GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
While we do have a relatively large crew given we aren't a GTA-specific community, that crew is often divided into several sub groups, or cliques if you want to use that term. I think that perhaps that may be why there is sometime confusion regarding etiquette playing with crew members as each group tends to behave rather differently and other than the rare organised crew session they don't often interact or play together much. Many folks do not have, or do not use headsets which can make it difficult to complete heists efficiently, and there is often very little communication even in crew sessions. Even some of the 'crew' events are organised in private sessions and that may be partly because of the above differences in behaviour. I also tend to think that many folks wouldn't be comfortable asking for assistance from crew members outside their familiar group, and many don't want to bother/burden others. In summary, we are a large crew but I see that crew more as a collection of largely segregated sub-groups rather than one whole community.
You hit the nail right on the head Garvey. I joined the GTPL crew on gta since I thought it'd be a nice way to meet some fellow GTP members, many of which I had not had the chance to play GT5/6 with and just generally goof around and have a laugh or two but it doesn't seem like that's the case. I don't post on this thread often (Heck even this forum as a whole due to my diminishing faith in the GT franchise and community but that's a story for another day) but the clique concept is definetly present. I've noticed certain groups of people are always together in rooms and they'll all tend to leave at the same time. It also seems like a lot of people in the crew aren't really keen on talking to other crew members which, I'll admit, even I'm guilty of. I think the crew events, like the road trips and playlist really brought the crew together and made us get to know each other which is why I joined.
P.S. No love lost to this crew and certainly no bad vibes towards @Katiegen @Jaghee and all the other members keeping this boat up and running. That's just some stuff I noticed and started ranting on :P
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The whole day yesterday I was in a solo public session with only 3/4 other crew members. Another thing to consider is that parties can only hold 8 players and game chat is truly horrific.
As somebody asked above YES you can use the date thingy to dosconnect everyone from a public session but you need to be inside a building for it to work.


If you are playing the missions solo and are getting attacked by NPCs in helicopters and Banshees, hide the car somewhere so that you can get out and kill them. They spawn in 4 waves of 2 vehicles then stop completely. This way the target vehicle won;t get shot to pieces. (if cops then just call Lester)
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I'll be online over the next week or so for Xmas, I'm going to try grind out as much money as I can with selling cars and doing vehicle missions. Anyone interested in helping me? More than happy to return the favour.
I'll be online over the next week or so for Xmas, I'm going to try grind out as much money as I can with selling cars and doing vehicle missions. Anyone interested in helping me? More than happy to return the favour.

I'll send you an FR when I get online later tonight. I will likely be in a solo public doing missions too.

Also, I unlocked the Ruiner 2000 mission last night but it was too late to play. If anyone wants to do the mission to test out any of the SV's then let me know, I will have to play through almost all of them anyway (only played the ramp buggy)
Also, I unlocked the Ruiner 2000 mission last night but it was too late to play. If anyone wants to do the mission to test out any of the SV's then let me know, I will have to play through almost all of them anyway (only played the ramp buggy)

Good luck finding a capable random to do those missions with :nervous: ;)

I'll be online over the next week or so for Xmas, I'm going to try grind out as much money as I can with selling cars and doing vehicle missions. Anyone interested in helping me? More than happy to return the favour.
I just sent you an FR. And thanks for the help last night:tup:
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Just woke up to my PS3 sounding like a damn airplane at five in the morning. Been happeneing for about the last three months. Finally managed to get up to see why it's turning on, and apparently, I turned on automatic updates. Problem is, my controller won't turn on...

Whilst I search for a baseball bat to smash this thing...any news on new cars, or am I still too early?
How the hell have you been able to join the rest of us on ps4?


Sweet hacks bro


Credit Cold_08 GTAF
- Nero is available on Benny's Website for $1.440.000| Upgrade to Nero Custom: $605 000

- Christmas Trees in apartments, Office and Office Garage

- Turf Wars Adv. Modes still have 2xRP + 2x$$$

- 25% Discount on Shotaro and Super Diamond on Legendary Motorsport

- 25% Discount on Custom Apartments and Stilt Houses

- 25% Discount on Resprays

- 25% Discount on Volatus and Nimbus

- Festive Items are available

- Once you Log In, Bold Pinstripe Smoking Jacket and Pajamas are available
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How the hell have you been able to join the rest of us on ps4?


Because I have both my PS3 and PS4 plugged in. :P MyPS+ carries over to my PS3, which allows me to run "Automatic Updates", which somehow managed fo turn my PS3 on for an update, but this time it froze at 4:30 AM, and has been running af full blast for the last hour. Finlly managed to get the console back up so I can turn the updates off. No more of this 🤬!

Only the Nero? Pretty disappointing. Might buy it to see how it is, then sell it. Who knows. I'm going back to bed...
Because I have both my PS3 and PS4 plugged in. :P MyPS+ carries over to my PS3, which allows me to run "Automatic Updates", which somehow managed fo turn my PS3 on for an update, but this time it froze at 4:30 AM, and has been running af full blast for the last hour. Finlly managed to get the console back up so I can turn the updates off. No more of this 🤬!

Only the Nero? Pretty disappointing. Might buy it to see how it is, then sell it. Who knows. I'm going back to bed...

When you try to make a silly little joke, but people ignore it, and just answers like it was a legitimate question


And in other news, I bought a Nero :/

You have some money, Ally has some and Chris has some. And I'm sure there are more people that has it too;) And I spent 7-8M last night :nervous: Gotta make it back!

If you are playing the missions solo and are getting attacked by NPCs in helicopters and Banshees, hide the car somewhere so that you can get out and kill them. They spawn in 4 waves of 2 vehicles then stop completely. This way the target vehicle won;t get shot to pieces. (if cops then just call Lester)

I was about to ask if the AIs would spawn infinitely or if there was a set amount. 👍

- 25% Discount on Shotaro and Super Diamond on Legendary Motorsport

Oh my god the Ruiner 2000 is amazing.

The missiles literally don't miss your target unless you take some ridiculous shot through scaffolding or something. I've been driving it all morning and whilst the bouncing mechanic takes some getting used to the added mobility coupled with the parachute is ever so useful in the city. Everyone drives personal vehicles though so I'm going to get dunced if I'm not careful.
Bought Nero
Drove Nero for half hour
Sold Nero

Pretty meh car to be honest. I prefer the looks of the Adder, and it's only just faster than one.

Praying next wek brings the Comet.