GTAV - General Off Road Discussion | LS 4x4 Crew

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
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I actually like long trails. It feels more fun.

Also, did anyone get invited to a separate off-road crew, namely, "xX4x4NATIONXx"?

I did and replied with "How about no?" This seems like they are targeting us and trying to take us away from LS4x4.
This was the worst trail meet I've ever been to. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but a certain member let me down today and I'm not happy. Punishments will result.
Ust4Ever1, I am very upset in you. Between stealing a semi cab and parking it where we were stationed, and using a Fire Truck and proceeding to splash people with the water cannon, this alone has warranted you a kick from the crew. Lastly, tailgating the leader is absolutely stupid.
Thanks for giving me a great first impression everyone:grumpy:
Apologies that you feel this way. Personally I feel like this crew is beyond repair. And no it isn't just because of today.
To be fair it's a bit of my fault since I laid the rules down but haven't properly enforced them. I might step down as a commissioner and demote to a lieutenant.
Apologies that you feel this way. Personally I feel like this crew is beyond repair. And no it isn't just because of today.
To be fair it's a bit of my fault since I laid the rules down but haven't properly enforced them. I might step down as a commissioner and demote to a lieutenant.

SO glad to see people are mature
Last meet ust4ever kept plowing into the back of me. I think we should try to have more than 1 per week and have multiple trials and have it longer. Today's meet was only 30 min long. I also think it would be a good idea to do more things as a crew.
I actually like long trails. It feels more fun.

Also, did anyone get invited to a separate off-road crew, namely, "xX4x4NATIONXx"?

I did and replied with "How about no?" This seems like they are targeting us and trying to take us away from LS4x4.

That and islandboy or whatever his psn is has been flooding me with request and messages.
I lost a character the other day so it'll be awhile before I get back into real trails, I gotta get racing back up.....not happy. And this crew is kinda fallin apart, the first meets I did were so fun but what in the world is happening now?!
That and islandboy or whatever his psn is has been flooding me with request and messages.
I lost a character the other day so it'll be awhile before I get back into real trails, I gotta get racing back up.....not happy. And this crew is kinda fallin apart, the first meets I did were so fun but what in the world is happening now?!

I think we should get back to what this crew was founded on which is hard 4x4 trails that not everyone can make. Also just try and have fun. To an extent though. And not be so organized just kind of go with it at the meet. Just my 2 cents.
Hmm... I've got no complaints.:D Had a good time, had no issues on the trail with behavior that I saw (The front of the group was well out of my sight). While we were waiting to start there was a little excitement, but I just wrote it off due to a slightly extended wait. I got a little restless myself, so I didn't think it was too much of a big deal. The trail was very enjoyable from my view. I even got stuck a couple times, and I watched Marcus turn his Rancher into a permanent fixture on the mountainside. I even smashed my grill in trying to free his truck, it wouldn't budge. :lol: Great meet, I thought. Sorry if anyone didn't enjoy it. :guilty: It sounds like any issues have already been resolved, though. 👍
I actually like long trails. It feels more fun.

Also, did anyone get invited to a separate off-road crew, namely, "xX4x4NATIONXx"?

I did and replied with "How about no?" This seems like they are targeting us and trying to take us away from LS4x4.
Yeah I got an invite to that crew. I had an extra crew spot and decided to just accept it. more people to go with when nobody from ls4x is around. im not switching, he just seemed really nice. if its not so bad i will stay, if i have a bad experience i will leave.
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Islandboy is Blaine County Sheriff who was banned (I believe). And it has been great playing with you all, but I will be leaving the crew. Nothing personal towards anyone and I've had great fun playing with a lot of you. If anybody would like to still play with me or contact me my psn is NotIntegrated. Wish you all and the crew the best of luck.
Islandboy is Blaine County Sheriff who was banned (I believe). And it has been great playing with you all, but I will be leaving the crew. Nothing personal towards anyone and I've had great fun playing with a lot of you. If anybody would like to still play with me or contact me my psn is NotIntegrated. Wish you all and the crew the best of luck.
Yeah i just checked and its either the same person or a different person in the same crew. really i just wanted the messages to stop.
I'm going to open a closed crew session if anyone wants to join and do some 4x4ing. Feel like climbing some mountains.
The trail was okay but it wasn't exactly challenging. Also some people really need to give their maturity levels a kickstart. The behavior exhibited at today's meet is dragging down crew morale (as if morale wasn't broken enough already) and is going to result in people leaving.
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Room about to go up now. Sorry about that got caught up in Denver and New England game.

Edit: It won't let me host a room...
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Well guys. It's been decided. This crew is absolutely beyond repair, with commissioners arguing about what's right and what's wrong, members acting like little children, and overall not having a great time. I've tried everything in my power to properly maintain this crew, with @KM964 @NotIntegrated and @soloaded at my side, but nothing has come out of this. If I kick/ban someone, I get scolded for being 'ban-happy'. If I complain, people think I need to 'calm down'. Put yourself in my position and you'll easily see why I get pissed off easily.
That being said, I am officially leaving the crew. Now I know that some might not care or think I'm trying to get attention, but after today's meet, it's apparent that higher-ranking members don't really give a hoot about this crew. I did not join to play with immature players, I joined with the idea of having a great time and peacefully offroading.
We have over 130 members in the crew, and only 20 active members max. That says alot.
With that being said, I wish this crew luck in the future under the leadership of whoever decides to step up, but I'm stepping down and throwing in the towel.
The meet today pushed me over the edge. Why do you bring a freaking semi truck to the meeting point? We didn't order a shipment of Up N Atom. Then, spraying people with the firehose from a firetruck? Unnaceptable.

Everything cooled off a bit once we started the trail, but at the first photo stop ust4ever started running around and jumping on everyones cars. Now, it's perfectly fine to jump on someone elses car to get a picutre, but it is NOT acceptable to do what ust did. We started again, and ust was tailgating me, the trail leader. I brake checked him twice, and he ran into me both times. You are supposed to leave 1-2 car lengths between you and the person in front of you. That was when it was decided to start voting to have him kicked from the room.

I have tried to organize and keep order to this crew to my fullest extent, but being a Lt. in the crew I can only do so much, and my powers are limited. I've had enough, and have decided to leave the crew. The crew is doomed. Goodbye, and to whoever tries to get it back on its feet...good luck.
I am also going to leave the crew once someone has another crew up and running.
Good to see that other's are thinking the same way.
We had two new members today; @Austinvick and @Ericiscoollike. Both agreed that it was very poorly organized and that the behavior of a few members was dragging down the fun of others.
@Mudd not to knock you or anything, but to say that you had a good time and that you saw nothing wrong today is a bit odd, since you and Marcus decided to go off and do your own thing. However, there were many problems, and I can't blame you for you and Marcus venturing off to go mess about on the trail. Please don't take this as an insult, as it wasn't intended as such. I do support your idea of going elsewhere during the meet, however, if you resorted to doing that, then clearly something isn't right.
Just let me know when the new crew is up and I'll gladly join 👍

And will the base of operations be on Gtplanet? As I am here for GT6 mainly.
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