GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
With the majority of players opting to live in the city, one can expect peace and tranquillity out here in the country. However, with content comes boredom, especially if you never leave the confinement of your 3 homes in Paleto Bay. So, I decided to take a drive out for the day. I was most certainly surprised as to how far what could be considered the countryside extends. Its really quite vast, accessible by simply driving over the Vinewood Hills.

I did just that, only I didn't come from Vinewood, or Los Santos, but rather that other area of the map where nobody lives. I eventually came across a weapon store that I've never seen before.


As you can see, the hillbilly demographic is ever so present, even here.


There is even a garage at the back! I mean, its rather mediocre, you know, two cars.

Then came the greatest discovery of them all, a discovery that made the trip worth it to the highest degree... Molotov Cocktails! I had no idea they spawned anywhere, you certainly can't purchase them. A selection of 20 are available to collect around the back of the weapon store.


Immediately, I started throwing them all over the place.


Molotov Cocktails are fun...


Mind you, I managed to waste every single one of them in a matter of a minute. Who knows what kind of crazy and quite frankly illegal antics one could get into with these things. I feel like I've yet to find out. I could have thrown one at a cop, but instead I decided to throw one at an old metal fence.

It didn't break the fence...


So I used the car...


Onwards! And remember to close the door...

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With the majority of players opting to live in the city, one can expect peace and tranquillity out here in the country. However, with content comes boredom, especially if you never leave the confinement of your 3 homes in Paleto Bay. So, I decided to take a drive out for the day. I was most certainly surprised as to how far what could be considered the countryside extends. Its really quite vast, accessible by simply driving over the Vinewood Hills.

I did just that, only I didn't come from Vinewood, or Los Santos, but rather that other area of the map where nobody lives. I eventually came across a weapon store that I've never seen before.


As you can see, the hillbilly demographic is ever so present, even here.

I know exactly where this is, and I remember the first time I came across it. I was actually in desperate need of armour and weapons and drove right past this, had to slam on the brakes. Had like a serious WTF moment, how have I not noticed this place?
With the majority of players opting to live in the city, one can expect peace and tranquillity out here in the country. However, with content comes boredom, especially if you never leave the confinement of your 3 homes in Paleto Bay. So, I decided to take a drive out for the day. I was most certainly surprised as to how far what could be considered the countryside extends. Its really quite vast, accessible by simply driving over the Vinewood Hills.

I did just that, only I didn't come from Vinewood, or Los Santos, but rather that other area of the map where nobody lives. I eventually came across a weapon store that I've never seen before.


As you can see, the hillbilly demographic is ever so present, even here.

I know exactly where this is, and I remember the first time I came across it. I was actually in desperate need of armour and weapons and drove right past this, had to slam on the brakes. Had like a serious WTF moment, how have I not noticed this place?


(Last Gen Map because my Current Gen GTA V is digital download).

For those who want to know where exactly that place is...

I'm surprised that some people didn't even know about that yet.
Anyone else have problems lately where the sidebar that shows the players list gives incorrect levels?I've been everywhere from level 2 to level 1003 the past couple days. Also, friends that I know the general level of have had drastic changes so it's not just showing me. It changes multiple times in a session and it only changes to someone else's level.
Anyone else have problems lately where the sidebar that shows the players list gives incorrect levels?I've been everywhere from level 2 to level 1003 the past couple days. Also, friends that I know the general level of have had drastic changes so it's not just showing me. It changes multiple times in a session and it only changes to someone else's level.
It's been happening to me since 2013 from time to time. One time it shows that I'm at level 200+ and talking on the mic when it's actually someone else. Other times I see myself on level 17 or so. I don't know why but it's happening along with that "everyone leaves lobby" bug.
Anyone else have problems lately where the sidebar that shows the players list gives incorrect levels?I've been everywhere from level 2 to level 1003 the past couple days. Also, friends that I know the general level of have had drastic changes so it's not just showing me. It changes multiple times in a session and it only changes to someone else's level.

I noticed that yesterday. Had a minor heart attack the first time I saw it and noticed I was level 42. I went to the players list in the pause menu to double check and it showed my correct level there.
I see they fixed the glitch at Sharkies Bites on Vespucci Beach. Had to be recent because I done it just a day or two ago.
I see they fixed the glitch at Sharkies Bites on Vespucci Beach. Had to be recent because I done it just a day or two ago.

Was that the one where you disappeared up a ladder that wasn't there? Confused the hell out of me. :lol:
Was that the one where you disappeared up a ladder that wasn't there? Confused the hell out of me. :lol:
No you could climb up over a menu and go inside the building. Could shoot out in certain spots but couldn't be hit. Now when you climb on the menu you die immediately, which I'm assuming is a R* fix.
No you could climb up over a menu and go inside the building. Could shoot out in certain spots but couldn't be hit. Now when you climb on the menu you die immediately, which I'm assuming is a R* fix.

That's the one I meant. Looked like you disappeared up an invisible ladder.
PS4 GTA digital download. That's gotta be one hell of a download
I should have bought a physical copy instead...spent a whole week just downloading GTA V and from time to time, I had to turn off the ps4 to cool it down. Another problem is that most of the download goes while you're in the game instead of the usual ps4 download so you couldn't go to the rest mode.

On the plus side, I spent less money.

Anyone in need of a heist member? The randoms are failing on me again.
Could you tell me which Heist your doing? Or I understood this post wrong and you actually meant other way around...
Could you tell me which Heist your doing? Or I understood this post wrong and you actually meant other way around...

I was wondering if anyone was starting a heist.

@Dennisch the one time I'm hunting sentinels and you come into my session and steal it :(

Best to do in a private session. I have had it several times that someone drives by and steal it right from under my nose. :lol:


Anyone noticed that lately the npcs get back with you in the car or jump on the back of the bike? Happened to me several times now.
Anyone noticed that lately the npcs get back with you in the car or jump on the back of the bike? Happened to me several times now.

I remember trying to steal a motorbike.

When we try to get on it the same time, he climbed on the back and had no issues on what I was doing with his vehicle. Wonder why I chose not to record this instance..
I remember trying to steal a motorbike.

When we try to get on it the same time, he climbed on the back and had no issues on what I was doing with his vehicle. Wonder why I chose not to record this instance..

I took my new found buddy stunt jumping. He died shortly after landing the second jump. :(
Then came the greatest discovery of them all, a discovery that made the trip worth it to the highest degree... Molotov Cocktails! I had no idea they spawned anywhere, you certainly can't purchase them. A selection of 20 are available to collect around the back of the weapon store.
[Standing Molotov]
Immediately, I started throwing them all over the place.
[Flying Molotov]
Molotov Cocktails are fun...
Either this is an elaborate hoax, an extremely rare spawn, they don't spawn in invite-only lobbies, or the PC version got shafted and doesn't have them spawn here. :lol:
Mind you, i checked about 15-20 times, while taking the occasional break to sell modded Sentinels, and saw no molotovs.
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Anyone noticed that lately the npcs get back with you in the car or jump on the back of the bike? Happened to me several times now.

Has happened to me once.

Edit: I've noticed the mass disconnect problem a lot less lately. It's either a coincidence or R* doe something to halfway fix it.
Had a intense but fun game of Piracy Prevention earlier, by myself.

Anyone wanna do some VIP jobs? I can't renew my contract until tomorrow but I'm up for being a bodyguard.

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