GTAV - General Off Road Discussion | LS 4x4 Crew

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
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So is there an official event today or do people just want to join a crew session and do some trails and random stuff?
I won't be joining today. I've got finals coming up soon and I need to get homework done.
Great meet! Thanks everyone for keeping it civil. We did have a car with us, that member did not cause any problems with it, but we'd like to keep our meets strictly trucks and SUV's please. Other then that, I didn't see any problems, well done! If anyone did have any issues at all, feel free to send me a pm here on GTP or a message via PSN.
Here's a few pics:




I think at the beginning of each meet, we should find a special parking spot like we did in the first picture. That was fun
I also have hope in the crew. I have not yet had the time off work to attend an official meet.

I like the listed "strike" system rules and think they'll work well. They just need to be inforced.
It seems like theres been a bit of either slackness or pussyness going on when it comes to kicking people.

A possible resolution is to remove anyone that the moderators do not recognise as mature cooperative members and then people can try rejoin if they wish to.

Also another idea is setting up a second crew as a probationary crew and if people want to join can join as probies and if prove themselves trust worthy can then join the full crew...

Just a few ideas...

See you on the trails!!

EDIT: Also I am on facebook, just search for FoxSim's fan page and I can be contacted via that if people want to go for a 4x4 or anything.
I'm quite active in a few crews, want to be more so in this one just difficult with the time difference...

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Stumbled upon this thread via an internet search. What's it take to get an invite. My rides are Sandking XL, Merryweather Mesa, and Rebel. Also have a pretty tricked out Dubsta.

I like the trails going up Chiliad and around the northwest corner of the map.
Stumbled upon this thread via an internet search. What's it take to get an invite. My rides are Sandking XL, Merryweather Mesa, and Rebel. Also have a pretty tricked out Dubsta.

I like the trails going up Chiliad and around the northwest corner of the map.
You'll need to be registered on Rockstar Social Club and then you can send a request to LS4x4 for an invite. We only answer requests from Club members that have linked their PSN or Xbox Live accounts to their Social Club accounts.
Would love to join, but I'm not in LS4x4 at the moment.
Nobody in the crew has any issues with former members that left on their own. You are all welcome to return if you'd like.
I sent your invite. Solo's got a crew session up.

Awesome off-roading session tonight with crew members:

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This seems like a lot of fun. I'll send a request soon. Between school and work I don't know how many meets I can make, but should be fun when I can. Psn is same as my username, social club is El_Ostricho
You'll need to be registered on Rockstar Social Club and then you can send a request to LS4x4 for an invite. We only answer requests from Club members that have linked their PSN or Xbox Live accounts to their Social Club accounts.

My Social Club name is xxxxxx123xxxxx. Thanks for extending the invite. Look forward to wheeling with you all. After seeing some photos of BF Injections I think I'm gonna build one too.
I'm thinking of having a rock climbing meet up for this weeks scheduled event. We would just meet up at the Land Act Reservoir and follow each other up and down all the cliff edges and rock formations in the area. There are plenty if trails nearby if we tire of the rock climbing. Several members have created off road races and have been asking for feedback, we may include those races in our scheduled meet as well. Let's hear some feedback and/or recommendations. 👍

I'd honestly rather have someone else come up with the event plans or theme for this weekend though. I've only gotten a couple of ideas tucked away, and we just used one of them last week. :lol:
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If people have tracks to try, maybe a playlist would be in order. I have alot of offroad tracks saved, as I run them by myself. However I dont treat it as a race .... simply a way point, and I take my time. If the play list were not treated like a race, it could be good off-roading fun for the group.

.... just my 2-pence....
@Mudd i found some nice spots , the sunday meet and superbowl time lmk ,the times ill show you spots

ill have a crew session up
I'm thinking of having a rock climbing meet up for this weeks scheduled event. We would just meet up at the Land Act Reservoir and follow each other up and down all the cliff edges and rock formations in the area. There are plenty if trails nearby if we tire of the rock climbing. Several members have created off road races and have been asking for feedback, we may include those races in our scheduled meet as well. Let's hear some feedback and/or recommendations. 👍

I'd honestly rather have someone else come up with the event plans or theme for this weekend though. I've only gotten a couple of ideas tucked away, and we just used one of them last week. :lol:
So,is the event scheduled already?If yes,when is it going to be?
Also,if you want,we can go on the trail on Mount Gordo(for those who don't know,that trail is quite narrow)-just if we have time and nothing to do.Problem is that there's a Gang Attack at the farm on the end.
Last thing,anyone up for off-roading now? c:
So,is the event scheduled already?If yes,when is it going to be?

We will have a scheduled event this Sunday at 3:00 pm EST, 8:00 pm GMT. What we will be doing at that time is still up for discussion. We have a couple of ideas, if no one else comes up with a nice event by Saturday then I will choose something and post it. 👍
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