually learned to just land about 30 seconds after starting to speed things up.

Anyway, we made about 300k, let's hope this doesn't get patched out too soon.
You get kicked out of someone else's vehicle whenever you start Headhunter even if you're a member of their organization
Am I the only one who wishes for the ability to do ordinary & legal mundane work for money in free mode? Things that don't put a massive red dot on you in everyone else's radar screen? Currently the only free-mode, non-vip/ceo task you can do is rob stores. That gets old. I'm thinking...

Truck driver (or tow truck driver)
Taxi driver (could drive other players around for money)
Tug boat captain
Sight seeing tour pilot
Bounty hunter (of NPCs)
Crop duster
Hunting (bring animals to online!)
Also, I would love to see surfing and/or sailing mechanics added.
Gang clearing for money (ala RDR)
Nighwatch/Security guard (ala RDR)
Home invasion (ala GTA SA)
Search & Rescue (coast guard or mountains with helos?)

They would have to all pay out competitively, despite that not being realistic.

Basically a big free mode activities dump so that in any open lobby players are doing a host of things other than killing each other and spawning windmills.

None of the online, money-making gameplay is very satisfying to me, to be honest. Being a criminal all the time is kind of boring.

Like get a semi, pick up an Up-n-Atom or Cluckin' Bell trailer, and make routine daily/weekly deliveries
It's much faster to use multiple helos.

Yeah, but I don't own any. I told him to use his Buzzard and I'd drive but... He didn't. We were also waiting for a couple of friends so we could take a pair of Valkyries but they never showed up!
Yeah, but I don't own any. I told him to use his Buzzard and I'd drive but... He didn't. We were also waiting for a couple of friends so we could take a pair of Valkyries but they never showed up!
Drive into LSIA and/or the Merryweather base a few times, Buzzards spawn there. Cheaper than buying one.
Drive into LSIA and/or the Merryweather base a few times, Buzzards spawn there. Cheaper than buying one.

Yeah, I would've done... If I wasn't lazy. We were also in a rush and decided to just stay with the Valkyrie. Also the past few times I've tried the airport it was just civilian stuff except for the one Annihilator, which is pretty much useless for Headhunter, so I thought they might've changed the spawns. I haven't played GTA V in months.
The Armored Kuruma works well for Headhunter, although it takes longer than using a chopper. I can complete Headhunter solo in 5-7 mins by using one. Whenever I use a chopper, the target cars never seems to blow up and they always seem to shoot me down easily.
The Armored Kuruma works well for Headhunter, although it takes longer than using a chopper. I can complete Headhunter solo in 5-7 mins by using one. Whenever I use a chopper, the target cars never seems to blow up and they always seem to shoot me down easily.

Using the Kuruma means you have to use a considerable amount of ammo which eats into your profit. Normally I use the Savage and there are a couple of targets that can be awkward to hit. My advice is to stay high and make use of the choppers range. Try launching from the Docks, the targets will spawn relatively close by in the city.

Maybe launching from Paleto Bay would be easier, will try it and report back.
5-7 minutes?!

That's a bit on the.. okay I'll be blunt: it's pretty slow. The initial calculation for SHANC's minimum payout (400k an hour) assumes you're alone and managing to complete one Headhunter session within 3 minutes or less.

Blowing up the armored car with a Buzzard (which is the bare minimum on how to do this the fast, SHANC approved way) is like:

  • Wait till they're slow or in a stoplight.
  • Launch 2 shots.
  • When they're ragdolled, you should manage to launch another 2, which could either blow up the car via the second missile, or have the first missile kill the VIP as he exits the wrecked car.
Nothing wrong with using the Armored Kuruma and all. But money doesn't come in a silver platter, in my eyes.
With two players a few nights back at our peak we were scoring about 480k an hour if I worked it out right.

I did an actual measure for an hour and we earned 463k although I was solo for 1-2 of them plus a few minor issues inbetween.

I don't own any attack choppers so I was just using a buzzard from a pad. We were generally getting missions done within 2 minutes.
We did roughly 250-300k in 40 minutes so 400k an hour is about right, the Valkyrie's cannon can kill an armoured vehicle in 5 shots or less so we had a pretty easy time. Probably the only thing really slowing us down was the fact that it kept kicking me out!
5-7 minutes?!

That's a bit on the.. okay I'll be blunt: it's pretty slow. The initial calculation for SHANC's minimum payout (400k an hour) assumes you're alone and managing to complete one Headhunter session within 3 minutes or less.

Blowing up the armored car with a Buzzard (which is the bare minimum on how to do this the fast, SHANC approved way) is like:

  • Wait till they're slow or in a stoplight.
  • Launch 2 shots.
  • When they're ragdolled, you should manage to launch another 2, which could either blow up the car via the second missile, or have the first missile kill the VIP as he exits the wrecked car.
Nothing wrong with using the Armored Kuruma and all. But money doesn't come in a silver platter, in my eyes.
Thanks. I'm able to complete Headhunter faster with the Buzzard now. There's about 2 locations within the city where target is in an area that's mostly covered, so for those areas I just run over the targets with my armored Kuruma to conserve ammo.
I feel the Valkryie would be a good choice for two people, but I think it's too weak. My friend and I did some Headhunter with the Valkryie and it only lasted for 2 missions. But my Savage can go on for roughly 4-5 missions (sometimes more if I'm lucky).
I am lucky if I get through one session of Headhunter with a salvageable Savage (might be something to do with me not being nearly as good with helis as I am with planes). Next time I'm gonna try a Buzzard since it's tougher.
A Valkyrie with two people is about as efficient as a Savage with 1 person. But the Savage is faster and has better armor. You should be able to use one Savage for at least 5 rounds before needing a new one. I think I was able to make mine last 10 rounds for the most part.

Me and SomePlayaDude were doing rounds in less than 1 min (occasionally) with two Savages in the air. If you got lucky with spawns and had 4 savages (or more) I could see a round lasting less than 20 seconds.

I really doubt there is a better way to do HH.
From the sounds of things some of you are getting way closer to the target than you need.

Since i don't own any attack choppers I was careful to not get my buzzard shot up and I could easily make it last over an hour if I didn't make a mistake.

The static targets are very easy and after a while you know exactly which hostile is the target so you can turn up, missile lock him and then leave before the others even start shooting.

The cars are more difficult but if you follow the advice above about hitting them at stop lights you're able to disable the car and kill the occupants before they can get their guns out.
Or, use the cannon and they don't have a chance. It's fun because often the cannon will cause the car to fly into the air, where it's actually an easier target! Like a pinata. :lol:
5-7 minutes?!

That's a bit on the.. okay I'll be blunt: it's pretty slow. The initial calculation for SHANC's minimum payout (400k an hour) assumes you're alone and managing to complete one Headhunter session within 3 minutes or less.

Blowing up the armored car with a Buzzard (which is the bare minimum on how to do this the fast, SHANC approved way) is like:

  • Wait till they're slow or in a stoplight.
  • Launch 2 shots.
  • When they're ragdolled, you should manage to launch another 2, which could either blow up the car via the second missile, or have the first missile kill the VIP as he exits the wrecked car.
Nothing wrong with using the Armored Kuruma and all. But money doesn't come in a silver platter, in my eyes.
Hmm. I've never liked the Headhunter because of those armored cars, but I think I'll give it another go, and letting them get to a stoplight before blowing them up. I might like it afterwards:tup: